
WINDOWS EIT POWERSHELL PROFILE is a script which contains functions to ease manual efforts in day to day testing.
It has functions/commands which can be used right from configuring a freshly installed OS to complex test configurations and verifications.

Some of the functions depends on hardcoded variables and scripts.
    1. Corporate IP starts with "10.30*". This is used to create Management vswitch and Turning on Debugger.
    2. Drivers for installations are being taken from a local repository
    3. Software are getting copied/installed from QIDL local repository]

# [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property Status -ne "Disabled" | Where-Object -Property Status -ne "Disconnected" | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name

#Global variable
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $usernameWineit = 'wineit\Administrator'
    $usernameWindowseit = 'windows\Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass
    $credWineit = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $usernameWineit, $pass
    $credWindowseit = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $usernameWindowseit, $pass

    #firing command on remote machine

#initial_config on a fresh installed OS including software installations, seeting dump mode to kernal and more.
function initial-config {

        [ValidateSet("retail", "checked")]$DriverType,

    if ($Hostname) {Write-Host Changing hostname to $Hostname; Rename-Computer -NewName $hostname }

    #Enable Remote desktop
    Write-host Enable Remote desktop 
    cscript C:\Windows\System32\SCregEdit.wsf /ar 0

    #Auto logon
    Write-Host Enabling Autologon 

    #Disable Network Level Authentication
    Write-host "Disable Network Level Authentication for RDP"
    $ComputerName = hostname
    (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_TSGeneralSetting -Namespace root\cimv2\terminalservices -ComputerName $ComputerName -Filter "TerminalName='RDP-tcp'").SetUserAuthenticationRequired(0)

    #disabling Server Manager on Startup
    Write-host Disabling Server Manager on Startup

    #WinRm client
    Write-host Setting trusted host settings
    winrm.cmd quickconfig
    set-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value * -Force -Verbose

    #set time zone to IST
    Write-Host Set time zone to IST 

    #turn off display never (Useful in case of VMs and Raritan/Console)
    Write-Host Never turn off display
    powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-ac 0
    powercfg -change -monitor-timeout-dc 0
    powercfg -change -standby-timeout-ac 0
    powercfg -change -standby-timeout-dc 0

    #disable IEEnhanced Security Configuration
    Write-Host disable IEEnhanced Security Configuration
    Dis-InternetExplorerESC -Verbose

    #Disable UserAccessControl
    Write-Host Disable UserAccessControl
    Dis-UserAccessControl -Verbose

    #Set Memory Dump mode
    Write-Host Set OS dump mode to kernal dump 
    #Set OS dump mode
    # 0 = None
    # 1 = Complete memory dump
    # 2 = Kernel memory dump
    # 3 = Small memory dump
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration -EnableAllPrivileges | Set-WmiInstance -Arguments @{ DebugInfoType = 2 }
    #Check if its set
    (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration).DebugInfoType
    #Disable Overwriting existing dump files
    #More information on
    Write-Host Disabling Overwriting existing dump files
    wmic recoveros set OverwriteExistingDebugFile = 0

    #Check Hyper-V state
        if ((Get-WindowsFeature hyper-v).installstate -ne 'installed' -and (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_computersystem).model -ne "Virtual Machine") {
            Get-WindowsFeature *hyper*  | Install-WindowsFeature -Verbose    
        else {
            Write-Host "`nHyper-V is already installed..."

    #Rename partition and boot entry

    #Install drivers
    if ($VBDVersion) { Install-VBD $VBDVersion $DriverType }
    if ($NDISVersion) { Install-NDIS $NDISVersion $DriverType }

#Installing tools
    #Installing Medusa
    $instChk = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "Medusa"
    if ($instChk -ne $null) {
        Write-Host " Medusa is already installed on System" -ForegroundColor Green
    else {
        Write-Host " Installing Medusa on System" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        #Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "\\\Softwares\Medusa 7.3\Setup_x64_7.3.0.194175\Setup_x64_7.3.0.194175.exe" -ArgumentList "/qb MLM_SERVER= MLM_PORT=5033 MLTT_DEFAULT_CHECKOUT=5" -PassThru
        Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "\\\Softwares\Medusa 7.4\Setup_x64_7.4.0.208020.exe" -ArgumentList "/q" -PassThru

        if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "Medusa") {
            Write-Host " Medusa is installed on System" -ForegroundColor Green
            sleep 10
            if(Test-Path 'C:\Program Files\Medusa Labs\Test Tools\bin\')
                Write-Host Path present    
                Set-Path 'C:\Program Files\Medusa Labs\Test Tools\bin\'
            Write-Host Environment variable set for Medusa path
            Set-Path 'C:\Program Files\Medusa Labs\Test Tools\bin\'
        else {
            Write-Host " Failed to install Medusa on System" -ForegroundColor Red


        #Installing imdisk
        Write-Host "3.Checking if IMDisk is present on system"
        $instChk = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "Imdisk"
        if ($instChk -ne $null) {
            Write-Host " Imdisk is already installed on system" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            write-host " Installing Imdisk on system" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Start-Process -Wait -FilePath \\\softwares\ImDisk.exe -ArgumentList "/fullsilent" -PassThru

            if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "Imdisk") {
                write-Host " Imdisk successfully installed on system" -ForegroundColor Green
            else {
                Write-Host " Failed to install IMDisk on system" -ForegroundColor Red

    #Installing wireshark
    #Latest wireshark download -
    #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile c:\Wireshark-win64-latest.exe
    Write-Host "4. Checking if Wireshark is present on system"
    if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "Wireshark") {
        Write-Host " Wireshark is already installed on system" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
        Write-Host " Setting ENV variable path for Wireshark" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\Wireshark", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
        Write-Host " Installing vcredist" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        start-Process -Wait -FilePath "\\\Softwares\Wireshark\vcredist_x64.exe" -ArgumentList "/install /quiet /norestart"
    else {
        Write-Host " Installing WinPCap on system" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Start-Process -FilePath "\\\Softwares\Wireshark\winpcapsilent.exe" -ArgumentList "WinPcap*.exe"
        start-sleep 5
        if (((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "WinpCap")) {
            Write-Host " WinPCap successfully installed on system" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            Write-Host " Failed on install WinPCap on system" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Installing Wireshark on system" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "\\\Softwares\Wireshark\Wireshark-win64-3.0.3.exe" -ArgumentList "/S"
        if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).DisplayName -match "Wireshark") {
            Write-Host " Wireshark successfully installed on system" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            Write-Host " Failed on install Wireshark on system" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host " Installing vcredist" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        start-Process -Wait -FilePath "\\\Softwares\Wireshark\vcredist_x64.exe" -ArgumentList "/install /quiet /norestart"
        Write-Host " Setting ENV variable path for Wireshark" -ForegroundColor Green
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\Wireshark", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
        Write-Host "Wireshark setup complete" -ForegroundColor Green

    #Copying testsuite
<# write-host "5.Checking testsuite folder on C:\"
    if (Test-Path "C:\testsuites") {
        write-host " TestSuite folder is already present on C:\" -ForegroundColor Green
    else {
        Write-Host " Copying testsuite to C:\" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        if (Test-Connection "" -Count 1 -Quiet) {
            Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\testsuites" -Destination c:\testsuites -Recurse -Force
        else {
            Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\testsuites" -Destination c:\testsuites -Recurse -Force

    #Installing notepad++0

    #Installing device management module

    #copying devcon

    #Turn on OS debugger
    if ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_computersystem).model -ne "Virtual Machine") { debugOn }

    #Deleting network share
    Write-Host Deleting network share
    net use * /d /y

    $input = Read-host "Restart-Server ? (y/n) :"
    if ($input -eq 'y' ) { Restart-Computer }


###################################################OS configuration related commands###################################################

function Dis-SeverManagerOnStartup
        #Disabling Server manager on start
        New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager" -Name "DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon" -PropertyType DWORD -Value "0x1" -Force

function trustedItem
    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts "*" -Force
    Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Verbose
function restartexplorer {
    taskkill /im explorer.exe /f

function settime { Set-TimeZone -id "India Standard Time" }

function hostfile {
    notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

function clearEventLog {
    $path = 'c:\users\administrator\Documents\EventBackup'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item -ItemType Directory -Name Eventbackup -Path c:\users\administrator\Documents\ -Verbose }
    $time = get-date -Format G; $time = $time -replace '[/:]', '-'
    wevtutil.exe epl system $path\EventLogs-System-$time.evtx
    wevtutil.exe cl system
    Write-Host System events cleared. Event Backup file created at $path\eventLog-System-$time.evtx

Function Eventlogs ($MarvellOnly, $NewestCount, $RunOnPeerAsWell)
            Write-Host Getting MARVELL SYSTEM EVENT LOGS
            Get-EventLog -LogName System -Source qe*, l2nd2 -Newest $NewestCount
        else {
            Write-Host Getting SYSTEM EVENT LOGS of type Error and Warning only
            Get-EventLog -LogName System -EntryType Error, Warning -Newest $NewestCount    
            Write-Host `nGetting System Event Logs from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
             Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
                Eventlogs -MarvellOnly $args[0] -NewestCount $args[1]} -ArgumentList $MarvellOnly, $NewestCount
            Write-Host Getting MARVELL SYSTEM EVENT LOGS
            Get-EventLog -LogName System -Source qe*, l2nd2
        else {
            Write-Host Getting SYSTEM EVENT LOGS of type Error and Warning only
            Get-EventLog -LogName System -EntryType Error, Warning 
            Write-Host `nGetting System Event Logs from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
             Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
                Eventlogs -MarvellOnly $args[0]} -ArgumentList $MarvellOnly

Function Check_Crash_Events {
    Get-EventLog -LogName System -Source BUGCHECK -Newest 5 | fl

function stop ($process_name) {
    taskkill /im $process_name'.exe' /f
function cred
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

function corpInfo {

    Write-host "Ethernet adapter Corp3:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 30-E1-71-52-4F-B0
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::e89b:70e4:912f:da92%6(Preferred)
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:24:46 PM
   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 5:26:04 PM
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
   DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 221307249
   DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-21-A0-37-67-30-E1-71-52-4F-B2
   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled"

function Dis-InternetExplorerESC {
    $AdminKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A7-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}"
    $UserKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{A509B1A8-37EF-4b3f-8CFC-4F3A74704073}"
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $AdminKey -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0 -Force
    Set-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "IsInstalled" -Value 0 -Force
    Stop-Process -Name Explorer -Force
    Write-Host "IE Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) has been disabled." -ForegroundColor Green
function Dis-UserAccessControl {
    Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin" -Value 00000000 -Force
    Write-Host "User Access Control (UAC) has been disabled." -ForegroundColor Green    
function Set-Path ($path) {

    #deleting duplicate entries in path variable.
    Write-Host     "Deleting duplicate entries in path variable." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $CurrentPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path','Machine')
    $SplittedPath = $CurrentPath -split ';'
    $CleanedPath = $SplittedPath | Sort-Object -Unique
    $NewPath = $CleanedPath -join ';'
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $NewPath,'Machine')

    if ($path -eq $null) {
        Write-host Please enter path using `"set-path `$path`"
    else {
        if ((Test-Path $path) -eq $false) {
            Write-host Please enter existant path
        else {
            #$env:path = $env:path + ';' + $path
            [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + "$path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
            Write-Host "path set `n `n $env:path `n `n"

function maa* {
    Restart-Service maa* -Verbose
function MedusaIP ($addMetric,$addRoute, $removeMetric) {
    #Write-Host " `n route add mask -p `n"
    <#if ($addRoute) {
        route change mask metric 1 -p;
        route add mask -p;

        Write-Host Setting interface metric to 1 for corp interface
        Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex (corpip).InterfaceIndex -InterfaceMetric 1 -Verbose

        Write-Host Setting interface metric to 0 for corp interface
        Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex (corpip).InterfaceIndex -InterfaceMetric 0 -Verbose

    Set-Clipboard "" -Verbose
    Write-Host Medusa IP copied to clipboard

#Else try netsh int set interface 138 metric=1
function autologon {
    Write-Host Setting AutoAdminLogon
    New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name AutoAdminLogon -PropertyType STRING -Value 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name DefaultUserName -PropertyType STRING -Value Administrator -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name DefaultPassword -PropertyType STRING -Value Qlogic01 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name AutoAdminLogon -Value 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name DefaultUserName -Value Administrator -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name DefaultPassword -Value Qlogic01 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name AutoAdminLogon
Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name DefaultUserName
Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\' -Name DefaultPassword


function OsOnPartitions {
    $a = bcdedit
    $b = ($a) | Select-String OSDevice
    $c = ($a) | Select-String Identifier

