
#Requires -Version 4
#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName = 'AzureAD'; ModuleVersion= '2.0' }
#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName = 'MSOnline'; ModuleVersion = '1.1' }

    MSCloudIdAssessment.psm1 is a Windows PowerShell module to gather configuration information across different components of the identity infrastrucutre
    Version: 1.0.0
    MSCloudIdUtils.psm1 is a Windows PowerShell module with some Azure AD helper functions for common administrative tasks
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

$global:authHeader = $null
$global:msgraphToken = $null
$global:tokenRequestedTime = [DateTime]::MinValue

function Get-MSCloudIdAccessToken {
    param (
    $msalToken = $null
    if ($Interactive)
        $msalToken = get-msaltoken -ClientId $ClientID -TenantId $TenantId -RedirectUri $RedirectUri -Scopes $Scopes -Resource          
        try {
            $msalToken = get-msaltoken -ClientId $ClientID -TenantId $TenantId -RedirectUri $RedirectUri -Scopes $Scopes -Silent  
        catch [Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalUiRequiredException] 
            $MsalToken = get-msaltoken -ClientId $ClientID -TenantId $TenantId -RedirectUri $RedirectUri -Scopes $Scopes               

    Write-Output $MsalToken

function Connect-MSGraphAPI {
    param (
        $ClientID = "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894",
        $RedirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
        $Scopes = "",
    $token = Get-MSCloudIdAccessToken -TenantId $TenantId -ClientID $ClientID -RedirectUri $RedirectUri -Scopes $Scopes -Interactive:$Interactive
    $Header = @{ }
    $Header.Authorization = "Bearer {0}" -f $token.AccessToken
    $Header.'Content-type' = "application/json"
    $global:msgraphToken = $token
    $global:authHeader = $Header

  Starts the sessions to AzureAD and MSOnline Powershell Modules
  This function prompts for authentication against azure AD

function Start-MSCloudIdSession        
    $msGraphToken = $global:msgraphToken

    $aadTokenPsh = Get-MSCloudIdAccessToken -ClientID 1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894 -Scopes ""  -RedirectUri "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" 

    Connect-AzureAD -AadAccessToken $aadTokenPsh.AccessToken  -MsAccessToken $msGraphToken.AccessToken -AccountId $msGraphToken.Account.UserName -TenantId $msGraphToken.TenantID  | Out-Null
    Connect-MsolService -AdGraphAccesstoken $aadTokenPsh.AccessToken -MsGraphAccessToken $msGraphToken.AccessToken | Out-Null

    $global:tokenRequestedTime = [DateTime](Get-Date)

    Write-Output "Session Started!"

  Gets Azure AD Application Proxy Connector Logs
  This functions returns the events from the Azure AD Application Proxy Connector Admin Log
 .Parameter DaysToRetrieve
  Indicates how far back in the past will the events be retrieved
 $targetGalleryApp = "GalleryAppName"
 $targetGroup = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString "TestGroupName"
 $targetAzureADRole = "TestRoleName"
 $targetADFSRPId = "ADFSRPIdentifier"
  $RP=Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Identifier $targetADFSRPId
  $galleryApp = Get-AzureADApplicationTemplate -DisplayNameFilter $targetGalleryApp
  $RP=Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Identifier $targetADFSRPId
  New-AzureADAppFromADFSRPTrust `
    -AzureADAppTemplateId $ `
    -ADFSRelyingPartyTrust $RP `
    -TestGroupAssignmentObjectId $targetGroup.ObjectId `
    -TestGroupAssignmentRoleName $targetAzureADRole

function Get-MSCloudIdAppProxyConnectorLog
    $TimeFilter = $DaysToRetrieve * 86400000
    $EventFilterXml = '<QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="Microsoft-AadApplicationProxy-Connector/Admin"><Select Path="Microsoft-AadApplicationProxy-Connector/Admin">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= {0}]]]</Select></Query></QueryList>' -f $TimeFilter
    Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $EventFilterXml

