
function Enable-MDSMsolLicenseServicePlan {
    Enables service plans from MSOnline licenses applied to users.
    Will enable one or more service plans from a user's MSOnline account or specific MSOnline license on an account.
    Enable-MDSMsolLicenseServicePlan -UserPrincipalName -ServicePlan Teams1
    Enable a single service plan for a single user
    Enable-MDSMsolLicenseServicePlan -UserPrincipalName -ServicePlan Teams1,YAMMER_ENTERPRISE
    Enable multiple service plans for a single user
    Enable-MDSMsolLicenseServicePlan -UserPrincipalName -ServicePlan Teams1 -AccountSkuID tenantname:EnterprisePack
    Target one or more AccountSkuIDs, seperated by commas, that should be processed. Will process only those available per user. Microsoft may not allow enabling a service plan in more than one AccountSkuID per user. Listing multiple AccountSkuIDs works best in either/or scenarios in your environment (as in the users will have either license A or license B, but shouldn't have both).
    Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName | Enable-MDSMsolLicenseServicePlan -ServicePlan Teams1
    Utilize Pipeline support with objects that have a UserPrincipalName property. Also accepts the Licenses property captured by Get-MsolUser.
    Written by Rick A, April 2017



    begin {}   
    process {
        ForEach ($UPN in $UserPrincipalName) {
            # Get the licenses and confirm the UserPrincipalName exists
            If (-not $Licenses) {
                Try {
                    Write-Verbose ("{0}: Licenses not provided. Querying MSOnline for licenses." -f $UPN )
                    [array]$Licenses = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $UPN -ErrorAction Stop).Licenses
                Catch {

            # Confirm any license was found
            If ($Licenses.count -eq 0) {
                Write-Verbose ("{0}: User not licensed." -f $UPN )

            # If present target only the licenses specified
            If ($AccountSkuID) {
                [array]$Licenses = $Licenses | Where-Object {$AccountSkuID -contains $_.AccountSkuID}
                # Validate there are licenses to process
                If ($Null -eq $Licenses) {
                    Write-Verbose ("{0}: No licenses match the specified AccountSkuID(s)." -f $UPN )

            # Flatten the license details for the user only if the license contains a
            # provided service plan.
            [array]$LicenseCollection = ForEach ($License in $Licenses) {
                $ProcessLicense = $False
                ForEach ($Plan in $ServicePlan) {    
                    If ($License.ServiceStatus.ServicePlan.ServiceName -match $Plan) {
                        $ProcessLicense = $True
                If ($ProcessLicense -eq $True) {
                    ForEach ($Status in $License.ServiceStatus) {
                        [pscustomobject] @{
                            ServiceName            = $Status.ServicePlan.ServiceName
                            ProvisioningStatus    = $Status.ProvisioningStatus
                            AccountSkuID        = $License.AccountSkuID
            } # End license collection
            $Licenses = $Null

            # Report any service plans not assigned to the user.
            ForEach ($Plan in $ServicePlan) {
                $PlanProvisioningStatus = ($LicenseCollection | Where-Object {$_.ServiceName -eq $Plan}).ProvisioningStatus
                # Ensure the service plan was located in the license.
                If ($Null -eq $PlanProvisioningStatus) {
                    Write-Warning ("{0}: Service plan {1} not found." -f $UPN,$Plan)
            # Seperate the objects by AccountSkuID for license processing
            [array]$UpdateLicenses = ($LicenseCollection | Select-Object AccountSkuID -Unique).AccountSkuID
            # Go through the licenses to reapply the license with the updated disable options where necessary
            # (The disable options will exclude the plans you want enabled)
            ForEach ($UpdateLicense in $UpdateLicenses) {
                Write-Verbose ("{0}: Processing license {1}." -f $UPN,$UpdateLicense)
                $CurrentLicense = $LicenseCollection | Where-Object {$_.AccountSkuId -match $UpdateLicense}

                $ConfirmedPlansToEnable = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                ForEach ($Plan in $ServicePlan) {
                    # Get the current status of the specified service plan to be enabled
                    $PlanProvisioningStatus = ($CurrentLicense | Where-Object {$_.ServiceName -eq $Plan}).ProvisioningStatus
                    # Ensure the service plan was located in the license.
                    If ($Null -eq $PlanProvisioningStatus) {
                        # The user would have been notified previously of this scenario so we silently continue
                    # Ensure the specified service plan is active
                    If ($PlanProvisioningStatus -ne "Success") {
                    } # End If
                    Else {
                        Write-Warning ("{0}: The service plan {1} in license {2} is already enabled." -f $UPN,$Plan,$UpdateLicense)
                    } # End Else
                } # End ForEach
                # If the user didn't change...
                If (-not ($ConfirmedPlansToEnable)) {
                    Write-Warning ("{0}: No action was taken for license {1}." -f $UPN,$UpdateLicense)

                # Get all currently disabled service plans excluding the service plan to be disabled
                $DisabledPlans = ($CurrentLicense | 
                    Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningStatus -eq "Disabled" -and $ConfirmedPlansToEnable -notcontains $_.ServiceName}).ServiceName
                # Build the licensing options using the current AccountSkuID & collected service plans to disable
                $LicenseOptions = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId $UpdateLicense -DisabledPlans $DisabledPlans
                # Reapply the same license type leaving all previously disabled service plans disabled except
                # the specified service plans.
                If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UPN,"Set-MsolUserLicense")) {
                    Try {
                        #Write-Warning "Set-MsolUserLicense is disabled. No action taken"
                        Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $UPN -LicenseOptions $LicenseOptions -ErrorAction Stop
                    Catch {
    } # End Process
    end {}
} # End Function