
$ScriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent

. ($ScriptDir + "./Global.ps1")

$TerminalProductName =  "logeto-terminal"
$TerminalPackageName = "B158BDD8.LogetoTerminal"
$TerminalProcessName = "Logeto.Client.Windows.Terminal"
$dependecies = $null

$MinWinVersionMajor = 10
$MinWinVersionMinor = 0
$MinWinVersionBuild = 14393

    Return Json file for Terminal appx, if there is no newer version null is returned.

function Get-LogetoTerminalUpdateInfo 
    Write-LogetoDebug "Getting Terminal Update Info." 

    $scope = Get-LogetoScope
    $appxVersion = Get-LogetoAppxVersion $TerminalPackageName        
    return Get-LogetoUpdateInfo -Product $TerminalProductName -Scope $scope -Version $appxVersion

    Install logeto-terminal product

function Install-LogetoTerminal {


    Write-LogetoDebug "Installing terminal" 

    Get-LogetoProduct $UpdateInfo $ProductName
    # Support for uninstall
    $keyname = "LogetoTerminal"
    $regname = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    $fullpath = $regname + "\" + $keyname

    if (-Not (Test-Path $fullpath))
        New-Item -Path $regname -Name $keyname   

    New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "DisplayName" -Value "Logeto Terminal" -Force

    $value = $AppFolderPath + $ProductName + "Uninstall\LogetoInstaller.exe -uninstallAsCurrentUser"
    New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "UninstallString" -Value $value -Force

    New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "Publisher" -Value "Systemart s.r.o." -Force

    $value = $AppFolderPath + $ProductName + "Uninstall\ProductLogo.ico"
    New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "DisplayIcon" -Value $value -Force


    #Register task
    $A = New-ScheduledTaskAction �Execute $AppFolderPath\$ServiceProductName\TerminalAppxUpdate.vbs `"$AppFolderPath\$ServiceProductName\TerminalAppxUpdate.ps1`"
    $T = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date) -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 60)
    $U = $(whoami)
    $N = [Environment]::UserName
    $S = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet
    $name = "Logeto Terminal Appx Update ($N)"
    $taskExists = (Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.TaskName -eq $name })
    if ($taskExists)
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Appx Update task exists"
        Write-LogetoProgress "Removing old appx task" "ScriptRegisterAppxUpdateTaskRemovingTask"
        UnRegister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $name -Confirm:$false
    } else
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Appx Update task do not exists"
    Write-LogetoProgress "Registering new appx task" "ScriptRegisterAppxUpdateTaskRegisteringTask"
    Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $name -Action $A -Trigger $T -Settings $S -User $U -Force

Function Get-DependencyPackages
    $dependencyPackagesDir = (Join-Path $DownloadFolderPath $TerminalProductName "\Dependencies")
    $dependencyPackages = @()
    if (Test-Path $dependencyPackagesDir)
        # Get architecture-neutral dependencies
        $dependencyPackages += Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "*.appx") | Where-Object { $_.Mode -NotMatch "d" }

        # Get architecture-specific dependencies
        if (($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq "x86" -or $Env:Processor_Architecture -eq "amd64") -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "x86")))
            $dependencyPackages += Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "x86\*.appx") | Where-Object { $_.Mode -NotMatch "d" }
        if (($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq "amd64") -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "x64")))
            $dependencyPackages += Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "x64\*.appx") | Where-Object { $_.Mode -NotMatch "d" }
        if (($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq "arm") -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "arm")))
            $dependencyPackages += Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $dependencyPackagesDir "arm\*.appx") | Where-Object { $_.Mode -NotMatch "d" }
    if ($dependencyPackages.FullName.Count -gt 0)
        Write-Host "Found $($dependencyPackages.FullName.Count) dependecies:" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ($dependencyPackages.FullName | Out-String)

    $dependecies = $dependencyPackages

Function Test-PlatformAndPackageFile($processorArch, $appxArch)
    $path = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $DownloadFolderPath\$TerminalProductName "\*_$appxArch.appx")
    if (($Env:Processor_Architecture -eq $processorArch) -and ($path))
        return $path