  Gets the Azure AD Password Writeback Agent Log
  This functions returns the events from the Azure AD Password Write Bag source from the application Log
 .Parameter DaysToRetrieve
  Indicates how far back in the past will the events be retrieved
  Get the last seven days of logs and saves them on a CSV file
  Get-MSCloudIdPasswordWritebackAgentLog -DaysToRetrieve 7 | Export-Csv -Path ".\AzureADAppProxyLogs-$env:ComputerName.csv"

function Get-MSCloudIdPasswordWritebackAgentLog
    $TimeFilter = $DaysToRetrieve * 86400000
    $EventFilterXml = "<QueryList><Query Id='0' Path='Application'><Select Path='Application'>*[System[Provider[@Name='PasswordResetService'] and TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= {0}]]]</Select></Query></QueryList>" -f $TimeFilter
    Get-WinEvent -FilterXml $EventFilterXml

  Gets various email addresses that Azure AD sends notifications to
  This functions returns a list with the email notification scope and type, the recipient name and an email address
  Get-MSCloudIdNotificationEmailAddresses | Export-Csv -Path ".\NotificationsEmailAddresses.csv"

function Get-MSCloudIdNotificationEmailAddresses

    $technicalNotificationEmail = Get-MSOLCompanyInformation | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TechnicalNotificationEmails
    $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
        RecipientName = "N/A" ;
        RoleMemberObjectType = "email address"; 
        RoleMemberAlternateEmail = "N/A";
        NotificationType  = "Technical Notification"; 
        NotificationEmailScope = "Tenant";
        EmailAddress = $technicalNotificationEmail; 
        RoleMemberUPN = "N/A"

    Write-Output $result

    #Get email addresses of all users with privileged roles

    $roles = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole

    foreach ($role in $roles)
        $roleMembers = Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId
        foreach ($roleMember in $roleMembers)
            $alternateEmail = $roleMember.OtherMails -join ";"

            $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                RecipientName = $roleMember.DisplayName ;
                RoleMemberObjectType = $roleMember.ObjectType; 
                RoleMemberAlternateEmail = $alternateEmail;
                NotificationType  = $role.DisplayName; 
                NotificationEmailScope =  "Role";
                EmailAddress = $roleMember.Mail; 
                RoleMemberUPN = $roleMember.UserPrincipalName
            Write-Output $result

  Gets a report of all assignments to all applications
  This functions returns a list indicating the applications and their user/groups assignments
  Get-MSCloudIdAppAssignmentReport | Export-Csv -Path ".\AppAssignments.csv"

function Get-MSCloudIdAppAssignmentReport
    #Get all app assignemnts using "all users" group
    #Get all app assignments to users directly

    $servicePrincipals = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true
    $servicePrincipals | ForEach-Object { Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignedTo -ObjectId $_.ObjectId -All $true }
    $servicePrincipals | ForEach-Object { Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $_.ObjectId -All $true }

  Provides a report to show all the keys expiration date accross application and service principals
  Provides a report to show all the keys expiration date accross application and service principals

Function Get-MSCloudIdApplicationKeyExpirationReport
    $apps = Get-AzureADApplication -All $true

    foreach($app in $apps)
        $appObjectId = $app.ObjectId
        $appName = $app.DisplayName

        $appKeys = Get-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential -ObjectId $appObjectId

        foreach($appKey in $appKeys)
            $result = New-Object PSObject
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Display Name" -Value $appName
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Object Type" -Value "Application"
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "KeyType" -Value $appKey.Type
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Start Date" -Value $appKey.StartDate
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "End Date" -Value $appKey.EndDate
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Usage" -Value $appKey.Usage
            Write-Output $result

        $appKeys = Get-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $appObjectId
        foreach($appKey in $app.PasswordCredentials)
            $result = New-Object PSObject
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Display Name" -Value $appName
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Object Type" -Value "Application"
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "KeyType" -Value "Password"
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Start Date" -Value $appKey.StartDate
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "End Date" -Value $appKey.EndDate
            Write-Output $result

    $servicePrincipals = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true

    foreach($sp in $servicePrincipals)
        $spName = $sp.DisplayName
        $spObjectId = $sp.ObjectId

