
Function New-GraphIntuneDeviceCateogry {
        Will create a new Device Category
        Calls post method to deviceManagement/deviceCategories
        New-GraphIntuneDeviceCateogry -DisplayName 'Category' -Description 'My description'
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
        Display name of the device category
    .PARAMETER Description
        Description of the device category
        Author: Ryan Ephgrave

        $CategoryHash = @{
            '@odata.type' = '#microsoft.graph.deviceCategory'
            'displayName' = $DisplayName
            'description' = $Description
        $CategoryJSON = $CategoryHash | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        $GraphHash = @{
            'Method' = 'Post'
            'Version' = Get-GraphIntuneVersion
            'Query' = 'deviceManagement/deviceCategories'
            'body' = $CategoryJSON
            'ContentType' = 'application/json'
        Invoke-GraphMethod @GraphHash

Function Get-GraphIntuneDeviceCateogry {
        Retrieves Intune device categories
        Calls get from deviceManagement/deviceCategories
        Get-GraphIntuneDeviceCateogry -DisplayName 'MyCategory'
        Will search for the category with display name of MyCategory
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
        Filters the results based on displayName
        Retrieves a specific device category
        Author: Ryan Ephgrave
    $InvokeHash = @{
        query = "deviceManagement/deviceCategories"
        Version = Get-GraphIntuneVersion
        Method = 'Get'
    if($DisplayName) {
        $InvokeHash['Search'] = "displayName:$($DisplayName)"
        $InvokeHash['query'] = "deviceManagement/deviceCategories/$($Id)"
    Invoke-GraphMethod @InvokeHash

Function Set-GraphIntuneDeviceCategory{
        Will update the device category
        Calls Patch to deviceManagement/deviceCategories/ID
        Set-GraphIntuneDeviceCategory -Id 'GUID' -DisplayName 'My New Name'
        Id of device category
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
        New display name
    .PARAMETER Description
        New description
        Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    Process {
        foreach($CategoryId in $Id){
                $UpdateHash = @{}
                $SendPatch = $false
                if($DisplayName) {
                    $UpdateHash['displayName'] = $DisplayName
                    $SendPatch = $true
                if ($Description) {
                    $UpdateHash['description'] = $Description
                    $SendPatch = $true
                    $UpdateJSON = $UpdateHash | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
                    $InvokeHash = @{
                        'query' = "deviceManagement/deviceCategories/$($CategoryId)"
                        'Version' = Get-GraphIntuneVersion
                        'Method' = 'Patch'
                        'body' = $UpdateJSON
                        'ContentType' = 'application/json'
                    Invoke-GraphMethod @InvokeHash

Function Remove-GraphIntuneDeviceCategory {
        Will remove the device category
        Calls delete to deviceManagement/deviceCategories/Id
        Remove-GraphIntuneDeviceCategory -Id 'My Id'
        Id of device category
    .Parameter Force
        Delete without prompting
        Author: Ryan Ephgrave

    Process {
        foreach($CategoryId in $Id) {
            $Response = 'y'
            if(-not $force){
                $Category = Get-GraphIntuneDeviceCateogry -Id $($CategoryId)
                $Response = Read-Host "Do you want to remove category $($Category.displayName)? (y/n)"
            if($Response -eq 'y') {
                $InvokeHash = @{
                    'query' = "deviceManagement/deviceCategories/$($CategoryId)"
                    'Version' = Get-GraphIntuneVersion
                    'Method' = 'Delete'
                Invoke-GraphMethod @InvokeHash