
Exports an HTML report containing changed network configs

Export device config change report based on the number of days specified, defaults to using the Devices by Type/Network folder

.PARAMETER DeviceGroupId
Device group id for the group to use as the source of running the report, defaults to Devices by Type/Network folder if not specified

Number of days back to run the report, defaults to 7 if not specified

Path to export the HTML report to

.PARAMETER OpenOnCompletion
Open the output html report automatically once completed

Export-LMDeviceConfigReport -DaysBack 30 -DeviceGroupId 2 -Path export-report.html

Export-LMDeviceConfigReport -Path export-report.html -OpenOnCompletion

You must run this command before you will be able to execute other commands included with the Logic.Monitor module.

None. You cannot pipe objects to this command.

Module repo:


Function Export-LMDeviceConfigReport {

    Param (

        [String]$DaysBack = 7,


    #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds
    If ($Script:LMAuth.Valid) {
        $ShowHtml = $false
            $ShowHtml = $true

        If (!$DeviceGroupId) {
            #Grab Devices by Type folder
            $devices_by_type_id = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Devices by Type" | Sort-Object -Property Id | Select-Object -First 1).id
                #Grab Network group to focus on
                $network_group_id = (Get-LMDeviceGroupGroups -Id $devices_by_type_id | ? { $_.fullPath -eq "Devices by Type/Network" }).id
                #Grab devices inside Network group
                $network_devices = Get-LMDeviceGroupDevices -id $network_group_id
                Write-Error "Default report device group Devices by Type could not be located, please specify a DeviceGroupId to use for running this export"
        Else {
            $network_devices = Get-LMDeviceGroupDevices -id $DeviceGroupId

        #Loop through Network group devices and pull list of applied ConfigSources
        $instance_list = @()
        Foreach ($device in $network_devices) {
            $device_config_sources = Get-LMDeviceDatasourceList -id $ | ? { $_.dataSourceType -eq "CS" }

            #Loop through DSes and pull all instances matching running or current and add them to processing list
            Foreach ($config_source in $device_config_sources) {
                $running_config_instance = Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance -id $config_source.deviceId -DatasourceId $config_source.dataSourceId | ? { $_.displayName -like "*running*" -or $_.displayName -like "*current*" -or $ -like "PaloAlto*" } | Select-Object -First 1
                If ($running_config_instance) {
                    $instance_list += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        deviceId              = $
                        deviceDisplayName     = $device.displayName
                        dataSourceId          = $
                        dataSourceName        = $config_source.datasourceName
                        dataSourceDisplayname = $config_source.dataSourceDisplayname
                        instanceDisplayName   = $running_config_instance.displayName
                        instanceDescription   = $running_config_instance.description
                        instanceId            = $
                Else {
                    #No instance found based on filter criteria
                    #Write-Host "No instance found for $($config_source.datasourceName)"

        #Loop through filtered instance list and pull config diff
        $device_configs = @()
        Foreach ($instance in $instance_list) {
            $device_configs += Get-LMDeviceConfigSourceDiff -id $instance.deviceId -HdsId $instance.dataSourceId -HdsInsId $instance.instanceId

        #We found some config changes, let organize them
        $output_list = @()
        If ($device_configs) {
            #Get start and end epoch range
            $start_date = [Math]::Floor((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date "01/01/1970") -End ((Get-Date).AddDays(-$DaysBack).ToUniversalTime())).TotalMilliseconds)
            $end_date = [Math]::Floor((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date "01/01/1970") -End ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime())).TotalMilliseconds)

            #Remove old configs from report to limit processing
            $device_configs = $device_configs | ? { $_.pollTimestamp -ge $start_date -and $_.pollTimestamp -le $end_date }

            #Group Configs by device so we can work through each set
            $config_grouping = $device_configs | Group-Object -Property deviceId

            #Loop through each set and built report
            Foreach ($device in $config_grouping) {
                Foreach ($config in $device.Group) {
                    Foreach ($line in $config.deltaConfig) {
                        $output_list += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            deviceDisplayName        = $config.deviceDisplayName
                            deviceInstanceName       = $config.instanceName
                            devicePollTimestampEpoch = $config.pollTimestamp
                            devicePollTimestampUTC   = [datetimeoffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($config.pollTimestamp).DateTime
                            deviceConfigVersion      = $config.version
                            configChangeType         = $line.type
                            configChangeRow          = $line.rowNo
                            configChangeContent      = $line.content

        #Generate HTML Report
        New-HTML -TitleText "LogicMonitor - Config Report" -ShowHTML:$ShowHtml -Online -FilePath $Path {
            New-HTMLPanel {
                New-HTMLTable -DataTable $output_list -HideFooter -ScrollCollapse -PagingLength 1000 {
                    New-TableHeader -Title "LogicMonitor - Config Report (Last $DaysBack days)" -Alignment center -BackGroundColor BuddhaGold -Color White -FontWeight bold
                    New-TableRowGrouping -Name "deviceDisplayName"
    Else {
        Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again."