
$ScriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent

. ($ScriptDir + "./Global.ps1")

$ServiceProductName = "logeto-terminal-service"
$ServicePackageName = "Logeto.UWP.Service"
$ServiceExeFile = "Logeto.UWP.Service.Host.exe"
$ServiceInstallDir = "$Env:ProgramFiles\Systemart\Logeto.UWP.Service"

    Return Json file for Terminal Service, if there is no newer version null is returned.

function Get-LogetoTerminalServiceUpdateInfo 
    $scope = Get-LogetoScope
    $serviceVersion = Get-LogetoExeVersion (Get-LogetoServicePath $ServicePackageName)
    return Get-LogetoUpdateInfo -Product $ServiceProductName -Scope $scope -Version $serviceVersion

    Install logeto-terminal-service product

function Install-LogetoTerminalService {

        $ProductName = 'logeto-terminal-service'

    Get-LogetoProduct $UpdateInfo $ProductName


    #Register task
    $A = New-ScheduledTaskAction �Execute $AppFolderPath\$ServiceProductName\TerminalServiceUpdate.vbs `"$AppFolderPath\$ServiceProductName\TerminalServiceUpdate.ps1`"
    $T = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date) -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 60)
    $U = $(whoami)
    $S = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet
    $P = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId $U -LogonType S4U -RunLevel Highest
    $name = "Logeto Terminal Service Update"
    $taskExists = (Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.TaskName -eq $name })
    if ($taskExists)
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Service Update task exists" -Debug
        Write-LogetoProgress "Removing old service task" "ScriptRegisterServiceUpdateTaskRemovingTask"
        UnRegister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $name -Confirm:$false
    } else
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Service Update task do not exists" -Debug
    Write-LogetoProgress "Registering new service task" "ScriptRegisterServiceUpdateTaskRegisteringTask"
    Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $name -Action $A -Trigger $T -Settings $S -Principal $P -Force

Function Get-CurrentStateInfo
    if ((Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -eq $ServicePackageName}) -ne $null)
        $global:OldServiceExeFile = Get-ServicePath $ServicePackageName
        $global:OldServiceInstallDir = Split-Path $OldServiceExeFile -Parent

Function Get-ServicePath
    return (Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -eq $ServicePackageName}).PathName.Replace("`"","")

Function Update-Service
    Write-Host "Updating service" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $packageDataPath = Get-PlatformDataFolder
    $installutilexe = Get-PlatformInstallUtil

    Write-Host "Package data: $packageDataPath"
    Write-Host "Service install directory: $ServiceInstallDir"

    if ((Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -eq $ServicePackageName}) -ne $null)
            Write-Host "Trying to stop running service..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Stop-Service -Name $ServicePackageName
            if ($OldServiceExeFile)
                Write-Host "Uninstalling service..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                & $installutilexe /u $OldServiceExeFile
        catch {}

    if (-not (Test-Path $ServiceInstallDir))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ServiceInstallDir -Force

        Write-Host "Creating new service files in" $ServiceInstallDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Copy-Item $packageDataPath/*.* -Destination $ServiceInstallDir
        if ($OldServiceInstallDir)

        Write-Host "Updating existing service files in" $ServiceInstallDir -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Copy-Item $packageDataPath/*.* -Destination $ServiceInstallDir -Exclude *.config

    $Acl = Get-Acl $ServiceInstallDir
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Local Service", "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-Acl $ServiceInstallDir $Acl

    Write-Host "Installing service..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    & $installutilexe /i (Join-Path $ServiceInstallDir $ServiceExeFile)

    Write-Host "Trying to start service..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Start-Service -Name $ServicePackageName

    $service = Get-Service -Name $ServicePackageName
    if ($service.Status -eq 'running')
        Write-Host "Service `"$ServicePackageName`" started succesfully" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "Unable to start service `"$ServicePackageName`"" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black

Function Get-PlatformDataFolder
    if (($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq 'amd64') -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $scriptDir 'x64')))
        return Join-Path $scriptDir 'x64'
    elseif (($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq 'x86') -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $scriptDir 'x86')))
        return Join-Path $scriptDir 'x86'
    throw [System.PlatformNotSupportedException] "Data files for architecture `"$Env:Processor_Architecture`" not found"

function Get-PlatformInstallUtil
    if ($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq 'amd64')
        return $Env:WinDir + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe"
        return $Env:WinDir + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe"

Function Clear-ServiceFolder
    Write-Host "Cleaning service folder" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    while ($true)
        Start-Sleep -s 2
        Write-Host -NoNewline "."
        Get-ChildItem -Path $OldServiceInstallDir/* -Exclude *.config -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if(-not (Test-Path $OldServiceInstallDir\*.dll))
            Write-Host "."

    Uninstall logeto-terminal-service

function Uninstall-LogetoTerminalService {

        $ProductName = 'logeto-terminal'

    if ((Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -eq $ServicePackageName}) -ne $null)
            Write-LogetoDebug "Stopping service" -Debug
            Stop-Service -Name $ServicePackageName
        catch {}

    $installutilexe = Get-PlatformInstallUtil

    & $installutilexe /u (Join-Path $ServiceInstallDir $ServiceExeFile)

    if (Test-Path $ServiceInstallDir)
        $maxRepeat = 10

            Write-LogetoDebug "Removing folder" -Debug
            Remove-Item $ServiceInstallDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      
            sleep -Milliseconds 3000
        } until ($maxRepeat -eq 0 -or (-Not (Test-Path $ServiceInstallDir)))

    # Unregister task
    $name = "Logeto Terminal Service Update"
    $taskExists = (Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.TaskName -eq $name })
    if ($taskExists)
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Service Update task revert" -Debug
        Write-LogetoProgress "Removing old service task" "ScriptUnRegisterServiceUpdateTaskRemovingTask"
        UnRegister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $name -Confirm:$false
    } else
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Service Update task do not exists" -Debug

    Return Json file from the URL for set product and scope. If version parameter is set it returns Json file only if higher version was found, otherwise returns null.

function Set-LogetoTerminalServicePrepareEnvironment
        $ProductName = 'logeto-terminal'
