Scripts/Reskit9/All Resources/xAzure/Examples/LCM.ps1

# DSC Azure Test Example - LCM Apply Only
# This script configures your local machine to apply DSC
# configurations 'only' which means not to include
# DSC automatically monitoring for drift or
# re-applying the configuration automationally.

# Set the folder where your files will live
$workingdir = split-path $myinvocation.mycommand.path

Configuration ApplyOnly
    Node $AllNodes.NodeName 

        # Set Local DSC to ApplyOnly

            ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyOnly'
            #CertificateId = $node.Thumbprint

$ConfigData=    @{ 
    AllNodes = @(     
                        NodeName = 'localhost' 
                        #CertificateFile = Join-Path $workingdir 'publicKey.cer'
                        #Thumbprint = ''

ApplyOnly -OutputPath $workingdir -ConfigurationData $ConfigData

Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path $workingdir -ComputerName localhost -Verbose