
#region XML-processing Classes

# The following classes process different kinds of XML files found
# in an Office Open XML document.

Class xmlFile {
    [string] $ns = ""
    [hashtable] $nsm = @{}

    [xml] $xdoc
    [bool] hidden $isvalid = $false

    [void] CheckValidity() {
        If (-not $this.isValid) {
            Throw "The schema is not valid."

    [void] hidden setns([string]$rootNsUrn) {
        $this.ns = $rootNsUrn
        $this.nsm["x"] = $rootNsUrn         

    [void] ValidateSchema() {
        $this.isvalid = $true

    [void] Save([string] $filePath) {
        Set-Content -LiteralPath $filePath ($this.xdoc.InnerXml) -ErrorAction Stop

    [void] SaveFormatted([string] $filePath) {
    xmlfile([string] $filePath, [string] $rootNsUrn) {
        $this.xdoc = [xml] (Get-Content $filePath -ErrorAction Stop)

    xmlfile([string] $rootNsUrn) {
        $this.xdoc = [xml]"<root xmlns='$rootNsUrn'></root>"
        $this.isvalid = $true

    xmlfile() {
        $this.isvalid = $false

Class contentTypesXMLFile : xmlFile {
    static $ns = ""

    [bool] HasPngNode() {
        $pngnode = ( `
                $this.xdoc | `
                Select-Xml "/x:Types/x:Default[Extension='png']" -Namespace $this.nsm `
        Return ($null -ne $pngnode )

    [void] AddPngNode() {
        If ($this.HasPngNode()) {
        $newNode = $this.xdoc.CreateElement("Default", [contentTypesXMLFile]::ns)
        $newNode.SetAttributeNode("Extension", "").Value = "png"
        $newNode.SetAttributeNode("ContentType", "").Value = "image/png"

    contentTypesXMLFile([string] $filePath) : base() {
        # Content Types file has square brackets in the name
        # Literalpath _must_ be used.
        $this.xdoc = [xml] (Get-Content -LiteralPath $filePath -ErrorAction Stop)

Class relsXMLFile : xmlFile {
    static $ns = ""

    [void] ValidateSchema() {
        $rootnode = $this.xdoc | Select-Xml "/x:Relationships" -Namespace $this.nsm
        If ($null -ne $rootnode) {
            $this.isvalid = $true
        Else {
            $this.isvalid = $false

    [void] AddRel([string]$id, [string]$type, [string] $target) {
        $newNode = $this.xdoc.CreateElement("Relationship", $this.ns)
        $newNode.SetAttributeNode("Id", "").Value = $id
        $newNode.SetAttributeNode("Type", "").Value = $type
        $newNode.SetAttributeNode("Target", "").Value = $target

    [void] AddImageRel([string]$id, [string]$imagePath) {
        $this.AddRel( `
                $id, `
                "", `
                $imagePath `

    [void] AddCustomUIRel([string] $id, [string]$customUIPath) {
        $this.AddRel( `
                $id, `
                "", `
                $customUIPath `

    relsXMLFile([string] $filePath) : base($filePath, [relsXMLFile]::ns ) {


    relsXMLFile() : base() {
        $relsns = [relsXMLFile]::ns
        $this.xdoc = [xml]"<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-8`" standalone=`"yes`"?>`n<Relationships xmlns='$relsns'></Relationships>"
        $this.isValid = $true

Class customUIXMLFile : xmlFile {
    static $ns = ""

    [void] ValidateSchema() {
        $this.isValid = $false

        $ribbonElement = $this.xdoc | `
            Select-Xml  "/x:customUI/x:ribbon[@startFromScratch]" `
            -Namespace $this.nsm

        If ($null -eq $ribbonElement ) {
            Throw "Wrong schema found."
        # Validate that there is only one ribbon element in the right place
        If ($ribbonElement.Count -ne 1) {
            Throw "There can be only one ribbon element."
        # Validate that the ribbon element does not start from scratch
        If ($ribbonElement.Node.startFromScratch -ne "false") {
            Throw "Custom UIs are not allowed to have a from-scratch ribbon."

