
[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$SCRIPT:moduleDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

[string[]]$SCRIPT:advancedMarkdownExtensions = @(
    'abbreviations' ## .UseAbbreviations()
    'autoidentifiers' ## .UseAutoIdentifiers()
    'citations' ## .UseCitations()
    'customcontainers' ## .UseCustomContainers()
    'definitionlists' ## .UseDefinitionLists()
    'emphasisextras' ## .UseEmphasisExtras()
    'figures' ## .UseFigures()
    'footers' ## .UseFooters()
    'footnotes' ## .UseFootnotes()
    'gridtables' ## .UseGridTables()
    'mathematics' ## .UseMathematics()
    'medialinks' ## .UseMediaLinks()
    'pipetables' ## .UsePipeTables()
    'listextras' ## .UseListExtras()
    'tasklists' ## .UseTaskLists()
    'diagrams' ## .UseDiagrams()
    'autolinks' ## .UseAutoLinks()
    'attributes' ## .UseGenericAttributes();
Simple template expansion based on a content substitution dictionary.
Locates placeholders in the input string abd replaced them
with values found for the placeholders in the given dictionary. The placeholder
expansion is non-recursive.
.PARAMETER InputObject
An string representing an Html fragment.
A dictionary whose keys define placeholders and whose values define the
HTML template with placeholders.
HTML fragment with all paceholders replaced by the content specified
by the `ContentMap`.
Expand-HtmlTemplate -InputObject $template -ContentMap $map
Expand the HTML template `$template` mappings provided with `$map`.
~~~ PowerShell
$template = '<span class="navitem{{level}}">{{navtext}}</span>'
$map = @{
    '{{level}}' = 1
    '{{navtext}}' = 'foo'
this HTML fragment is generated:
~~~ html
<span class="navitem1">foo</span>

function Expand-HtmlTemplate {



        # map the locations of placeholders found in the current line of the
        # HTML template
        $placeholderMap = @{}
        foreach ($placeholder in $ContentMap.keys) {
            [int]$ndx = $InputObject.IndexOf($placeholder)
            while ($ndx -ge 0)  { # map all occurrences of the placeholder
                $placeholderMap[$ndx] = $placeholder; # map it
                $ndx = $InputObject.IndexOf($placeholder,$ndx+$placeholder.Length)
        # replace the placeholders bottom up
        $placeholderMap.keys | Sort-Object -Descending | ForEach-Object {
            [int]$ndx = $_
            [string]$placeholder = $placeholderMap[$ndx]
            $InputObject = $InputObject.Substring(0,$ndx) + $ContentMap[$placeholder] + $InputObject.Substring($ndx+$placeholder.Length)
        Write-Output $InputObject # expanded fragment
Create a static HTML site from HTML fragment objects.
Html fragment objects piped into this function (or passed via the `InputObject`
parameter) are converted into standalone HTML documents and saved to a Html site
The Markdown to HTML document conversion uses default or custom templates with
stylesheets and JavaScript resources to render Markdown extensions for:
* LaTeX math
* code syntax highlighting
* diagrams
See `New-HtmlTemplate` for details.
.PARAMETER InputObject
An object representing an Html fragment. Ideally this is an output object
returned by `Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment`, but any object will
work provided following properties are present:
: A string representing the relative path to the Markdown file with respect to
    a base (static site) directory.
    This property is automatically provided by:
    * using the PowerShell function `Find-MarkdownFiles`
    * piping a file object `[System.IO.FileInfo]` into
      `Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment` (or passing it as a parameter).
: The page title.
: A html fragment to be used as main content of the HTML document.
Optional directory containing the html template file `md-template.html` and its
resources which will be used to convert the Html fragments into standalone Html
documents. If no template directory is specified, a default factory-installed
template is used. For infomations about creating custom templates see
`New-HTMLTemplate`. See
[Template Customization](
for customization options.
Placeholder substitution mapping as described in
[Template Customization](
Following substitution mappings are used by default unless explicitely defined.
| Placeholder | Description | Origin |
|:------------- | :--------------------------- | :-------------------------- |
| `{{title}}` | Auto generated page title | `$inputObject.Title` |
| `[title]` | For backwards compatibility. | `$inputObject.Title` |
| `{{content}}` | HTML content | `$inputObject.HtmlFragment` |
| `[content]` | For backwards compatibility. | `$inputObject.HtmlFragment` |
For static HTML site projects additional mappings are defined:
| Placeholder | Description | Origin |
|:------------- | :--------------------------- | :----------- |
| `{{nav}}` | Navigation bar content | `Build.json` |
| `{{footer}}` | Page footer content | `Build.json` |
For static HTML site projects additional placeholders can be added to the map.
[Defining Content Mapping Rules](
.PARAMETER MediaDirectory
An optional directory containing additional media for the HTML site
such as images, videos etc.
.PARAMETER SiteDirectory
Directory for the generated HTML files. The Html files will be placed
in the same relative location below this directory as related Markdown document
has below the input directory. If the site directory does not exist it will be created.
If the site directory already exists its files will be retained, but possibly overwitten
by generated HTML files.
An Html Fragment objects having the properties `RelativePath`,`Title`, `HtmlFragment` , and
optionally `ContentMap`. See the description of the `InputObject` parameter for details
File objects [System.IO.FileInfo] of the generated HTML documents.
Find-MarkdownFiles '...\Modules\MarkdownToHtml' | Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment | Publish-StaticHtmlSite -SiteDirectory 'e:\temp\site'
Generates a static HTML site from the Markdown files in '...\Modules\MarkdownToHtml'. This is
a simpler version of the functionality provided by the function `Convert-MarkdownToHTML`.
The generated Html file objects are returned like so:
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a---- 15.09.2019 10:03 16395 Convert-MarkdownToHTML.html
    -a---- 15.09.2019 10:03 14714 Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment.html
    -a---- 15.09.2019 10:03 4612 Find-MarkdownFiles.html
    -a---- 15.09.2019 10:03 6068 MarkdownToHTML.html
    ... ... ... ...
[Defining Content Mapping Rules](

