Scripts/Reskit9/All Resources/xAzure/DSCResources/MSFT_xAzureService/MSFT_xAzureService.psm1


function Get-TargetResource {
param (
[string]$Ensure = 'Present',
    $CurrentSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current
    Write-Verbose "The Azure subscription ID is $($CurrentSubscription.SubscriptionID)"

    # Native Get cmdlet
    $Get = Get-AzureService $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # Build Hashtable from native cmdlet values
        'Ensure' = If ($Get.ServiceName -eq $ServiceName) {'Present'} Else {'Absent'}
        'AffinityGroup' = $Get.AffinityGroup
        'ServiceName' = $Get.ServiceName
        'Description' = $Get.Description
        'Label' = $Get.Label


# Get-TargetResource 'Present' 'TestVMsWestUS1' 'testvmsservice1' 'Test Service created for Test Virtual Machines 1' 'Test VMs Service 1' -Verbose
# Expectation is a hashtable with properties of the service, if it exists.



function Set-TargetResource {
[string]$Ensure = 'Present',
    $CurrentSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current
    Write-Verbose "The Azure subscription ID is $($CurrentSubscription.SubscriptionID)"

    # Removing parameters from output
    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Debug') | out-null
    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ErrorAction') | out-null

    switch ($Ensure) {
        'Present' {
            #Native test for name conflict
            $TestAzureServiceName = Test-AzureName -Name $ServiceName -Service

            # Validate whether New or Set is required
            $Get = Get-TargetResource -AffinityGroup $AffinityGroup -ServiceName $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
            $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Ensure') | out-null

            if ($Get.ServiceName -eq $ServiceName) {
                # Native Set cmdlet
                $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AffinityGroup') | out-null
                Write-Verbose "Setting properties of Azure Service: `"$ServiceName`""
                Write-Verbose 'Please be patient as the operation completes.'
                $CurrentSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current
                Write-Verbose "The Azure subscription ID is $($CurrentSubscription.SubscriptionID)"
                Set-AzureService @PSBoundParameters
                # Native New cmdlet
                if ($TestAzureServiceName -eq $False){
                    Write-Verbose "Creating new Azure Service: `"$ServiceName`""
                    Write-Verbose 'Please be patient as the operation completes.'
                    $CurrentSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current
                    Write-Verbose "The Azure subscription ID is $($CurrentSubscription.SubscriptionID)"
                    New-AzureService @PSBoundParameters
                else {
                    Write-Error "Unable to create Service, the name `"$ServiceName`" is already in use"
        'Absent' {
            $CurrentSubscription = Get-AzureSubscription -Current
            Write-Verbose "The Azure subscription ID is $($CurrentSubscription.SubscriptionID)"
            Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $ServiceName -Force

# Set-TargetResource 'Present' 'TestVMsWestUS1' 'testvmsservice1' 'Test Service created for Test Virtual Machines 1' 'Test VMs Service 1' -Verbose
# Expectation is the service will be created, set, or removed. Validate using Get-AzureService.



function Test-TargetResource {
[string]$Ensure = 'Present',
    $Get = Get-TargetResource -AffinityGroup $AffinityGroup -ServiceName $ServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

    # Removing Cmdlet parameters from output
    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Ensure') | out-null
    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Verbose') | out-null
    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Debug') | out-null
    $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ErrorAction') | out-null

    # Compare dictionary and hash table
    switch ($Ensure) {
        'Present'{$bool = $true}
        'Absent'{$bool = $false}

    $PSBoundParameters.keys | % {
    if ($PSBoundParameters[$_] -ne $Get[$_]) {
            switch ($Ensure) {
                'Present'{$bool = $false}
                'Absent'{$bool = $true}
            write-verbose "$($_): $($PSBoundParameters[$_]) -ne `"$($Get[$_])`""


# Test-TargetResource 'Present' 'TestVMsWestUS1' 'testvmsservice1' 'Test Service created for Test Virtual Machines 1' 'Test VMs Service 1' -Verbose
# Expectation is True or False based on whether the service has been deployed, depending on Present/Absent.


Export-ModuleMember -function *-TargetResource