        $this.isValid = $true

    [string] InnerXml() {
        Return $this.xdoc.InnerXml

    [object] GetTabs() {
        $tabs = $this.xdoc | Select-Xml `
            "//x:tabs/x:tab" `
            -Namespace $this.nsm
        If ($null -eq $tabs) {
            Return @()
        Return $tabs

    [object] GetButtons() {
        $buttons = $this.xdoc | Select-Xml `
            "/x:customUI/x:ribbon/x:tabs//x:button" `
            -Namespace $this.nsm
        If ($null -eq $buttons) {
            Return @()
        Return $buttons

    [bool] Merge([customUIXMLFile] $otherfile) {
        $somethingAdded = $false

        $otherfile.GetTabs() | ForEach-Object {
            If ($null -ne $_) {
                $addedForTab = $this.processTab($_.Node)
                $somethingAdded = $somethingAdded -or $addedForTab

        If ($somethingAdded) {

        Return $somethingAdded

    [bool] hidden processElement($currentElement, $currentElementQuery, $parentElementQuery) {        
        $existingElement = $this.xdoc | `
            Select-Xml $currentElementQuery -Namespace $this.nsm
        If ($null -eq $existingElement) {
            $inode = $this.xdoc.ImportNode($currentElement, $true)
            $parentnode = ( `
                    $this.xdoc | `
                    Select-Xml $parentElementQuery -Namespace $this.nsm `
            Return $true
        Return $false

    [bool] hidden processTab($currentTab) {
        $currentTabQuery = "//x:tabs/x:tab[@idMso='$($currentTab.idMso)' or @id='$($']"
        $tabAdded = $this.processElement( `
                $currentTab, `
                $currentTabQuery, `
                "//x:ribbon/x:tabs" `
        If (-not $tabAdded) {
            # If the tab is already there, iterate groups
            $groupsOrButtonsAdded = $false
            $groups = ( `
                    $currentTab | `
                    Select-Xml "//x:tab/x:group" -Namespace $this.nsm `
            # Write-Verbose "Adding $($groups.Count) groups in tab $($currentTab.idMso)"
            $groups | ForEach-Object {
                $somethingAdded = $this.processTabGroup($_.Node, $currentTabQuery)
                $groupsOrButtonsAdded = $groupsOrButtonsAdded -or $somethingAdded

            Return $groupsOrButtonsAdded

        # Write-Verbose "Added tab $($currentTab.idMso)"
        Return $tabAdded

    [bool] hidden processTabGroup($currentGroup, $currentTabQuery) {
        $currentGroupQuery = "$currentTabQuery/x:group[@id='$($']"
        $groupAdded = $this.processElement( `
                $currentGroup, `
                $currentGroupQuery, `
                $currentTabQuery `
        If (-not $groupAdded) {
            # If group is already there, iterate buttons
            $buttonsAdded = $false
            $buttons = ( `
                    $currentGroup | `
                    Select-Xml "//x:group/x:button" -Namespace $this.nsm `

            # Write-Verbose "Adding $($buttons.Count) buttons in group $($"
            $buttons | ForEach-Object {
                # Write-Verbose "Adding button $($"
                $buttonAdded = $this.processButton($_.Node, $currentGroupQuery)
                $buttonsAdded = $buttonsAdded -or $buttonAdded

            Return $buttonsAdded

        # Write-Verbose "Added group $($"
        Return $groupAdded

    [bool] hidden processButton($currentButton, $currentGroupQuery) {
        $currentButtonQuery = "$currentGroupQuery/x:button[@id='$($']"
        $buttonAdded = $this.processElement( `
                $currentButton, `
                $currentButtonQuery, `
                $currentGroupQuery `

        If (-not $buttonAdded) {
            # Current button should NOT exist in merged
            Throw "Duplicate button id: $($"