function Publish-StaticHtmlSite {

        [string]$Template = (Join-Path $SCRIPT:moduleDir.FullName 'Template'),




    BEGIN {
        # Load the template
        [string[]]$htmlTemplate = Get-Content -LiteralPath (Join-Path $Template 'md-template.html')`
                                              -Encoding    UTF8

        # Create the site directory, if neccessary
        $siteDir = Get-Item -LiteralPath $SiteDirectory -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
        if (!$siteDir) {
            $siteDir = New-Item -Path $SiteDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

        if (!$siteDir) {
            throw("Unable to create site directory: $SiteDirectory")
        Write-Verbose "Publishing to '$siteDir' using HTML template '$Template'."

        # Copy the template resources to the site directory
        Copy-Item -Path "$Template/*" -Recurse -Exclude 'md-template.html' -Destination $siteDir -Force

        [System.IO.FileInfo]$htmlFile = Join-Path $siteDir.FullName ([System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($InputObject.RelativePath,'html'))
        Write-Verbose  "$($InputObject.RelativePath) -> $($htmlFile.Name)"
        $htmlfile.Directory.Create() # make sure we have all directories

        # prepare the map for content injection
        # we need a pristine map every time
        $map = @{
            '{{title}}'   = $InputObject.Title
            '[title]'     = $InputObject.Title
            '{{content}}' = $InputObject.HTMLFragment
            '[content]'   = $InputObject.HTMLFragment

        # transfer the properties from the given map
        foreach ($k in $ContentMap.Keys) {
            $value = $ContentMap[$k]
            if ($value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                # Compute the substitution value
                $value = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $value -ArgumentList $_ | Out-String
            $map[$k] = $value

        # Inject page content
        $htmlTemplate | Update-ResourceLinks -RelativePath $InputObject.RelativePath `
        | Expand-HtmlTemplate -ContentMap $map `
        | Out-File -LiteralPath $htmlFile -Encoding utf8

    END {
        if ($MediaDirectory) {
          # copy all assets to the site directory
          Copy-Item -Path "$MediaDirectory/*" -Recurse -Exclude '*.md','*.markdown' -Destination $SiteDirectory -Force

Find all Markdown file below a given directory.
Recursively scans a directory and generates annotated `[System.IO.FileInfo]`
objects for each Markdown file.
The annotation is a `NoteProperty` named `RelativePath`. It contains the
relative path of the Markdown file below the given directory.
Path to a directory containing Markdown files.
Omit the specified files. Enter comma separated list of path elements or
patterns, such as "D*.md". Wildcards are permitted.
An `[System.IO.FileInfo]` object for each Markdown file found below
the given directory. The emitted
`[System.IO.FileInfo]` objects are annotated with a `NoteProperty` named
`RelativePath` which specifies the relative path of the Markdown file below the
given directory. The `RelativePath` property is
**mandatory** if `Publish-StaticHtmlSite` is used in the downstream conversion
Find-MarkdownFiles -Path '...\Modules\MarkdownToHtml' | Select-Object -Property Mode,LastWriteTime,Length,Name,RelativePath | Format-Table
Returns following annotated Markdown file objects of type `[System.IO.FileInfo]` for this PowerShell module:
    LastWriteTime Length Name RelativePath
    ------------- ------ ---- ------------
    13.09.2019 13:56:21 10751 Documentation\
    13.09.2019 13:56:20 3348 Documentation\
    13.09.2019 13:56:21 7193 Documentation\
    11.09.2019 17:01:13 4455 ReferenceData\katex\
    ... ... ... ...

