
   Updates settings on local user(s) on computer(s)
   Updates settings on local user(s) on computer(s)
   Set-LocalUser -Name test1, test2 -Password 'SuperSecretPassword' -Description 'Test Accounts'
   Updates password and description for accounts test1 and test2 on the local computer
   Set-LocalUser -Name test1, test2 -ExpirePassword
   Forces password cahnge at next logon for accounts test1 and test2
   Set-LocalUser -Name test1, test2 -Disable
   Disables accounts test1 and test2
    Import-CSV accounts.csv | Set-LocalUser -Password 'SuperSecretPassword' -Description 'Test Accounts'
    Updates password and dicription for accounts and computers listed in the csv file
    'test1', 'test2' | Set-LocalUser -Password SuperSecretPassword'
    Updates the password for accounts test1 and test2 on the local computer
    Set-LocalUser -Name 'test1', 'test2' -Computername 'Client01', 'Client02' -Enable
    Enables accounts test1 and test2 on computers Client01 and Client02

Function Set-LocalUser {
          [String[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName,
          [Switch]$ExpirePassword, #Switch, if used will make user change password at next logon
          [Switch]$UnExpirePassword, #Switch, if used will uncheck make user change password at next logon
        if ($Force) { $ConfirmPreference = 'None' }
        $EnableUser = 512
        $DisableUser = 2

        foreach ($C in $ComputerName) 
            If ($psCmdlet.shouldProcess($C, "Set-LocalUser: Account(s): $Name"))
                foreach ($N in $Name)
                    Write-Verbose "Modifying User Account Settings for `"$N`" on Computer `"$C`""
                    $user = getUser -Name $N -ComputerName $C # refactored for Pester Unit test
                    if ($Password)
                        Write-Verbose "Setting password for $N account on $C"
                        setPassword -UserObj $user -Secret $Password # Refactored for Pester test
                    if ($Description) 
                           Write-Verbose "Changing description for $N account on $C"
                           $user.description = $Description    
                    if ($Enable) {
                           Write-Verbose "Enable $N account on $C"
                           $user.userflags = $EnableUser
                    if ($Disable) {
                        Write-Verbose "Disable $N account on $C"
                        $user.userflags = $DisableUser
                    if ($ExpirePassword)
                        Write-Verbose "Password for $N set to expire on $C, user must change password at next logon"
                        $user.passwordExpired = 1 #Sets user expire at next logon
                    if ($UnExpirePassword)
                        Write-Verbose "Password for $N set NOT to expire on $C for next logon"
                        $user.passwordExpired = 0 #Sets users password not to expire at next logon
                    #Commits changes to the user account
                    setUser -UserObj $user # refactored for Pester Unit test


function getUser ($Name, $ComputerName) {
    $user = [ADSI]"WinNT://$ComputerName/$Name,user"

function setUser ($UserObj) {

function setPassword ($UserObj, $Secret) {