
#Requires -Version 5.1
using namespace System
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Host
using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
using namespace System.Security.Cryptography
using namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates

<# Release Notes for v0.6.0 (2022-01-12):
    - Updated New-MSGraphRequest to no longer be a recursive function in order to gracefully avoid call depth
        overflow, in the event that there are too many nextLink's (i.e., too may users to return in large orgs). It is
        still recommended to use the $top OData query option to set a larger page size to reduce the number of
        nextLink's required to fetch all results. This change just avoids any issues with call depth overflow,
        regardless of proactive/strategic $top usage.
    - Updated New-MSGraphAccessToken so that it includes a new property in the output - 'issued_at'. This new
        property will be used by Get-AccessTokenExpiration.
    - Updated Get-AccessTokenExpiration so that it does its check using the 'issued_at' and 'expires_in' properties
        from objects output by New-MSGraphAccessToken. This is being done because during a Microsoft Identity Platform
        webinar, I learned that Microsoft will soon begin encrypting all access tokens and that they should never be
        looked at by programs, including to determine when they'll expire. With the shimmmed-in 'issue_at' property,
        combined with the already-included expires_in property that comes with the access_token, we can still
        accomplish the same goal.

function New-MSGraphAccessToken {
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint'
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_TenantId')]
        [string]$TenantId, # Guid / FQDN

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')]

            ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate',
            HelpMessage = 'E.g. Use $Certificate, where `$Certificate = Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'

            ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath',
            HelpMessage = 'E.g. cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317; E.g. cert:\LocalMachine\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'
                if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else {

                    throw "An example proper path would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'."

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')]
        [ValidateRange(1, 10)]
        [int16]$JWTExpMinutes = 2,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_Endpoint')]
        [ValidateSet('Common', 'Consumers', 'Organizations')]
        [string]$Endpoint = 'Common',

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_TenantId', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Mail.Send, Ews.AccessAsUser.All')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Mail.Send, Ews.AccessAsUser.All')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_Endpoint')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')]
                if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.refresh_token) { $true } else {

                    throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken -Scopes offline_access...'

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_TenantId')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_Endpoint')]

    #region Initialization
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath') {
        try {
            $Script:Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateStorePath -ErrorAction Stop
        catch { throw }
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ClientCredentials_Certificate') {

        $Script:Certificate = $Certificate

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'ClientCredentials_*') {

        if (-not (Test-SigningCertificate -Certificate $Script:Certificate)) {

            throw "The supplied certificate must use the provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider', " +
            'and the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. ' +
            'For best luck, use a certificate generated using New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate.'

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*_TenantId') { $Script:Endpoint = $TenantId } else { $Script:Endpoint = $Endpoint }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'RefreshTokenCredential_*') {

        try {
            $Script:ApplicationId = [Guid]$RefreshTokenCredential.UserName
            $Script:RefreshToken = ConvertFrom-Json (ConvertFrom-SecureStringToPlainText $RefreshTokenCredential.Password)
        catch {
            'Failed to validate refresh token credential object. ' +
            'Supply $RefreshTokenObject where $RefreshTokenObject = New-RefreshTokenObject ...' |
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'RefreshToken_*') {

        $Script:ApplicationId = $ApplicationId
        $Script:RefreshToken = $RefreshToken
    #endregion Initialization

    #region Functions
    function New-AppOnlyAccessToken ($TenantId, $ApplicationId, $Certificate, $JWTExpMinutes) {
        try {
            $NowUTC = [datetime]::UtcNow

            $EncodedHeader = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
                    (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject (
                            alg = 'RS256'
                            typ = 'JWT'
                            x5t = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String ([Convert]::ToBase64String($Certificate.GetCertHash()))

            $EncodedPayload = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
                    (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject (
                            aud = "$TenantId/oauth2/token"
                            exp = (Get-Date $NowUTC.AddMinutes($JWTExpMinutes) -UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*'
                            iss = $ApplicationId.Guid
                            jti = [Guid]::NewGuid()
                            nbf = (Get-Date $NowUTC -UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*'
                            sub = $ApplicationId.Guid

            $JWT = (ConvertTo-Base64Url -String $EncodedHeader, $EncodedPayload) -join '.'