function Find-MarkdownFiles {
    param (
    Get-Item -Path $Path `
    | ForEach-Object {
        [string]$basePath = $_.FullName.TrimEnd('/\')
        # Compute and attach the relative path
        if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
            Write-Verbose "Scanning $($basePath)"
            Get-ChildItem -Path $basePath -Recurse -File -Include '*.md','*.Markdown' -Exclude $Exclude `
            | ForEach-Object {
                # capture the relative path of the Markdown file
                [string]$relativePath = $_.FullName.Substring($basePath.Length).Trim('/\').Replace('\','/')
                Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RelativePath' -Value $relativePath
        } else {
            # Write-Verbose "Found: $_ - $($_.GetType())"
            Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RelativePath' -Value $_.Name

Convert Markdown text to HTML fragments.
Converts Markdown text to HTML fragments using configured
[Markdown extensions](
.PARAMETER InputObject
The input object can have one of the following of types:
* An annotated `[System.IO.FileInfo]` object as emitted by `Find-MarkdownFiles`.
* A plain markdown string [`string`].
* A markdown descriptor object which is basically a [`hashtable`] whith following contents:
  | Key | Value Type | Description |
  | :------------- | :--------- | :------------------------------------------------------- |
  | `Markdown` | [`string`] | The markdown text. |
  | `RelativePath` | [`string`] | Relative path of the html file below the site directory. |
.PARAMETER IncludeExtension
Comma separated list of Markdown parsing extension names.
See [Markdown extensions](
for an annotated list of supported extensions.
.PARAMETER ExcludeExtension
Comma separated list of Markdown parsing extensions to exclude.
Mostly used when the the 'advanced' parsing option is included and
certain individual options need to be removed.
Markdown text `[string]`, Markdown file `[System.IO.FileInfo]`,
or a markdown descriptor `[hashtable]`.
HTML fragment object with following properties:
| Property | Description |
| :------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Title` | Optional page title. The first heading in the Markdown content. |
| `HtmlFragment` | The HTML fragment string generated from the Markdown text. |
| `RelativePath` | Passed through form the input object, provided it exists. |
The conversion to HTML fragments also includes:
* Changing links to Markdown files to the corresponding Html files.
  ~~~ Markdown
  [Hello World](
  ~~~ html
  <a href="Hello.html">
* HTML encoding code blocks:
  ~~~ Markdown
  ~~~ HTML
  <pre><code class="language-xml">&lt;root&gt;
  which renders as
Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -Markdown '# Hello World'
Returns the HTML fragment object:
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    HtmlFragment <h1 id="hello-world">Hello World</h1>...
    Title Hello World
Get-Item -LiteralPath "" | Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment
Reads the content of Markdown file `` and returns a Html fragment object.
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Title Convert-MarkdownToHTML
    HtmlFragment <h1 id="convert-Markdowntohtml">Convert-MarkdownToHTML</h1>...
[Markdown extensions](

function Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment
        [ValidateScript({$_ -is [string] -or $_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo] -or $_ -is [hashtable]})]

        [string[]]$IncludeExtension = @('advanced'),

        [string[]]$ExcludeExtension = @()
    BEGIN {
        ## Determine which parser extensions to use
        if ($null -eq $IncludeExtension -or $IncludeExtension.Count -eq 0) {
            $IncludeExtension = @('common') # use _common_ extensions by default
        } elseif ('advanced' -in $IncludeExtension) {
            if ($ExcludeExtension.Count -gt 0) {
               $IncludeExtension = $IncludeExtension | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'advanced'}
               ## add the extensions explicitely so that we can remove individual ones
               $IncludeExtension += $SCRIPT:advancedMarkdownExtensions
            } elseif ($IncludeExtension.Count -gt 1) {
                $IncludeExtension = $IncludeExtension | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'advanced'}
                ## make sure the advanced option comes last
                $IncludeExtension += 'advanced'

        ## make sure the 'attributes' extension is last
        if ('attributes' -in $IncludeExtension) {
            $IncludeExtension = $IncludeExtension | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'attributes' }
            $IncludeExtension += 'attributes'

        # Remove the excluded extensions
        $IncludeExtension = $IncludeExtension | Where-Object { $_ -notin $ExcludeExtension}

        # configure the converter pipeline
        [Markdig.MarkdownPipelineBuilder]$pipelineBuilder = (New-Object Markdig.MarkdownPipelineBuilder)
        Write-Verbose "Using parser extensions $IncludeExtension"
        $pipelineBuilder = [Markdig.MarkDownExtensions]::Configure($pipelineBuilder,[string]::Join('+',$IncludeExtension))

        $pipeline = $pipelineBuilder.Build()

        [string]$md = if ($InputObject -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
                          Get-Content -LiteralPath $InputObject.FullName -Encoding UTF8 | Out-String
                      } elseif ($InputObject -is [hashtable]) {
                      } else {
        [string]$fragment = [Markdig.Markdown]::ToHtml($md, $pipeline)