        # Write-Verbose "Added button $($"
        Return $buttonAdded

    customUIXMLFile([string] $filePath) : base($filePath, [customUIXMLFile]::ns ) {}

    customUIXMLFile() : base() {
        $this.xdoc = [xml]'<customUI xmlns=""><ribbon startFromScratch="false"><tabs></tabs></ribbon></customUI>'
        $this.isValid = $true


#region MVPackage

Class MVPackage {
    [string] $Name
    [string] $Path

    [customUIXMLFile] hidden $cui
    [string] hidden $validationErr

    [string] CustomUIPath() {
        Return (Join-Path $this.Path "\CustomUI\customUI14.xml")

    [string] CustomUIDir() {
        Return (Join-Path $this.Path "\CustomUI")

    [bool] HasCustomUI() {
        Return (Test-Path $this.CustomUIPath())

    [customUIXMLFile] CustomUI() {
        If (-not $this.HasCustomUI()) {
            Return $null

        If ($null -eq $this.cui) {
            $this.cui = [customUIXMLFile]::New($this.CustomUIPath())

        Return $this.cui

    [void] Ensure() {

        [MVLibrary]::EnsureDirectory((Join-Path $this.Path "Tests"))

    [void] AddCustomUI() {
        If ($this.HasCustomUI()) {
            Throw "Package $($this.Name) already has custom UI."

        $newcui = [customUIXMLFile]::New()

        $this.cui = $newcui

    [bool] ValidateCustomUI() {
        $result = $true

        # Validate that all button image files are present
        $currentcui = $this.CustomUI()
        $buttons = $currentcui.GetButtons()

        foreach ($item in $buttons) {
            $imagename = "$($item.Node.image)"
            If ("" -ne $imagename) {
                $imagepath = Join-Path $this.CustomUIDir() "$imagename.png"
                If (-not (Test-Path $imagepath)) {
                    $this.validationErr = "Image $imagepath not present in $($this.Name)."
                    $result = $false

        Return $result

    [string] ValidationError() {
        Return $this.validationErr

    [void] Delete() {
        Remove-Item $this.Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop

    MVPackage($packageName, $packagePath) {
        $this.Name = $packageName
        $this.Path = $packagePath


#region MVBuilder

Class MVBuilder {
    [string] $Name
    [string] $Type
    [string] $OutPath

    # Will be overridden in application-specific builders
    [string] OfficeApplication() {
        Return "None"

    # Will be overridden in application-specific builders
    [string] FileExtension([string] $buildType) {
        Return ".none"

    [string] TargetPathNoExtension() {
        Return  Join-Path $this.OutPath $this.Name

    [string] TargetPath() {
        $buildext = $this.FileExtension($this.Type)
        $targetPath = Join-Path $this.OutPath "$($this.Name).$buildext"
        Return $targetPath

    [string] TargetUIDir() {
        Return (Join-Path $this.OutPath "$($this.Name).UI")

    [void] Delete() {
        $buildfilepath = $this.TargetPath()
        $buildexpandeddir = "$buildfilepath.d"
        $builduidir = $this.TargetUIDir()
        Remove-Item $builduidir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        Remove-Item $buildexpandeddir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        Remove-Item $buildfilepath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

    [void] Build([MVPackage[]]$Packages) {
        If ($Packages.Count -eq 0) {

        # Merge Office document

        # Merge Custom UI
        $cuiMerged = $this.MergeCustomUI($Packages)

        # Expand Office document, add Custom UI, and zip it
        # up again.
        If (-not(Test-Path $this.TargetPath() -PathType Leaf)) {
            Write-Host "Could not find built Office file. Skipping UI addition..."

        If (-not $cuiMerged) {
            Write-Host "Skipping UI addition..."

        $this.AddUIToDocument($this.TargetPath(), $this.TargetUIDir())

    [void] MergeVBAModules([MVPackage[]]$Packages, $vbp) {
        $Packages | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host " Processing package $($_.Name)..."

