
Function New-MVPOnlineIdentity {
        Invoke the PostOnlineIdentity REST API
        Creates a new online identity
    .PARAMETER SocialNetwork
    .PARAMETER AllowMicrosoftToQueryMyId
    .PARAMETER Visibility
        New-MVPOnlineIdentity -SocialNetwork Code -Url 'test' -Verbose
        New-MVPOnlineIdentity -SocialNetwork Code -Url 'c:\\windows\\test' -AllowMicrosoftToQueryMyId -Visibility Microsoft -Verbose

    [ValidateSet('Blog','Code','Codeplex','Exchange DL Subscription Email','Facebook','GitHub','Google+','Instagram',
                 'Klout','LinkedIn','Meetup','Microsoft ASP.NET Forum','Microsoft IIS Forum','MS Community (MS Answers)',
                 'MSDN/Technet','Naver ID','Other','StackOverflow','Twitter','Website','Windows/Windows Phone Dev Center ID',
                 'Xbox Live gamertag','Xing','Yammer','YouTube')]
    [String]$SocialNetwork = 'Twitter',

    [ValidateSet('EveryOne','Microsoft','MVP Community','Microsoft Only')]
    [String]$Visibility = 'Microsoft'
Begin {}
Process {
    if (-not ($global:MVPPrimaryKey -and $global:MVPAuthorizationCode)) {
        Write-Warning -Message 'You need to use Set-MVPConfiguration first to set the Primary Key'
    } else {

        Set-MVPConfiguration -SubscriptionKey $MVPPrimaryKey
        $Splat = @{
            Uri = ''
            Headers = @{
                'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $global:MVPPrimaryKey
                Authorization = $Global:MVPAuthorizationCode
                ContentType = 'application/json'
            Method = 'POST'
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'

        # Get the Visibility
        $VisibilityObject = Get-MVPContributionVisibility | Where {$_.Description -eq $Visibility }

        if ($AllowMicrosoftToQueryMyId) { 
            $PrivacyConsentStatus  = 'true'
        } else {
            $PrivacyConsentStatus = 'false'
        switch ($SocialNetwork) {
            # missing 'Microsoft Connect' requires an MS account
            # missing 'Microsoft Office 365 forum' requires a displayname

            'Blog'     { $SNid = '202a47c1-33ca-e211-9b1f-00155da65f6a' ; break }
            'Code'     { $SNid = 'a57a64ac-33ca-e211-9b1f-00155da65f6a' ; break }
            'Codeplex' { $SNid = '334c64f8-417f-e311-93ff-002dd80c017c' ; break }
            'Exchange DL Subscription Email' {
                         $SNid = 'c3fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Facebook' { $SNid = 'c5fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'GitHub'   { $SNid = 'ddf7c919-8081-e311-9401-00155da64d68' ; break }
            'Google+'  { $SNid = 'fd2a7ec7-1b60-e611-80ef-fc15b428778c' ; break }
            'Instagram'{ $SNid = '0ba62aea-1b60-e611-80ef-fc15b428778c' ; break }
            'Klout'    { $SNid = 'c9fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'LinkedIn' { $SNid = 'cbfc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Meetup'   { $SNid = '2b93c914-089f-e511-8114-c4346bac0abc' ; break }
            'Microsoft ASP.NET Forum' { 
                         $SNid = '614bd123-4278-e311-9401-00155da64d68' ; break }
            'Microsoft IIS Forum' {
                         $SNid = 'ac372b19-4278-e311-9401-00155da64d68' ; break }
            'MS Community (MS Answers)' {
                         $SNid = 'cdfc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'MSDN/Technet' {
                         $SNid = 'cffc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Naver ID' { $SNid = 'd1fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Other'    { $SNid = 'ddfc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'StackOverflow'  {
                         $SNid = '9aeda924-8081-e311-9401-00155da64d68' ; break }
            'Twitter'  { $SNid = 'd5fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Website'  { $SNid = '222a47c1-33ca-e211-9b1f-00155da65f6a' ; break }
            'Windows/Windows Phone Dev Center ID' { 
                         $SNid = 'e673a268-8081-e311-9401-00155da64d68' ; break }
            'Xbox Live gamertag' { 
                         $SNid = 'c7fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Xing'     { $SNid = 'd7fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            'Yammer'   { $SNid = 'e473a268-8081-e311-9401-00155da64d68' ; break }
            'YouTube'  { $SNid = 'd9fc56aa-4255-e211-811c-00155d2ee30b' ; break }
            default    {}

        $Body = @"
  "PrivateSiteId": 0,
  "SocialNetwork": {
    "Id": "$($SNid)",
    "Name": "$($SocialNetwork)",
    "IconUrl": "",
    "SystemCollectionEnabled": false
  "Url": "$($URL)",
  "OnlineIdentityVisibility": {
    "Id": $($,
    "Description": "$($VisibilityObject.Description)",
    "LocalizeKey": "$($VisibilityObject.LocalizeKey)"
  "ContributionCollected": true,
  "DisplayName": "",
  "UserId": "",
  "MicrosoftAccount": "",
  "PrivacyConsentStatus": $($PrivacyConsentStatus),
  "PrivacyConsentCheckStatus": true,
  "PrivacyConsentCheckDate": "",
  "PrivacyConsentUnCheckDate": "",
  "Submitted": true

        try {
            Write-Verbose "About to create a new indentity with Body $($Body)"
            Invoke-RestMethod @Splat -Body $Body
        } catch {
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to invoke the PostOnlineIdentity API because $($_.Exception.Message)"
End {}