
function Disconnect-MIAServer {
        Disconnect from a MOVEit Automation server.

    param (
        # Context
        [string]$Context = $script:DEFAULT_CONTEXT

    try {
        # Confirm the token, refreshing if necessary
        Confirm-MIAToken -Context $Context

        # Get the context
        $ctx = $script:Context[$Context]

        # Set the Uri for this request
        $uri = "$($ctx.BaseUri)/token/revoke"
        # Set the request headers
        $headers = @{
            Accept = "application/json"

        # Build the request body
        $body = @{
            token = $ctx.Token.AccessToken

        # Setup the params to splat to IRM
        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = $uri
            Method      = 'Post'
            Headers     = $headers
            ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
            Body        =  $body

        # Add SkipCertificateCheck parameter if set
        if ($ctx.SkipCertificateCheck) {
            $irmParams['SkipCertificateCheck'] = $true

        # Send the request and output the response
        Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams | Out-Null
        Write-Output "[$Context]: Disconnected from MOVEit Automation server"
    catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException], [System.Net.WebException] {
        # Format ErrorDetails which contains the JSON response from the REST API
        $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((Format-RestErrorDetails $PSItem))
    catch {
    finally {        
        # Clear the saved Token
        $ctx.Token = @()

        # Clear the saved Base Uri
        $ctx.BaseUri = ''

        # Update the script variable with the updated context
        $script:Context[$Context] = $ctx