Function Get-PlatformPackage
    if ($appx = Test-PlatformAndPackageFile 'amd64' 'x64')
        return $appx
    if (($appx = Test-PlatformAndPackageFile 'x86' 'x86') -or ($appx = Test-PlatformAndPackageFile 'amd64' 'x86'))
        return $appx
    if ($appx = Test-PlatformAndPackageFile 'arm' 'arm')
        return $appx

Function Update-Package
    Write-Host "Updating package `"$TerminalPackageName`"" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $addPackageSucceeded = $false

    Write-Host "Phase 1"


    Write-Host "Phase 2"


    Write-Host "Phase 3"

    $packagePath = Get-PlatformPackage
    if (!($packagePath))
        throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "Appx file not found"

    Write-Host "Phase 4"

    if ($TerminalProcessName)
        $appProcess = Get-Process $TerminalProcessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Write-Host "Phase 5 $appProcess"

    $aaProcess = Get-Process "AssignedAccessLockApp" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $package = Get-AppxPackage -Name "$TerminalPackageName"
    if ($package)
        Write-Host "Stopping service process"

        Stop-Process -Name $TerminalProcessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Write-Host "Waiting for 5 seconds"

        Start-Sleep -s 5

    Write-Host "Found appx: $packagePath"

    Write-Host "Installing new appx..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

    if ($dependecies.FullName.Count -gt 0)
        Add-AppxPackage -Path $packagePath.FullName -DependencyPath $dependecies.FullName -ForceApplicationShutdown -Verbose -EV addPackageError
        Add-AppxPackage -Path $packagePath.FullName -ForceApplicationShutdown -Verbose -EV addPackageError
    $addPackageSucceeded = $?

    if (!$addPackageSucceeded)
        $reportMessage = "Failed to update package `"$TerminalPackageName`""
        Write-Host $reportMessage -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black

        if ($addPackageError -and ($addPackageError.Count -gt 0))
            $found = $addPackageError[0] -match 'Get-AppxLog -ActivityID (?<activityID>\w\w\w\w\w\w\w\w-\w\w\w\w-\w\w\w\w-\w\w\w\w-\w\w\w\w\w\w\w\w\w\w\w\w)'
            if ($found)
                Write-Host 'Getting AppxLog' -NoNewline

                # Sometimes Get-AppxLog returns the old log (or nothing) when it's called too early after Add-AppxPackage
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++)
                    Start-Sleep -S 1
                    Write-Host '.' -NoNewline
                $activityLog = 'Activity log:' + (Get-AppxLog -ActivityId $matches['activityID'] | Out-String)
                $reportMessage += ' - More information in the activity log'


        Send-ReportToHockeyApp $reportMessage $exception $activityLog

        exit $resultExceptionThrown
    $filePath = Join-Path $scriptDir $systemartInstaller;
    if (Test-Path ($filePath))
        Copy-Item  -Path $filePath -Destination (Split-Path -parent $scriptDir) -Force

    if ($aaProcess)
        Write-Host "Restarting computer..."
        Restart-Computer -Force
    # Restart app if not in Assigned Access and app was running
    elseif ($appProcess)
        Write-Host "Restarting app..."
        Start-Process -FilePath "explorer.exe" -ArgumentList "shell:AppsFolder\$($package.PackageFamilyName)!App"

Function Test-WindowsVersion
    $version = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Version.Split(".")
    $major = $version[0] -as [int]
    $minor = $version[1] -as [int]
    $build = $version[2] -as [int]
    if (($major -lt $MinWinVersionMajor) -or (($minor -lt $MinWinVersionMinor) -and ($major -le $MinWinVersionMajor)) -or ($build -lt $MinWinVersionBuild))
        throw [System.NotSupportedException] "Unsupported Windows version: $major.$minor.$build - required at least: $MinWinVersionMajor.$MinWinVersionMinor.$MinWinVersionBuild"

Function WriteLine([System.IO.MemoryStream] $body, [String] $str)
    $encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($str + [Environment]::NewLine)