        # properly escape code blocks in the html fragment and rewrite hyperlinks.
        $fragment = ($fragment -split '(<code[^>]*>|</code>)' `
        | ForEach-Object `
            -Begin   {
                        [bool]$encode = $false
                     } `
            -Process {
                        if ($_.StartsWith('<code')) {
                            $encode = $true
                        } elseif ($_.StartsWith('</code>')) {
                            $encode = $false
                        } elseif ($encode) { ## inside code block
                        } else { # outside code blocks - rewrite hyperlinks
                            $_ -split '(?<=<a [^>]*)(href="[^"]*")' `
                            | ForEach-Object {
                                if ($_ -match '^href=".*"' -and $_ -notmatch '^href="https?://') {
                                    $_ -replace '(\.md|\.markdown)(?=["#])','.html'
                                } else {
                     })  -Join '' # return just one string
        # guess a title
        $htmlDescriptor = @{'HtmlFragment' = $fragment}
        $match = [regex]::Match($md,'^[#\s]*([^\r\n\{]+)')
        if ($match.Success) {
            $htmlDescriptor.Title = $match.Groups[1].Value
        } elseif ($InputObject.BaseName) {
            $htmlDescriptor.Title = $InputObject.BaseName

        if ($InputObject.RelativePath) {
            $htmlDescriptor.RelativePath = $InputObject.RelativePath
        } elseif ($InputObject.Name) {
            $htmlDescriptor.RelativePath = $InputObject.Name
        $htmlDescriptor # return the annotated HTML fragmemt

Convert Markdown files to static HTML files.
This function reads all Markdown files from a source folder and converts each
of them to a standalone html document using:
* configurable [Markdown extensions](
* a customizable or default HTML template. See `New-HTMLTemplate` about
  the creation of custom templates.
Path to Markdown files or directories containing Markdown files.
Optional directory containing the html template file `md-template.html` and its resources.
If no template directory is specified, the factory-installed default template is used.
For information about creating custom templates see `New-HTMLTemplate`.
.PARAMETER IncludeExtension
Comma separated list of Markdown parsing extensions to use.
See [about_MarkdownToHTML]( for an
annotated list of supported extensions.
.PARAMETER ExcludeExtension
Comma separated list of Markdown parsing extensions to exclude.
Mostly used when the the 'advanced' parsing option is included and
certain individual options need to be removed,
.PARAMETER MediaDirectory
An optional directory containing additional media for the Html site
such as images, videos etc. Defaults to the directory given in `-Path`
.PARAMETER SiteDirectory
Directory for the generated HTML files. The Html files will be placed
in the same relative location below this directory as related Markdown document
has below the Markdown source directory.
This function does not read from the pipe.
File objects `[System.IO.FileInfo]` of the generated HTML files.
Convert-MarkdownToHTML -Path 'E:\MyMarkdownFiles' -SiteDirectory 'E:\MyHTMLFiles'
Convert all Markdown files in `E:\MyMarkdownFiles` and save the generated HTML
files to `E:\MyHTMLFiles`.
Convert-MarkdownToHTML -Path 'E:\MyMarkdownFiles' -Template 'E:\MyTemplate' -SiteDirectory 'E:\MyHTMLFiles'
Convert all Markdown files in `E:\MyMarkdownFiles` using the 'common' parsing
configuration and the custom template in `E:\MyTemplate`.
The generated HTML files are saved to `E:\MyHTMLFiles`.
Convert-MarkdownToHTML -Path 'E:\MyMarkdownFiles' -SiteDirectory 'E:\MyHTMLFiles' -IncludeExtension 'advanced','diagrams'
Convert all Markdown files in `E:\MyMarkdownFiles` using the 'advanced' and
'diagrams' parsing extension and the default template.
The generated HTML files are saved to `E:\MyHTMLFiles`.
Convert-MarkdownToHTML -Path 'E:\MyMarkdownFiles' -MediaDirectory 'e:\Media' -SiteDirectory 'E:\MyHTMLFiles' -IncludeExtension 'advanced','diagrams'
Convert all Markdown files in `E:\MyMarkdownFiles` using
* the 'advanced' and 'diagrams' parsing extension.
* the default template
* Media files (images, Videos, etc.) from the directory `e:\Media`
The generated HTML files are saved to the directory `E:\MyHTMLFiles`.
[Markdown extensions](

function Convert-MarkdownToHTML {

            [string]$Template =  (Join-Path $SCRIPT:moduleDir.FullName 'Template'),

            [string[]]$IncludeExtension = @('common'),

            [string[]]$ExcludeExtension = @(),

            [string]$MediaDirectory = $Path,

    Write-Verbose "$Path -> $SiteDirectory"

    Find-MarkdownFiles -Path $Path -Verbose:$Verbose `
    | Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -IncludeExtension $IncludeExtension `
                                     -ExcludeExtension $ExcludeExtension `
                                     -Verbose:$Verbose `
    | Publish-StaticHtmlSite -MediaDirectory $MediaDirectory `
                             -SiteDirectory $SiteDirectory `
                             -Template $Template `