        $spKeys = Get-AzureADServicePrincipalKeyCredential -ObjectId $spObjectId        

        foreach($spKey in $spKeys)
            $result = New-Object PSObject
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Display Name" -Value $spName
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Object Type" -Value "Service Principal"
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "KeyType" -Value $spKey.Type
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Start Date" -Value $spKey.StartDate
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "End Date" -Value $spKey.EndDate
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Usage" -Value $spKey.Usage
            Write-Output $result
        $spKeys = Get-AzureADServicePrincipalPasswordCredential -ObjectId $spObjectId    

        foreach($spKey in $spKeys)
            $result = New-Object PSObject
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Display Name" -Value $spName
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Object Type" -Value "Service Principal"
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "KeyType" -Value "Password"
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Start Date" -Value $spKey.StartDate
            $result  | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "End Date" -Value $spKey.EndDate
            Write-Output $result

  Gets a report of all members of roles
  This functions returns a list of consent grants in the directory
  Get-MSCloudIdConsentGrantList | Export-Csv -Path ".\ConsentGrantList.csv"

    Lists delegated permissions (OAuth2PermissionGrants) and application permissions (AppRoleAssignments).
.PARAMETER PrecacheSize
    The number of users to pre-load into a cache. For tenants with over a thousand users,
    increasing this may improve performance of the script.
    PS C:\> .\Get-AzureADPSPermissions.ps1 | Export-Csv -Path "permissions.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    Generates a CSV report of all permissions granted to all apps.
    PS C:\> .\Get-AzureADPSPermissions.ps1 -ApplicationPermissions -ShowProgress | Where-Object { $_.Permission -eq "Directory.Read.All" }
    Get all apps which have application permissions for Directory.Read.All.

Function Get-MSCloudIdConsentGrantList
        [int] $PrecacheSize = 999
    # An in-memory cache of objects by {object ID} andy by {object class, object ID}
    $script:ObjectByObjectId = @{}
    $script:ObjectByObjectClassId = @{}

    # Function to add an object to the cache
    function CacheObject($Object) {
        if ($Object) {
            if (-not $script:ObjectByObjectClassId.ContainsKey($Object.ObjectType)) {
                $script:ObjectByObjectClassId[$Object.ObjectType] = @{}
            $script:ObjectByObjectClassId[$Object.ObjectType][$Object.ObjectId] = $Object
            $script:ObjectByObjectId[$Object.ObjectId] = $Object

    # Function to retrieve an object from the cache (if it's there), or from Azure AD (if not).
    function GetObjectByObjectId($ObjectId) {
        if (-not $script:ObjectByObjectId.ContainsKey($ObjectId)) {
            Write-Verbose ("Querying Azure AD for object '{0}'" -f $ObjectId)
            try {
                $object = Get-AzureADObjectByObjectId -ObjectId $ObjectId
                CacheObject -Object $object
            } catch { 
                Write-Verbose "Object not found."
        return $script:ObjectByObjectId[$ObjectId]
    # Get all ServicePrincipal objects and add to the cache
    Write-Verbose "Retrieving ServicePrincipal objects..."
    $servicePrincipals = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true 

    #there is a limitation on how Azure AD Graph retrieves the list of OAuth2PermissionGrants
    #we have to traverse all service principals and gather them separately.
    # Originally, we could have done this
    # $Oauth2PermGrants = Get-AzureADOAuth2PermissionGrant -All $true
    $Oauth2PermGrants = @()

    foreach ($sp in $servicePrincipals)
        CacheObject -Object $sp
        $spPermGrants = Get-AzureADServicePrincipalOAuth2PermissionGrant -ObjectId $sp.ObjectId -All $true
        $Oauth2PermGrants += $spPermGrants

    # Get one page of User objects and add to the cache
    Write-Verbose "Retrieving User objects..."
    Get-AzureADUser -Top $PrecacheSize | ForEach-Object { CacheObject -Object $_ }

