
Function Import-MDSExchOnline {
    Import the Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets using a MDSCredential

    Import the Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets using a MDSCredential

    Import-MDSExchOnline -MDSCredential MyCred1

    Import the EXO cmdlets with the stored 'MyCred1' credentials. The stored credential username should be a UPN.

    Import-MDSExchOnline -MDSCredential MyCred1 -Prefix O365

    Import the EXO cmdlets with the stored 'MyCred1' credentials and prefix the cmdlets. For example Get-Mailbox becomes Get-O365Mailbox. This allows you to load both the EXO cmdlets and Exchange cmdlets in the same session.




    Begin {
        $SessionName = 'Microsoft.Exchange.Online'
        Write-Verbose $SessionName
        If (Get-PSSession -Name $SessionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            Try {
                Remove-PSSession $SessionName -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Verbose "Session $($SessionName) removed"
            Catch {}
    Process {
        # Credentials
        If ($MDSCredential) {
            Try {$Credential = Get-MDSCredential -Name $MDSCredential -ErrorAction Stop}
            Catch {
                Write-Error $_
                Return $Null
        Else {
            Try {$Credential = Get-Credential -ErrorAction Stop}
            Catch {
                Write-Error $_
                Return $Null
        # New-PSSession
        $SessionParameters = @{
            'Name'                    = $SessionName
            'ConfigurationName'        = 'Microsoft.Exchange'
            'ConnectionUri'            = ''
            'Credential'            = $Credential
            'Authentication'        = 'Basic'
        Try {$Session = New-PSSession @SessionParameters -AllowRedirection -ErrorAction Stop}
        Catch {
            Write-Error $_
            Return $Null
        # Import-PSSession
        $PSSessionParameters = @{
            'Session'    = $Session    
        If ($Prefix) {$PSSessionParameters.Add("Prefix",$Prefix)}
        Try {$ModuleInfo = Import-PSSession @PSSessionParameters -AllowClobber -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop}
        Catch {
            Write-Error $_
            Return $Null
        # Import-Module
        $ModuleParameters = @{
            'ModuleInfo'    = $ModuleInfo    
        If ($Prefix) {$ModuleParameters.Add("Prefix",$Prefix)}
        Try {
            Import-Module @ModuleParameters -DisableNameChecking -Global -ErrorAction Stop
            #Remove-PSSession $Session
        Catch {
            Write-Error $_
            Return $Null
    End {}