Create a customizable template directory for building HTML files from
Markdown files.
The factory-default conversion template is copied to the destination directory
to seed the customization process. The new template directory contains the
resources necesssary to generate fully functional, standalone HTML files.
[Conversion Template Customization](
for ways to customize the template.
.PARAMETER Destination
Location of the new conversion template directory. The template directory
should be empty or non-existent.
New-HTMLTemplate -Destination 'E:\MyTemplate'
Create a copy of the factory template in `E:\MyTemplate` for customization.
This function does not read from the pipe.
The new conversion template directory `[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]`.

function New-HTMLTemplate {
    $template = Join-Path $SCRIPT:moduleDir.FullName 'Template'
    $assets = Join-Path $SCRIPT:moduleDir.FullName 'Template.assets'
    $outdir = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Destination -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

    # Create the site directory
    if ($null -eq $outdir ) {
        $outdir = New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

    if ($null -eq $outdir -or $outdir -isnot [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
        throw("Unable to create directory $Destination")
    ## Copy the template to the output directory
    Copy-Item -Path "${template}/*" -Recurse -Destination $outDir
    Copy-Item -Path "${assets}/*" -Recurse -Destination $outDir -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
Create a customizable Markdown to HTML site conversion project.
Create a new static HTML site project directoy with some default content
ready for building.
A single markdown file (``) is provided as initial content. It explains
some customization options and the typical site authoring process.
It is recommended to build the project by executing its build script
`Build.ps1`. This creates the initial static HTML site with the HTML version of
the README (`html/README.html`) which is more pleasant to read also showcases
some features.
See [Project Customization](
for details about the project directory structure and site customization.
.PARAMETER ProjectDirectory
The location of the new Markdown to HTML site conversion project.
The new project directory object `[System.IO.DirectoryInfo]`
New-StaticHTMLSiteProject -ProjectDirectory MyProject
Create a new conversion project names 'MyProject' in the current directory. The
project is ready for build.
[Project Customization](

function New-StaticHTMLSiteProject {
    $diritem = Get-Item -Path $ProjectDirectory -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

    if ($diritem) {
        throw "$ProjectDirectory already exists!"

    $diritem = New-Item -Path $ProjectDirectory -ItemType Directory

    # Copy project template to new directory
    Write-Information "Copying project files ..." -InformationAction Continue
    Copy-Item -Path "$moduleDir/ProjectTemplate/*" -Destination $diritem -Recurse
        # copy the standard assets too
    Copy-Item -Path "$moduleDir/Template.assets/*" `
              -Destination "$diritem/Template" `
              -Recurse -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

    Write-Information '' -InformationAction Continue
    Write-Information "Project '$($diritem.Name)' ready!" -InformationAction Continue
    Write-Information "1. Run the build script '$ProjectDirectory/Build.ps1'" -InformationAction Continue
    Write-Information "2. Open '$ProjectDirectory/html/README.html' in the browser!" -InformationAction Continue

# Default template specifications for page navigation
$SCRIPT:defaultNavTemplate = @{
     navitem      = '<button class="navitem"><a href="{{navurl}}">{{navtext}}</a></button>';
     navlabel     = '<div class="navlabel">{{navtext}}</div>';
     navseparator = '<hr/>';
     navheading   = '<span class="navitem{{level}}">{{navtext}}</span>'

