
function Send-MDMail
            Queues current email for delivery.
            Uses the data prepared by Set-MDMail or Add-MDMailContent and queues the email for delivery.
        .PARAMETER TaskName
            Name of the task that is sending the email.
            Used in the name of the file used to queue messages in order to reduce likelyhood of accidental clash.
            PS C:\> Send-MDMail -TaskName "Logrotate"
            Queues the currently prepared email under the name "Logrotate"

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Ensure the pickup patch exists
        if (-not (Test-Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'MailDaemon.Daemon.MailPickupPath')))
            try { $null = New-Item -Path (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'MailDaemon.Daemon.MailPickupPath') -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop }
                Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Send-MDMail.Folder.CreationFailed' -StringValues (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'MailDaemon.Daemon.MailPickupPath') -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $true
        # Don't send an email if nothing was set up
        if (-not $script:mail) { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Send-MDMail.Email.NotRegisteredYet' -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet }

        $script:mail['Taskname'] = $TaskName
        # Send the email
        Write-PSFMessage -String 'Send-MDMail.Email.Sending' -StringValues $TaskName -Target $TaskName
        try { [PSCustomObject]$script:mail | Export-Clixml -Path "$(Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'MailDaemon.Daemon.MailPickupPath')\$($TaskName)-$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss').clixml" -ErrorAction Stop }
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Send-MDMail.Email.SendingFailed' -StringValues $TaskName -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $true -Target $TaskName

        # Reset email, now that it is queued
        $script:mail = $null

        try { Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName MailDaemon -ErrorAction Stop }
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Send-MDMail.Email.TriggerFailed' -StringValues $TaskName -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $true -Target $TaskName