    # Get all existing OAuth2 permission grants, get the client, resource and scope details
    foreach ($grant in $Oauth2PermGrants)
        if ($grant.Scope) 
            $grant.Scope.Split(" ") | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object {               
                $scope = $_
                $client = GetObjectByObjectId -ObjectId $grant.ClientId
                $resource = GetObjectByObjectId -ObjectId $grant.ResourceId
                $principalDisplayName = ""
                if ($grant.PrincipalId) {
                    $principal = GetObjectByObjectId -ObjectId $grant.PrincipalId
                    $principalDisplayName = $principal.DisplayName

                New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                    "PermissionType" = "Delegated"
                    "ClientObjectId" = $grant.ClientId
                    "ClientDisplayName" = $client.DisplayName
                    "ResourceObjectId" = $grant.ResourceId
                    "ResourceDisplayName" = $resource.DisplayName
                    "Permission" = $scope

                    "ConsentType" = $grant.ConsentType
                    "PrincipalObjectId" = $grant.PrincipalId
                    "PrincipalDisplayName" = $principalDisplayName
    # Iterate over all ServicePrincipal objects and get app permissions
    Write-Verbose "Retrieving AppRoleAssignments..."
    $script:ObjectByObjectClassId['ServicePrincipal'].GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        $sp = $_.Value

        Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignedTo -ObjectId $sp.ObjectId  -All $true `
        | Where-Object { $_.PrincipalType -eq "ServicePrincipal" } | ForEach-Object {
            $assignment = $_
            $client = GetObjectByObjectId -ObjectId $assignment.PrincipalId
            $resource = GetObjectByObjectId -ObjectId $assignment.ResourceId            
            $appRole = $resource.AppRoles | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $assignment.Id }

            New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                "PermissionType" = "Application"
                "ClientObjectId" = $assignment.PrincipalId
                "ClientDisplayName" = $client.DisplayName
                "ResourceObjectId" = $assignment.ResourceId
                "ResourceDisplayName" = $resource.DisplayName
                "Permission" = $appRole.Value

  Gets the list of all enabled endpoints in ADFS
  Gets the list of all enabled endpoints in ADFS
  Get-MSCloudIdADFSEndpoints | Export-Csv -Path ".\ADFSEnabledEndpoints.csv"

function Get-MSCloudIdADFSEndpoints
    Get-AdfsEndpoint | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq "True"} 

Function Remove-InvalidFileNameChars 

  $invalidChars = [IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join ''
  $re = "[{0}]" -f [RegEx]::Escape($invalidChars)
  return ($Name -replace $re)

  Exports the configuration of Relying Party Trusts and Claims Provider Trusts
  Creates and zips a set of files that hold the configuration of ADFS claim providers and relying parties

Function Export-MSCloudIdADFSConfiguration
    $filePathBase = "C:\ADFS\apps\"
    $zipfileBase = "c:\ADFS\zip\"
    $zipfileName = $zipfileBase + ""
    mkdir $filePathBase -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    mkdir $zipfileBase -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $AdfsRelyingPartyTrusts = Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust
    foreach ($AdfsRelyingPartyTrust in $AdfsRelyingPartyTrusts)
        $RPfileName = $AdfsRelyingPartyTrust.Name.ToString()
        $CleanedRPFileName = Remove-InvalidFileNameChars -Name $RPfileName
        $RPName = "RPT - " + $CleanedRPFileName
        $filePath = $filePathBase + $RPName + '.xml'
        $AdfsRelyingPartyTrust | Export-Clixml $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $AdfsClaimsProviderTrusts = Get-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust
    foreach ($AdfsClaimsProviderTrust in $AdfsClaimsProviderTrusts)
        $CPfileName = $AdfsClaimsProviderTrust.Name.ToString()
        $CleanedCPFileName = Remove-InvalidFileNameChars -Name $CPfileName
        $CPTName = "CPT - " + $CleanedCPFileName
        $filePath = $filePathBase + $CPTName + '.xml'
        $AdfsClaimsProviderTrust | Export-Clixml $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    If (Test-Path $zipfileName)
        Remove-Item $zipfileName

    Add-Type -assembly ""
    [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($filePathBase, $zipfileName)
    invoke-item $zipfileBase

function Get-MSCloudIdGroupBasedLicensingReport {

    #Source :

