
function Find-PSGModule {
        A wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod to search the PowerShell Gallery
        PowerShell Gallery
        A wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod to search the PowerShell Gallery
        In order to support wildcards, we build pretty complicated URLs,
        and then we filter the results by title.
        The module name (supports the * wildcard)
        Find-PSGModule -Name LocalPSRepository

    param (
    # We can support wildcards by splitting, searching for each piece, and then filtering the results
    # Build a URL using substringof
    $filter = @($Name.Trim('*').Split('*') | ForEach { "substringof('$_',Id)" }) -join " and "
    $url = "`$filter=$filter and IsLatestVersion"  

    # Fetch results and filter them with -like, and then shape the output
    Invoke-RestMethod $url | Where { $_.title.'#text' -like $Name } |
    Select-Object @{n='Name';ex={$_.title.'#text'}},