    $i = 1

    Foreach ($temp in $b) {
        $s = [String]$temp
        $driverLetter = $s.Substring($s.Length - 2, 1)
        #$a = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name *
        #$ProductVersion = $a.CurrentMajorVersionNumber + "." + $a.CurrentMinorVersionNumber + "." + $a.CurrentBuild + "." + $a.UBR
        $ProductVersion = (get-item $driverLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion

        #Rename drive volume name in explorer
        label $driverLetter":" $ProductVersion
        #change bcdedit description
        $identifier = [String]$c[$i]
        $identifier = $identifier.Substring($identifier.IndexOf('{'))
        bcdedit /set $identifier description $ProductVersion

    #Printing the output
    $a = bcdedit
    $b = ($a) | Select-String OSDevice, Identifier, Description

function Find-File { $FileToSearch }

# Create C:\Startup.ps1 and startup.bat in startup path. Write anything you need at startup in startup.ps1 which will be opened in Powershell_ISE
function Set-Startup
    #Encoding param is veruy necessary here otherwise the batch file wont execute as it would contain garbage characters.
    Set-Content -Encoding ascii -Value "Powershell -File C:\Startup.ps1" -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\startup.bat"
    if(!(Test-Path c:\Startup.ps1)){New-Item -Path C:\Startup.ps1 -Force} 
    Write-host `n Opening Startup.ps1 in Powershell ISE, edit whatever required in startup -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Powershell_ise.exe -File c:\Startup.ps1

#Check VM crash event on host
function VmCrashEvent ($clearEvents)
    #Event on host when VM is crashed, check this
    Critical 2/25/2020 11:40:31 AM Hyper-V-Worker 18590 None
    'VM-9' has encountered a fatal error. The guest operating system reported that it failed with the following error codes: ErrorCode0: 0xD1, ErrorCode1: 0xFFFFA101FFDEC010, ErrorCode2: 0x2, ErrorCode3: 0x0, ErrorCode4: 0x0. If the problem persists, contact Product Support for the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID 93B7774F-74BC-4744-AD4B-90E930F9739A)
    Guest message:
    Test bug check event in VMs using all-vms

    Get-WinEvent  -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker | Where-Object -Property ID -eq 18590

        wevtutil.exe cl Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-Operational

#Disable automatic reboot option
function Dis-AutoReboot
    #Disable/Enable Automatic Reboot
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration -EnableAllPrivileges | Set-WmiInstance -Arguments @{ AutoReboot=$false }
    #Chech if its set
    (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration).AutoReboot

#Disable automatic reboot option
function En-AutoReboot
    #Disable/Enable Automatic Reboot
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration -EnableAllPrivileges | Set-WmiInstance -Arguments @{ AutoReboot=$true }
    #Chech if its set
    (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration).AutoReboot

#Sometimes copy paste doesnt work in remote sessions from your host/laptop. In this case this function will restart the clipboard service on remote server.
function Clipboard-Service-Restart {
    Restart-Service cbdhsvc_43567 -Verbose
    stop rdpclip
    Write-Host Now Reconnect the server and copy paste should work 

#Open the current directory in explorer
function OpenExplorer { Get-Location | Invoke-Item }

#for CQ path
function LinuxPathToWindows ($LinuxPath)
    $windowsPath = $LinuxPath.Replace("/","\").Replace("\usr\qlc","\\")
    Set-Clipboard $windowsPath
    Write-Host Path copied in clipboard
    ii $windowsPath

#Get/Set OS PageFileSize, function needs modification
function PageFile ($sizeInMB) {
    # PowerShell Script to set the size of pagefile.sys

    $computersys = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -EnableAllPrivileges;
    $computersys.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $False;
    $pagefile = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * From Win32_PageFileSetting Where Name like '%pagefile.sys'";

    if ($sizeInMB) {
        $pagefile.InitialSize = $sizeInMB;
        $pagefile.MaximumSize = $sizeInMB;
    else {
        Write-Host PageFile Size is $PageFile

function Install-NotepadPlusPlus
    #Installing Notepad++
    Start-Process (Get-ChildItem \\\Softwares\*npp*.exe)[0].FullName -ArgumentList "/S"

function DeviceManagement {
    Write-Host Installing DeviceManagement Module
    Copy-Item '\\\Softwares\DeviceManagement' -Destination 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules' -Force -Recurse
    #Copy-Item '\\\Softwares\DeviceManagement' -Destination 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' -Force -Recurse

function get-devcon
    Write-Host Copying devcon.exe to C:\Windows\System32
    Copy-Item \\\Softwares\devcon.exe C:\Windows\System32 -Verbose

function CopyToStartup($path) {
    Copy-Item "$path"    "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" -Verbose

function startup { ii "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

function MPIO {
    Get-WindowsFeature -Name MultiPath-IO
    $a = Get-WindowsFeature -Name MultiPath-IO | select installed
    if ($a -match 'False') {
        Write-Host `n MPIO Feature is not installed.... -Foregroundcolor "RED"
        $input = Read-Host -Prompt 'Would you like to install [yes/no]'
        if (($input -eq 'yes') -or ($input -eq 'y')) { Install-WindowsFeature -Name 'MultiPath-IO' }

function noMPIO { Remove-WindowsFeature 'MultiPath-IO' }

function nofirewall { netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off }

function noAutoUpdates { }

function RAMUsage {
    $osInfo = Get-Ciminstance Win32_OperatingSystem
    $totalRAM = [math]::round($osInfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1024 / 1024)
    $freeRAM = [math]::round($osInfo.FreePhysicalMemory / 1024 / 1024)
    $usedRAM = $totalRAM - $freeRAM
    Write-Host "TOTAL RAM `t $totalRAM GB `n USED RAM `t $usedRAM GB `n FREE RAM `t $freeRAM GB"

#This will set boot mode to safe boot, and a runonce registry to unset safe boot
function nextBootToSafeMode
    cmd /c "bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal"
    #Use * in Name to force executing in safe mode
    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" -Name "*UnsetSafeBoot" -Value "cmd /k `"bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot`""
    Write-Host Added registry to unset safe boot after booting once..

###################################################OS configuration related commands Ends###################################################

####################General and Lab related################

function get ($SoftwareName) {
    $path = 'c:\Softwares'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item -ItemType Directory -Name Softwares -Path C:\ -Verbose }
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Softwares\" -Name

    if ($SoftwareName.Length -eq 0) {
        for ($i = 1; $i -le $a.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $a[$i - 1] }
        $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
        $item = $a[$itemNumber - 1]
        $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\$item" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
        If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
        Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $SoftwareName

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No item found with the given Name - $SoftwareName
        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\$item" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
                If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }
            else {
                $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\$query" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
                If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }

function get-Script ($ScriptName)
    $path = 'c:\'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item -ItemType Directory -Name Softwares -Path C:\ -Verbose }
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Softwares\Sagar\Scripts" -Name

    if ($ScriptName.Length -eq 0) {
        for ($i = 1; $i -le $a.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $a[$i - 1] }
        $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
        $item = $a[$itemNumber - 1]
        $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\Sagar\Scripts\$item" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
        If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
        Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $ScriptName

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No item found with the given Name - $ScriptName
        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\Sagar\Scripts\$item" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
                If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }
            else {
                $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\Sagar\Scripts\$query" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
                If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }

#get diskspd and copy to system32
function get-diskspd {
    $path = 'c:\windows\system32'
    $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\Diskspd-v2.0.17\amd64fre\diskspd.exe" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
    If ($status) { Write-Host Copied $item to $Path }
    Else { Write-Host Copy Failed..!!! }

Peer IP is the IP of the remote system where you run the NIC, RDMA traffic
The below function sets that IP and saves in a file for persistant access to peer

function Set-PeerIp ($ip) {
    $ip > $location

#Displays the peerIP which was set using the Set-PeerIp Command

function Get-PeerIp {
    $path = "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\MarvellFastlinqCmdlets\MarvellFastlinq_PeerIP.txt"
    if (!(Test-Path $path) -or ((Get-Content $path) -eq $null)) { Set-PeerIp (Read-Host -Prompt "Peer IP is not set, Please enter Peer IP: ") }
    $location = "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\MarvellFastlinqCmdlets\MarvellFastlinq_PeerIP.txt"
    Get-Content $location
#Get Remote systems Marvell adapters IP address and pings them all

Function Ping-Peer ($MTUSize) 
    if ((Get-PeerIp) -eq $null) { Set-PeerIp (Read-Host -Prompt "Peer IP is not set, Please enter Peer IP: ") }
    Write-Host "Getting peer ip addresses"

    $peerIpList =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName (Get-PeerIp)  -Command { (Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *Mellanox*, *hyper-v* | Where-Object -Property Status -eq "Up" |Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne "100 Mbps" | Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne "1 Gbps") | % { 
        #Checking if IPV4 binding is enabled like in case of Hyper-V PF wont have the bindings
        if(((Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).Enabled) -eq $true)
           (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AddressFamily IPv4).IPAddress 
    } -Credential $cred #Command

        foreach ($port in $peerIpList) { PING.EXE $port -l $MTUSize -f }
        foreach ($port in $peerIpList) { PING.EXE $port }

Function Ping-PeerV6 
    if ((Get-PeerIp) -eq $null) { Set-PeerIp (Read-Host -Prompt "Peer IP is not set, Please enter Peer IP: ") }
    Write-Host "Getting peer ip addresses"

    $peerIpList =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName (Get-PeerIp)  -Command { (Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *Mellanox*, *hyper-v* | Where-Object -Property Status -eq "up" |Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne "100 Mbps" | Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne "1 Gbps") | % { 
        #Checking if IPV6 binding is enabled like in case of Hyper-V PF wont have the bindings
        if(((Get-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_tcpip6 -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).Enabled) -eq $true)
           (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object PrefixOrigin -EQ "Manual").IPAddress
    } -Credential $cred #Command

    foreach ($port in $peerIpList) { PING.EXE $port }


function PeerShare
ii \\$(Get-PeerIp)\c$

#Login to QIDL switches
function SSH-Switch 

    switch ($SwitchName)
        "PAM4-L5-L6Rack" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Arista-100G-7060X" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Arista-RJ45-7050T" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Arista-Cisco-5000" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Arista-Brocade" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Dell-Z9100" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Oxygen-Cisco-5010-1" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Oxygen-Cisco-5010-2" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Oxygen-HP2408-Brocade-8000" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Francium-Cisco-5548" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Francium-HP2408-Brocade-8000" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Gold-Cisco-5020" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Radium-Cisco-5696-40G" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Radium-Cisco-5548" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Radium-Cisco-5010" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}
        "Silver-Cisco-5020" {$SwitchIp = ""; break;}

        Start-Process -FilePath \\\Softwares\Switch_Cascade_Layout.png

        Write-Host Logging to $SwitchName using IP $SwitchIp -ForegroundColor Yellow
        ssh.exe admin@$SwitchIp

#####################General and Lab Related Command ends#####################

######################Device Related#####################
function Rename-Interfaces ($NPAR) {
    #go to CreateVswicthesNPAR.ps1 and create vswitches using functions
    #also create corpswitch here.

