
    Get-MCASReportContent retrieves built-in reports from Cloud App Security.
    Retrieves report data from the built-in reports.
    PS C:\> Get-MCASReportContent -ReportName 'Browser Use' | select @{N='Browser';E={$_.unique_identifier}}, @{N='User Count';E={$_.record_data.users.count}} | sort -Property 'User Count' -Descending
    Browser User Count
    ------- ----------
    chrome_53.0.2785.143 4
    chrome_54.0.2840.71 4
    unknown_ 4
    microsoft bits_7.8 3
    microsoft exchange_ 3
    microsoft exchange rpc_ 2
    edge_14.14393 2
    ie_11.0 2
    microsoft onenote_16.0.7369.5783 1
    apache-httpclient_4.3.5 1
    ie_9 1
    skype for business_16.0.7369.2038 1
    mobile safari_10.0 1
    microsoft web application companion_ 1
    chrome_54.0.2840.87 1
    microsoft excel_1.26.1007 1
    microsoft skydrivesync_17.3.6517.0809 1
    This example retrives the Browser Use report, shows the browser name and user count columns, and sorts by user count descending.

function Get-MCASReportContent {
        # Fetches a report by its unique name identifier.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]
        [ValidateSet('Browser Use','Privileged Users','Salesforce Special Privileged Accounts','Data Sharing Overview','Outbound Sharing by Domain')]
        # Specifies the credential object containing tenant as username (e.g. '') and the 64-character hexadecimal Oauth token as the password.
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $CASCredential
        $target = $ReportsList.$ReportName

        # Get the matching items and handle errors
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Retrieving report $target"
            $response = Invoke-MCASRestMethod -Credential $Credential -Path "/cas/api/reports/$target/" -Method Get
        catch {
            throw "Error calling MCAS API. The exception was: $_"

        $response = $