            $packagepathspec = "$($_.Path)\*"
            $basfiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $packagepathspec -Include *.bas, *.frm, *.cls)
            $basfiles | ForEach-Object {
                $newComponent = $vbp.VBComponents.Import($_.FullName)
                Write-Host " Merged $($newComponent.Name)"     

    # Will be overridden in application-specific builders
    [void] MergeOfficeDocument([MVPackage[]]$Packages) {
        Write-Host "Skipping merging Office $($this.Type)."

    [bool] MergeCustomUI([MVPackage[]] $Packages) {
        Write-Host "Merging Custom UI..."        
        # Initialize Custom UI Directory and object
        $mergedCuiDir = $this.TargetUIDir()
        $mergedImageDir = (Join-Path $mergedCuiDir "images")
        Remove-Item $mergedCuiDir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        $newcui = [customUIXMLFile]::New()
        $cuiMerged = $false
        foreach ($currentPackage in $Packages) {   
            # Merge Custom CUI
            If ($currentPackage.HasCustomUI() ) {
                If (-not $currentPackage.ValidateCustomUI()) {
                    Throw "Package $($currentPackage.Name) could not be merged: $($currentPackage.validationErr)"

                Write-Host " Processing package $($currentPackage.Name)..."

                $packageCuiMerged = $newcui.Merge($currentPackage.CustomUI())
                $cuiMerged = $cuiMerged -or $packageCuiMerged
                If ($packageCuiMerged) {
                    # Copy images
                    Copy-Item "$($currentPackage.Path)\CustomUI\*png" -Destination $mergedImageDir -Force

        # If any Custom UI merging happened, save customUI
        # file and build rels file
        If ($cuiMerged) {
            $newcuipath = Join-Path $this.TargetUIDir() "customUI14.xml"
            # Set up rels for copied images
            $imageCount = (Get-ChildItem $mergedImageDir -Filter "*.png" -ErrorAction Ignore).Count
            If ($imageCount -gt 0) {
                Write-Host " Adding image rels file..."

                $relsdir = Join-Path $mergedCuiDir "_rels"
                $relsfilepath = Join-Path $relsdir "customUI14.xml.rels"
                $relsfile = [relsXMLFile]::New()
                $newcui.GetButtons() | ForEach-Object {
                    $currentButton = $_.Node
                    If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($currentButton.image)) {
                        $relsfile.AddImageRel($currentButton.image, "images/$($currentButton.image).png")

            Write-Host "Custom UI done."
        Else {
            Write-Host "No custom UI present."

        Return $cuiMerged

    [void] AddUIToDocument([string]$officefilename, [string]$cuidir) {
        Write-Host "Adding UI to Office $($this.Type)..."
        $officezipfilename = "$"
        $expanddir = "$officefilename.d"
        Remove-Item $officezipfilename -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        Remove-Item $expanddir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        # The PowerShell Expand-Archive cmdlet only works if the
        # file extension is .zip. So rename the office document,
        # expand to a directory, and delete the document
        Move-Item $officefilename $officezipfilename
        Expand-Archive $officezipfilename -DestinationPath $expanddir -ErrorAction Stop
        Remove-Item $officezipfilename -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        # Move the previously consolidated custom UI directory
        # inside the expanded Office document directory
        Move-Item $cuiDir -Destination "$expanddir\customUI"
        # Edit the main rels file of the OpenOfficeXML document
        # to include the custom UI
        $relsFilePath = "$expanddir\_rels\.rels"
        $relsFile = [relsXMLFile]::New($relsFilePath)
        $newRelId = "R" + [string](Get-Random)
        $relsFile.AddCustomUIRel($newRelId, "/customUI/customUI14.xml")
        # Edit content-types file of the OpenOfficeXML document
        # to include png files if not already present.
        # Square brackets are tricky in PowerShell, so all operations
        # on this file will use the -LiteralPath parameter.
        $ctFilePath = "$expanddir\[Content_Types].xml"
        $ctFile = [contentTypesXMLFile]::New($ctFilePath)
        # Re-compress the expanded Office document directory
        # with the custom UI files included, to a .zip file
        # because the Compress-Archive cmdlet will only zip to
        # that kind of file. Note that the _contents_ of the
        # directory are zipped. Office document files are zip
        # files with files and directories directly under the
        # root.
        Compress-Archive "$expanddir\*" $officezipfilename -ErrorAction Stop
        # Rename it to the original name.
        Move-Item $officezipfilename $officefilename
        # Delete the expanded directory.
        Remove-Item $expanddir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
        Write-Host "Adding UI done."

