
Imports list of device groups based on specified CSV file.

Imports list of device groups based on specified CSV file. You can generate a sample of the CSV file by specifying the -GenerateExampleCSV parameter.

Import-LMDeviceGroupsFromCSV -FilePath ./ImportList.csv -PassThru

Assumes csv with the headers name,fullpath,description,appliesTo,property1,property2,property[n]. Name and fullpath are the only required fields.

None. Does not accept pipeline input.

Module repo:


Function Import-LMDeviceGroupsFromCSV {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Import")]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

    #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds
    Begin {
        $Results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    Process {
            $SampleCSV = ("name,fullpath,description,appliesTo,property.name1,property.name2").Split(",")

            $SampleContent = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                $SampleCSV[1]="Locations/North America"
                $SampleCSV[2]="My sample device group for CA"
                $SampleCSV[3]='system.displayName =~ "CA-*" && isDevice()'
                $SampleCSV[4]="property value 1"
                $SampleCSV[5]="property value 2"
            }) | Out-Null
                $SampleCSV[0]="New York"
                $SampleCSV[1]="Locations/North America"
                $SampleCSV[2]="My sample device group for NY"
                $SampleCSV[3]='system.displayName =~ "NY-*" && isDevice()'
                $SampleCSV[4]="property value 1"
                $SampleCSV[5]="property value 2"
            }) | Out-Null
                $SampleCSV[2]="My sample device group for London"
                $SampleCSV[3]='system.displayName =~ "LONDON-*" && isDevice()'
                $SampleCSV[4]="property value 1"
                $SampleCSV[5]="property value 2"
            }) | Out-Null

            $SampleContent | Export-Csv "SampleLMDeviceGroupImportCSV.csv"  -Force -NoTypeInformation

        If ($(Get-LMAccountStatus).Valid) {
            $GroupList = Import-Csv -Path $FilePath

                #Get property headers for adding to property hashtable
                $PropertyHeaders = ($GroupList | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "name|fullpath|description|appliesTo"}
                $i = 1
                $GroupCount = ($GroupList | Measure-Object).Count

                #Loop through device list and add to portal
                Foreach($DeviceGroup in $GroupList){
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Group Import: $($" -Status "$([Math]::Floor($($i/$GroupCount*100)))% Completed" -PercentComplete $($i/$GroupCount*100) -Id 0
                    $Properties = @{}
                    Foreach($Property in $PropertyHeaders){
                        $GroupId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup | Where-Object {$_.fullpath -eq $($DeviceGroup.fullpath)}).Id
                            $GroupPaths = $DeviceGroup.fullpath.Split("/")
                            $j = 1
                            $GroupPathsCount = ($GroupPaths | Measure-Object).Count
                            Foreach($Path in $GroupPaths){
                                Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Parent Group Creation: $($DeviceGroup.fullpath)" -Status "$([Math]::Floor($($j/$GroupPathsCount*100)))% Completed" -PercentComplete $($j/$GroupPathsCount*100) -ParentId 0 -Id 1
                                $GroupId = New-LMDeviceGroupFromPath -Path $Path -PreviousGroupId $GroupId
                        $DeviceGroup = New-LMDeviceGroup -name $ -Description $DeviceGroup.description -ParentGroupId $GroupId -Properties $Properties -AppliesTo $DeviceGroup.appliesTo -ErrorAction Stop
                        $Results.Add($DeviceGroup) | Out-Null
                        Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to add device $($ to portal: $_"
        Else {
            Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again."
    End {
        Return $(If($PassThru){$Results}Else{$Null})