
$Script:LocalAutomationVariable = @{}
    Returns a scriptblock that, when dot-sourced, will import a workflow and all its dependencies.
    Import-Workflow is a helper function to resolve dependencies of a given workflow. It must be
    invoked with a very specific syntax in order to import workflows into your current session.
    See the example.
.PARAMETER WorkflowName
    The name of the workflow to import.
    The path containing all ps1 files to search for workflow dependencies.
    PS > . (Import-Workflow Test-Workflow)

function Import-Workflow 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]  [String] $WorkflowName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String] $Path = $env:AutomationWorkflowPath

    # TODO: Make $CompileStack a more appropriate data structure.
    # We're not really using the stack functionality at all. In fact,
    # it was buggy. :-(
    $CompileStack = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Stack'
    $TokenizeStack = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Stack'
    $DeclaredCommands = Find-DeclaredCommand -Path $Path
    $BaseWorkflowPath = $DeclaredCommands[$WorkflowName].Path
    $Stacked = @{$BaseWorkflowPath = $True}
    while ($TokenizeStack.Count -gt 0) 
        $ScriptPath = $TokenizeStack.Pop()
        $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize((Get-Content -Path $ScriptPath), [ref] $null)
        $NeededCommands = ($Tokens | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Type -eq 'Command' }).Content
        foreach ($Command in $NeededCommands) 
            $NeededScriptPath = $DeclaredCommands[$Command].Path
            # If $NeededScriptPath is $null, we didn't find it when we searched declared
            # commands in the runbook path. We'll assume that is okay and that the command
            # is provided by some other means (e.g. a module import)
            if (($NeededScriptPath -ne $null) -and (-not $Stacked[$NeededScriptPath])) 
                $Stacked[$NeededScriptPath] = $True
    $WorkflowDefinitions = ($CompileStack | foreach { (Get-Content -Path $_) }) -join "`n"
    $ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($WorkflowDefinitions)
    return $ScriptBlock

    Returns the named automation variable, referencing local JSON files to find values.
    The name of the variable to retrieve.

Function Get-AutomationVariable
    If(-not $Script:LocalAutomationVariable.ContainsKey($Name))
        If(-not $Script:LocalAutomationVariable.ContainsKey($Name))
            Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't find variable $Name" -WarningAction 'Continue'
            Throw-Exception -Type 'VariableDoesNotExist' `
                            -Message "Couldn't find variable $Name" `
                            -Property @{
                'Variable' = $Name;
    Return ($Script:LocalAutomationVariable[$Name]).Value
function Update-LocalAutomationVariable

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Updating variables in memory'
    $FilesToProcess = (Get-ChildItem -Path $env:AutomationGlobalsPath -Include '*.json' -Recurse).FullName
    Read-SmaJSONVariables -Path $FilesToProcess

    Processes an JSON file, caching any variables it finds.
    The JSON files that should be processed.

Function Read-SmaJSONVariables

    $Script:LocalAutomationVariable = @{}
    ForEach($_Path in $Path)
            $JSON = ConvertFrom-JSON -InputObject ((Get-Content -Path $_Path) -as [String])
            Write-Warning -Message "Could not process [$_Path] - variables from that file will not be available" -WarningAction 'Continue'
            Write-Warning -Message "Does [$_Path] contain malformed JSON?" -WarningAction 'Continue'
            Write-Exception -Exception $_ -Stream 'Warning'
        if(-not (Test-IsNullOrEmpty $JSON.Variables))
            ForEach($VariableName in ($JSON.Variables | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name)
                $Var = $JSON.Variables."$VariableName"
                $retVar = New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property @{ 'Name' = $VariableName; 'Value' = $var.Value }
                $Script:LocalAutomationVariable[$VariableName] = $retVar
        Creates a variable in a json file. When this is commited these
        variables will be created in SMA through continuous integration
    .Parameter VariableFilePath
        The path to the file to store this variable in. If not passed it is
        assumed you want to store it in the same file you did last time
    .Parameter Name
        The name of the variable to create.
        Variables will be named in the format
    .Parameter Prefix
        The prefix of the variable to create. If not passed it will default
        to the name of the variable file you are storing it in
        Variables will be named in the format
    .Parameter Value
        The value to store in the object. If a non primative is passed it
        will be converted into a string using convertto-json
    .Parameter Description
        The description of the variable to store in SMA
        A boolean flag representing if this value should be encrypted in SMA