    MVBuilder([string] $buildName, [string] $buildType, [string] $buildParentDir) {
        $this.Name = $buildName
        $this.Type = $buildType
        $this.OutPath = $buildParentDir

Class MVBuilderPPT : MVBuilder {
    static $BuildExtensions = @{
        "AddIn"    = "ppam";
        "Document" = "pptm"

    # Override for PowerPoint
    [string] OfficeApplication() {
        Return "PowerPoint"

    [string] FileExtension([string] $buildType) {
        Return [MVBuilderPPT]::BuildExtensions[$buildType]

    [void] MergeOfficeDocument([MVPackage[]]$Packages) {
        Write-Host "Merging PowerPoint $($this.Type)..."

        $ppa = $null
        $newPpt = $null
        # Create PowerPoint object
        Try {
            $ppa = New-Object -ComObject PowerPoint.Application
            $newPpt = $ppa.Presentations.Add($false)
        Catch {
            Throw "PowerPoint does not seem to be available."
        Try {
            # Try to get the VBA project object.
            # If VBA Object model access is not trusted, $vbp
            # will contain $null
            $vbp = $newPpt.VBProject
            If ($null -eq $vbp) {
                Throw "Access to VBA Object Model not trusted. Please check the Trust Access to the VBA Object model checkbox in the PowerPoint Trust Centre."
            $this.MergeVBAModules($Packages, $vbp)

            If ($this.Type -eq 'Document') {
                # 25 = ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentationMacroEnabled
                $newPpt.SaveAs($this.TargetPathNoExtension(), 25, $false)
            Else {
                # 30 = ppSaveAsOpenXMLAddin
                $newPpt.SaveAs($this.TargetPathNoExtension(), 30, $false)

            Write-Host "PowerPoint $($this.Type) done."
        Finally {
            $newPpt = $null
            $ppa = $null

    MVBuilderPPT([string] $buildName, [string] $buildType, [string] $buildParentDir) :base($buildName, $buildType, $buildParentDir) {


Class MVBuilderExcel : MVBuilder {
    static $BuildExtensions = @{
        "AddIn"    = "xlam";
        "Document" = "xlsm"

    # Override for Excel
    [string] OfficeApplication() {
        Return "Excel"

    [string] FileExtension([string] $buildType) {
        Return [MVBuilderExcel]::BuildExtensions[$buildType]

    [void] MergeOfficeDocument([MVPackage[]]$Packages) {
        Write-Host "Merging Excel $($this.Type)..."

        $xla = $null
        $newWkbk = $null
        # Create Excel object
        Try {
            $xla = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
            $newWkbk = $xla.Workbooks.Add()
        Catch {
            Throw "Excel does not seem to be available."
        Try {
            # Try to get the VBA project object.
            # If VBA Object model is not trusted, $vbp
            # will contain $null
            $vbp = $newWkbk.VBProject
            If ($null -eq $vbp) {
                Throw "Access to VBA Object Model not trusted. Please check the Trust Access to the VBA Object model checkbox in the Macro Settings section of the Excel Trust Centre."