    $groupsWithLicensingErrors = Get-MsolGroup -HasLicenseErrorsOnly $true

    $groupWithLicenses = Get-MsolGroup -All | Where-Object {$_.Licenses}  
    foreach($groupWithLicense in $groupWithLicenses) 
        $groupId = $groupWithLicense.ObjectId;
        $groupName = $groupWithLicense.DisplayName;
        $groupLicenses = $groupWithLicense.Licenses | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SkuPartNumber


        $licensingError = $groupsWithLicensingErrors | where {$_.ObjectId -eq $groupId} 

        $licensingErrorFlag = @($licensingError).Count -gt 0

        #aggregate results for this group
        foreach ($groupLicense in $groupLicenses)
            New-Object Object |
                            Add-Member -NotePropertyName GroupName -NotePropertyValue $groupName -PassThru |
                            Add-Member -NotePropertyName GroupId -NotePropertyValue $groupId -PassThru |
                            Add-Member -NotePropertyName GroupLicense -NotePropertyValue $groupLicense -PassThru |
                            Add-Member -NotePropertyName LicensingErrors -NotePropertyValue $licensingErrorFlag -PassThru

  Produces the Azure AD Connect Config Documenter report
  This cmdlet downloads and executes the Azure AD Config Documenter tool against supplied input files, and returns the
  full path of the HTML report to the powershell pipeline.
  This cmdlet also will create subdirectories and files under the root output directory supplied as a parameter.
  .PARAMETER AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath
    Full path of the ZIP file that from the Azure AD Connect environment in production
  .PARAMETER AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath
    Full path of the ZIP file that from the Azure AD Connect environment in staging
  .PARAMETER OutputRootPath
    Full path of an output directory where the tool will be downloaded, and ZIP files will be expanded.
    This cmdlet will NOT clean up the files there.
   .PARAMETER CustomerName
    String lable that identifies the customer. This is used to create folder names and report filenames.
    .\Expand-MsCloudIdAADConnectConfig -AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath "c:\temp\contoso\" `
                                        -AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath "c:\temp\contoso\" `
                                        -OutputRootPath "c:\temp\contoso"`
                                        -CustomerName "contoso"
    This command will return a string with full path of the report "C:\Temp\Contoso\Report\Contoso_Production_AppliedTo_Contoso_Staging_AADConnectSync_report.html"
    .\Expand-MsCloudIdAADConnectConfig -AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath "c:\temp\contoso\" `
                                        -OutputRootPath "c:\temp\contoso" `
                                        -CustomerName "contoso"
    This command will return a string with full path of the report "C:\Temp\Contoso\Report\Contoso_Production_AppliedTo_Contoso_Production_AADConnectSync_report.html"

Function Expand-MsCloudIdAADConnectConfig
    #Step 1: Create SubFolder
    $WorkingPath = mkdir -Path $OutputRootPath -Name $CustomerName

    #Step 2: Download the AAD Config Documenter
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $ConfigToolPath = Join-Path $WorkingPath.FullName  ""

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile $ConfigToolPath

    Expand-Archive -Path $ConfigToolPath -DestinationPath $WorkingPath.FullName

    #Step 3: Expand input files
    $ConfigToolDataPath = Join-Path $WorkingPath.FullName "Data"

    $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath = (mkdir -Path $ConfigToolDataPath -Name "$CustomerName").FullName
    Expand-Archive -Path $AADConnectProdConfigZipFilePath -DestinationPath $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath
    Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath  "AzureADConnectSyncConfig") -NewName "Production"

    #Craft the names of the relative paths that will be called by the tool. Setting both to prod to start, and then
    #override the second argument if staging is provided
    $ToolArgument1 = Join-Path $CustomerName "Production"
    $ToolArgument2 = $ToolArgument1

    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath))
        Expand-Archive -Path $AADConnectProdStagingZipFilePath -DestinationPath $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath
        Rename-Item -Path (Join-Path $ConfigtoolCustomerDataPath  "AzureADConnectSyncConfig") -NewName "Staging"
        $ToolArgument2 = Join-Path $CustomerName "Staging"