Convert a navigation specification to a single item in a navigation bar of a
static HTML site projects created by `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject`.
Converts the specification for a single item in the navigation bar by
* finding an HTML template to represent the item in the navigation bar.
* replacing placeholders in the template by data taken from the
* specification.
.PARAMETER RelativePath
Path to a Markdown file relative to the site root. That file's relative path
is used to adjust the links of in the given navigation bar item,
so that it can be reached from the location of the HTML page currently being
assembled using the Markdown file.
The given path should use forward slash '/' path separators.
An object or dictionary with exactly one `NoteProperty` or key representing
a single key-value pair. This parameter provides the data for one item in
the navigation bar.
Following key-value pairs are recognized:
+ :----: + :---: + :--------: + ---------------------------------------------- +
| Key | Value | Template | Description
| | | Name |
+ ====== + ===== + ========== + ============================================== +
|"_text_"|"_url_"| navitem | A clickable hyperlink where _text_ is the link
| | | | text and _url_ a link to a web page or a local
| | | | Markdown file. Local file links must be
| | | | relative to the project root.
+ ------ + ----- + ---------- + ---------------------------------------------- +
|"_text_"| "" | navlabel | A label without hyperlink.
+ ------ + ----- + ---------- + ---------------------------------------------- +
| "---" | "" |navseparator| A speparator line.
+ ------ + ----- + ---------- + ---------------------------------------------- +
The structure of the data determines the type of navigation bar item to build.
The table above maps supported key-value combinations to the associated named
HTML templates.
.PARAMETER NavTemplate
An optional dictionary of named HTML templates.
+ :--------: + :----------: + ----------------------------------------
| Type | Key | HTML Template
+ ========== + ============ + ========================================
| clickable | "navitem" | ~~~ html
| link | | <button class='navitem'>
| | | <a href='{{navurl}}'>{{navtext}}</a>
| | | </button>
| | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
| label (no | "navlabel" | ~~~ html
| link) | | <div class='navlabel'>{{navtext}}</div>
| | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
| separator |"navseparator"| ~~~ html
| | | <hr/>
| | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
The HTML templates listed represent are the values configured in `Build.json`.
These values are used for keys not provided in the given dictionary or if no
dictionary is given at all. Additional mappings contained in dictionary are
For more customization options see
[Static Site Project Customization](
The css styles used in the templates are defined in `md-styles.css`.
During the build process the placeholders contained in the HTML template
are replaced with content extracted from the `NavSpec` parameter .
| Placeholder | Description
| :-----------: | -----------
| `{{navurl}}` | hyperlink to web-page or local file.
| `{{navtext}}` | link or label text
Objects or hashtables with one NoteProperty or key.
HTML element representing one navigation item for use in a vertical navigation
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'Project HOME'=''} -RelativePath 'intro/'
Generates a web navigation link to be put on the page `intro/`.
the parameter `RelativePath` is specified but not used because the link is
~~~ html
<button class='navitem'>
    <a href="">Project HOME</a>
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'Index'=''} -RelativePath 'intro/'
Generates a navigation link relative to `intro/`. The
link target `` is a page at the root of the same site, hence the link is
adjusted accordingly.
~~~ html
<button class="navitem">
    <a href="../index.html">Index</a>
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'Index'=''} -RelativePath 'intro/' -NavTemplate $custom
Generates a navigation link relative to `intro/`.
A custom template definition `$custom` is used:
~~~ PowerShell
    $custom = @{ navitem = '<li class="li-item"><a href="{{navurl}}">{{navtext}}</a></li>'}
The link target `` is a page at the root of the same site, hence the link is
adjusted accordingly.
~~~ html
<li class="li-item">
    <a href="../index.html">Index</a>
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'---'=''} -RelativePath 'intro/'
Generates a separator line in the navigation bar.
~~~ html
<hr class="navitem" />
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'---'=''} -NavTemplate $custom
Generates a separator line in the navigation bar using a custom template `$custom`:
~~~ PowerShell
    $custom = @{ navseparator = '<hr class="li-item" />'}
~~~ html
<hr class="li-item" />
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'Introduction'=''}
Generates a label in the navigation bar.
~~~ html
<div class='navitem'>Introduction</div>
ConvertTo-NavigationItem @{'Introduction'=''} -NavTemplate $custom
Generates a label in the navigation bar using the custom template `$custom`:
~~~ PowerShell
    $custom = @{ navlabel = '<div class='li-item'>Introduction</div>'}
~~~ html
<div class='li-item'>Introduction</div>
This function is typically used in the build script `Build.ps1` to define
the contents of the navigation bar (placeholder `{{nav}}`).

function ConvertTo-NavigationItem {
        [string]$RelativePath = '',
        [object]$NavTemplate = $defaultNavTemplate
        # create page specific navigation links by making the path relative to
        # the current location specified by `RelativePath`
        $name = if ($NavSpec -is [hashtable]) {
                    $NavSpec.Keys | Select-Object -First 1
                } else { # json object
                    (Get-Member -InputObject $NavSpec -MemberType NoteProperty).Name
        $link = $NavSpec.$name
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($link)) {
            if ($name.StartsWith('---')) { # separator line
                [string]$navseparator = $NavTemplate.navseparator
                if (!$navseparator) {
                    $navseparator = $SCRIPT:defaultNavTemplate.navseparator
                Write-Output $navseparator # separator
            } else { # label
                [string]$navlabel = $NavTemplate.navlabel
                if (!$navlabel) {
                    $navlabel = $SCRIPT:defaultNavTemplate.navlabel
                Expand-HtmlTemplate -InputObject $navlabel -ContentMap @{'{{navtext}}' = $name}
        } else {
            if (!$link.StartsWith('http')) {
                # handle fragment on page

                $hash = $link.IndexOf('#')

                switch ($hash) {
                    {$_ -eq 0 } { # '#target'
                        $file = ''
                        $fragment = $link
                    {$_ -ge 0} {
                        $file = $link.Substring(0,$hash)
                        $fragment = $link.Substring($hash)
                    default {
                        $file = $link
                        $fragment = ''

                # fix file type
                if ($file.EndsWith('.md') -or $file.EndsWith('.markdown')) {
                    $file = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($file,'html')

                # Re-assemble the link
                $link = $file + $fragment

            [string]$navitem = $NavTemplate.navitem
            if (!$navitem) {
                $navitem = $SCRIPT:defaultNavTemplate.navitem