            $this.MergeVBAModules($Packages, $vbp)
            If ($this.Type -eq 'Document') {
                # 52 = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
                $newWkbk.SaveAs($this.TargetPathNoExtension(), 52)
            Else {
                # 55 = xlOpenXMLAddIn
                $newWkbk.SaveAs($this.TargetPathNoExtension(), 55)

            Write-Host "Excel $($this.Type) done."
        Finally {
            $newWkbk = $null
            $xla = $null

    MVBuilderExcel([string] $buildName, [string] $buildType, [string] $buildParentDir) :base($buildName, $buildType, $buildParentDir) {


Class MVBuilderWord : MVBuilder {
    static $BuildExtensions = @{
        "AddIn"    = "";
        "Document" = "docm"

    # Override for Excel
    [string] OfficeApplication() {
        Return "Word"

    [string] FileExtension([string] $buildType) {
        Return [MVBuilderWord]::BuildExtensions[$buildType]

    [void] MergeOfficeDocument([MVPackage[]]$Packages) {
        Write-Host "Merging Word $($this.Type)..."

        $wda = $null
        $newDoc = $null
        # Create Word object
        Try {
            $wda = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
            $newDoc = $wda.Documents.Add()
        Catch {
            Throw "Word does not seem to be available."
        Try {
            # Try to get the VBA project object.
            # If VBA Object model is not trusted, $vbp
            # will contain $null
            $vbp = $newDoc.VBProject
            If ($null -eq $vbp) {
                Throw "Access to VBA Object Model not trusted. Please check the Trust Access to the VBA Object model checkbox in the Word Trust Centre."

            $this.MergeVBAModules($Packages, $vbp)
            If ($this.Type -eq 'Document') {
                # 13 = wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled
                $newDoc.SaveAs2($this.TargetPathNoExtension(), 13)
            Else {
                # 15 = wdFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled
                $newDoc.SaveAs2($this.TargetPathNoExtension(), 15)

            Write-Host "Word $($this.Type) done."
        Finally {
            $newDoc = $null
            $wda = $null

    MVBuilderWord([string] $buildName, [string] $buildType, [string] $buildParentDir) :base($buildName, $buildType, $buildParentDir) {


#region MVLibrary

Class MVLibrary {
    [string[]] static $SupportedApplications = "none", "powerpoint", "excel", "word"
    [string] $Name
    [string] $Application

    [void] static EnsureDirectory([string]$OutPath) {
        If ("" -eq $OutPath) {
            Throw "Empty Path."
        $outdirexists = (Test-Path -PathType Container $OutPath)
        If ($outdirexists -eq $false) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutPath -ErrorAction Stop

    [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] static CmdLetError($err) {
        If ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
            return $err

        return $PSCmdlet.WriteError( `
                [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::New( `
                    $err, `
                    "MOVBA.Error", `
                    [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::NotSpecified, `
                    $null `
            ) `
    [void] static ThrowDirectoryException() {
        Throw "This CmdLet can only be used in a project root directory."

    [MVLibrary] static GetProjectConfig() {       
        # Check if the packages subdirectory is present
        If (-not ( `
                (Test-Path "$pwd\packages" -PathType Container ) `
                (Test-Path "$pwd\library.json" -PathType Leaf)
            )) {

        $appconfig = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content -Raw "$pwd\library.json" -ErrorAction Ignore)
        If ($null -eq $appconfig) {

        $lib = [MVLibrary]::New($appconfig.Name, $appconfig.Application)

        Return $lib

    [void] static TestCurrentDirectory() {
        If ($null -eq [MVLibrary]::GetProjectConfig()) {

    [bool] static TestOfficeApplication([string] $Application) {
        If (-not ( `
                    [MVLibrary]::SupportedApplications.Contains( `
                        $Application.ToLowerInvariant() `
                ) `
            ) `
        ) {
            Throw "Application $Application not currently supported."

        Return $true

    [MVBuilder] static GetBuilder([string] $Name, [string] $Type, [string] $Application) {
        $result = $null
        Switch ($Application) {
            "none" { 
                $result = [MVBuilder]::New($Name, $Type, "$pwd\out")
            "powerpoint" { 
                $result = [MVBuilderPPT]::New($Name, $Type, "$pwd\out")
            "excel" {
                $result = [MVBuilderExcel]::New($Name, $Type, "$pwd\out")
            "word" {
                $result = [MVBuilderWord]::New($Name, $Type, "$pwd\out")
            Default { 
                Throw "Application $Application not currently supported."
        Return $result

    [MVLibrary] static Create([string] $Name, [string] $Application) {

        $projectDir = (Join-Path $pwd $Name) 
        If (Test-Path $projectDir) {
            Throw "Directory '$Name' already exists."