    Set-Location $WorkingPath

    Invoke-Expression ('.\AzureADConnectSyncDocumenterCmd.exe "{1}" "{0}"' -f $ToolArgument1,$ToolArgument2)

    $report = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $WorkingPath "Report") | Select-Object -First 1)

    Write-Output $report.FullName

Function Get-MSCloudIdAssessmentSingleReport
    $OriginalThreadUICulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
    $OriginalThreadCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture

    try {
        #reports need to be created in en-US for backend processing of datetime
        $culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo("en-US")
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $culture
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $culture

        $OutputFilePath = Join-Path $OutputDirectory $OutputCSVFileName
        $Report = Invoke-Expression -Command $FunctionName
        $Report | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFilePath
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $OriginalThreadUICulture
        [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $OriginalThreadCulture

function New-MSGraphQueryToBatch
    param (
        # endpoint
        # HTTP Method
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE")]

    if ($null -notlike $QueryParameters) {
        $URI = ("/{0}?{1}" -f $endpoint, $QueryParameters)
    else {
        $URI = ("/{0}" -f $endpoint)

    $result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        id = [Guid]::NewGuid()

    Write-Output $result

function Invoke-MSGraphBatch
    param (
        # Base URI
        $BaseURI = "",
        # endpoint
        [ValidateSet("1.0", "beta")]
        $APIVersion = "beta",

    #MS Graph limit
    $maxBatchSize = 20
    $batchCount = 0

    foreach($request in $requests)
        $currentBatch += $request
        if ($batchCount -ge $maxBatchSize)
            $requestsJson = New-Object psobject -Property @{requests=$currentBatch} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
            $batchResults = Invoke-MSGraphQuery -BaseURI $BaseURI -endpoint "`$batch" -Method "POST" -Body $requestsJson
            $totalResults += $batchResults
            $batchCount = 0
            $currentBatch = @()

    if ($batchCount -gt 0)
        $requestsJson = New-Object psobject -Property @{requests=$currentBatch} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
        $batchResults = Invoke-MSGraphQuery -BaseURI $BaseURI -endpoint "`$batch" -Method "POST" -Body $requestsJson
        $totalResults += $batchResults
        $batchCount = 0
        $currentBatch = @()

    Write-Output $totalResults

function Invoke-MSGraphQuery {
    param (
        # Base URI
        $BaseURI = "",
        # endpoint
        [ValidateSet("1.0", "beta")]
        $APIVersion = "beta",
        # HTTP Method
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE")]

    begin {
        # Header
        $CurrentDate = [DateTime](Get-Date)
        $Delta= ($CurrentDate - $global:tokenRequestedTime).TotalMinutes
        if ($Delta -gt 55)
            $global:tokenRequestedTime = $CurrentDate
        $Headers = $global:authHeader        
    process {

        if ($null -notlike $QueryParameters) {
            $URI = ("{0}{1}/{2}?{3}" -f $BaseURI, $APIVersion, $endpoint, $QueryParameters)
        else {
            $URI = ("{0}{1}/{2}" -f $BaseURI, $APIVersion, $endpoint)
        try {

            switch ($Method) {
                "GET" {

                    $queryUrl = $URI
                    Write-Verbose ("Invoking $Method request on $queryUrl...")
                    while (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($queryUrl)) {
                        try {                            
                            $pagedResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $queryUrl -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction Stop
                        catch {
                            $StatusCode = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
                            $message = $_.Exception.Message
                            Write-Error "ERROR During Request - $StatusCode $message"


                        if ($pagedResults.value -ne $null) {
                            $queryResults += $pagedResults.value
                        else {
                            $queryResults += $pagedResults
                        $queryCount = $queryResults.Count
                        Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Querying directory" -CurrentOperation "Retrieving results ($queryCount found so far)" 
                        $queryUrl = ""

                        $odataNextLink = $pagedResults | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "@odata.nextLink" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                        if ($null -ne $odataNextLink) {
                            $queryUrl = $odataNextLink
                        else {
                            $odataNextLink = $pagedResults | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "odata.nextLink" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            if ($null -ne $odataNextLink) {
                                $absoluteUri = [Uri]"https://bogus/$odataNextLink"
                                $skipToken = $absoluteUri.Query.TrimStart("?")