    $i = 1;

    if ($NPAR) {
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % {     
            $deviceNumber = (Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).device;
            $functionNumber = (Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).function;
            $name = "D" + $deviceNumber + "P" + $functionNumber
            Rename-NetAdapter -Name $_.InterfaceAlias -NewName "$name" -Verbose }
    else {
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
            $functionNumber = [int](Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).function; 
            Rename-NetAdapter -Name $_.InterfaceAlias -NewName P$functionNumber -Verbose }

#implement/call this function to get devices, have to be careful as some functions needs to run on disconnected/disabled devices while some cant run on these
function get-Devices

(Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps'


The Network Interface performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes and packets are sent and received over a TCP/IP connection. It includes counters that monitor connection errors.
It says TCP/IP so I assume that it is similar to what netstat -p tcp discards shows.
Packets Outbound Discarded Shows the number of outbound packets to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding the a packet could be to free up buffer space. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Packets Outbound Errors Shows the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Packets Received Discarded Shows the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Packets Received Errors Shows the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
According to this, Packet loss when running high traffic burst could be due small rx tx buffers, increasing these rings will help.

function Check-Discards ($maxSamples, $RunOnPeerAsWell)

    $devices = get-Devices

    #with #0 index it will work on only one adapter and not multiple if the device strings are different
    $deviceString = [string](($devices.InterfaceDescription)[0] -replace '/','_')

    if ($deviceString -match '#')
        $deviceString = $deviceString.Substring(0,$deviceString.IndexOf('#')).TrimEnd()

    $counter = @("\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\Packets Received Discarded","\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\Packets Outbound Discarded")

    Get-Counter -Counter $counter -MaxSamples $maxSamples | ForEach {
        $_.CounterSamples | ForEach {
                TimeStamp = $_.TimeStamp
                Path = $_.Path
                #Path = $_.InstanceName
                Value = $_.CookedValue

        Write-Host `n

        Write-Host `nChecking discards on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Check-Discards -MaxSamples $args[0]} -ArgumentList ($maxSamples)

function Check-Discards2 ($maxSamples, $RunOnPeerAsWell)

    $devices = get-Devices

    #with #0 index it will work on only one adapter and not multiple if the device strings are different
    $deviceString = [string](($devices.InterfaceDescription)[0] -replace '/','_')

    if ($deviceString -match '#')
        $deviceString = $deviceString.Substring(0,$deviceString.IndexOf('#')).TrimEnd()

    $counter = @("\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\Packets Received Discarded","\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\Packets Outbound Discarded")

    Get-Counter -Counter $counter -MaxSamples $maxSamples | ForEach {
        $_.CounterSamples | ForEach {
                TimeStamp = $_.TimeStamp
                Path = $_.Path
                #Path = $_.InstanceName
                Value = $_.CookedValue
            $prevValue = $_.CookedValue


        Write-Host `n

        Write-Host `nChecking discards on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Check-Discards -MaxSamples $args[0]} -ArgumentList ($maxSamples)

function Check-RSCStats ($maxSamples, $RunOnPeerAsWell)

    $devices = get-Devices

    #with #0 index it will work on only one adapter and not multiple if the device strings are different
    $deviceString = [string](($devices.InterfaceDescription)[0] -replace '/','_')

    if ($deviceString -match '#')
        $deviceString = $deviceString.Substring(0,$deviceString.IndexOf('#')).TrimEnd()

    $counter = @("\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\TCP Active RSC Connections","\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\TCP RSC Average Packet Size","\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\TCP RSC Coalesced Packets/sec","\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\TCP RSC Exceptions/sec")

    Get-Counter -Counter $counter -MaxSamples $maxSamples | ForEach {
        $_.CounterSamples | ForEach {
                TimeStamp = $_.TimeStamp
                Path = $_.Path
                #Path = $_.InstanceName
                Value = $_.CookedValue

        Write-Host `n

        Write-Host `nChecking discards on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Check-RSCStats -MaxSamples $args[0]} -ArgumentList ($maxSamples)

function Check-Discards ($maxSamples, $RunOnPeerAsWell)

    $devices = get-Devices

    #with #0 index it will work on only one adapter and not multiple if the device strings are different
    $deviceString = [string](($devices.InterfaceDescription)[0] -replace '/','_')

    if ($deviceString -match '#')
        $deviceString = $deviceString.Substring(0,$deviceString.IndexOf('#')).TrimEnd()

    $counter = @("\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\Packets Received Discarded","\Network Adapter($deviceString*)\Packets Outbound Discarded")

    Get-Counter -Counter $counter -MaxSamples $maxSamples | ForEach {
        $_.CounterSamples | ForEach {
                TimeStamp = $_.TimeStamp
                Path = $_.Path
                #Path = $_.InstanceName
                Value = $_.CookedValue

        Write-Host `n

        Write-Host `nChecking discards on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Check-Discards -MaxSamples $args[0]} -ArgumentList ($maxSamples)

function Check-TCPRetransmissions ($maxSamples)

    Write-Host Getting TCP Segments Retransmitted Per Second `n`n -BackgroundColor CYAN
    for($i=1; $i -le $maxSamples; $i++)
        $sut = netstat -s
        $peer =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock {netstat -s}
        #foreach ($b in $a){Write-Host $b $i; $i++}
        $tcpv4_retrans = [int](($sut[90] -split '=')[1]).trim()
        $tcpv6_retrans = [int](($sut[101] -split '=')[1]).trim()

        $peer_tcpv4_retrans = [int](($peer[90] -split '=')[1]).trim()
        $peer_tcpv6_retrans = [int](($peer[101] -split '=')[1]).trim() 
        Write-Host "TCP IPv4 Seg. Rtrns: " -NoNewLine
        Write-Host $tcpv4_retrans -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t TCP IPv6 Seg. Rtrns: "  -NoNewline
        Write-Host $tcpv6_retrans -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline

        Write-Host "`t Peer TCP IPv4 Seg. Rtrns: " -NoNewLine
        Write-Host $peer_tcpv4_retrans -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t Peer TCP IPv6 Seg. Rtrns: " -NoNewline
        Write-Host $peer_tcpv6_retrans -ForegroundColor Yellow

        sleep 1

function Check-TCPRetransmissions-2 ($maxSamples)

    Write-Host Getting TCP Segments Retransmitted Per Second `n`n -BackgroundColor RED
    for($i=1; $i -le $maxSamples; $i++)
        $sut = netstat -s
        $peer =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock {netstat -s}
        #foreach ($b in $a){Write-Host $b $i; $i++}
        $tcpv4_retrans = [int](($sut[90] -split '=')[1]).trim()
        $tcpv6_retrans = [int](($sut[101] -split '=')[1]).trim()

        $peer_tcpv4_retrans = [int](($peer[90] -split '=')[1]).trim()
        $peer_tcpv6_retrans = [int](($peer[101] -split '=')[1]).trim() 

        sleep 1

        $sut2 = netstat -s
        $peer2 =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock {netstat -s}
        #foreach ($b in $a){Write-Host $b $i; $i++}
        $tcpv4_retrans_2 = [int](($sut2[90] -split '=')[1]).trim()
        $tcpv6_retrans_2 = [int](($sut2[101] -split '=')[1]).trim()

        $peer_tcpv4_retrans_2 = [int](($peer2[90] -split '=')[1]).trim()
        $peer_tcpv6_retrans_2 = [int](($peer2[101] -split '=')[1]).trim() 

        $final_tcpv4_retrans = $tcpv4_retrans_2 - $tcpv4_retrans
        $final_tcpv6_retrans = $tcpv6_retrans_2 - $tcpv6_retrans

        $final_peer_tcpv4_retrans = $peer_tcpv4_retrans_2 - $peer_tcpv4_retrans
        $final_peer_tcpv6_retrans = $peer_tcpv6_retrans_2 - $peer_tcpv6_retrans

        Write-Host "TCP IPv4 Seg. Rtrns: " -NoNewLine
        Write-Host $final_tcpv4_retrans -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t TCP IPv6 Seg. Rtrns: "  -NoNewline
        Write-Host $final_tcpv6_retrans -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline

        Write-Host "`t Peer TCP IPv4 Seg. Rtrns: " -NoNewLine
        Write-Host $final_peer_tcpv4_retrans -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "`t Peer TCP IPv6 Seg. Rtrns: " -NoNewline
        Write-Host $final_peer_tcpv6_retrans -ForegroundColor Yellow

        if($i % 20 -eq 0) {Write-Host `n`n}

######################Device Related End#####################

###################################################Device disable enable commands###################################################
function Dis-FcoEMiniport {
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

    #Get FCoE Devices
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qefcoe | % { Disable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

function En-FcoEMiniport {
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

    #Get FCoE Devices
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qefcoe | % { Enable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

function Dis-iSCSIMiniport {
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

    #Get FCoE Devices
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qeois | % { Disable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

function En-iSCSIMiniport {
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

    #Get FCoE Devices
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SCSIADAPTER | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qeois | % { Enable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

function Dis-VBD ($functionNumber, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {

    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

    if(($functionNumber) -or ($functionNumber -eq 0))
        Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qebdrv | Where-Object -Property LocationInfo -Match "function $functionNumber" | % { Disable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

PS C:\EIT_Drivers\ediag\> (Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qebdrv).LocationInfo
PCI bus 94, device 0, function 0
PCI bus 94, device 0, function 1
PCI bus 94, device 0, function 2
PCI bus 94, device 0, function 3

    else {
        Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qebdrv | % { Disable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

        Write-Host `nDisabling VBD interfaces on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Dis-VBD -Function $args} -ArgumentList $functionNumber

function En-VBD ($functionNumber, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

    if(($functionNumber) -or ($functionNumber -eq 0))
        Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qebdrv | Where-Object -Property LocationInfo -Match "function $functionNumber" | % { Enable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

    else {
        Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ qebdrv | % { Enable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

        Write-Host `nEnabling VBD interfaces on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            En-VBD -Function $args} -ArgumentList $functionNumber

function dvbd-evbd {Dis-VBD -functionNumber 0; Dis-VBD -functionNumber 1; En-VBD -functionNumber 0; En-VBD -functionNumber 1}

function Dis-VBD-E3 {

    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }
    #For E3
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ ebdrv | % { Disable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

function En-VBD-E3 {

    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }
    #For E3
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property Service -EQ ebdrv | % { Enable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }

function dis ($interfaceAlias, $RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

        Disable-NetAdapter -InterfaceAlias $interfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, Qlogic*, *hyper*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Disable-NetAdapter -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 }
        Write-Host `nDisabling interfaces on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            dis -interfaceAlias $args[0]} -ArgumentList $interfaceAlias

function en ($interfaceAlias,$RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }

        Enable-NetAdapter -InterfaceAlias $interfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, Qlogic*, *hyper*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Enable-NetAdapter -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 }
        Write-Host `nDisabling interfaces on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            en -interfaceAlias $args[0]} -ArgumentList $interfaceAlias


function dis-NDIS { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, Qlogic*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Disable-NetAdapter -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }
function en-NDIS { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, Qlogic*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Enable-NetAdapter -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }

#Some devcon commands- helps in case we have multiple adapters in system

function Dis-IntelAdapter {    if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe disable *154D*}
function En-IntelAdapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon} devcon.exe Enable *154D*;}
function Dis-MLNXAdapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon} devcon.exe disable *15B3*;}
function En-MLNXAdapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe Enable *15B3*;}
function Dis-ChelsioAdapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe disable *PCI\VEN_1425*;}
function En-ChelsioAdapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe enable *PCI\VEN_1425*;}
function Dis-E3Adapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe disable *16A4*;    devcon.exe disable *16A1*;}
function En-E3Adapter {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe enable *16A4*;    devcon.exe enable *16A1*;}

If you have muliple Marvell adapters, then this will disable all other adapters except what you specify here
You can just specify normal string, no need to provide *string*, like GiveMe 622 and it will enable Quick adapter and disables all other.

function GiveMe ($string) {
    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\DeviceManagement')) { DeviceManagement }
    Get-Device -Class GUID_DEVCLASS_SYSTEM | Where-Object -Property InstanceId -like *PCI\VEN_1077* | % { if ($_.Name -match "$string") { Enable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose }else { Disable-Device -InstanceId $_.InstanceId -Confirm:0 -Verbose } }
    Enable-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription "*$string*" -Verbose

<# In case you have BigBear and ArrowHead adapters in one system, BB will enable BigBear adapter and disable AH adapter#>
function BB {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe disable *8070*;devcon.exe disable *8084*;devcon.exe disable *8080*;devcon.exe enable *1656*;devcon.exe enable *1656*}
function AH {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon}    devcon.exe disable *1656*;devcon.exe disable *1634*;devcon.exe enable *8070*;devcon.exe enable *8070*;devcon.exe enable *8084*;devcon.exe enable *8080*;devcon.exe enable *8084*;devcon.exe enable *8080*;}

function devconrescan {if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe)){get-devcon} devcon.exe rescan }

###################################################E3 commands###################################################

#Enable error recovery for E3 adapter uun registry
function E3-enable-error-recovery-in-registry {

    #((Get-PnpDevice -Class System | Where-Object -Property FriendlyName -Match hpe).FriendlyName) | %{ $_ -match '(\d+$)'; $a+=$Matches[1] }
    #Multiple strings in -match match
    #used service ebdrv for getting E3 devices
    ((Get-PnpDevice -Class System | Where-Object { $_.Service -eq "ebdrv" }).FriendlyName) | % { $parts = $_ -split '#'; 
        #Format the number as 4 digit number
        $deviceNumber = '{0:d4}' -f [int]$parts[1] 
        New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\$deviceNumber" -Name enable_error_recovery -PropertyType STRING -Value 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Host Reboot the system for the registry settings to take effect

function winedebug () {
    $path = 'C:\Softwares\winedebug_rel_x64_1.0.31'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) {
        Write-Host "Winediag not present `\n Copying"
        get winedebug
    cd $path
    .\winedebug_x64 -b10eng