Function Set-AutomationVariable
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]  $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]  $Value,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $Prefix = [System.String]::Empty,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $Description = [System.String]::Empty,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $isEncrypted = $False
    if(-not $Prefix)
        $Prefix = $Name.Split('-')[0]
        $Name = "$Prefix-$Name"
    $SettingsFilePath = "$($Env:AutomationGlobalsPath)\$($Prefix).json"
    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $SettingsFilePath))
        New-Item -ItemType File `
                 -Path $settingsFilePath

    $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-JSON -InputObject ((Get-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath) -as [String])
    if(-not $SettingsVars) { $SettingsVars = @{} }
        $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject $SettingsVars
    if(-not $SettingsVars.ContainsKey('Variables'))
        $SettingsVars.Add('Variables',@{}) | out-null
    if($Value.GetType().Name -notin @('Int32','String','DateTime'))
        $Value = ConvertTo-JSON $Value -Compress

    if($SettingsVars.Variables.GetType().name -eq 'PSCustomObject') { $SettingsVars.Variables = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject $SettingsVars.Variables }
        $SettingsVars.Variables."$Name".Value = $Value
        if($Description) { $SettingsVars.Variables."$Name".Description = $Description }
        if($Encrypted)   { $SettingsVars.Variables."$Name".Encrypted   = $Encrypted   }
            $Name, @{ 
                'Value' = $Value ;
                'Description' = $Description ;
                'isEncrypted' = $isEncrypted 
    Set-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath -Value (ConvertTo-JSON $SettingsVars) -Encoding UTF8
    Read-SmaJSONVariables $SettingsFilePath

Function Remove-AutomationVariable

    if(-not $Prefix)
        $Prefix = $Name.Split('-')[0]
        $Name = "$Prefix-$Name"
    $SettingsFilePath = "$($Env:AutomationGlobalsPath)\$($Prefix).json"
    if(-not (Test-Path $SettingsFilePath))
        Throw-Exception -Type 'SettingsFileNotFound' `
                        -Message 'Could not find the settings file for the target variable.' `
                        -Property @{
                            'SettingsFilePath' = $SettingsFilePath ;
                            'VariableName' = $Name ;
                            'VariablePrefix' = $Prefix ;
    $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-JSON -InputObject ((Get-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath) -as [String])
    if(-not $SettingsVars) { $SettingsVars = @{} }
        $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject $SettingsVars
    if(-not $SettingsVars.ContainsKey('Variables'))
        $SettingsVars.Add('Variables',@{}) | out-null

    if($SettingsVars.Variables.GetType().name -eq 'PSCustomObject') { $SettingsVars.Variables = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject $SettingsVars.Variables }
        Set-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath -Value (ConvertTo-JSON $SettingsVars) -Encoding UTF8
        Read-SmaJSONVariables $SettingsFilePath
        Write-Warning (New-Exception -Type 'Variable Not found' `
                                     -Message 'The variable was not found in the current variable file.' `
                                     -Property @{ 'VariableName' = $Name ;
                                                  'CurrentFilePath' = $SettingsFilePath ;
                                                  'VariableJSON' = $SettingsVars }) `
                      -WarningAction 'Continue'
Workflow Get-AutomationPSCredential 

        $Val = (Get-PasswordVaultCredential -UserName $Name -WithPassword)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Credential [$Name] found in PasswordVault"
        Throw-Exception -Type 'CredentialNotFound' `
                        -Message 'Could not find credential. Please set it up in the local password vault using Set-PasswordVaultCredential' `
                        -Property @{ 
                            'Name' = $Name 
    $SecurePassword = $Val.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
    $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Val.Username, $SecurePassword)
    Return $Credential -as [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]

Function Set-AutomationSchedule

        $Prefix = [System.String]::Emptpy,
        $Description = [System.String]::Emptpy,

        $NextRun = $null,

        $ExpirationTime = $null,

        $DayInterval = $null,

        $RunbookName = [System.String]::Emptpy,

        $Parameter = @{}
    if(-not $Prefix)
        $Prefix = $Name.Split('-')[0]
        $Name = "$Prefix-$Name"
    $SettingsFilePath = "$($Env:AutomationGlobalsPath)\$($Prefix).json"
    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $SettingsFilePath))
        New-Item -ItemType File `
                 -Path $settingsFilePath