            Expand-HtmlTemplate -InputObject $navitem -ContentMap @{
                '{{navurl}}'  = $link
                '{{navtext}}' = $name
            } |  Update-ResourceLinks -RelativePath $RelativePath

Build navigation bar content for a HTML page from a specification and
redering templates
A navigation bar section for a HTML page is built by:
* processing a list of item specification which define the navigation bar
* picking the appropriate HTML template for each navigation bar item
  and expanding the template using data from the item specification
.PARAMETER NavitemSpecs
An array where each item �n object or dictionary with exactly one `NoteProperty`
or key representing a single key-value pair. This parameter provides the data
for one item in the navigation bar.
Following key-value pairs are recognized:
+ :----: + :---: + :--------: + ---------------------------------------------- +
| Key | Value | Template | Description
| | | Name |
+ ====== + ===== + ========== + ============================================== +
|"_text_"|"_url_"| navitem | A clickable hyperlink where _text_ is the link
| | | | text and _url_ a link to a web page or a local
| | | | Markdown file. Local file links must be
| | | | relative to the project root.
+ ------ + ----- + ---------- + ---------------------------------------------- +
|"_text_"| "" | navlabel | A label without hyperlink.
+ ------ + ----- + ---------- + ---------------------------------------------- +
| "---" | "" |navseparator| A speparator line.
+ ------ + ----- + ---------- + ---------------------------------------------- +
The structure of the data determines the type of navigation bar item to build.
The table above maps supported key-value combinations to the associated named
HTML templates.
.PARAMETER RelativePath
Path to a Markdown file relative to the site root. That file's relative path
is used to adjust the links of in the given navigation bar item,
so that it can be reached from the location of the HTML page currently being
assembled using the Markdown file.
The given path should use forward slash '/' path separators.
.PARAMETER NavTemplate
An optional dictionary of named HTML templates.
+ :--------: + :----------: + ----------------------------------------
| Type | Key | HTML Template
+ ========== + ============ + ========================================
| clickable | "navitem" | ~~~ html
| link | | <button class='navitem'>
| | | <a href='{{navurl}}'>{{navtext}}</a>
| | | </button>
| | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
| label (no | "navlabel" | ~~~ html
| link) | | <div class='navlabel'>{{navtext}}</div>
| | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
| separator |"navseparator"| ~~~ html
| | | <hr/>
| | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
The HTML templates listed represent are the values configured in `Build.json`.
These values are used for keys not provided in the given dictionary or if no
dictionary is given at all. Additional mappings contained in dictionary are
For more customization options see
[Static Site Project Customization](
The css styles used in the templates are defined in `md-styles.css`.
During the build process the placeholders contained in the HTML template
are replaced with content extracted from the `NavSpec` parameter .
| Placeholder | Description
| :-----------: | -----------
| `{{navurl}}` | hyperlink to web-page or local file.
| `{{navtext}}` | link or label text
HTML fragment for a navigation bar.
New-SiteNavigation -NavitemSpecs $specs -RelativePath 'a/b/c/'
Create navigation content for a file with relative path `a/b/c/` and
the specification `$specs` and default templates:
`$specs` is defined like so:
$specs = @(
    @{ "<img width='90%' src='logo.png' />" = "" },
    @{ "README" = "" },
    @{ "Home" = "" },
    @{ "---" = "" }
~~~ html
<button class="navitem">
   <a href="../../../README.html">
      <img width='90%' src='../../../logo.png' />
<div class="navlabel">README</div>
<button class="navitem">
   <a href="../../../README.html">Home</a>
Note how the relative path parameter was used to update the links.

function New-SiteNavigation {


        [string]$RelativePath = '',

        [object]$NavTemplate = $defaultNavTemplate

    $NavitemSpecs | ConvertTo-NavigationItem -RelativePath $RelativePath `
                                             -NavTemplate $NavTemplate

# find headings h1 .. h6 in an HTML fragment.
$SCRIPT:hRE   = New-Object regex '<h(\d)[^<>]* id="([^"])+"[^<]*>(.+?)\s*(?=<\/h\d.*|$)'

# Match a hyperlink
$aRE = New-Object regex '</{0,1} *a[^>]*>'
Set-Alias -Name 'ConvertTo-PageHeadingNavigation' -Value 'New-PageHeadingNavigation'

Generate navigation specifications for specified headings found in an HTML
Generates a link specification for each heading in an HTML fragment which
* has an `id` attribute
* matches heading level constraint
The link specifications have the format required by `ConvertTo-NavigationItem`
to generate navigation bar items.
HTML fragment to scan for headings.
.PARAMETER NavTemplate
An optional dictionary of the named HTML template needed to add a heading
link to the navigation bar.
+ :--------: + :----------: + ----------------------------------------
| Type | Key | HTML Template
+ ========== + ============ + ========================================
| Heading | "navheading" | ~~~ html
| link | |<span class='navitem{{level}}'>{{navtext}}</span>"
| template | | ~~~
+ ---------- + ------------ + ----------------------------------------
The HTML template above is the value defined in
`Build.json`. That value is used if the given dictionary does not define the
"navheading" mapping or if no dictionary is given at all. Additional mappings
contained in the dictionary are ignored.
For more customization options see
[Static Site Project Customization](
The css styles used in the template is defined in `md-styles.css`.
Following placeholders in the HTML template are recognized.
| Placeholder | Description
| :-----------: | -----------
| `{{level}}` | heading level.
| `{{navtext}}` | heading text
During the build process the placeholders are replaced with content taken from
the `NavSpec` parameter.
.PARAMETER HeadingLevels
A string of numbers denoting the levels of the headings to add to the navigation
bar. By default the headings at level 1,2 and 3 are added to the Navigation bar.
If headings should not be automatically added to the navigation bar, use the
empty string `''` for this parameter. If omitted, the default configuration
defined by option "capture_page_headings" in `Build.json` is used.
None. This function does not read from a pipe.
HTML elements representing navigation links to headings on the input HTML
fragment for use in the navigation bar of sites created by
New-PageHeadingNavigation $fragment -HeadingLevels '234'
Create an HTML element for navigation to page headings `<h2>`, `<h3>`, `<h4>`.
All other headings are ignored. `$fragment` is a HTML framgment defined as:
~~~ PowerShell
$fragment = '<h2 id="bob">Hello World</h2>'
~~~ HTML
<button class="navitem">
   <a href="#bob"><span class="navitem2">Hello World</span></a>
Note that the heading level has been added to the css class.
New-PageHeadingNavigation '<h2 id="bob">Hello World</h2>' -NavTemplate $custom
Create an HTML element for navigation to an heading using the custom template `$custom`.
~~~ PowerShell
    $custom = @{ navheading = '<span class="li-item{{level}}">{{navtext}}</span>'}
~~~ HTML
<button class="navitem">
    <a href="#bob"><span class="li-item2">Hello World</span></a>
Note that the heading level is used as a postfix for the css class.
This function is typically used in the build script `Build.ps1` to define
the contents of the navigation bar (placeholder `{{nav}}`).

function New-PageHeadingNavigation {
        [object]$NavTemplate = $SCRIPT:defaultNavTemplate,
        [string]$HeadingLevels = "123" # capture levels 1 .. 3 by default
    $HTMLfragment -split "`n" | ForEach-Object {
        $m = $hRE.Match($_)
        if ($m.Success -and $m.Groups.Count -eq 4) {
            # found an heading with an id attribute
            $level = $m.Groups[1].Captures.Value
            if ($headingLevels.Contains($level)) {
                # this level is enabled
                $id = $m.Groups[2].Captures -join ''
                $txt = $m.Groups[3].Captures -join ''
                # strip hyperlinks in heading text
                $txt = $aRE.Replace($txt,'')
                [string]$navheading = $NavTemplate.navheading
                if (!$navheading) {
                    $navheading = $SCRIPT:defaultNavTemplate.navheading
                @{ $navheading.Replace('{{level}}',$level).Replace('{{navtext}}',$txt) = "#$($id)"}
    } | ConvertTo-NavigationItem -NavTemplate $NavTemplate

# Match resource links
[regex]$SCRIPT:linkRE = New-Object regex '((src|href)\s*=\s*[''"])(?!http|ftp|\.|/|#)'

Rewrite resource links which are relative to the projects root to make them
valid for other site locations.
HTML templates use links which are relative to the HTML site root directory
to link to resources such as JavaScript, css, or image files. When a HTML
file is assembled (e.g with ``Publish-StaticHtmlSite``) using such a template,
the resource links in the template may not be valid for the location of that
HTML file. This command uses the relative position of the new HTML file in the
site to compute valid resource links and update the template.
.PARAMETER InputObject
An html fragment containing root-relative resource links.
.PARAMETER RelativePath
Path to a Markdown file relative to the site root. That file's relative path
is used to adjust the links of in the given navigation bar item,
so that it can be reached from the location of the HTML page currently being
assembled using the Markdown file.
The given path should use forward slash '/' path separators.
HTML fragments containing resource links relative to the HTML site root.
HTML fragment with updated resource links.
Update-ResourceLinks -HtmlFragment $fragment -RelativePath 'a/b/v/test.html'
Adjust link to a resource at `images/logo.png` so that it is valid for a
file located at `a/b/v/test.html`. The input `$fragment` is defined as:
~~~ PowerShell
$fragment = '<img width="90%" src="images/logo.png"/>'
~~~ html
<img width="90%" src="../../../images/logo.png"/>

function Update-ResourceLinks {

        [string]$RelativePath = '')

    BEGIN {
         # Determine the relative navigation path of the current page to root
        $up = '../' * ($RelativePath.Split('/').Length - 1)
        $SCRIPT:linkRE.Replace($InputObject,'$1' + $up)

# SIG # Begin signature block
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