
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    # General
    'General.ModuleMissing'                            = 'The MailDaemon module could not be found in sufficient version on: {0}. Terminating Execution. To install or update to the current version, use Install-MDDaemon or access the PSGallery directly using "Install-Module MailDaemon".'
    # Invoke-MDDaemon
    'Invoke-MDDaemon.SendMail.Start'                = '{0} - Sending Mail: "{1}" From {2} to {3}'
    'Invoke-MDDaemon.SendMail.Failed'                = '{0} - Failed to send email!'
    'Invoke-MDDaemon.SendMail.Success'                = '{0} - Email sent successfully'
    'Invoke-MDDaemon.ManageSuccessJob.Failed'        = '{0} - Failed to move mail task to the "sent" folder!'
    # Copy-Module
    'Copy-Module.ReceivingModule'                    = 'Receiving Module from {0}: {1}'
    'Copy-Module.ReceivingModule.Failed'            = 'Failed to receive Module from {0}: {1}'
    'Copy-Module.InstallingModule'                    = 'Installing module {0} on: {1}'
    # Send-MDMail
    'Send-MDMail.Folder.CreationFailed'                = 'Failed to create outgoing mail folder: {0}'
    'Send-MDMail.Email.NotRegisteredYet'            = 'No email has been set up yet!'
    'Send-MDMail.Email.Sending'                        = 'Queueing email for sending: {0}'
    'Send-MDMail.Email.SendingFailed'                = 'Failed to queue email for sending: {0}'
    'Send-MDMail.Email.TriggerFailed'                = 'Failed to trigger the Mail Daemon task to send {0}'
    # Set-MDDaemon
    'Set-MDDaemon.UpdatingSettings'                    = 'Starting Daemon configuration update on {0}'
    'Set-MDDaemon.UpdateSetting'                    = 'Updating the Daemon configuration setting {0} to {1}'
    # Update-MDFolderPermission
    'Update-MDFolderPermission.Granting.DaemonUser' = 'Assigning write permissions as daemon account to {0} on "{1}" and "{2}"'
    'Update-MDFolderPermission.Granting.WriteUser'  = 'Assigning write permissions as mail submitter to {0} on "{1}"'