            $Signature = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String (

            $JWT = $JWT + '.' + $Signature

            $trBody = @{

                client_id             = $ApplicationId
                client_assertion      = $JWT
                client_assertion_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"
                scope                 = "$(if ($ExoEwsAppOnlyScope) {'' } else { '' })/.default"
                grant_type            = "client_credentials"

            $trParams = @{

                Method      = 'POST'
                Uri         = "$TenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
                Body        = $trBody
                Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($JWT)" }
                ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                UserAgent   = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)"
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

            $trResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @trParams

            # Output the token request response:
        catch { throw }

    function New-DeviceCodeAccessToken ($Endpoint, $ApplicationId, $Scopes) {
        try {
            $dcrBody = @(
                "scope=$($Scopes -join ' ')"
            ) -join '&'

            $dcrParams = @{

                Method      = 'POST'
                Uri         = "$($Endpoint)/oauth2/v2.0/devicecode"
                Body        = $dcrBody
                ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                UserAgent   = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)"
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            $dcrResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @dcrParams

            $dtNow = [datetime]::Now
            $sw1 = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
            $dcExpiration = "$($dtNow.AddSeconds($dcrResponse.expires_in).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt'))"

            $trBody = @(
            ) -join '&'

            # Wait for user to enter code before starting to poll token endpoint:
            switch (

                    "Authorization started (expires at $($dcExpiration))",
            ) { 0 { <##> } }

            if ($sw1.Elapsed.Minutes -lt 15) {

                $sw2 = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
                $successfulResponse = $false
                $pollCount = 0
                do {
                    if ($sw2.Elapsed.Seconds -ge $dcrResponse.interval) {


                        try {
                            $trParams = @{

                                Method      = 'POST'
                                Uri         = "$($Endpoint)/oauth2/v2.0/token"
                                Body        = $trBody
                                ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                                UserAgent   = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)"
                                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
                            $trResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @trParams
                            $successfulResponse = $true
                        catch {
                            if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message) {

                                $badResponse = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $_.ErrorDetails.Message

                                if ($badResponse.error -eq 'authorization_pending') {

                                    if ($pollCount -eq 1) {

                                        "The user hasn't finished authenticating, but hasn't canceled the flow (error: authorization_pending). " +
                                        "Continuing to poll the token endpoint at the requested interval ($($dcrResponse.interval) seconds)." |
                                elseif ($badResponse.error -match '^(authorization_declined)|(bad_verification_code)|(expired_token)$') {

                                    throw "Authorization failed due to foreseeable error: $($badResponse.error)."
                                elseif ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS7000218)') {

                                    "Authorization failed due to 'invalid_client' (AADSTS7000218). " +
                                    'Ensure the Application is enabled for public client flows in Azure AD. ' +
                                    'If this is app is intended for app-only/unattended use, you should instead use the -Certificate/-CertificateStorePath parameters.' |
                                else {
                                    Write-Warning 'Authorization failed due to an unexpected error.'
                                    throw $badResponse.error_description
                            else {
                                Write-Warning 'An error was encountered with the Invoke-RestMethod command. Authorization request did not complete.'
                    if (-not $successfulResponse) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
                while ($sw1.Elapsed.Minutes -lt 15 -and -not $successfulResponse)

                # Output the token request response:
            else {
                throw "Authorization request expired at $($dcExpiration), please try again."
        catch {
            if ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS50059)') {

                "Device code request failed due to 'invalid_request' (AADSTS50059). " +
                'This appears to be a single-tenant app. Retry the command, supplying -TenantId <tenant Domain|Guid>.' |
            elseif ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS70011)') {

                "Device code request failed due to 'invalid_scope' (AADSTS70011), which typically means the requested scope(s) do not work with the specified endpoint ('Common' by default). " +
                'Retry the command with either -Endpoint Organizations or -TenantId <tenant Domain|Guid>.' |
            else { throw }

    function Get-RefreshedAcessToken ($Endpoint, $ApplicationId, $RefreshToken, $Scopes) {
        try {
            $trBody = @(
            if ($Scopes) { $trBody += "scope=$($Scopes -join ' ')" }