###################################################E3 commands End###################################################



function CorpSwitch { New-VMSwitch corp -NetAdapterName (corpip).Interfacealias }

function Create-vSwitches ($EnableSriov, $NPAR) {
    #go to CreateVswicthesNPAR.ps1 and create vswitches using functions
    #also create corpswitch here.
    $i = 1;

    if ($NPAR) {
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -ne "Disabled") | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % {     
            $deviceNumber = (Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).device;
            $functionNumber = (Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).function;
            $name = "D" + $deviceNumber + "P" + $functionNumber
            New-VMSwitch "$name" -NetAdapterName $_.InterfaceAlias -EnableIov $EnableSriov -Verbose }
    else {
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -ne "Disabled") | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
            $functionNumber = [int](Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias).function; 
            New-VMSwitch P$functionNumber -NetAdapterName $_.InterfaceAlias -EnableIov $EnableSriov -Verbose }

#Remove VMSwitch
function noVMSwitch {
    Remove-VMSwitch P* -Confirm:0 -Verbose -Force
    Remove-VMSwitch SET* -Confirm:0 -Verbose -Force

function addmos ($SwitchName, $Count) {
    #Add mananement OS VMnet Name to manage each individual mos vports better
        1..$count | foreach { Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Verbose -SwitchName $SwitchName }

function nomos ($SwitchName) { Set-VMSwitch -Name $SwitchName -AllowManagementOS 0 -Verbose }
function mosvlan ($vlanid) {

    if($vlanid -or ($vlanid -eq 0))
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName p* -VlanId $vlanid -Access -Verbose
        Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName set* -VlanId $vlanid -Access -Verbose
    else {
        Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS
function vmvlan ($vlanid) { Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -Verbose -VlanId $vlanid -Access -VMName * -VMNetworkAdapterName NA* }
#######################VSWITCH END#################
function VMRAM ($RAMSizeInGB) {
    Set-VMMemory -VMName * -StartupBytes $RAMSizeInGB -Verbose

function VMMemory ($RAMSizeInGB) {

function Assign-IpInVm ($subnet, $last_octet, $interfacesPerVm) {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    #$subnet = 30
    #$last_octet = 10

    $vms = get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq "Running"
    $vmCount = [int](get-vm).Count
    foreach ($vm in $vms) {
        Write-Host  Assigning IP to $vm.Name

        #if($_ -gt 1){$subnet = 22}
        #if($_ -gt 2){$subnet = 23}
        #if($_ -gt 3){$subnet = 24}

         Invoke-Command -VMName $ -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
            Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1;
            setip_lastoctet_vm $args[0] $args[1]
            Write-Host Completed IP assigment for $vm.Name
        } -Args $subnet, $last_octet
        $last_octet = $last_octet + $interfacesPerVm

function All-VMs-AsJob ($command) {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {

        Write-host Firing command in $temp
        In Ws2012R2 invoke command with -VNName doesnt work
        $a=Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $temp -VMNetworkAdapterName corp
            $ip= $a.IPAddresses -match "10.30*"
            $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ip -Credential $cred
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $ip

         Invoke-Command -VMName $temp -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
            Write-host Result from VM $args[1] -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Red
            Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1;
            powershell -command $args[0]
        } -Args $command,$temp -AsJob             
    Get-Job | Wait-Job -Timeout 300 -Verbose | Receive-Job

function All-VMs ($command) {

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {

        Write-host Firing command in $temp
         Invoke-Command -VMName $temp -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
            Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1;
            powershell -command $args
        } -Args $command

function hostshare
    #find the hostname of of the host machine from VM registry settings
    $HostName = (Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters\").GetValue("Hostname")
    ii \\$HostName\c$

function CopyToAllVMs() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("startup", "c:\")]$destinationPath

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    if ($destinationPath -eq "startup")
        $destination = "$home" + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    else {
        $destination = "c:\"

    if ($FromAVmToAllOtherVms) {
        #find the hostname of of the host machine from VM registry settings
        $HostName = (Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters\").GetValue("Hostname")
        $VMNames = (get-vm -ComputerName $HostName | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    if($FromHostToAllVms) {
        $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {
        Write-host Copying to $temp    
        Get-VMIntegrationService $temp | ? { -not($_.Enabled) } | Enable-VMIntegrationService -Verbose
        Copy-VMFile -Name $temp -SourcePath $sourcePath -Verbose -DestinationPath $destination -FileSource Host -Force

function DeleteFromStartupOfAllVMs() {

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    if ($FromAVmToAllOtherVms) {
        #find the hostname of of the host machine from VM registry settings
        $HostName = (Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters\").GetValue("Hostname")
        $VMNames = (get-vm -ComputerName $HostName | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    if($FromHostToAllVms) {
        $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {
        Write-host Deleting $filename from $temp    
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -VMName $temp -ScriptBlock {Remove-item "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\$args"} -ArgumentList $filename -Credential $cred

function CopyFromHostToAllVMs($filename) {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {

        Write-host Firing command in $temp
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -VMName $temp -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
            Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1;
            powershell -command $args
        } -Args $command

function All-VMs-ChangeHostname () {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name
    if($hostname.Length -gt 10) { $hostname = (hostname).substring(0,10)}
    else { $hostname = hostname}
    $count = 1

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {
        $vmhostname = $hostname + "-VM" + $count;
        Write-host Changing hostname of $temp to $vmhostname
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -VMName $temp -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
            Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1;
            powershell -command Rename-Computer $args -Force;
        } -Args $vmhostname

function Rename-Vms ($prefix) {
    $username = 'Administrator'; 
    $password = 'Qlogic01'; 
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force; 
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    Get-VM | Where-Object -Property State -eq "Running" | % { Write-Host $_.Name;  Invoke-Command -VMId $_.Id -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { $newName = $args[0] + $args[1] ; Rename-Computer -NewName $newName -Verbose; return $newName } -ArgumentList $prefix, $_.Name }

function Connect-Vms {
    (Get-VM | Where-Object State -eq "Running"| select Name) | % { Write-host connecting $_.Name; vmconnect.exe localhost $_.Name; sleep 2 }

function cvms {Connect-Vms}

#Dont use this function, checkpoint fails when we try to create it parallelly on more than one VMs. Use Checkpoint-VM * to create checkpoints one by one.
function Create-VmCheckpoint
    Get-VM | where State -eq running | %{Start-Job -Command {Checkpoint-VM $args} -ArgumentList $_.VMName -Verbose}

function VMFullScreen {
    Set-ResolutionInVM 1024 768

function Set-ResolutionInVM ($width, $height) {
    Set-DisplayResolution -Width $width -Height $height -Force | Out-Null

function Create-VMs

    $iter = $count / $NumberOfPortsOnAdapter;
    $loop_counter = 1
    $vm_counter = 1
    $switch_counter = 0
    while ($counter -le $iter) {

        # Path to where Virtual Machine data will be stored
        $path_to_vms = "C:\VMs"
        #Remove-VM -Name sriov* -Force
        Remove-Item $path_to_vms -Force -Recurse

        # Create virtual machine folders
        $new_vm = "$path_to_vms\${vmprefix}-${i}"
        New-Item -Path $new_vm -ItemType "Directory"
        New-Item -Path "$path_to_vms\Virtual Hard Disks" -ItemType "Directory"

        # Path to Master/Parent VHD
        $parent_vhd = $VHDPath

        $vmprefix = "VM"

        foreach ($i in $first_vm..$last_vm)

            #For Different Ports
            if ($i -gt 1) {
                $vmSwitch = "P1"

            if ($i -gt 2) {
                $vmSwitch = "P3"

            if ($i -gt 3) {
                $vmSwitch = "P4"

            # Create a vhd differencing disk
            $new_diff_vhd = "$path_to_vms\Virtual Hard Disks\"
            New-VHD -ParentPath $parent_vhd -Differencing -Path $new_diff_vhd\VHD_VM_$i.vhdx

            # Create the VM
            New-VM -VHDPath "$new_diff_vhd\VHD_VM_$i.vhdx" -Name "${vmprefix}-${i}" -Path "$path_to_vms" -SwitchName "$vmSwitch" -Generation 2

            # Configure Dynamic Memory, CPU, and COM Port
            Set-VMMemory -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -DynamicMemoryEnabled $false -StartupBytes 4GB # -MaximumBytes 2GB
            Set-VMProcessor -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -Count 16
            Set-VMComPort -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -Number 1 -Path "\\.\pipe\${vmprefix}-${i}"
            Set-VMFirmware -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -EnableSecureBoot Off
            #Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -IovQueuePairsRequested 8 -VrssEnabled $true

            #Network adapter Name Variable
            $j = 1

            Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -SwitchName "$vmSwitch" -Name "NA-$j" 
            Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -SwitchName "$vmSwitch" -Name "NA-$j" 

            #Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -IovWeight 100
            Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName "${vmprefix}-${i}" -SwitchName "corp" -Name "Corp"

function IterationCounterForm
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing



$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Text = 'Iteration Counter'
$form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200)
$form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'

$plusButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$plusButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(55,65)
$plusButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,50)
$plusButton.Text = 'PLUS'
#$plusButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::None
#$form.Button = $plusButton

$minusButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$minusButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(160,65)
$minusButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,50)
$minusButton.Text = 'MINUS'
#$plusButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::None
#$form.Button = $minusButton

$okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$okButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(75,120)
$okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$okButton.Text = 'OK'
$okButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
$form.AcceptButton = $okButton

$cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$cancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(150,120)
$cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
$cancelButton.Text = 'Cancel'
$cancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
$form.CancelButton = $cancelButton

$label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,20)
$label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,60)
$label.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new("Microsoft Sans Serif", 26, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)
$label.ForeColor = "RED"
$label.Text = 1


$form.Topmost = $true

$result = $form.ShowDialog()

if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)
    $x = $label.Text
    Write-Host $x iteration Completed. 


function Get-OsOnVHD ($VHDPath) {
    $DriveLetter = [string](Mount-VHD -Path "$VHDPath" -Passthru | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    $DriveLetter = $DriveLetter.trim()
    Write-Host Got Driver letter as - $DriveLetter
    #$a = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name *
    #$ProductVersion = $a.CurrentMajorVersionNumber + "." + $a.CurrentMinorVersionNumber + "." + $a.CurrentBuild + "." + $a.UBR
    $ProductVersion = (get-item $DriveLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion
    Write-Host OS = $ProductVersion
    Dismount-VHD -Path "$VHDPath"
    $VHDPath = Get-Item $VHDPath
    $newName = $ProductVersion + $VHDPath.Extension

    Rename-Item -Path $VHDPath -NewName $newName
    ii $VHDPath.DirectoryName

    #Search for all vhds
    #Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem
    #Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -File *.vhdx -Recurse

function Update-VHD ($VHDPath, $UpdateFile) {

    $DriveLetter = [string](Mount-VHD -Path $VHDPath -Passthru | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    $DriveLetter = $DriveLetter.trim()
    #$ProductVersion = (get-item $DriveLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion
    $a = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name *
    $ProductVersion = $a.CurrentMajorVersionNumber + "." + $a.CurrentMinorVersionNumber +  "." + $a.CurrentBuild +  "." + $a.UBR

    Write-Host OS Version before update = $ProductVersion    

    #install update in vhds
    dism /image:$DriveLetter":\"  /add-package /packagepath:$UpdateFile

    $ProductVersion = (get-item $DriveLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion
    Write-Host OS Version After update = $ProductVersion    

    Dismount-VHD -Path $VHDPath

    Rename-Item -Path $VHDPath -NewName $ProductVersion 


function Get-DriversInVHD ($VHDPath) {
    $DriveLetter = [string](Mount-VHD -Path $VHDPath -Passthru | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    $DriveLetter = $DriveLetter.trim()
    #$ProductVersion=(get-item $DriveLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion
    #Write-Host OS Version before update = $ProductVersion

    #Get drives from VHD
    (dism /image:$DriveLetter":\" /Get-Drivers /format:table) | Select-String qevbd, qend

    Dismount-VHD -Path $VHDPath

function Remove-DriversInVHD ($VHDPath) {
    $DriveLetter = [string](Mount-VHD -Path $VHDPath -Passthru | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
    $DriveLetter = $DriveLetter.trim()
    #$ProductVersion=(get-item $DriveLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion
    #Write-Host OS Version before update = $ProductVersion

    #Get drives from VHD
    $Drivers = (dism /image:$DriveLetter":\" /Get-Drivers /format:table) | Select-String qevbd, qend
    if ($Drivers) {
        Write-host Current Installed Drivers `n $Drivers
        $oemNames = $Drivers | % { [string]$temp = $_; $temp.Substring(0, $temp.IndexOf('.')) }

