
class Result {
  Result([bool]$success, [string]$payload, [string]$errorMessage) {
    $this.Success = $success
    $this.Payload = $payload
    $this.ErrorMessage = $errorMessage

function  Get-Result(
  [string]$ErrorMessage = ""
) {
    Result of IMAP or POP operation.
    This function returns a result object.
    .PARAMETER Success
    Indicating if the operation is successful.
    .PARAMETER Payload
    The content of the result of the operation.
    .PARAMETER ErrorMessage
    Error message of the operation, if any.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-Result
    It returns a result object.
    PS>$result = Get-Result -Success $true -Payload "The operation is successful."
    PS>$result = Get-Result -Success $false -Payload "Work in process..." -ErrorMessage "Something is wrong."

  return [Result]::new($Success, $Payload, $ErrorMessage)    