
function Get-MsiPatch {
        Scans the "C:\Windows\Installer" directory for all installed and orpaned msp files.
        Office installations can leave behind a large amount of orphaned patches which can take up many GBs of disk space.
        Using the "Get-MSIPatchInfo" cmdlet from the "MSI" module we can determine which msp files are currently installed.
        From there we can calculate the amount and size of the orpaned msp files.
        This will display a PsCustomObject of all msp files and size, which are installed and size, and which are
        orpaned and their total size.
        Get-MsiPatch -Verbose
        Same as above only verbose information is displayed for each msp detailing whether they are installed or orphaned.
        Get-MsiPatch | FT
        Simply changes the format to a table view of the object.
        Author: Mark Kerry
        Date: 08/01/2018


    # Begin by checking the user in running the function from elevated priviledges
    if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
        Write-Warning "You need to run this script from an elevated PowerShell prompt!`nPlease start PowerShell as an Administrator..."

    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') {
        Write-Warning "This function is not compatible with PowerShell Core as it reiles on the MSI module binaries."

    # Get each .msp in the Installer directory and calculate the size.
    $allMsp = Get-Item -Path C:\Windows\Installer\*.msp | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum
    $allMspSum = "{0:N2}" -f ($allMsp.sum / 1GB) + " GB"

    # List all msp files in %windir%\Installer and convert to string
    $strAllMsp = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\Installer\*.msp | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name

    # List all currently installed msp files and convert to string
    $strInstalledMsps = Get-MSIPatchInfo | Select-Object LocalPackage -ExpandProperty LocalPackage

    # Create a new array of all the installed msp files but run a regex query to strip the path from the string so the format is the same as the strAllMsp variable
    $array = @()
    foreach ($Msp in $strInstalledMsps) {
       $a = $Msp -creplace '(?s)^.*\\', ''
       $array += $a
    # Remove any duplicate values from the array
    $array = $array | Select-Object -uniq

    # Now list both installed and Obsolete msps
    $inst = @()
    $obinst = @()
    foreach ($x in $strAllMsp) {
        if ($array.Contains($x)) {
            Write-Verbose "$x is installed."
            $inst += $x
        else {
            Write-Verbose "$x is obsolete and can be moved/deleted."
            $obinst += $x
    # Scan for each installed msp and calculate the total size of them all.
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Retrieving installed msp files...' -Status '33% Complete.' -PercentComplete 33

    $size = $null
    foreach ($i in $inst) {
        $instSize = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\Installer | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $i} | Select-Object Length -ExpandProperty Length
        $size += $instSize
    $TotalInst = "{0:N2}" -f ($size / 1GB) + " GB"

    # Scan for each obsolete msp and calculate the total size of them all.
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Retrieving orphaned msp files...' -Status '66% Complete.' -PercentComplete 66

    $obsize = $null
    foreach ($o in $obinst) {
        $obinstSize = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\Installer | Where-Object {$_.Name -like $o} | Select-Object Length -ExpandProperty Length
        $obsize += $obinstSize
    $TotalOb = "{0:N2}" -f ($obsize / 1GB) + " GB"
    # Display them all in a PsCustomObject
        TotalPatchCount = $allMsp.Count
        TotalPatchSize = $allMspSum
        InstalledPatchCount = $inCount
        InstalledPatchSize = $TotalInst
        OrphanedPatchCount = $obCount
        OrphanedPatchSize = $TotalOb