
function Get-MVPackage {
    List the packages in the current library.
    The Get-MVPackage cmdlet lists the packages in the current
    library. It only works if invoked from a library root directory.
    Without parameters, it lists all packages. Otherwise, it lists
    packages matching the names provided. Matching is case-insensitive.
    Invalid package names passed in this parameter are ignored.
    This lists all packages.
    Get-MVPackage MyAwesomePackage
    This lists a package called MyAwesomePackage, if it is available in
    the current library.

    Param (
        # Specifies names of packages that this cmdlet lists.
        # Wildcard patterns are not allowed. Names are
        # case-insensitive.
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true

    try {

        If ($Name.Count -eq 1) {
            return [MVLibrary]::GetPackage($Name[0])

        return [MVLibrary]::GetPackages($Name)
    catch {

function  New-MVPackage {
    Create a new package in the current library.
    The New-MVPackage cmdlet creates a new package in the current
    library. It only works if invoked from a library root directory.
    It checks if a package with the supplied name already exists. If
    not, it creates a directory with that name under the packages
    directory of the library. If the -HasCustomUI parameter is
    provided, it creates a directory called CustomUI under the
    package directory, and creates an Office Open XML custom ui
    manifest file in it called customUI.xml.
    New-MVPackage NewPackage1
    This creates a new package without a custom ui subdirectory.
    New-MVPackage NewPackage1 -HasCustomUI
    This creates a new package with a custom ui subdirectory.

    param (
        # Specifies the name of the new package.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        # Causes the CustomUI directory and file
        # to be created.
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
    try {

        if ("" -eq $Name) {
            Write-Error "Package name must be specifed." -ErrorAction Stop

        $newPackage = [MVLibrary]::NewPackage($Name, $HasCustomUI)

        return $newPackage
    catch {

function Remove-MVPackage {
    Remove a package from the current library.
    The Remove-MVPackage cmdlet removes a package from the current
    library. It only works if invoked from a library root directory.
    Remove-MVPackage OldPackage1
    This removes a package called OldPackage1.

    param (
        # This specifies the name of the package to remove. The name
        # is case-insensitive.
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        $PackageName = ""

    try {

        if ("" -eq $PackageName) {
            Write-Error "Package name must be specifed." -ErrorAction Stop

        [void] [MVLibrary]::RemovePackage($PackageName)
    catch {

function Get-MVLibrary {
    Get details of the current library.
    The Get-MVLibrary cmdlet gets the properties of the current library.
    It only works if invoked from a library root directory.
    This shows details of the current library.


    try {
    catch {

function New-MVLibrary {
    Create a new VBA macro library.
    The New-MVLibrary cmdlet creates a new Microsoft Office
    VBA macro library, which will contain VBA macros created
    for a specific Microsoft Office application. Macros have
    to be grouped into packages. Currently, a library can
    contain macros for any one of: Microsoft Word, Excel and
    The cmdlet creates the library directory, with two
    subdirectories called packages and out. It also creates
    a file called library.json, and a .gitignore file that
    ignores Microsoft Office temporary files and the out
    New-MVLibrary AwesomeLibrary
    This creates a Library directory named AwesomeLibrary
    under the current directory.

    param (
        # This specifies the name of the new library.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        # This specifies the Microsoft Office application that
        # hosts the VBA macros in this library. Currently
        # supported values are Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
        # Case insensitive.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
    try {
        [MVLibrary]::Create($Name, $Application)
    catch {

function Initialize-MVLibrary {
        Initialize a VBA macro library in the current directory.
        The Initialize-MVLibrary cmdlet sets up a new Microsoft
        Office VBA macro library, which will contain VBA macros
        created for a specific Microsoft Office application, in
        the current directory. Currently, a library can contain
        macros for any one of: Microsoft Word, Excel and
        The cmdlet creates two subdirectories called packages
        and out, if they are not already present. It also creates
        a file called library.json, and a .gitignore file that
        ignores Microsoft Office temporary files and the out
        subdirectory. If a .gitignore file is already present,
        it is appended to.
        New-MVLibrary AwesomeLibrary
        This creates a Library directory named AwesomeLibrary
        under the current directory.

    param (
        # This specifies the name of the new library.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        # This specifies the Microsoft Office application that
        # hosts the VBA macros in this library. Currently
        # supported values are Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
        # Case insensitive.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
    try {
        [MVLibrary]::Init($Name, $Application)
    catch {

function Build-MVLibrary {
    Build a Microsoft Office document or add-in from the current library.
    The Build-MVLibrary cmdlet builds a Microsoft Office document or
    add-in from the current library. It only works if invoked from a
    library root directory.
    The actual file built will depend on the Application property
    of the library. In any case, the file will contain the combined
    macros and custom UI elements from the selected packages.
    By default, macros and custom UI elements of all packages in the
    library are selected. The -PackageNames parameter allows one or
    more packages to be selected specifically if all are not needed.
    Invalid package names passed in this parameter are ignored.
    The final file will be placed in the out subdirectory of the
    Build-MVLibrary AllMacros AddIn
    This builds an application-specific add-in file that contains
    all packages in the library.
    Build-MVLibrary AllMacros Document Lucky1,Lucky2
    This builds an application-specific document file that contains
    the packages Lucky1 and Lucky2.

    param (
        # This specifies the name of the document or add-in
        # file that will be built from packages in this
        # library. It should be a file name without an
        # extension.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        # This specifies the kind of output file to build.
        # Valid choices are AddIn or Document.
        [ValidateSet('AddIn', 'Document')]
        $BuildType = 'AddIn',
        # This specifies the packages that will be built
        # into the output file. Not specifying this will
        # cause all the packages to be built it. Package
        # names are case-insensitive.
            Mandatory = $false, 
            Position = 2,
            ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true
    try {

        $buildPackages = [MVLibrary]::GetPackages($PackageNames)

        if ($buildPackages.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Error "No valid packages selected for build." -ErrorAction Stop

        [MVLibrary]::Build($OutFileName, $BuildType, $buildPackages)
    catch {