
   Defines new subnet collections in MCAS for enrichment of IP address information.
   New-MCASSubnetCollection creates subnet collections in the MCAS tenant.
    PS C:\> New-MCASSubnetCollection -Name 'Contoso Egress IPs' -Category Corporate -Subnets '',''
    PS C:\> New-MCASSubnetCollection -Name 'Contoso Internal IPs' -Category Corporate -Subnets '' -Quiet
   New-MCASSubnetCollection is intended to return the unique id of the subnet collections that it creates in the MCAS tenant.

function New-MCASSubnetCollection {
        # Specifies the credential object containing tenant as username (e.g. '') and the 64-character hexadecimal Oauth token as the password.
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $CASCredential,






    process {
        $body = [ordered]@{'name'=$Name;'category'=($Category -as [int]);'subnets'=$Subnets}

        if ($Tags) {
        if ($Organization) {

        try {
            $response = Invoke-MCASRestMethod -Credential $Credential -Path "/cas/api/v1/subnet/create_rule/" -Method Post -Body $body
        catch {
            throw "Error calling MCAS API. The exception was: $_"

        if (!$Quiet) {