                    Write-Verbose ("Returning {0} total results" -f $queryResults.count)
                    Write-Output $queryResults


                "POST" {
                    $queryUrl = $URI
                    Write-Verbose ("Invoking $Method request on $queryUrl using $Headers with Body $body...")

                    $qErr = $Null
                    try {                    
                        $queryResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $queryUrl -Headers $Headers -Body $Body -UseBasicParsing -ErrorVariable qErr -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-Output $queryResults
                    catch {
                        $StatusCode = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
                        $message = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Error "ERROR During Request - $StatusCode $message"



                "PUT" {
                    $queryUrl = $URI
                    Write-Verbose ("Invoking $Method request on $queryUrl...")
                    $pagedResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $queryUrl -Headers $Headers -Body $Body
                "DELETE" {
                    $queryUrl = $URI
                    Write-Verbose ("Invoking $Method request on $queryUrl...")
                    $pagedResults = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $Method -Uri $queryUrl -Headers $Headers
        catch {
    end {

function Add-MSGraphObjectIdCondition
    param (
        $Operator = "or"

    $oid = [Guid]::NewGuid()

    if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($oid) -or -not [Guid]::TryParse($ObjectId, [ref]$oid))
        Write-Output $InitialFilter

    $Condition = "$PropertyName+eq+'$ObjectId'"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InitialFilter))
        Write-Output $Condition
    else {
        Write-Output "$InitialFilter+$Operator+$Condition"

function Expand-AzureADCAPolicyReferencedObjects()
    param (
        $FilterProperty = "id",
    #MS Graph limit
    $maxConditionsPerQuery = 15
    $objectsInQuery = 0
    $msGraphFilter = ""

    foreach($objectId in $ObjectIds)
        $msGraphFilter = Add-MSGraphObjectIdCondition -InitialFilter $msGraphFilter -ObjectId $objectId -PropertyName $FilterProperty

        if ($objectsInQuery -eq $maxConditionsPerQuery)
            $batchQuery = New-MSGraphQueryToBatch -Method GET -endpoint $Endpoint -QueryParameters "`$select=$SelectProperties&filter=$msGraphFilter"
            Write-Output $batchQuery
            $objectsInQuery = 0
            $msGraphFilter = ""

    if ($objectsInQuery -gt 0)
        $batchQuery = New-MSGraphQueryToBatch -Method GET -endpoint $Endpoint -QueryParameters "`$select=$SelectProperties&filter=$msGraphFilter"
        Write-Output $batchQuery

  Produces the Azure AD Conditional Access reports required by the Azure AD assesment
  This cmdlet reads the conditional access from the target Azure AD Tenant and produces the output files
  in a target directory
 .PARAMETER OutputDirectory
    Full path of the directory where the output files will be generated.
   .\Get-MSCloudIdCAPolicyReports -OutputDirectory "c:\temp\contoso"

function Get-MSCloudIdCAPolicyReports {
    param (

    Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Azure AD Conditional Access Policies" -CurrentOperation "Reading policies and named locations" 
    $policies = Invoke-MSGraphQuery -Method GET -endpoint "identity/conditionalAccess/policies"
    $namedLocations = Invoke-MSGraphQuery -Method GET -endpoint "identity/conditionalAccess/namedLocations"  
    Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Azure AD Conditional Access Policies" -CurrentOperation "Consolidating object references" 
    $userIds = $policies.conditions.users.includeUsers + $policies.conditions.users.excludeUsers | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
    $groupIds = $policies.conditions.users.includeGroups + $policies.conditions.users.excludeGroups | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
    $appIds =  $policies.conditions.applications.includeApplications + $policies.conditions.applications.excludeApplications | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

