
function Get-MDSConfiguration {
    Set module configuration variables

    Some functions in the module require variables that are unique to the environment. This function displays the configuration variables.


    List the module configuration file

    Uses the 'Configuration' module by Joel Bennett (


    param (

    begin {}
    process {
        Try {
            $Configuration = Import-Configuration -ErrorAction Stop

            # Return the specified setting
            If ($PSBoundParameters.Setting) {
                $ConfigSetting = $Configuration[$Setting]
                If (-not $ConfigSetting) {
                    Throw "The module configuration does not have $Setting configured. Use 'Set-MDSConfiguration -Name $Setting -Value <string>' to configure your settings."
            # Throw an error if no settings are set
            ElseIf ($Configuration.count -eq 0) {
                Throw "Thank you for using the MDS Tools module. Please run Set-MDSConfiguration to configure the module settings."
            # Return all settings
            Else {
        Catch {
            Write-Error $PSItem
    end {}