
function New-LogFactory {
    # LogFactory Class #
    # LogFactory is a stateful factory that constructs Log Objects, and tracks their last rotation status.
    $LogFactory = [PSCustomObject]@{
        'LogObjects' = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        'Status' = @{}
        'StatusFile_FullName' = if ( $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath ) {
                                    # Use the calling script's directory if so
                                    "$( Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -parent )$( [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar )Log-Rotate.status"
                                }else {
                                    # Or fallback on the current working directory
                                    Join-Path $(Get-Location) 'Log-Rotate.status'
    $LogFactory | Add-Member -Name 'InitStatus' -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
        param ([string]$statusfile_path)

        # If no status file is specified, we'll consider it to be in script directory called 'Log-Rotate.status'
        if (!$statusfile_path) {
            $statusfile_path = $this.StatusFile_FullName

        if ($statusfile_path) {
            # Ensure status file path contains valid characters
            try {
                $exists = Test-Path -LiteralPath $statusfile_path -ErrorAction Stop
            }catch {
                # Illegal characters in path
                Write-Error "STATUSFILE: WARNING: Invalid status file $statusfile_path" -Continue

            if ($exists) {
                # Ensure it's not an existing diretory
                $item = Get-Item $statusfile_path -ErrorAction Stop
                if (Test-Path $item.FullName -PathType Container) {
                    throw "STATUSFILE: WARNING: Invalid status file $statusfile_path . It points to an existing directory $($item.FullName)."

                try {
                    # Make it an absolute path, if it is not
                    $this.StatusFile_FullName = Convert-Path $statusfile_path

                    Write-Verbose "status file: $( $this.StatusFile_FullName )"

                    # Read status
                    $status = Get-Content $this.StatusFile_FullName -Raw
                }catch {
                    Write-Error "STATUSFILE: WARNING: Status file $( $this.StatusFile_FullName ) could not be read." -ErrorAction Continue
            }else {
                # Create a new status file, creating all directories if needed. If a relative path was given, it will be resolved to the current working directory.
                try {

                    $item = New-Item -Path $statusfile_path -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ($item) {
                        # Store state file fullname (absolute path).
                        $this.StatusFile_FullName = $item.FullName
                        Write-Verbose "new status file created: $( $this.StatusFile_FullName )"
                    }else {

                    ## NOTE: Not using this, because debugging should also test the creation of a file.
                    # The reason for using the following code is only because the cmdlets such as Convert-Path, Resolve-Path must point to an existing item.
                    # If debugging didn't create the file, we would have to manually normalize the status file path (i.e. get it's absolute path).
                    if ($WhatIf) {
                        $is_home = $statusfile_path -match '^~'
                        if ($is_home) {
                            # It's an absolute path
                            $parent = Convert-Path '~'
                            $child = $statusfile_path -replace '^~', ''
                            $this.StatusFile_FullName = Join-Path -Path $parent -ChildPath $child
                        }else {
                            if ( ! [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($statusfile_path) ) {
                                # A relative path was provided.

                                # Can't use Convert-Path / Resolve-Path which must point to an existing item
                                # Build the absolute path to the status file.
                                # E.g. 'D:\mycwd\Log-Rotate.status' -> 'D:\mycwd\Log-Rotate.status'
                                # E.g. 'D:\mycwd\.\Log-Rotate.status' -> 'D:\mycwd\Log-Rotate.status'
                                # E.g. 'D:\mycwd\..\Log-Rotate.status' -> 'D:\Log-Rotate.status'
                                # E.g. 'D:\mycwd\..\test\Log-Rotate.status' -> 'D:\test\Log-Rotate.status'
                                $path = Join-Path -Path $PWD.Path -ChildPath $statusfile_path
                                $this.StatusFile_FullName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $path )
                            }else {
                                # An absolute path was provided. Standardize the slashes to platform-specific slashes ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)
                                $this.StatusFile_FullName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( $statusfile_path )
                        Write-Verbose "new status file created: $( $this.StatusFile_FullName )"

                }catch {
                    Write-Error "STATUSFILE: WARNING: Status file $statusfile_path could not be created" -ErrorAction Continue

        # Parse and store previous rotation status
        if ($status) {
            $lines = $status.split("`n")

            # The first line must be a Log-Rotate state file title, if not we might be dealing with another file.
            if ( $lines[0] -notmatch 'Log\-Rotate state' ) {
                throw "Log-Rotate state file $( $this.StatusFile_FullName ) is of the wrong format. Check that you are not overriding another file. If you are not, delete the file and try again."

            $lines.Trim() | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object {
                $matches = [Regex]::Matches($_, '"([^"]+)" (.+)')
                if ($matches.success) {
                    $path = $matches.Groups[1].Value
                    $lastRotateDate = $matches.Groups[2].Value
                    if (Test-Path $path -PathType Leaf) {
                        try {
                            $lastRotateDatetime = Get-Date -Date $lastRotateDate -Format 's' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            $this.Status[$path] = $lastRotateDatetime
                        }catch {}

        # Always test for write permissions on the status file
        try {
            '' | Out-File $this.StatusFile_FullName -Append -Force
            if (!$status -and $WhatIf) {
                # We're running Log-Rotate the first time in debug mode.
                Remove-Item $this.StatusFile_FullName
        }catch {
            Write-Error "STATUSFILE: WARNING: Insufficient write permissions for status file $( $this.StatusFile_FullName ). Resolve this error before continuing." -ErrorAction Continue
    $LogFactory | Add-Member -Name 'Create' -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
        param ([System.IO.FileInfo]$logfile, [hashtable]$options)

        function Get-Status([System.IO.FileInfo]$file) {
            $lastRotationDate = if ($this.Status.ContainsKey($file.FullName)) {
                                }else {

        $lastRotationDate = Get-Status $logfile
        $_logObject = $LogObject.New($logfile, $options, $lastRotationDate)
        if ($_logObject)  {
            $this.LogObjects.Add($_logObject) | Out-Null
            return $_logObject
    $LogFactory | Add-Member -Name 'GetAll' -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
        return $this.LogObjects
    $LogFactory | Add-Member -Name 'DumpStatus' -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {

        try {
            if (!$WhatIf) {
                # Update my state with each logs rotation status
                $this.GetAll() | Where-Object { $_.Status['rotation_datetime'] } | ForEach-Object {
                    $rotationDateISO = $_.Status['rotation_datetime'].ToString('s')
                    $lastRotationDateISO =  if ($this.Status.ContainsKey($_.Logfile.FullName)) {
                                            } else {
                    if ( !$lastRotationDateISO -or ($rotationDateISO -gt $lastRotationDateISO) ) {
                        Write-Verbose "Updating status of rotation for log $($_.Logfile.FullName) "
                        $this.Status[$_.Logfile.FullName] = $rotationDateISO
                    }else {
                        Write-Verbose "Not updating status of rotation for log $($_.Logfile.FullName) "

                # Dump state file
                Write-Verbose "Writing status file to $($this.StatusFile_FullName)"
                $output = "Log-Rotate state - version $LogRotateVersion"
                $this.Status.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                    $output += "`n`"$_`" $($this.Status[$_])"
                $output | Out-File $this.StatusFile_FullName -Encoding utf8
            }else {
                # Dump state file
                Write-Verbose "Writing status file to $($this.StatusFile_FullName)"
        }catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to write state file." -ErrorAction Continue