            $trBody = $trBody -join '&'

            $trParams = @{

                Method      = 'POST'
                Uri         = "$($Endpoint)/oauth2/v2.0/token"
                Body        = $trBody
                ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
                UserAgent   = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)"
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            $trResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @trParams

            # Output the token request response:
        catch { throw }
    #endregion Functions

    #region Main
    try {
        $TokenIssuedAt = [datetime]::Now
        $TokenObject = switch -Wildcard ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            'ClientCredentials_*' {

                New-AppOnlyAccessToken $TenantId $ApplicationId $Script:Certificate $JWTExpMinutes

            'DeviceCode_*' {

                New-DeviceCodeAccessToken $Script:Endpoint $ApplicationId $Scopes

            'RefreshToken*' {

                Get-RefreshedAcessToken $Script:Endpoint $Script:ApplicationId $Script:RefreshToken $Scopes
        $TokenObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName issued_at -NotePropertyValue $TokenIssuedAt -PassThru
    catch {
        if ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS50194)') {

            "Application $($ApplicationId) appears to be a single-tenant application. " +
            'Please supply either -Endpoint:Organizations or -TenantId:<Tenant Id/Guid>' |
            throw "$((ConvertFrom-Json $_.errorDetails.message).error_description)"
        else { throw }
    #endregion Main

function New-MSGraphRequest {
    param (

                if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else {

                    throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken ...'

        [Alias('API', 'Version', 'Endpoint')]
        [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')]
        [string]$ApiVersion = 'v1.0',

        [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE')]
        [string]$Method = 'GET',


        [ValidateSet('Ignore', 'Warn', 'Inquire', 'Continue', 'SilentlyContinue')]
        [string]$nextLinkAction = 'Warn'

    try {
        function _sendRequest ([hashtable]$requestParams) { Invoke-RestMethod @requestParams }

        $_initialRequestParams = @{

            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($AccessToken.access_token)" }
            Uri         = "$($ApiVersion)/$($Request)"
            Method      = $Method
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            UserAgent   = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)"
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Body')) {

            if ($Method -notmatch '(POST)|(PATCH)') {

                throw "Body is not allowed when the method is $($Method), only POST or PATCH."
            else { $_initialRequestParams['Body'] = $Body }

        $_initialResponse = _sendRequest -requestParams $_initialRequestParams

        if ($_initialResponse.'@odata.nextLink') {

            $Script:Continue = $true

            switch ($nextLinkAction) {

                Ignore { $Script:Continue = $false }
                Warn {
                    Write-Warning -Message "There are more results available. Next page: $($_initialResponse.'@odata.nextLink')"
                    $Script:Continue = $false
                'Continue' {
                    Write-Information -MessageData 'There are more results available. Getting the next page(s)...'

                Inquire {
                    switch (

                            'There are more results available (i.e. response included @odata.nextLink).',
                            'Get more results?',
                            [ChoiceDescription[]]@('&Yes', '&No'),
                    ) {
                        0 { <# Will prompt for choice again if the next response includes another @odata.nextLink.#> }
                        1 { $Script:Continue = $false }
                default { <# SilentlyContinue (legacySupport) #> }

            if ($Script:Continue) {

                $_lastResponse = $null
                do {
                    $_nextLinkRequestParams = $_initialRequestParams.Clone()
                    $_nextLinkRequestParams.Uri = if ($null -ne $_lastResponse) { $_lastResponse.'@odata.nextLink' } else { $_initialResponse.'@odata.nextLink' }
                    $_thisResponse = _sendRequest -requestParams $_nextLinkRequestParams
                    $_lastResponse = $_thisResponse
                while ($null -ne $_lastResponse.'@odata.nextLink')
    catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 429) {

            "The request was throttled by Microsoft Graph/Azure AD. " +
            "Please wait $($_.Exception.Response.Headers['Retry-After']) seconds before retrying the request, per the Retry-After response header (see `$Error[0].Exception.Response.Headers['Retry-After'])." | Write-Warning

function New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate {
    param (


                if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else {

                    throw "An example proper location would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My'."
        [string]$CertStoreLocation = 'cert:\CurrentUser\My',