    Install logeto-terminal product

function Uninstall-LogetoTerminal 
    Write-LogetoDebug "Uninstalling terminal" 

    $package = Get-AppxPackage -Name $TerminalPackageName
    if ($package)
        Stop-Process -Name $TerminalProcessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-AppxPackage $package                

    $keyname = "LogetoTerminal"
    $regname = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    $fullpath = $regname + "\" + $keyname

    if (Test-Path $fullpath)
        Remove-Item -Path $fullpath -Recurse

    $value = Join-Path $AppFolderPath $TerminalProductName
    Remove-Item -Path $value -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # Unregister task
    $N = [Environment]::UserName
    $name = "Logeto Terminal Appx Update ($N)"
    $taskExists = (Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object {$_.TaskName -eq $name })
    if ($taskExists)
        Write-LogetoDebug "Logeto Terminal Appx Update task revert" -Debug
        Write-LogetoProgress "Removing old appx task" "ScriptUnRegisterAppxUpdateTaskRemovingTask"
        UnRegister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $name -Confirm:$false
    } else
        Write-LogetoDebug "Cannot uninstal Logeto Terminal Appx Update task" -Debug

    Return Json file from the URL for set product and scope. If version parameter is set it returns Json file only if higher version was found, otherwise returns null.

function Set-LogetoTerminalEnvironment
        [ValidateSet('Sideloading', 'SystemartCertificate', 'Uninstall', 'LoopbackExemption')]

    # Allow sideloading
    if ($Components -eq 'Sideloading')
        if (!(Get-IsElevated))
            throw Get-LogetoCustomException "Allow sideloading can be run only as an admin!" "" $ResultExceptionThrown 0

        Write-LogetoDebug "Allowing sideloading"

        $keyname = "AllowAllTrustedApps"
        $regname = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModelUnlock"

        if (Test-Path $regname)
            $regvalue = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $regname).$keyname

            if ($regvalue -lt 1)
                New-ItemProperty -Path $regname -Name $keyname -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force

    # Allow uninstalling of an application
    if ($Components -eq 'Uninstall')
        if (!(Get-IsElevated))
            throw Get-LogetoCustomException "Adding support for uninstalling can be run only as an admin!" "" $ResultExceptionThrown 0

        Write-LogetoDebug "Allowing uninstall"

        $keyname = "LogetoTerminal"
        $regname = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
        $fullpath = $regname + "\" + $keyname

        if (-Not (Test-Path $fullpath))
            New-Item -Path $regname -Name $keyname   

        New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "DisplayName" -Value "Logeto Terminal" -Force

        $value = "$AppFolderPath\$TerminalProductName\Uninstall\" + $ExeFileName + " -uninstallAsCurrentUser"
        New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "UninstallString" -Value $value -Force

        New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "Publisher" -Value "Systemart s.r.o." -Force
        $value = "$AppFolderPath\$TerminalProductName\Uninstall\ProductLogo.ico"
        New-ItemProperty -Path $fullpath -Name "DisplayIcon" -Value $value -Force

    # Install Systemart certificate
    if ($Components -eq 'SystemartCertificate')
        if (!(Get-IsElevated))
            throw Get-LogetoCustomException "Installing systemart certificate can be run only as an admin!" "" $ResultExceptionThrown 0

        Write-LogetoDebug "Installing systemart certificate"

        $cert = "$AppFolderPath\$TerminalProductName\Install\SystemartCertificationAuthority.crt"
        Write-LogetoDebug "Installing certificate" "ScriptTerminalCertificateInstalling"
        Import-Certificate -FilePath $cert -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root

    if ($Components -eq 'LoopbackExemption')
        if (!(Get-IsElevated))
            throw Get-LogetoCustomException "Allow sideloading can be run only as an admin!" "" $ResultExceptionThrown 0

        Write-LogetoDebug "Allowing Loopback Exemption"

        $packageFamilyName = (Get-AppxPackage -Name "$TerminalPackageName").PackageFamilyName
        CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="$packageFamilyName"