
function Get-MSCatalogUpdate {
        Query for available updates.


        .PARAMETER Search
        Specify a string to search for.

        .PARAMETER AllPages
        By default this command returns the first page of results from, which is
        the latest 25 updates matching the search term. If you specify this switch the command will instead
        return all pages of results. This can result in a significant increase in the number of HTTP requests
        to the endpoint.

        .PARAMETER Architecture
        Specify the architecture to search for e.g. "64-Bit" or "32-Bit".

        Get-MSCatalogUpdate -Search "Office 2013"

        Get-MSCatalogUpdate -Search "Office 2013" -AllPages

        Get-MSCatalogUpdate -Search "Office 2013" -Architecture "64-Bit"

    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0
        [String] $Search,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 1
        [Switch] $AllPages,

            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 2
        [ValidateSet("64-Bit", "32-Bit")]
        [String] $Architecture,

        [String] $Method = "Get",

        [String] $EventArgument,

        [String] $EventTarget,

        [String] $EventValidation,

        [String] $ViewState,

        [String] $ViewStateGenerator

    if ($Method -eq "Post") {
        $ReqBody = @{
            "__EVENTARGUMENT" = $EventArgument
            "__EVENTTARGET" = $EventTarget
            "__EVENTVALIDATION" = $EventValidation
            "__VIEWSTATE" = $ViewState
            "__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR" = $ViewStateGenerator
    $UriSearch = [Uri]::EscapeUriString($Search)
    $Params = @{
        Uri = "$UriSearch"
        Method = $Method
        Body = $ReqBody
        ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        UseBasicParsing = $true
    $Results = Invoke-WebRequest @Params

    $HtmlDoc = [HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument]::new()
    $NextPage = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("ctl00_catalogBody_nextPage")
    $EventArgument = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__EVENTARGUMENT")[0].Attributes["value"].Value
    $EventValidation = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__EVENTVALIDATION")[0].Attributes["value"].Value
    $ViewState = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__VIEWSTATE")[0].Attributes["value"].Value
    $ViewStateGenerator = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR")[0].Attributes["value"].Value
    $Table = $HtmlDoc.GetElementbyId("ctl00_catalogBody_updateMatches")
    $Rows = $Table.SelectNodes("tr")

    foreach ($Row in $Rows[1..($Rows.Count - 1)]) {
        $Cells = $Row.SelectNodes("td")
        if ($Architecture) {
            if ($Cells[1].innerText.Trim() -match $Architecture) {
                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    PSTypeName = "MSCatalogUpdate"
                    Title = $Cells[1].innerText.Trim()
                    Products = $Cells[2].innerText.Trim()
                    Classification = $Cells[3].innerText.Trim()
                    LastUpdated = ([DateTime] $Cells[4].innerText.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                    Version = $Cells[5].innerText.Trim()
                    Size = $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[0].InnerText
                    SizeInBytes = [Int] $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[1].InnerText 
                    Guid = $Cells[7].SelectNodes("input")[0].Id
        } else {
            [PSCustomObject] @{
                PSTypeName = "MSCatalogUpdate"
                Title = $Cells[1].innerText.Trim()
                Products = $Cells[2].innerText.Trim()
                Classification = $Cells[3].innerText.Trim()
                LastUpdated = ([DateTime] $Cells[4].innerText.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                Version = $Cells[5].innerText.Trim()
                Size = $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[0].InnerText
                SizeInBytes = [Int] $Cells[6].SelectNodes("span")[1].InnerText 
                Guid = $Cells[7].SelectNodes("input")[0].Id

    # If $NextPage is $null then there are more pages to collect.
    if (!$NextPage) {
        $NextParams = @{
            Search = $Search
            EventArgument = $EventArgument
            EventTarget = 'ctl00$catalogBody$nextPageLinkText'
            EventValidation = $EventValidation
            ViewState = $ViewState
            ViewStateGenerator = $ViewStateGenerator
            Method = "Post"
        if ($Architecture) {
            $NextParams.Architecture = $Architecture
        if ($AllPages) {
            $NextParams.AllPages = $true
            Get-MSCatalogUpdate @NextParams