        $oemNames | % { Dism /Image:$DriveLetter":\" /Remove-Driver /Driver:$_.inf }
        #Getting drivers after uninstallation
        #By default the below command will get only out of box drivers and not inbox. To get all we have to
        (dism /image:$DriveLetter":\" /Get-Drivers /format:table) | Select-String qevbd, qend
        Dismount-VHD -Path $VHDPath
    else {
        Write-Host No out of box drivers found in VHD..
        Dismount-VHD -Path $VHDPath

function Install-DriversInVHD {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("retail", "checked")]$driverType
        # [ValidateSet("yes","no")]$Install_ex1_package

    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd" -Name
    if (!($VBDVersion) -or !($NDISVersion)) {
        Write-Host "Please input VBD and NDIS driver versions (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        # if($Install_ex1_package -eq 'yes'){$package = 'qlgc_ex1'}
        # else{$package = 'qlgc'}
        $query = $a -match $VBDVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No VBD driver found with given Version - $VBDVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                $VBDinfPath = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$item\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qevbd.inf"                 
            else {
                $VBDinfPath = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$query\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qevbd.inf" 

        #Check NDIS Drivers

        $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend" -Name

        if ($NDISVersion.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "Please input NDIS driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
        Else {
            # if($Install_ex1_package -eq 'yes'){$package = 'qlgc_ex1'}
            # else{$package = 'qlgc'}
            $query = $a -match $NDISVersion

            If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
                Write-Host No NDIS driver found with given Version - $NDISVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

            Else {
                If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                    for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                    $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                    $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                    $NDISinfPath = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$item\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qend.inf"                 
                else {

                    $NDISinfPath = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$query\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qend.inf" 

        #Drivers check is complete, now you can start mounting and installing VHD

        $DriveLetter = [string](Mount-VHD -Path $VHDPath -Passthru | Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
        $DriveLetter = $DriveLetter.trim()

        #Get drivers from VHD
        $Drivers = (dism /image:$DriveLetter":\" /Get-Drivers /format:table) | Select-String qevbd, qend    
        Write-Host Current Installed VBD and NDIS version - 
        Write-Host $Drivers
        #$oemNames = $Drivers | %{[string]$temp = $_; $temp.Substring(0,$temp.IndexOf('.'))}
        #$oemNames | %{ Dism /Image:$DriveLetter":\" /Remove-Driver /Driver:$_.inf}
        #Install drivers
    PS C:\EIT_Drivers\ediag\> dism /image:G:\ /add-driver /driver:\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\\qlgc\checked_x86-64\qevbd.inf /ForceUnsigned
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.17763.1
Image Version: 10.0.17763.194
Found 1 driver package(s) to install.
Installing 1 of 1 - \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\\qlgc\checked_x86-64\qevbd.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
The operation completed successfully.

        $VBDStatus = Dism /Image:$DriveLetter":\" /Add-Driver /Driver:"$VBDinfPath" /ForceUnsigned
        $NDISStatus = Dism /Image:$DriveLetter":\" /Add-Driver /Driver:"$NDISinfPath" /ForceUnsigned

        if ($VBDStatus -match "The driver package was successfully installed") { Write-Host `n; $VBDStatus; Write-Host VBD Driver installed successfully`n -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
        Else { Write-Host $VBDStatus `n VBD Driver installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor "RED" }

        if ($NDISStatus -match "The driver package was successfully installed") { Write-Host `n; $NDISStatus; Write-Host NDIS Driver installed successfully`n -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
        Else { Write-Host $NDISStatus `n NDIS Driver installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor "RED" }

        #Getting drivers after uninstallation
        Write-host Drivers after installation complete - 
        #By default the below command will get only out of box drivers and not inbox. To get all we have to
        (dism /image:$DriveLetter":\" /Get-Drivers /format:table) | Select-String qevbd, qend

        Dismount-VHD -Path $VHDPath
    } #else

} #function

function Find-VHDs {
    $a = get-wmiobject Win32_LogicalDisk | ? { $_.drivetype -eq 3 } | % { get-psdrive $_.deviceid[0] }
    foreach ($b in $a) {
        Write-Host Searching in $b.root -ForegroundColor DARKGREEN 
        #Simpler version
        Get-ChildItem -Path $b.root -File *.vhdx -Depth 2
        #-Depth param doesnt work in W2012R2
        #Complex Version
        #foreach($b in $a){ Get-ChildItem -Path $_.Name -File *.vhdx -Recurse -Depth 5}
        # Get-ChildItem -Path $b.root -File *.vhdx -Depth 3
        # Get-ChildItem | ?{$_.Name -NotLike 'Program*' -and $_.Name -notlike 'windows*'}

###################VHD End########################

###########################################################Hyper-V End###########################################################


New-Alias -Name sriov -Value Get-NetAdapterSriov

New-Alias -Name vf -Value Get-NetAdapterSriovVf
function vfCount { 
    Write-host "`nTotal VFs : $((Get-NetAdapterSriovVf).count)" -ForegroundColor Yellow;
     Get-NetAdapterSriovVf | Group-Object -Property Name 
function Dis-Sriov { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName SR-IOV -DisplayValue Disabled -Verbose}
function En-Sriov { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName SR-IOV -DisplayValue Enabled -Verbose}

function IOvQueuePairs {     
    if($AssignToTurnedOffVmsAsWell){    get-vm | ForEach-Object{ Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Vmname $_.Name -IovQueuePairsRequested $value -Verbose }}
    else {    get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running' | ForEach-Object{ Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Vmname $_.Name -IovQueuePairsRequested $value -Verbose }}

function IOVWeight ($value, $VMName, $VMNetworkAdapterName) {     
    if ($VMName) { Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Vmname $VMName -IovWeight $value -Verbose }
    else { Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Vmname * -IovWeight $value -Verbose }

function Get-VF-Stats {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $vfCounterAll = 0
    $vfRxCounterAll = 0
    $vfTxCounterAll = 0

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {
        Write-Host Getting VFs info from $vmName -BackgroundColor DARKGREEN
        In WS2012R2 the -VMName Param doesnt work in NewPSSession and hence we have to use -ComputerName instead like below code)
        $a=Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -VMNetworkAdapterName corp
        $ip= $a.IPAddresses -match "10.30*"
        $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ip -Credential $cred

        $Session = New-PSSession -VMName "$vmName" -Credential $cred

        $vfInfo =  Invoke-Command -Session $Session  -ScriptBlock { 
            Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *qlogic*, *hpe* | % {
                Write-host Checking stats for $_.Name $_.InterfaceDescription -ForegroundColor CYAN; 
                $stats1 = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name

                $rx1 = ($stats1).ReceivedBytes; 
                $tx1 = ($stats1).SentBytes; 
                Sleep 1; 

                $stats2 = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name

                $rx2 = ($stats2).ReceivedBytes; 
                $tx2 = ($stats2).SentBytes; 

                if (($rx2 -gt ($rx1 + 1000)) -ne 0) { $throughput = [math]::round((($rx2 - $rx1) / 1MB), 2); Write-Host Rx Throughput -NoNewLine; Write-Host - $throughput MBps -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Host " Before $rx1 bytes After $rx2 bytes"  -ForegroundColor DarkGray; $vfRxCounter++; } else { Write-Host NO Rx Traffic running -ForegroundColor RED }

                if (($tx2 -gt ($tx1 + 1000)) -ne 0) { $throughput = [math]::round((($tx2 - $tx1) / 1MB), 2); Write-Host Tx Throughput -NoNewLine; Write-Host - $throughput MBps -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Host " Before $tx1 bytes After $tx2 bytes"  -ForegroundColor DarkGray; $vfTxCounter++ } else { Write-Host NO Tx Traffic running -ForegroundColor RED }
            } #for each VMNIC
            Write-Host `nResult: 
            Write-host Rx traffic running on $vfRxCounter`/$vfcounter VFs
            Write-Host Tx traffic running on $vfTxCounter`/$vfcounter VFs
            $arr = $vfRxCounter, $vfTxCounter, $vfcounter;
            return $arr    
        } #scriptblock

        $vfRxCounterAll = $vfRxCounterAll + $vfInfo[0]
        $vfTxCounterAll = $vfTxCounterAll + $vfInfo[1]
        $vfCounterAll = $vfCounterAll + $vfInfo[2]
        #Write-host $VfInfo
        Remove-PSSession -Vmname vm-$_ -verbose
        $Session = ""
        $vfInfo = ""

        Write-Host "`nSo far, Out of " -NoNewLine; 
        Write-host $vfCounterAll VFs -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine; 
        Write-Host " Rx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine;
        Write-host $vfRxCounterAll VFs -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewLine; 
        Write-host " and Tx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine; 
        Write-host $vfTxCounterAll VFs`n -ForegroundColor Cyan

    }# foreach VM

    #Final VF Stats
    Write-Host "FINAL RESULT: `n Out of " -NoNewLine; 
    Write-host $vfCounterAll VFs -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine; 
    Write-Host " Rx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine;
    Write-host $vfRxCounterAll VFs -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewLine; 
    Write-host " and Tx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine; 
    Write-host $vfTxCounterAll VFs -ForegroundColor Cyan


function Get-VF-Status {

    <#Use this logic
$sb = { param($vm,$cred) Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ScriptBlock { Write-Host $vm ; Get-PnpDevice -Class net -FriendlyName *4820* } -VMName $vm.Name -Credential $cred }
$a | %{ Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $_, $cred | Out-Null }
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $totalVfCount = 0

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {
        Write-Host Getting VFs info from $vmName -BackgroundColor DARKGREEN

        <#Use this logic
$sb = { param($vm,$cred) Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ScriptBlock { Write-Host $vm ; Get-PnpDevice -Class net -FriendlyName *4820* } -VMName $vm.Name -Credential $cred }
$a | %{ Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $_, $cred | Out-Null }
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

        $Session = New-PSSession -VMName "$vmName" -Credential $cred
        $VfInfo =  Invoke-Command -Session $Session  -ScriptBlock { Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *qlogic*, *hpe* | Select InterfaceDescription }
        #Write-host $VfInfo
        $totalVfCount = $totalVfCount + $VfInfo.Count
        Write-Host $VfInfo.Count VFs are created in $vmName -ForegroundColor YELLOW
        Write-Host Total VFs - $totalVfCount `n -ForegroundColor DARKGREEN
        Remove-PSSession -Vmname vm-$_ -verbose
        $Session = ""
        $VfInfo = ""

function disable-enable-sriov-vmq-loop {
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Virtual Machine Queues" -DisplayValue Disabled -Verbose -InterfaceDescription qlogic*;
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "SR-IOV" -DisplayValue Disabled -Verbose -InterfaceDescription qlogic*;
    sleep 30;
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Virtual Machine Queues" -DisplayValue Enabled -Verbose -InterfaceDescription qlogic*;
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "SR-IOV" -DisplayValue Enabled -Verbose -InterfaceDescription qlogic*;
    sleep 30;
    Write-Host 'VF Count - ' + (VF).Count + ' VMQ Count - ' + (vmqq).count 

###########################################SRIOV End##############################################################

New-Alias -Name vmq -Value Get-NetAdapterVmq
New-Alias -Name vmqq -Value Get-NetAdapterVmqQueue
function vmqCount { (Get-NetAdapterVmqQueue).count }
function dis-vmq { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Disable-NetAdapterQos -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }
function en-vmq { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Enable-NetAdapterQos -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }

function Get-TrafficStatusOnVms {


function Get-Vmq-Status {

    <#Use this logic
$sb = { param($vm,$cred) Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ScriptBlock { Write-Host $vm ; Get-PnpDevice -Class net -FriendlyName *4820* } -VMName $vm.Name -Credential $cred }
$a | %{ Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $_, $cred | Out-Null }
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $totalVfCount = 0

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {
        Write-Host Getting VMQ info from $vmName -BackgroundColor DARKGREEN

        <#Use this logic
$sb = { param($vm,$cred) Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ScriptBlock { Write-Host $vm ; Get-PnpDevice -Class net -FriendlyName *4820* } -VMName $vm.Name -Credential $cred }
$a | %{ Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $_, $cred | Out-Null }
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

        $Session = New-PSSession -VMName "$vmName" -Credential $cred
        $VmqInfo =  Invoke-Command -Session $Session  -ScriptBlock { Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps' | Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne '100 Mbps' | Select InterfaceDescription }
        #Write-host $VfInfo
        $totalVmqCount = $totalvmqCount + $VmqInfo.Count
        Write-Host $VmqInfo.Count VMQs are created in $vmName -ForegroundColor YELLOW
        Write-Host Total VMQs - $totalVmqCount `n -ForegroundColor DARKGREEN
        Remove-PSSession -Vmname vm-$_ -verbose
        $Session = ""
        $VfInfo = ""
function Get-Vmq-Stats {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $vmqCounterAll = 0
    $vmqRxCounterAll = 0
    $vmqTxCounterAll = 0