        New-Item $projectDir -ItemType Directory

        Push-Location $projectDir

        $result = [MVLibrary]::Init($Name, $Application)


        return $result

    [MVLibrary] static Init([string] $Name, [string] $Application) {

        If (Test-Path "$pwd\library.json" -PathType Leaf) {
            throw "This directory is already a library."

        $appconfig = [PSCustomObject] @{"Name" = $Name; "Application" = $Application }
        $appconfigJSON = ConvertTo-Json $appconfig
        Set-Content -Value $appconfigJSON -Path "$pwd\library.json" -ErrorAction Stop

        # Create packages subdirectory
        If (-not (Test-Path "$pwd\packages" -PathType Container)) {
            New-Item "$pwd\packages" -ItemType Directory

        # Create out subdirectory
        If (-not (Test-Path "$pwd\out" -PathType Container)) {
            New-Item "$pwd\out" -ItemType Directory

        If (-not (Test-Path "$pwd\.gitignore" -PathType Leaf)) {
            Set-Content "$pwd\.gitignore" (@(
                    "# Office temporary files"
                    "# output directories"
                ) -join "`n") 
        } else {
            Add-Content "$pwd\.gitignore" (@(
                "# Office temporary files"
                "# output directories"
            ) -join "`n")

        $result = [MVLibrary]::New($appconfig.Name, $appconfig.Application)

        Write-Host "$($appconfig.Application) project initialised."

        return $result

    [void] static Build([string] $Name, [string] $Type, [MVPackage[]]$Packages) {
        $appconfig = [MVLibrary]::GetProjectConfig()
        If ($null -eq $appconfig) {


        $builder = [MVLibrary]::GetBuilder($Name, $Type, $appconfig.Application)


    [MVPackage[]] static GetPackages([string[]] $PackageNames) {

        $packageDirQuery = Get-ChildItem -Path "$pwd\packages" -Directory
        If ($PackageNames.Count -gt 0) {
            $pnfc = $PackageNames | ForEach-Object { $_.ToLowerInvariant() }
            $packageDirQuery = $packageDirQuery | Where-Object { $pnfc.Contains($_.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) }

        $packageDirQuery = $packageDirQuery | ForEach-Object { [MVPackage]::New($_.Name, $_.FullName) }

        Return $packageDirQuery

    [MVPackage[]] static GetAllPackages() {
        Return [MVLibrary]::GetPackages(@())

    [MVPackage] static GetPackage([string] $PackageName) {

        $packageDirQuery = Get-ChildItem -Path "$pwd\packages" -Directory | `
            Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PackageName }

        $result = $packageDirQuery | ForEach-Object { [MVPackage]::New($_.Name, $_.FullName) }

        Return $result

    [MVPackage] static NewPackage([string]$PackageName, [bool]$HasCustomUI) {

        $oldpackage = [MVLibrary]::GetPackage($PackageName)
        If ($null -ne $oldpackage) {
            Throw "Package $PackageName already exists."

        # TODO: Consider switching to PS 6 minimum
        $newPackagePath = Join-Path (Join-Path "$pwd" "packages") "$PackageName"
        $newPackage = [MVPackage]::New($PackageName, $newPackagePath)
        If ($HasCustomUI) {

        Return $newPackage

    [void] static RemovePackage([string]$PackageName) {

        $oldpackage = [MVLibrary]::GetPackage($PackageName)
        If ($null -eq $oldPackage) {
            Throw "Package $PackageName does not exist."

    MVLibrary([string] $libName, [string] $libApplication) {
        $this.Name = $libName
        $this.Application = $libApplication