    $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-JSON -InputObject ((Get-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath) -as [String])
    if(-not $SettingsVars) { $SettingsVars = @{} }
        $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject $SettingsVars

    if(-not $SettingsVars.ContainsKey('Schedules'))
        $SettingsVars.Add('Schedules',@{}) | out-null
    if($SettingsVars.Schedules.GetType().name -eq 'PSCustomObject') { $SettingsVars.Schedules = ConvertFrom-PSCustomObject $SettingsVars.Schedules }
        if($Description)    { $SettingsVars.Schedules."$Name".Description    = $Description }
        if($NextRun)        { $SettingsVars.Schedules."$Name".NextRun        = $NextRun }
        if($ExpirationTime) { $SettingsVars.Schedules."$Name".ExpirationTime = $ExpirationTime }
        if($DayInterval)    { $SettingsVars.Schedules."$Name".DayInterval    = $DayInterval }
        if($RunbookName)    { $SettingsVars.Schedules."$Name".RunbookName    = $RunbookName }
        if($Parameter)      { $SettingsVars.Schedules."$Name".Parameter      = $(ConvertTo-Json $Parameter) }
        if(-not $ExpirationTime -or
           -not $NextRun -or
           -not $DayInterval -or
           -not $RunbookName )
            Throw-Exception -Type 'MinimumNewParametersNotFound' `
                            -Message 'The minimum set of input parameters for creating a new schedule was not supplied. Look at nulls' `
                            -Property @{ 'Name' = $Name ;
                                         'ExpirationTime' = $ExpirationTime ;
                                         'NextRun' = $NextRun ;
                                         'DayInterval' = $DayInterval ;
                                         'RunbookName' = $RunbookName ; }

            $Name, @{ 
                'Description' = $Description ;
                'ExpirationTime' = $ExpirationTime -as [DateTime] ;
                'NextRun' = $NextRun -as [DateTime] ;
                'DayInterval' = $DayInterval ;
                'RunbookName' = $RunbookName ;
                'Parameter' = $(ConvertTo-JSON $Parameter)
    Set-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath -Value (ConvertTo-JSON $SettingsVars) -Encoding UTF8
Function Remove-AutomationSchedule


    if(-not $Prefix)
        $Prefix = $Name.Split('-')[0]
    $SettingsFilePath = "$($Env:AutomationGlobalsPath)\$($Prefix).json"
    if(-not (Test-Path $SettingsFilePath))
        Throw-Exception -Type 'SettingsFileNotFound' `
                        -Message 'Could not find the settings file for the target variable.' `
                        -Property @{
                            'SettingsFilePath' = $SettingsFilePath ;
                            'ScheduleName' = $Name ;
                            'SchedulePrefix' = $Prefix ;
    $SettingsVars = ConvertFrom-JSON -InputObject ((Get-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath) -as [String])
    if(Test-IsNullOrEmpty $SettingsVars.Schedules)
        Add-Member -InputObject $SettingsVars -MemberType NoteProperty -Value @() -Name Schedules
    if(($SettingsVars.Schedules | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name -Contains $Name)
        $SettingsVars.Schedules = $SettingsVars.Schedules | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty $Name
        Set-Content -Path $SettingsFilePath -Value (ConvertTo-JSON $SettingsVars) -Encoding UTF8
        Write-Warning (New-Exception -Type 'Schedule Not found' `
                                     -Message 'The schedule was not found in the current variable file. Try specifiying the file' `
                                     -Property @{ 'VariableName' = $Name ;
                                                  'CurrentFilePath' = $SettingsFilePath ;
                                                  'SettingsJSON' = $SettingsVars }) `
                      -WarningAction 'Continue'
        Fake for Set-AutomationActivityMetadata for local dev.

Function Set-AutomationActivityMetadata
    Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $ModuleName,
          [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $ModuleVersion,
          [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $ListOfCommands)

    $Inputs = ConvertTo-JSON @{ 'ModuleName' = $ModuleName;
                                'ModuleVersion' = $ModuleVersion;
                                'ListOfCommands' = $ListOfCommands }
    Write-Verbose -Message "$Inputs"
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Verbose:$false