Get-Module MarkdownRender | Remove-Module -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\MarkdownRender.psd1" #InModuleScope -ModuleName MarkdownRender { Describe -Name "MarkdownRender" -Fixture { Context "Environment" { BeforeAll { $MarkdownText = @" # Header ## Sub-header This is the first paragraph. "@ $MarkdownText | Out-File -FilePath "TestDrive:\" -Encoding UTF8 } It "Test drive & Test file" { "TestDrive:\" | Should -Exist "TestDrive:\" | Should -FileContentMatch '# Header' } It "Match header" { $((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path "TestDrive:\").html) | Should -BeLike '*Header*' } It "Match sub-header" { $((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path "TestDrive:\").html) | Should -BeLike '*Sub-header*' } It "Match first paragraph" { $((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path "TestDrive:\").html) | Should -BeLike '*This is the first paragraph.*' } It "Return two objects" { ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path "TestDrive:\","TestDrive:\" | Should -HaveCount 2 } } Context "Convert the" { It "Match header" { $((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path "$PSScriptRoot\").Html) | Should -BeLike '*MarkdownRender*' $((ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path "$PSScriptRoot\").Html) | Should -BeLike '<h1 id="markdownrender">MarkdownRender</h1>*' } } Context "Convert the as text" { It "Match header" { #$((Get-item "$PSScriptRoot\" | ConvertFrom-Markdown).Html) | Should -BeLike '*MarkdownRender*' $((Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\" -Raw | ForEach-Object { ConvertFrom-Markdown -InputObject $_ }).Html) | Should -BeLike '<h1 id="markdownrender">MarkdownRender</h1>*' } } Context "Convert the as file info" { It "Match header" { $((Get-item "$PSScriptRoot\" | ConvertFrom-Markdown).Html) | Should -BeLike '*MarkdownRender*' #$((Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\" -Raw | ForEach-Object { ConvertFrom-Markdown -InputObject $_ }).Html) | Should -BeLike '<h1 id="markdownrender">MarkdownRender</h1>*' } } Context "Convert as VT100" { It "Convert from bold text" { "**Bold text**" | ConvertFrom-Markdown -AsVT100EncodedString | Select-Object -exp VT100EncodedString | Should -BeLike '*Bold text*' } } } #} |