
# MACVendors lookup

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Module functions

Function Get-MACVendorInfo {

    MAC address vendor lookup
    MAC address vendor lookup
    The MAC address to lookup
    .PARAMETER Offline
    This switch will get the vendor information after downloading
    the database to the local machine
    Get-MACVendorInfo -MAC 00:00:0C:00:00:00
    Get-MACVendorInfo -MAC 00:00:0C:00:00:00 -Offline
    Internet connection required
    The separators can be ':', '-' or '.'
    The offline results do not include
    Company address, Country and Type

    [CmdletBinding ()]

    Param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
                    HelpMessage = 'Enter MAC address'




    BEGIN {

        Function Show-Data {


                MAC = $MACEntry
                Company = $Results.Result.Company
                Address = $Results.Result.Address
                Country = $Results.Result.Country
                MAC_Prefix = $Results.Result.MAC_Prefix
                Start_Hex = $Results.Result.Start_Hex
                End_Hex = $Results.Result.End_Hex
                Type = $Results.Result.Type
                Status = $Status





        ForEach ($MACEntry In $MAC) {

            $Results = @{}

            Try {

                If ($MACEntry -notmatch '^([0-9A-F]{2}[:.-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})$') {

                    $Status = 'Invalid MAC address or not formatted properly'




                If ($Offline) {

                    If ((Test-Path -Path $env:TEMP\VendorMACS.xml) -eq $False) {



                    $TempMACEntry = ($MACEntry -replace '-', ':').Replace('.', ':')

                    [xml]$Doc = Get-Content $env:TEMP\VendorMACS.xml

                    $Prefix = $Doc.MacAddressVendorMappings.VendorMapping.MAC_Prefix
                    $VendorName = $Doc.MacAddressVendorMappings.VendorMapping.Vendor_Name
                    $Index = 0

                    ForEach ($PrefixEntry In $Prefix) {

                        If ($PrefixEntry -eq $TempMACEntry.Substring(0, $PrefixEntry.Length) -and $VendorName[$Index] -notlike 'IEEE*') {

                            $StartHex = ($PrefixEntry -replace ':', '') + '000000'
                            $EndHex = ($PrefixEntry -replace ':', '') + 'FFFFFF'


                                MAC = $MACEntry
                                Company = $VendorName.Get($Index)
                                MAC_Prefix = $PrefixEntry
                                Start_Hex = $StartHex.Substring(0, 12)
                                End_Hex =  $EndHex.Substring(0, 12)






                Else {

                    $Results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$MACEntry" | ConvertFrom-Json

                    $Status = 'Ok'




            Catch {

                $Status = $PSItem.Exception.Message





    END {}


Function Get-MACVendorInfoByCompanyName {

    Get the MAC prefixes and ranges by Company Name
    Get the MAC prefixes and ranges by Company Name
    .PARAMETER CompanyName
    Exact match
    Get-MACVendorInfoByCompanyName -CompanyName Cablevision
    Exact match
    Get-MACVendorInfoByCompanyName -CompanyName Cablevision, Microsoft
    Using wildcard
    Get-MACVendorInfoByCompanyName -CompanyName Intel*
    Using wildcard and exact match
    Get-MACVendorInfoByCompanyName -CompanyName Intel*, Microsoft

    [CmdletBinding ()]

    Param (

        [Parameter (Mandatory = $True,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
                    HelpMessage = 'Enter Company Name'



    BEGIN {

        If ((Test-Path -Path $env:TEMP\VendorMACS.xml) -eq $False) {



        [xml]$Doc = Get-Content $env:TEMP\VendorMACS.xml

        $Prefix = $Doc.MacAddressVendorMappings.VendorMapping.MAC_Prefix
        $VendorName = $Doc.MacAddressVendorMappings.VendorMapping.Vendor_Name

        Function Show-Data {

            $StartHex = ($Prefix[$Index] -replace ':', '') + '000000'
            $EndHex = ($Prefix[$Index] -replace ':', '') + 'FFFFFF'


                Company = $VendorEntry
                MAC_Prefix = $Prefix[$Index]
                Start_Hex = $StartHex.Substring(0, 12)
                End_Hex =  $EndHex.Substring(0, 12)





        ForEach ($CompanyEntry In $CompanyName) {

            $Index = 0

            If ($CompanyEntry.Contains('*')) {

                ForEach ($VendorEntry In $VendorName) {

                    If ($VendorEntry -like $CompanyEntry) {






            Else {

                ForEach ($VendorEntry In $VendorName) {

                    If ($VendorEntry -eq $CompanyEntry) {








    END {}


Function Update-MACVendorOfflineDatabase {

    Download the MAC vendors database
    Download the MAC vendors database

    [CmdletBinding ()]

    Param ()

    BEGIN {}


        Try {

            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $env:TEMP\VendorMACS.xml


        Catch {

            Write-Warning -Message $PSItem.Exception.Message



    END {}