        [datetime]$NotAfter = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(90),

        [ValidateSet('Signature', 'KeyExchange')]
        [string]$KeySpec = 'Signature'

    $NewCertParams = @{

        Subject           = $Subject
        FriendlyName      = $FriendlyName
        CertStoreLocation = $CertStoreLocation
        NotAfter          = $NotAfter
        KeySpec           = $KeySpec
        Provider          = 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider'
        HashAlgorithm     = 'SHA256'
        ErrorAction       = 'Stop'

    try {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { New-SelfSignedCertificate @NewCertParams }
        else {
            # PowerShell Core's PKI module has an issue with allowing the private key to be exportable:
            try {
                #Pre-import the PKI module to make the WinPSCompatSession available to Invoke-Command:
                Import-Module -Name PKI -UseWindowsPowerShell -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue

                $WinPSCompatSession = Get-PSSession -Name WinPSCompatSession -ErrorAction:Stop
                if ($WinPSCompatSession) {

                    Invoke-Command -Session $WinPSCompatSession -ScriptBlock { $Global:tmpCertificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate @using:NewCertParams } -ErrorAction:Stop
                    Get-ChildItem -Path "$($CertStoreLocation)\$((Invoke-Command -Session $WinPSCompatSession -ScriptBlock {$tmpCertificate}).Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction:Stop
                else { throw }
            catch { throw "Failed to use WinPSCompatSession to generate valid self-signed certificate. please use Windows PowerShell 5.1 instead." }
    catch { throw }

function New-MSGraphPoPToken {
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'Certificate'
    param (

            ParameterSetName = 'Certificate',
            HelpMessage = 'E.g. Use $Certificate, where `$Certificate = Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'

            ParameterSetName = 'CertificateStorePath',
            HelpMessage = 'E.g. cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317; E.g. cert:\LocalMachine\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'
                if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else {

                    throw "An example proper path would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'."

        [ValidateRange(1, 10)]
        [int16]$JWTExpMinutes = 2

    try {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CertificateStorePath') {

            $Script:Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateStorePath -ErrorAction Stop
        else { $Script:Certificate = $Certificate }

        if (-not (Test-SigningCertificate -Certificate $Script:Certificate)) {

            throw "The supplied certificate must use the provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider', " +
            'and the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. ' +
            'For best luck, use a certificate generated using New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate.'

        $NowUTC = [datetime]::UtcNow

        $EncodedHeader = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
                (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject (
                        alg = 'RS256'
                        typ = 'JWT'
                        x5t = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String ([Convert]::ToBase64String($Script:Certificate.GetCertHash()))

        $EncodedPayload = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
                (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject (
                        aud = '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'
                        iss = $ApplicationObjectId.Guid
                        exp = (Get-Date $NowUTC.AddMinutes($JWTExpMinutes)-UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*'
                        nbf = (Get-Date $NowUTC -UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*'

        $JWT = (ConvertTo-Base64Url -String $EncodedHeader, $EncodedPayload) -join '.'

        $Signature = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String (

        $JWT = $JWT + '.' + $Signature

        # Output the token:
    catch { throw }

function Add-MSGraphApplicationKeyCredential {
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'Certificate'
    param (

                if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else {

                    throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken ...'


            ParameterSetName = 'Certificate',
            HelpMessage = 'E.g. Use $Certificate, where `$Certificate = Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'

            ParameterSetName = 'CertificateStorePath',
            HelpMessage = 'E.g. cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317; E.g. cert:\LocalMachine\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'
                if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else {

                    throw "An example proper path would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'."

    try {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CertificateStorePath') {

            $Script:Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateStorePath -ErrorAction Stop
        else { $Script:Certificate = $Certificate }

        if (-not (Test-SigningCertificate -Certificate $Script:Certificate)) {

            throw "The supplied certificate must use the provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider', " +
            'and the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. ' +
            'For best luck, use a certificate generated using New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate.'

