
function Get-MSOnlineExtTelemetryOption
    Gets the telemetry options for the module.
    Gets the telemetry options for the module.
    The default state is to disable telemetry. Please concider enabling telemetry to assist with improving the MSOnlineExt module.
    This command will enable telemetry and send us on the road of improving the MSOnlineExt module.
    Thank you very much! The data will help us track errors and usage.
    This cmdlet will return an object that details the current state of telemtry gathering.
    Once the participation setting is set the telemetry warning will no longer be run.
    Gets the telemetry options for the module.

    Param ()

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        $script:app.TrackEvent('Ran function: {0}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)

                PSTypeName = 'MSOnlineExt.TelemetryClientSetting'
                TelemetryDisabled = -not $script:app.IsEnabled()
                TelemetryDisabledInConfig = $script:module_config.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryDisable