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {
        Write-Host Getting VMQs info from $vmName -BackgroundColor DARKGREEN
        $Session = New-PSSession -VMName "$vmName" -Credential $cred

        $vmqInfo =  Invoke-Command -Session $Session  -ScriptBlock { 
            Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps' | Where-Object LinkSpeed -ne '100 Mbps' | % {
                Write-host Checking stats for $_.Name $_.InterfaceDescription -ForegroundColor CYAN; 
                $stats1 = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name

                $rx1 = ($stats1).ReceivedBytes; 
                $tx1 = ($stats1).SentBytes; 
                Sleep 1; 

                $stats2 = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name

                $rx2 = ($stats2).ReceivedBytes; 
                $tx2 = ($stats2).SentBytes; 

                if (($rx2 -gt ($rx1 + 1000)) -ne 0) { $throughput = [math]::round((($rx2 - $rx1) / 1MB), 2); Write-Host Rx Throughput -NoNewLine; Write-Host - $throughput MBps -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Host " Before $rx1 bytes After $rx2 bytes"  -ForegroundColor DarkGray; $vmqRxCounter++; } else { Write-Host NO Rx Traffic running -ForegroundColor RED }

                if (($tx2 -gt ($tx1 + 1000)) -ne 0) { $throughput = [math]::round((($tx2 - $tx1) / 1MB), 2); Write-Host Tx Throughput -NoNewLine; Write-Host - $throughput MBps -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Host " Before $tx1 bytes After $tx2 bytes"  -ForegroundColor DarkGray; $vmqTxCounter++ } else { Write-Host NO Tx Traffic running -ForegroundColor RED }
            } #for each VMNIC
            Write-Host `nResult: 
            Write-host Rx traffic running on $vmqRxCounter`/$vmqcounter VMQs
            Write-Host Tx traffic running on $vmqTxCounter`/$vmqcounter VMQs
            $arr = $vmqRxCounter, $vmqTxCounter, $vmqcounter;
            return $arr    
        } #scriptblock

        $vmqRxCounterAll = $vmqRxCounterAll + $vmqInfo[0]
        $vmqTxCounterAll = $vmqTxCounterAll + $vmqInfo[1]
        $vmqCounterAll = $vmqCounterAll + $vmqInfo[2]
        #Write-host $VfInfo
        Remove-PSSession -Vmname vm-$_ -verbose
        $Session = ""
        $vmqInfo = ""

        Write-Host "`nSo far, Out of " -NoNewLine; 
        Write-host $vmqCounterAll VMQs -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine; 
        Write-Host " Rx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine;
        Write-host $vmqRxCounterAll VMQs -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewLine; 
        Write-host " and Tx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine; 
        Write-host $vmqTxCounterAll VMQs`n -ForegroundColor Cyan

    }# foreach VM

    #Final VMQ Stats
    Write-Host "FINAL RESULT: `n Out of " -NoNewLine; 
    Write-host $vmqCounterAll VMQs -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine; 
    Write-Host " Rx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine;
    Write-host $vmqRxCounterAll VMQs -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewLine; 
    Write-host " and Tx traffic was running on " -NoNewLine; 
    Write-host $vmqTxCounterAll VMQs -ForegroundColor Cyan


###############################################VMQ End############################################################

function En-Vrss { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "*virtual Switch rss*" | % { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -DisplayValue Enabled -Verbose -InterfaceDescription $_.INterfaceDescription } }
function Dis-Vrss { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "*virtual Switch rss*" | % { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -DisplayValue Disabled -Verbose -InterfaceDescription $_.INterfaceDescription } }

function vPort { Get-NetAdapterVPort }
function vPortCount { (Get-NetAdapterVPort).count }
function vPortQpCount {
    vport | Measure-Object Qpairs -Sum

function MaxQueuePairsL2PerVport {
        [ValidateSet("Auto", "1", "2", "4", "8", "16")]$displayValue
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { if ($displayValue) { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "Max Queue Pairs (L2) Per VPort"  -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose }  else { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "Max Queue Pairs (L2) Per VPort" }

function Set-VmmqQueuePairsDefaultQueue ($value) { 
    if ($value -eq 1) {
        Set-VMSwitch * -DefaultQueueVmmqEnabled 0 -DefaultQueueVmmqQueuePairs $value -Verbose 

    else {
        Set-VMSwitch * -DefaultQueueVmmqEnabled 1 -DefaultQueueVmmqQueuePairs $value -Verbose 

function Set-VmmqQueuePairsMos ($value) { 
    if ($value -eq 1) {
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -VmmqEnabled 0 -VmmqQueuePairs $value -Verbose 

    else {
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -VmmqEnabled 1 -VmmqQueuePairs $value -Verbose 

function Set-VmmqQueuePairs ($value) { 
    if ($value -eq 1) {
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Vmname * -VmmqEnabled 0 -VmmqQueuePairs $value -Verbose 
    else {
        Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Vmname * -VmmqEnabled 1 -VmmqQueuePairs $value -Verbose 

function nx2sh
    get nx2sh

#######################################VMMQ End####################

###########################################################Advanced Property###########################################################
function JumboMtu ($jumbovalue, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    Write-Host `nSetting/Getting Jumbo MTU $jumbovalue on SUT`n -ForegroundColor Magenta
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
            Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet" -DisplayValue $jumbovalue -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 };
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *hyper-V* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
            if ($jumbovalue -eq 1514) { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet" -DisplayValue "Disabled" -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } 
            else { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet" -DisplayValue "$jumbovalue bytes" -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }
    else {
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-v* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Jumbo Packet" -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose};

        Write-Host `nSetting/Getting Jumbo MTU $jumbovalue on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; JumboMtu -jumbovalue $args[0]} -ArgumentList ($jumbovalue)


function VLAN ($vlanid, $RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { if($vlanid -or ($vlanid -eq 0)) {Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "vlan id" -DisplayValue $vlanid -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } else {Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "vlan id" -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose} }

        Write-Host `nSetting/Getting VLAN id $vlanid on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; VLAN $args[0]} -ArgumentList ($vlanid)

function PriorityAndVLAN {
        [ValidateSet("Priority & VLAN disabled", "Priority enabled", "VLAN enabled", "Priority & VLAN enabled")]$displayValue,

        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
            Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "Priority & VLAN"  -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose 
    else {
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % {
            Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "Priority & VLAN" 

        Write-Host `n Setting Priority and VLAN to $displayValue on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            if($args[0] -ne $null){PriorityAndVLAN -displayValue $args[0]} else {PriorityAndVLAN}} -ArgumentList ($displayValue)

function RSSQueues {
        [ValidateSet("2", "4", "8", "16")]$displayValue
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { if ($displayValue) { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "Maximum Number of RSS Queues"  -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose }  else { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "Maximum Number of RSS Queues" }

function ReceiveBuffer ($displayValue){
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        if ($displayValue -or ($displayValue -eq 0)) { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -RegistryKeyword "*ReceiveBuffers"  -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose }  
        else { 
        Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -RegistryKeyword "*ReceiveBuffers" }

function RxBuffer ($displayValue) { ReceiveBuffer -displayValue $displayValue}

function TransmitBuffer ($displayValue){
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        if ($displayValue -or ($displayValue -eq 0)) { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -RegistryKeyword "*TransmitBuffers"  -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose }  
        else { 
        Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -RegistryKeyword "*TransmitBuffers" }

function TxBuffer ($displayValue) { TransmitBuffer -displayValue $displayValue}

function dis-RSC ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Recv Segment Coalescing*" -DisplayValue Disabled -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } 

        Write-Host `n Disabling RSC on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function en-RSC ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Recv Segment Coalescing*" -DisplayValue Enabled -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } 

        Write-Host `n Enabling RSC on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function dis-RSS ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Receive Side Scaling" -DisplayValue Disabled -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } 

        Write-Host `n Disabling RSS on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function en-RSS ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Receive Side Scaling" -DisplayValue Enabled -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } 

        Write-Host `n Enabling RSS on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function dis-LSO ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Large Send Offload V2 (IPv*" -DisplayValue Disabled -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } 

        Write-Host `n Disabling RSS on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function en-LSO ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "Large Send Offload V2 (IPv*" -DisplayValue Enabled -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose } 

        Write-Host `n Enabling LSO on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function dis-ptp
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName ptp* -DisplayValue Disabled -Verbose
function en-ptp
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName ptp* -DisplayValue Enabled -Verbose

function ptp
    Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName ptp*

New-Alias -Name adapter -Value Get-NetAdapter
New-Alias -Name devs -Value Get-NetAdapter
New-Alias -Name rss -Value Get-NetAdapterRss
New-Alias -Name rsc -Value Get-NetAdapterRsc
New-Alias -Name lso -Value Get-NetAdapterLso
New-Alias -Name cko -Value Get-NetAdapterChecksumOffload

#Restore NetAdapter Advanced Properties
function Restore-Default ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    $devices = get-Devices

    foreach ($device in $devices) {
        Write-Host Checking Non Default Values on $device.Name -ForegroundColor Magenta

        $prop= Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty $device.Name

        foreach ( $temp in $prop)
        # Write-Host Current prop is ($temp).DisplayName -BackgroundColor Black
        # Write-Host Possible values are ($temp).ValidDisplayValues -BackgroundColor Blue
        if ($temp.DisplayName -ne "Locally Administered Address")
            if($temp.DisplayName -ne "Network Address")
                if($temp.DisplayValue -ne $temp.DefaultDisplayValue)
                    Write-Host "Current " -NoNewline
                    Write-Host $temp.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
                    Write-Host " is set to " -NoNewline
                    Write-Host $temp.DisplayValue -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
                    Write-Host "`t`t Setting it to default " -NoNewline 
                    Write-Host $temp.DefaultDisplayValue -ForegroundColor Green
                    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $device.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName $temp.DisplayName -DisplayValue $temp.DefaultDisplayValue 
            }#if NetworkAddress
        }#if LAA
        } #Prop For each

        Write-Host `n`n

    }#Device For Each

        Write-Host `nRestoring default on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function Set-Default ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    Restore-Default -RunOnPeerAsWell $RunOnPeerAsWell

function Get-NonDefaultValues ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    $devices = get-Devices

    foreach ($device in $devices) {
        Write-Host Checking Non Default Values on $device.Name -ForegroundColor Magenta

        $prop= Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty $device.Name

        foreach ( $temp in $prop)
        # Write-Host Current prop is ($temp).DisplayName -BackgroundColor Black
        # Write-Host Possible values are ($temp).ValidDisplayValues -BackgroundColor Blue
        if ($temp.DisplayName -ne "Locally Administered Address")
                if($temp.DisplayValue -ne $temp.DefaultDisplayValue)
                    Write-Host "Current " -NoNewline
                    Write-Host $temp.DisplayName -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    Write-Host " is set to " -NoNewline
                    Write-Host $temp.DisplayValue -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
                    Write-Host "`tDefault is " -NoNewline
                    Write-Host $temp.DefaultDisplayValue -ForegroundColor Green
        }#if LAA
        } #Prop For each

        Write-Host `n`n

    }#Device For Each

        Write-Host `nChecking non default values on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


##################################################################Link Testing#####################################################

function LinkSettings ($RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | % { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Link Control', 'Speed*','Flow Control','FEC Mode' -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias | Select Name, DisplayName, DisplayValue }

        Write-Host `nGetting LinkSettings from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function LinkControl {
        [ValidateSet("Preboot controlled", "Driver controlled")]$displayValue,
    Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | % { 
        if($displayValue){Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Link Control' -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias} 
        else {Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Link Control' -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias} }

        Write-Host `nGetting LinkSettings from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            LinkControl -DisplayValue $args[0]} -ArgumentList $displayValue

function FlowControl {
        [ValidateSet("Auto Negotiation", "Rx & Tx Enabled", "Rx Enabled", "Tx Enabled", "Disabled")]$displayValue,
    Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | % { if($displayValue){Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Flow Control' -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias} else{Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Flow Control' -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias} }

        Write-Host `nGetting LinkSettings from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            FlowControl -DisplayValue $args[0]} -ArgumentList $displayValue


function SpeedAndDuplex {
        [ValidateSet("Auto Negotiation", "10 Gbps Full Duplex","10 Gbps", "25 Gbps Full Duplex", "25 Gbps", "50 Gbps Auto", "50 Gbps NRZ", "50 Gbps PAM4", "Device Default", "1.0 Gbps Full Duplex","50 Gbps Full Duplex")]$displayValue,
 Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | % { if($displayValue){Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Speed*' -DisplayValue $displayValue -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias} else {Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName 'Speed*' -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias} }

