
function Invoke-MITGetAll {
        Function cmdlets call when the -All parameter is used
        so the logic to loop through all items is only implemented
        Invoke-MITGetAll -Scriptblock ${function:Get-MITUser} -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
    param (

        [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, object]]

        $WarningNumItems = 5000

    # These are the original bound parameters the function (ie. Get-MITUser)
    # was called with. Need to remove the -All parameter and then pass the rest
    # to the $ScriptBlock
    $BoundParameters.Remove('All') | Out-Null
    # We'll use the paging to iterate through all of the items, 200
    # at a time.
    $pagingParams = @{
        Page = 1
        PerPage = 200
        IncludePaging = $true

    do {
        # Call the ScriptBlock and splat the original boundparameters and the paging parameters
        $paging, $items = & $ScriptBlock @BoundParameters @pagingParams
        # Write a warning if there are a lot of items
        if ($pagingParams.Page -eq 1 -and $paging.totalItems -gt $WarningNumItems) {
            Write-Warning "-All specified and total items of $($paging.totalItems) exceeds warning level of $WarningNumItems"

        # Write the items to the pipeline
    } while ($pagingParams.Page++ -lt $paging.totalPages)