    $usersBatch = Expand-AzureADCAPolicyReferencedObjects -ObjectIds $UserIds -Endpoint "users" -SelectProperties "id,userprincipalName" 
    $groupsBatch =  Expand-AzureADCAPolicyReferencedObjects -ObjectIds $groupIds -Endpoint "groups" -SelectProperties "id,displayName" 
    $appsBatch = @()
    $appsBatch += Expand-AzureADCAPolicyReferencedObjects -ObjectIds $appIds -Endpoint "applications" -SelectProperties "appId,displayName" -FilterProperty "appId"
    $appsBatch += Expand-AzureADCAPolicyReferencedObjects -ObjectIds $appIds -Endpoint "servicePrincipals" -SelectProperties "appId,displayName" -FilterProperty "appId"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Azure AD Conditional Access Policies" -CurrentOperation "Querying referenced objects" 
    $referencedUsers = Invoke-MSGraphBatch -requests $usersBatch 
    $referencedGroups = Invoke-MSGraphBatch -requests $groupsBatch 
    $referencedApps = Invoke-MSGraphBatch -requests $appsBatch 

    Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Azure AD Conditional Access Policies" -CurrentOperation "Saving Reports"
    $policies | Sort-Object id | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File "$OutputDirectory\CAPolicies.json" -Force
    $namedLocations | Sort-Object id | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File "$OutputDirectory\NamedLocations.json" -Force

    $referencedUsers.responses.body.value | Sort-Object id | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100| Out-File "$OutputDirectory\CARefUsers.json" -Force
    $referencedGroups.responses.body.value | Sort-Object id | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100| Out-File "$OutputDirectory\CARefGroups.json" -Force
    $referencedApps.responses.body.value | Sort-Object appId | Select-Object -Property appId,displayname -Unique  | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100| Out-File "$OutputDirectory\CARefApps.json" -Force

  Produces the Azure AD Configuration reports required by the Azure AD assesment
  This cmdlet reads the configuration information from the target Azure AD Tenant and produces the output files
  in a target directory
 .PARAMETER OutputDirectory
    Full path of the directory where the output files will be generated.
   .\Get-MSCloudIdAssessmentAzureADReports -OutputDirectory "c:\temp\contoso"

Function Get-MSCloudIdAssessmentAzureADReports


    $reportsToRun = @{
        "Get-MSCloudIdNotificationEmailAddresses" = "NotificationsEmailAddresses.csv"
        "Get-MSCloudIdAppAssignmentReport" = "AppAssignments.csv"
        "Get-MSCloudIdApplicationKeyExpirationReport" = "AppKeysReport.csv"
        "Get-MSCloudIdConsentGrantList" = "ConsentGrantList.csv"

    $totalReports = $reportsToRun.Count + 1 #to include conditional access
    $processedReports = 0

    foreach ($reportKvP in $reportsToRun.GetEnumerator())
        $functionName = $reportKvP.Name
        $outputFileName= $reportKvP.Value
        $percentComplete = 100 * $processedReports / $totalReports
        Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Azure AD Configuration" -CurrentOperation "Running Report $functionName" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
        Get-MSCloudIdAssessmentSingleReport -FunctionName $functionName -OutputDirectory $OutputDirectory -OutputCSVFileName $outputFileName

    $percentComplete = 100 * $processedReports / $totalReports
    Write-Progress -Activity "Reading Azure AD Configuration" -CurrentOperation "Running Report Get-MSCloudIdCAPolicyReports" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
    Get-MSCloudIdCAPolicyReports -OutputDirectory $OutputDirectory

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-MSCloudIdGraphApp
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-MSCloudIdSession
Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-MSCloudIdGraphApp
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdAppProxyConnectorLog
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdPasswordWritebackAgentLog
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdNotificationEmailAddresses
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdAppAssignmentReport
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdConsentGrantList
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdApplicationKeyExpirationReport
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdADFSEndpoints
Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-MSCloudIdADFSConfiguration
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdGroupBasedLicensingReport
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdCAPolicyReports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-MSCloudIdAssessmentAzureADReports
Export-ModuleMember -Function Expand-MsCloudIdAADConnectConfig

#Get PIM data
#Get Secure Score
#Add Master CmdLet and make it in parallel