     Write-Host `nGetting LinkSettings from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
      Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
         SpeedAndDuplex -DisplayValue $args[0]} -ArgumentList $displayValue

##################################################################Link Testing End#####################################################
###########################################################Advanced Property END###########################################################

###########################################################IP Address###########################################################

function noipv6 { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled' | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV") | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | foreach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Disable-NetAdapterBinding -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -DisplayName *ipv6* -Verbose } }

function noipv4 { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled' | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV") | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | foreach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Disable-NetAdapterBinding -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -DisplayName *ipv4* -Verbose } }

function ipv6 { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled' | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV") | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | foreach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Enable-NetAdapterBinding -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -DisplayName *ipv6* -Verbose } }

function ipv4 { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled' | Where-Object InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV") | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | foreach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Enable-NetAdapterBinding -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -DisplayName *ipv4* -Verbose } }

function setip_subnet ($subnet, $lastoctet) {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ;        
        #in case of vswitch it will avoid assigning ip on pf
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet; 
        #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
        Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0;
        netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        Write-Host Interface $temp - 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 

function setip_lastoctet ($subnet, $lastoctet) {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        if ((Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IPAddress -match "10.30*") { Write-host Skipping assining to CORP interface; return; }; 
        Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0; 
        netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet; 
        #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
        netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        Write-Host Interface $temp - 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;  

function setip_dhcp {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ;        
        #in case of vswitch it will avoid assigning ip on PF
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        #Set DHCP to IPv4, somehow this doesnt work for IPv6 addresses
        Set-NetIPInterface -Interfacealias $temp -DHCP Enabled 
        #Disable router Ipv6 addresses
        Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $temp -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled 
        #Remove Ipv6 addresses from interfaces
        Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp -IPAddress * -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0
        #delete link local ip address if the above doesnt work
        #Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias P1 | Where-Object -Property IPAddress -Match "fe80::*" -Verbose | Remove-NetIPAddress -Verbose -Confirm:0
        #netsh interface ipv6 delete address "p1" fe80::2c2d:d74b:fc9d:a83f

        #Remove IPV4 gateway addresses
        Remove-NetRoute -InterfaceAlias $temp -Confirm:0

function setip_lastoctet_full ($ip, $addGateway) {

    #spilt ip Address
    [int]$firstOctet, [int]$secondOctet, [int]$subnet, [int]$lastoctet = ($ip).split('.')

    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh

    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        #removing existing Ips
        Write-Host Removing exisintg IPs on $temp
        Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp | Remove-NetIpAddress -Confirm:0

        #build IpAddress
        $ipAddress = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + $lastoctet
        #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
            $v4gateway = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + 1; 
            $v6gateway = [String] "be" + $ipv6subnet + "::" + 1 
            netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static $ipAddress $v4gateway;

            #netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;
            New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet -InterfaceAlias $temp -DefaultGateway $v6gateway -PrefixLength 64 | Out-Null

            Write-Host Interface $temp - $ipAddress $v4gateway , be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet $v6gateway `n;  
            netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static $ipAddress;

            #netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;
            New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet -InterfaceAlias $temp -PrefixLength 64 | Out-Null

            Write-Host Interface $temp - $IpAddress, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet `n;  

function setip_subnet_full ($ip, $addGateway) {

    #spilt ip Address
    [int]$firstOctet, [int]$secondOctet, [int]$subnet, [int]$lastoctet = ($ip).split('.')

    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh

    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        #removing existing Ips
        Write-Host Removing exisintg IPs on $temp
        Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp | Remove-NetIpAddress -Confirm:0

        #build IpAddress
        $ipAddress = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + $lastoctet
        #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
            $v4gateway = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + 1; 
            $v6gateway = [String] "be" + $ipv6subnet + "::" + 1 
            netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static $ipAddress $v4gateway;

            #netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;
            New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet -InterfaceAlias $temp -DefaultGateway $v6gateway -PrefixLength 64 | Out-Null

            Write-Host Interface $temp - $ipAddress $v4gateway , be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet $v6gateway `n;  
            netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static $ipAddress;

            #netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;
            New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet -InterfaceAlias $temp -PrefixLength 64 | Out-Null

            Write-Host Interface $temp - $IpAddress, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet `n;  
function addGateway ($gatewayIP) {

    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0;

    } #For each

function Join-WinEitDomain
    $hostname = hostname.exe
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex (corpip).InterfaceIndex -ServerAddresses -Validate -Verbose
    Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex (corpip).InterfaceIndex -AddressFamily ipv4
    Write-Host Adding $hostname to domain
    Add-Computer -DomainName -Credential $cred

function Join-WindowsDomain($ipaddress)
    $hostname = hostname.exe
    Set-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $ipaddress 
    Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex (corpip).InterfaceIndex -ServerAddresses -Validate -Verbose
    Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex (corpip).InterfaceIndex -AddressFamily ipv4
    Write-Host Adding $hostname to domain Windows.eit
    Add-Computer -DomainName windows.eit -Credential $cred

function setip_subnet_vm ($subnet, $lastoctet) {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *hyper-V* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0; netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet; #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
        netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        Write-Host Interface $temp - 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; ; 
        $subnet++ }

function setip_lastoctet_vm ([int]$subnet, [int]$lastoctet) {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *hyper-V* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | foreach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0; netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet; #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
        netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        Write-Host Interface $temp - 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        $lastoctet++ }

function setip_lastoctet_full_vm ($ip, $addGateway) {

    #spilt ip Address
    [int]$firstOctet, [int]$secondOctet, [int]$subnet, [int]$lastoctet = ($ip).split('.')

    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh

    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *hyper-V* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        #removing existing Ips
        Write-Host Removing exisintg IPs on $temp
        Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $temp | Remove-NetIpAddress -Confirm:0

        #build IpAddress
        $ipAddress = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + $lastoctet
        #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
            $v4gateway = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + 1; 
            $v6gateway = [String] "be" + $ipv6subnet + "::" + 1 
            netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static $ipAddress $v4gateway;

            #netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;
            New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet -InterfaceAlias $temp -DefaultGateway $v6gateway -PrefixLength 64 | Out-Null

            Write-Host Interface $temp - $ipAddress $v4gateway , be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet $v6gateway `n;  
            netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static $ipAddress;

            #netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet;
            New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet -InterfaceAlias $temp -PrefixLength 64 | Out-Null

            Write-Host Interface $temp - $IpAddress, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet `n;  
function setip_lastoctet_vm_Dartmouth ($subnet, $lastoctet) {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *hyper-V* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' )) | foreach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0; netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet; #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
        netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        Write-Host Interface $temp - 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        $lastoctet++ }

function setip_team ($subnet, $lastoctet) {
    #Remove IPV6 addresses and assign new IPs using netsh
 ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *multiplex* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach { $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ;        
        #in case of vswitch it will avoid assigning ip on pf
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if; return; }; 
        #Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 -Confirm:0;
        netsh int ipv4 set address name="$temp" static 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet; 
        #Correcting last octet for IPv6 address
        if ($subnet -ge 100) { $ipv6subnet = $subnet - 100 } else { $ipv6subnet = $subnet }
        netsh int ipv6 set address interface="$temp" be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 
        Write-Host Interface $temp - 192.168.$subnet.$lastoctet, be$ipv6subnet::$lastoctet; 

###########################################################IP Address End###########################################################

function ntttcp ($mode) { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
    #Its Dummy now
    #-InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0


function ntttcp_bat () {
    #Put this logic in all setip_* functions
    #This function handles assiging/trying to assign IPs to interfaces which doesnt have IPV* bindings enabled. i.e to handle hyper vswitch created case
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$threads,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$time,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][int]$port
    $ntttcp_path = "C:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33"
    if (!(test-path $ntttcp_path )) {    get NTttcp-v5.33 }
    #if (test-path $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive*.bat) { Remove-Item $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive*.bat -Verbose }
    #if (test-path $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send*.bat) { Remove-Item $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send*.bat -Verbose }
    $interfaces = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox*, *BCM57810* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') 
    foreach ($i in $interfaces) {
        $temp = $i.Name;
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if;  }
            $address = [string](Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IPAddress
            Write-Host Interface $temp - $address
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -r -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive.bat -Force;
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -s -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send.bat -Force;
            $port = $port + $threads;
            Write-Host $port
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if;  }
            $address = [string](Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 | Where-Object PrefixOrigin -eq 'Manual').IPAddress
            Write-Host Interface $temp - $address
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -r -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d -6`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive_v6.bat -Force;
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -s -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d -6`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send_v6.bat -Force;
            $port = $port + $threads;
            Write-Host $port
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if;  }
            $address = [string](Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IPAddress
            Write-Host Interface $temp - $address
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -r -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d -u`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive_udp.bat -Force;
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -s -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d -u`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send_udp.bat -Force;
            $port = $port + $threads;
            Write-Host $port
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -eq $FALSE) { Write-host in if;  }
            $address = [string](Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 | Where-Object PrefixOrigin -eq 'Manual').IPAddress
            Write-Host Interface $temp - $address
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -r -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d -6 -u`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive_v6_udp.bat -Force;
            "start /DC:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33 cmd /k `"ntttcp.exe -s -m $threads,*,$address -t $time -p $port -d -6 -u`"" | Add-Content $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send_v6_udp.bat -Force;
            $port = $port + $threads;
            Write-Host $port

    #Checking Peer
     Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock{
        $ntttcp_path = "C:\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33"
        if (!(test-path $ntttcp_path )) {    get NTttcp-v5.33 }
        #if (test-path $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive*.bat) { Remove-Item $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_receive*.bat -Verbose }
        #if (test-path $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send*.bat) { Remove-Item $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send*.bat -Verbose }

    Write-Host Moving sender files to Peer -ForegroundColor Cyan    
    Move-Item $ntttcp_path\ntttcp_send*bat \\$(Get-PeerIp)\c$\Softwares\NTttcp-v5.33\ -Verbose -Force -Confirm:0

    ii $ntttcp_path

function L2Traffic
$ipv4 = 1,
$ipv6 = 0,
$threads = 8,
$blockSize= "64KB",
    if($testMode -eq "Read-Write"){$testMode2 = ""}
    if($testMode -eq "Read-Only"){$testMode2 = "-r"}
    if($testMode -eq "Write-Only"){$testMode2 = "-w"}


Write-Host Local IPs: -ForegroundColor Yellow

((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 

        if((Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name "$temp" -DisplayName "Microsoft NetVsc Failover VF Protocol" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled -ne $true){
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {Write-Host Disabling router IPv6 addresses on $temp; Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled; $v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 | Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 
        }#VF Check
        else {
            Write-Host "$temp is a VF. Skipping VF interface" -ForegroundColor Yellow


$remote_v4Arr = @()
$remote_v6Arr = @()

Write-Host Getting remote IPs from Peer: -ForegroundColor Yellow

$remote_v4Arr, $remote_v6Arr =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock {


 ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 

        if((Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name "$temp" -DisplayName "Microsoft NetVsc Failover VF Protocol" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled -ne $true){
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {Write-Host Disabling router IPv6 addresses on $temp; Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled; $v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6| Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 
        }#VF Interface check
        else {
            Write-Host "$temp is a VF. Skipping VF interface" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $v4Arr, $v6Arr



foreach($localip in $v4Arr)
    foreach($remoteip in $remote_v4Arr)
        Write-Host "pinging $remoteip from $localip :" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $ping = (ping $remoteip -S $localip -n 2)[3]
        if($ping -match "Reply from $($remoteip): bytes")
        #Write-Host $localip-$remoteip
        #blink pattern no 1 -
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip) $testMode2" -ForegroundColor Green 
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip $testMode2; while(!(Test-Connection $remoteip -Quiet)){Write-Host Waiting for the $remoteip to ping}; sleep 60}"
            Write-Host "ping failed : $ping" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
}#IPv4 if

foreach($localip in $v6Arr)
    foreach($remoteip in $remote_v6Arr)
        Write-Host "pinging $remoteip from $localip :" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $ping = (ping $remoteip -S $localip -n 2)[3]
        if($ping -match "Reply from $($remoteip): time")
        #Write-Host $localip-$remoteip
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip) $testMode2" -ForegroundColor Green 
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip $testMode2; while(!(Test-Connection $remoteip -Quiet)){Write-Host Waiting for the $remoteip to ping}; sleep 60}"
            Write-Host "ping failed : $ping" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
}#IPv6 if


function L2Traffic-toPeerVfs
$ipv4 = 1,
$ipv6 = 0,
$threads = 4,
$blockSize= "32KB",