        $Body = @{

            proof         = $PoPToken
            keyCredential = @{

                type  = "AsymmetricX509Cert"
                usage = "Verify"
                key   = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Script:Certificate.GetRawCertData())

        $AddKeyParams = @{

            AccessToken = $AccessToken
            Method      = 'POST'
            Request     = "applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)/addKey"
            Body        = (ConvertTo-Json $Body)
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        New-MSGraphRequest @AddKeyParams
    catch { throw }

function Remove-MSGraphApplicationKeyCredential {
        DefaultParameterSetName = 'CertificateThumbprint'
    param (

                if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else {

                    throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken ...'


            ParameterSetName = 'CertificateThumbprint'

            ParameterSetName = 'KeyId'

    try {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CertificateThumbprint') {

            $GetApplicationParams = @{

                AccessToken = $AccessToken
                Request     = "applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)"
                ErrorAction = 'Stop'

            $Application = New-MSGraphRequest @GetApplicationParams

            $MatchingKeyCredentials = $Application.keyCredentials |
            Where-Object { $_.customKeyIdentifier -eq $CertificateThumbprint }

            if ($MatchingKeyCredentials.Count -gt 1) {

                "Multiple keyCredentials matching certificate thumbprint $($CertificateThumbprint) were found. " +
                "List these with the command below, then re-run this command using -KeyId instead of -CertificateThumbprint:`n" +
                "New-MSGraphRequest -AccessToken <AccessTokenObject> -Request 'applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)' | select -expand keyCredentials" |
            elseif ($MatchingKeyCredentials.Count -lt 1) {

                throw "No KeyCredential was found with certificate thumbprint $($CertificateThumbprint)."
            else { $Script:KeyId = $MatchingKeyCredentials.KeyId }
        else { $Script:KeyId = $KeyId.Guid }

        $Body = @{

            keyId = $Script:KeyId
            proof = $PoPToken

        $RemoveKeyParams = @{

            AccessToken = $AccessToken
            Request     = "applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)/removeKey"
            Method      = 'POST'
            Body        = (ConvertTo-Json $Body)
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        New-MSGraphRequest @RemoveKeyParams
    catch { throw }

function Test-SigningCertificate ([X509Certificate2]$Certificate) {

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {

        $Provider = $Certificate.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.ProviderName
    else { $Provider = $Certificate.PrivateKey.Key.Provider }

    if (
        $Provider -eq 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider' -and
        $Certificate.SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName -match '(sha256)'
    ) {
    else { $false }

function ConvertTo-Base64Url {
    param (

    $String -replace '\+', '-' -replace '/', '_' -replace '='

function ConvertFrom-Base64Url ([string[]]$String) {

    foreach ($s in $String) {

        while ($s.Length % 4) { $s += '=' }
        $s -replace '-', '\+' -replace '_', '/'

function ConvertFrom-JWTAccessToken {
    param (
                if ($_ -match '^eyJ[-\w]+\.[-\w]+\.[-\w]+$') { $true } else { throw 'Invalid JWT.' }

    $Headers, $Payload = ($JWT -split '\.')[0, 1]

        Headers = ConvertFrom-Json (
                [Convert]::FromBase64String((ConvertFrom-Base64Url $Headers))
        Payload = ConvertFrom-Json(
                [Convert]::FromBase64String((ConvertFrom-Base64Url $Payload))

function ConvertFrom-SecureStringToPlainText ([SecureString]$SecureString) {


function New-RefreshTokenCredential {
    param (

                if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.refresh_token) { $true } else {

                    throw 'Invalid token object. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken -Scopes offline_access...'

        (ConvertTo-Json $TokenObject | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)

function Get-AccessTokenExpiration {
    param (
                if (($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer') -and
                    ($_.access_token) -and
                    ($_.expires_in -is [int]) -and
                    ($_.issued_at -is [datetime])) { $true } else {

                    throw 'Invalid token object. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken...'
    try {
        $Now = [datetime]::Now
        $Expires = $TokenObject.issued_at.AddSeconds($TokenObject.expires_in)


            IssuedAt_LocalTime       = $TokenObject.issued_at
            ExpirationTime_LocalTime = $Expires
            TimeUntilExpiration      = $Expires - $Now
            IsExpired                = $Now -gt $Expires
    catch { throw }