
function Stop-MIATask {
        Stop a MOVEit Automation Task

    param (



        # Context
        [string]$Context = $script:DEFAULT_CONTEXT
    # Place in a process block so if nothing is passed in, like via pipeline, the function doesn't try
    # to execute using missing data.
    process {
        try {
            # Setup the params to splat to IRM
            $irmParams = @{
                Resource = "tasks/$TaskId/stop"
                Method = 'Post'
                ContentType = 'application/json'
                Body = ( @{nominalStart="$NominalStart"} | ConvertTo-Json )

            if ($Force) {
                # Use the v0 kill endpoint instead
                $irmParams.Resource = $irmParams.Resource -replace 'stop', 'kill'
                $irmParams['ApiVersion'] = 'v0'

            # Send the request and write out the response
            Invoke-MIARequest @irmParams -Context $Context
        catch {