
Retrieves the status of the LogicMonitor account.

The Get-LMAccountStatus function is used to retrieve the status of the LogicMonitor account. It checks if the user is currently logged into any LogicMonitor portals and returns the account status.

This function does not accept any parameters.


This example demonstrates how to use the Get-LMAccountStatus function to retrieve the status of the LogicMonitor account.

The function returns a custom object with the following properties:
- Portal: The LogicMonitor portal URL.
- Valid: Indicates if the user is currently logged into a LogicMonitor portal.
- Logging: Indicates if logging is enabled for the LogicMonitor account.
- Type: The type of authentication used for the LogicMonitor account.

Function Get-LMAccountStatus {
    #Clear credential object from environment
    If ($Script:LMAuth) {
        $Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Portal = $Script:LMAuth.Portal
            Valid = $Script:LMAuth.Valid
            Logging = $Script:LMAuth.Logging
            Type = $Script:LMAuth.Type
        return $Result
    Else {
        return "Not currently logged into any LogicMonitor portals."