
Function Start-MDSADSyncSyncCycle {
    Start an Azure AD Connect sync cycle remotely.
    Start an Azure AD Connect sync cycle remotely. The default servername can be set with Set-MDSConfiguration or a servername can be specified with the -ServerName parameter. Credentials can be passed with MDSCredential or Credential. The -StartSync swtich parameter is required to start a sync.
    Start-MDSADSyncSyncCycle -MDSCredential MyCred1 -StartSync
    Start a sync cycle using a stored MDSCredential. Uses the MDSConfiguration file's ADConnectServer value for the target server.
    Start-MDSADSyncSyncCycle -Credential MyUserName -StartSync
    Start a sync cycle with a password prompt for the username MyUserName. Uses the MDSConfiguration file's ADConnectServer value for the target server.
    Start-MDSADSyncSyncCycle -MDSCredential MyCred1 -ServerName MyServer -StartSync
    Start a sync cycle using a stored MDSCredential against the specified server MyServer

    Param (


        [parameter(Position=1, ParameterSetName="MDSCredential", Mandatory=$False)]
        [parameter(Position=1, ParameterSetName="Credential", Mandatory=$False)]

        [parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName="MDSCredential", Mandatory=$True)]
        [parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName="Credential", Mandatory=$True)]
    Begin {}
    Process {
        # Capture MDS Credentials. If no credentials were specified the current credentials are used.
        If ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "MDSCredential" -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MDSCredential)) {
            Try {
                $Credential = Get-MDSCredential -Name $MDSCredential
            Catch {

        # Use the configuration file if a servername was not specified
        If (-not $ServerName) {
            Try {$ServerName = Get-MDSConfiguration -Setting ADConnectServer}
            Catch {
                Throw "A server name was not specified. Use the -ServerName parameter or configure the ADConnectServer setting with Set-MDSConfiguration."

        $Parameters = @{
            'ComputerName'    = $ServerName
            'ErrorAction'    = "Stop"
        If ($Credential) {[void]$Parameters.Add('Credential',$Credential)}
        If (Invoke-Command @Parameters -ScriptBlock {Get-ADSyncConnectorRunStatus}) {
            Write-Warning "A sync cycle is already in progress."
        Else {
            Try {
                # Load the module and start the sync on the AD Connect Server
                Write-Verbose "Initializing Azure AD Delta Sync..."
                Invoke-Command @Parameters -ScriptBlock {Import-Module ADSync;Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta}

                # Wait 10 seconds for the sync connector to wake up.
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

                # Progress Bar Variables
                $StartTime = Get-Date

                # Initial status check
                $ADSyncConnectorRunStatus = Invoke-Command @Parameters -ScriptBlock {Get-ADSyncConnectorRunStatus}

                # Monitor the status
                If ($ADSyncConnectorRunStatus.RunState) {
                    Write-Verbose "Sync has started..."

                    # Monitor the runstate and record the progress with a progress bar
                    While($null -ne $ADSyncConnectorRunStatus.RunState) {
                        $ADSyncConnectorRunStatus = Invoke-Command @Parameters -ScriptBlock {Get-ADSyncConnectorRunStatus}
                        # Progress Bar Processing
                        $Date = Get-Date
                        $CurrTime = $Date - $StartTime
                        $WrPrgParam = @{
                            Activity = (
                                "Last Refresh: $($Date.ToLongTimeString())",
                                "Elapsed Time: $($CurrTime -replace '\..*')",
                                "Run State: $($ADSyncConnectorRunStatus.RunState)",
                                "Syncing: $($ADSyncConnectorRunStatus.ConnectorName)"
                            ) -join '|'
                            Status = "Refreshes every 10 seconds until the sync completes. Ctrl + C to stop monitoring."
                        Write-Progress @WrPrgParam
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 9

                    Write-Verbose "Sync completed at $($Date.ToLongTimeString())"
                # The connector status only returns a value if it's running. If it wasn't found running notify the user
                Else {
                    $Message = "Get-ADSyncConnectorRunStatus could not confirm the sync started after 10 seconds."
                    Throw (New-Object -TypeName System.Exception -ArgumentList $Message)
            Catch {$PsCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem)}
    End {}