
function Convert-UtcToLocal
    Converts UTC time to the system local time.
    Converts the current UTC time to the local system time, using the local system's timezone.
    To override the UTC Time, enter an ISO 8601 string (ex: "2017-08-01 09:20:00") as a parameter.
    To override the Time Zone use any of the time zone strings listed in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749073.aspx
    Convert-UtcToLocal -AddHours -3 -UtcTime "2017-08-01 03:00:00"
    Convert-UtcToLocal -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time"

    [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    [String] $UtcTime,
    [String] $TimeZone,
    [Int] $AddDays,
    [Int] $AddHours,
    [Int] $AddMinutes

    Process {
        $utc = Get-UtcTime
        $local = Get-LocalTime $utc
        $tzone = Invoke-GetTimeZone

        if ($UtcTime) { $utc = Get-Date $UtcTime }
        if ($AddDays) { $utc = $utc.AddDays($AddDays) }
        if ($AddHours) { $utc = $utc.AddHours($AddHours) }
        if ($AddMinutes) { $utc = $utc.AddMinutes($AddMinutes) }
        if ($TimeZone) {
            $tz = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($TimeZone)
            $local = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUTC($utc, $tz)
            $tzone = $tz
        } else {
            $local = Get-LocalTime $utc

        $IsVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent

        if ($IsVerbose -eq $true) {
            $converted = New-Object psobject -Property @{ UtcTime=$utc; LocalTime=$local; TimeZone=$tzone }
            return $converted

        return $local

function Convert-LocalToUtc
    Converts the local system time to UTC time
    Converts the current local system time to UTC time, using the local system's timezone.
    To override the local time, enter an ISO 8601 string (ex: "2017-08-01 09:20:00") as a parameter.
    To override the Time Zone use any of the strings listed in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749073.aspx
    Convert-LocalToUtc -AddHours 5
    Convert-LocalToUtc -TimeZone "Pacific Standard Time"


    [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    [String] $LocalTime,
    [String] $TimeZone,
    [Int] $AddDays,
    [Int] $AddHours,
    [Int] $AddMinutes

    Process {
        $utc = Get-UtcTime
        $local = Get-LocalTime $utc
        $tzone = Invoke-GetTimeZone

        if ($LocalTime) { $local = Get-Date $LocalTime }
        if ($AddDays) { $local = $local.AddDays($AddDays); $utc = $utc.AddDays($AddDays) }
        if ($AddHours) { $local = $local.AddHours($AddHours); $utc = $utc.AddHours($AddHours) }
        if ($AddMinutes) { $local = $local.AddMinutes($AddMinutes); $utc = $utc.AddMinutes($AddMinutes) }
        if ($TimeZone) {
            $tzDst = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($TimeZone)
            if ($LocalTime) {
                # if a specific time is specified, then get the UTC time for that DateTime in
                # the given time zone.
                $tzTime = [System.DateTime]::SpecifyKind($local, [System.DateTimeKind]::Unspecified)
                $utc = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($tzTime, $tzDst)
            } else {
                # if we are using the system time as the local time, then convert the system time
                # to the destination's time zone first.
                # Ex: if the system time is EST and the specified time is PST
                # $local is DateTime.Now. Convert it to PST and return the new local time and utc
                $local = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime($local, $tzone, $tzDst)
                $utc = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($local, $tzDst)
            $tzone = $tzDst
        } else {
            $utc = $local.ToUniversalTime()

        $IsVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent
        if ($IsVerbose -eq $true) {
            $converted = New-Object psobject -Property @{ UtcTime=$utc; LocalTime=$local; TimeZone=$tzone }
            return $converted

        return $utc

# overloaded to help with testing
function Get-UtcTime { return [System.DateTime]::UtcNow }
function Get-LocalTime ($time) { return $time.ToLocalTime() }
function Invoke-GetTimeZone {
    if (Get-Command Get-TimeZone -errorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        return Get-TimeZone
    return tzutil /g