Write-Host Local IPs: -ForegroundColor Yellow

((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 

        if((Get-NetAdapterBinding -Name "$temp" -DisplayName "Microsoft NetVsc Failover VF Protocol" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled -ne $true){
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {Write-Host Disabling router IPv6 addresses on $temp; Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled; $v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 | Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 
        }#VF Check
        else {
            Write-Host "$temp is a VF. Skipping VF interface" -ForegroundColor Yellow


$remote_v4Arr = @()

Write-Host Getting remote IPs from Peer: -ForegroundColor Yellow

#VF rdma from peer to VF
Write-Host Getting VF IPs matching $ipString from $peerIP -ForegroundColor Cyan
$remote_v4Arr = Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate  -ComputerName $peerIP -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {(Get-VM | Where-Object State -eq "Running" | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object SwitchName -ne $null).IpAddresses} | Select-String "$ipString"


foreach($remoteip in $remote_v4Arr)
    foreach($localip in $v4Arr)
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip)" -ForegroundColor Green 
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip; while(!(Test-Connection $remoteip -Quiet)){Write-Host Waiting for the $remoteip to ping}}"


function L2Traffic1x1_Old


$ipv4 = 1,
$ipv6 = 1,
$threads = 4,
$blockSize= "64KB"


Write-Host Local IPs: -ForegroundColor Yellow

((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps'| Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV") | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 

    if ((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp") -ne $null)
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
    if ((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp") -ne $null)
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled -Verbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 | Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 


$remote_v4Arr = @()
$remote_v6Arr = @()

Write-Host Getting remote IPs from Peer: -ForegroundColor Yellow

$remote_v4Arr, $remote_v6Arr =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock {


 ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV" ) | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 
        Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled -Verbose

        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6| Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 

return $v4Arr, $v6Arr



foreach($localip in $v4Arr)
    foreach($remoteip in $remote_v4Arr)
        Write-Host "pinging $remoteip from $localip :" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $ping = (ping $remoteip -S $localip -n 2)[3]
        if($ping -match "Reply from $($remoteip): bytes")
        #Write-Host $localip-$remoteip
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip)" -ForegroundColor Green 
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip}"
            Write-Host "ping failed : $ping" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

foreach($localip in $v6Arr)
    foreach($remoteip in $remote_v6Arr)
        Write-Host "pinging $remoteip from $localip :" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $ping = (ping $remoteip -S $localip -n 2)[3]
        if($ping -match "Reply from $($remoteip): time")
        #Write-Host $localip-$remoteip
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip)" -ForegroundColor Green
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip}"
            Write-Host "ping failed : $ping" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

function L2Traffic1x1

$ipv4 = 1,
$ipv6 = 1,
$threads = 4,
$blockSize= "64KB"


Write-Host Local IPs: -ForegroundColor Yellow

((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps'| Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV") | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 

    if ((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp") -ne $null)
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
    if ((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp") -ne $null)
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled -Verbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6 | Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 


$remote_v4Arr = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$remote_v6Arr = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

Write-Host Getting remote IPs from Peer: -ForegroundColor Yellow

$remote_v4Arr, $remote_v6Arr =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -ScriptBlock {


 ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps' | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NotMatch "SR-IOV" ) | ForEach {
        $temp = $_.InterfaceAlias ; 
        Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -AddressFamily IPv6 -RouterDiscovery Disabled -Verbose

        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v4Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv4).IpAddress;} 
        if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name "$temp").Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {$v6Arr += (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "$temp" -AddressFamily IPv6| Where-Object SuffixOrigin -ne LINK).IpAddress;} 

return $v4Arr, $v6Arr



foreach($localip in $v4Arr)
    foreach($remoteip in $remote_v4Arr)
        Write-Host "pinging $remoteip from $localip :" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $ping = (ping $remoteip -S $localip -n 2)[3]
        if($ping -match "Reply from $($remoteip): bytes")
        #Write-Host $localip-$remoteip
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip)" -ForegroundColor Green 
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip}"
            Write-Host "ping failed : $ping" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

foreach($localip in $v6Arr)
    foreach($remoteip in $remote_v6Arr)
        Write-Host "pinging $remoteip from $localip :" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $ping = (ping $remoteip -S $localip -n 2)[3]
        if($ping -match "Reply from $($remoteip): time")
        #Write-Host $localip-$remoteip
        Write-Host "Success. Starting sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f$($localip)-$($remoteip)" -ForegroundColor Green
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock $blockSize -b$blockSize -t$threads -o -l40 -Y1 -M50 -f`'$localip-$remoteip`' --handler=all:xip}"
            Write-Host "ping failed : $ping" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

function L2Stats {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('MBps', 'Gbps')] $Unit = "Gbps",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $maxSamples = 10,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $IncludeHypervInterfaces

    #For all adapters
    $j = 0

    while ($counter -le $maxSamples) {

        if ($IncludeHypervInterfaces) { 
            #Explicitely declared as array since it wont work on a single port adapter. as for only single port, the string that it returns will be considered as string which itself is an array. So $adapterList[0] will return first letter of InterfaceAlias and so on
            [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name
        else {
            #Explicitely declared as array since it wont work on a single port adapter. as for only single port, the string that it returns will be considered as string which itself is an array. So $adapterList[0] will return first letter of InterfaceAlias and so on
            [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name

        #Write-Host $adapterList
        $i = 0
        $count = $adapterList.Count
        #Write-Host $count
        if ($j % 10 -eq 0) {
            while ($i -lt $count) {
                Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t`t`t`t -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host `n
            $i = 0
            while ($i -lt $count) {
                Write-Host Inbound`t`t OutBound`t -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor DarkCyan

        Write-Host `n
        $i = 0

        while ($i -lt $count) {    
            if ($Unit -eq 'MBps') {    
                $a = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i]
                Start-Sleep 1
                $b = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]
                $inbound = [math]::Round((($b.ReceivedBytes - $a.ReceivedBytes) / 1MB), 2)
                $outbound = [math]::Round((($b.SentBytes - $a.SentBytes) / 1MB), 2)
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t -NoNewLine
                Write-Host $inbound MBps - $outbound MBps `t -NoNewLine                    
            elseif ($Unit -eq 'Gbps') {
                $a = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i]
                Start-Sleep 1
                $b = Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]

                $inbound = [math]::Round((($b.ReceivedBytes - $a.ReceivedBytes)/1MB)/125, 2)
                $outbound = [math]::Round((($b.SentBytes - $a.SentBytes)/1MB)/125, 2)

                #Below doesnt match withtaskmgr, gives 1 to 1.5 G more than task mgr
                #$inbound = [math]::Round(((($b.ReceivedBytes - $a.ReceivedBytes)/1MB)*8*1024*1024)/1000000000, 2)
                #$outbound = [math]::Round(((($b.SentBytes - $a.SentBytes)/1MB)*8*1024*1024)/1000000000, 2)

                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t -NoNewLine
                Write-Host $inbound Gbps - $outbound Gbps `t -NoNewLine                    
        Write-Host `n




###############################################ROCE / RDMA/ iWARP####################################################

function rocev1 ($RunOnPeerAsWell){ ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "RDMA mode" -DisplayValue "Roce V1"  -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ; Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "NetworkDirect Technology" -DisplayValue "RoCE" -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } 

    Write-Host `nSetting RoCE Mode to RoCEv1 on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
     Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; rocev1} 

function rocev2 ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "RDMA mode" -DisplayValue "Roce V2" -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "NetworkDirect Technology" -DisplayValue "RoCEV2" -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } 

        Write-Host `nSetting RDMA mode ROCEv2 on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
function iwarp ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "RDMA mode" -DisplayValue "iwarp" -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "NetworkDirect Technology" -DisplayValue "iWarp" -Verbose -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } 

        Write-Host `nSetting RDMA mode iWarp on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function dis-RDMA { Disable-NetAdapterRDMA * -Verbose }
function en-RDMA { Enable-NetAdapterRDMA * -Verbose }
function RDMA { Get-NetAdapterRDMA }

function smbConnectionState {    RDMAConnectionState}
function RDMAConnectionState {smbConnection | fl *rdma*, *channel*, *ip*}

function ROCEMTU($MTUSize, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    NDMTU $MTUSize $RunOnPeerAsWell

function RDMAMTU($MTUSize, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    NDMTU $MTUSize $RunOnPeerAsWell

function NDMTU {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet(256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096)]
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { 
        if ($MTUSize) { Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "RoCE MTU Size"  -DisplayValue $MTUSize -Verbose }  else { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -DisplayName "RoCE MTU Size" } }

            Write-Host `nSetting/Getting NDMTU on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
             Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
                NDMTU -MTUSize $args[0]} -ArgumentList $MTUSize

function RDMAMaxQPsNumbers($value, $RunOnPeerAsWell) { if ($value) { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "RDMA Max QPs Number" | % { 
    Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -DisplayValue $value -Verbose -InterfaceDescription $_.INterfaceDescription } } else { Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -DisplayName "RDMA Max QPs Number" } 

        Write-Host `nSetting/Getting RDMA Max QP number on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            RDMAMaxQPsNumbers -value $args[0]} -ArgumentList $value

function routeCommands ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    route add mask -p
    route add mask -p
    route add be20::0/64 be21::1 -p
    route add be21::0/64 be20::1 -p

        Write-Host `nSetting route commands on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function routeCommands99 ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    route add mask -p
    route add mask -p
    route add be98::0/64 be99::1 -p
    route add be99::0/64 be98::1 -p

        Write-Host `nSetting route commands on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function routeCommands95 ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    route add mask -p
    route add mask -p
    route add be95::0/64 be95::1 -p
    route add be96::0/64 be96::1 -p

        Write-Host `nSetting route commands on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function Create-RamDisks ($RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    if (!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\roce_scripts)) { get roce_scripts }    

        Write-Host `nCreating Ramdisks on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function Ramdisks ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    Create-RamDisks -RunOnPeerAsWell $RunOnPeerAsWell

function Create-RamDisksInVm {
    if (!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\roce_scripts)) { get roce_scripts }    

function RamdisksInVM ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    Create-RamDisksInVm -RunOnPeerAsWell $RunOnPeerAsWell

function RamDisks2()

$NoOfDisks = 8, $SizeInGorM = "1G"

Write-Host Removing exising RamDisks -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host Getting Free Driver letters from the system -ForegroundColor Yellow
0..25 | %{ $arr += [char]($_ + [byte][char] 'A');}
$ExistingLetters = (Get-PSDrive | Where-Object Provider -match "FileSystem").Name
foreach ($item in $arr)
   if($ExistingLetters -notcontains $item)
      $FreeLetters += "$item" + ":"

$diskCount = $NoOfDisks

   if($diskCount -gt $FreeLetters.Count)
        Write-Host Creating $FreeLetters.Count disks as only $FreeLetters.Count driver letters are available. 
        $diskCount = $FreeLetters.Count

   Write-Host Creating disks -ForegroundColor Yellow
   for($i=0; $i -lt $diskCount; $i++)

    Write-Host "imdisk -a -s $SizeInGorM -m $($FreeLetters[$i]) -p `"/fs:ntfs /q /y`" New-SMBShare -Name `"Ram_Disk$($i+1)`" -Path $($FreeLetters[$i])\ -FullAccess Everyone;"
    imdisk -a -s $SizeInGorM -m $($FreeLetters[$i]) -p `"/fs:ntfs /q /y`"
    $path = $FreeLetters[$i]+'\'
    New-SMBShare -Name "Ram_Disk$($i+1)" -Path $path -FullAccess Everyone -Verbose;

   Write-Host Created following smb shares -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Get-SmbShare -Name Ram_Disk*


function  DiskFreeLetters {

    Write-Host "Getting Free Driver letters from the system :- " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
#Mapping needs to be started from B: as medusa gui doesnt list A: drive. Medusa maim through command line lists it.
0..24 | %{ $arr += [char]($_ + [byte][char] 'B');}
$ExistingLetters = (Get-PSDrive | Where-Object Provider -match "FileSystem").Name
foreach ($item in $arr)
   if($ExistingLetters -notcontains $item)
      $FreeLetters += "$item" + ":"
Write-Host Existing Letters : $ExistingLetters
Write-Host Free Letters: $FreeLetters

function map 

    $hostip = $(Get-PeerIp)
$PeerIPAddresses =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $hostip -ScriptBlock {
    (Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property Status -eq 'Up' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps' | %{
        if((((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv4* -Name $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled) -eq $true)) {
            Write-Host $_.InterfaceAlias in if; 
            $intIp =  (Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $_.InterfaceIndex  | Where-Object Type -eq Unicast | Where-Object AddressFamily -eq IPv4).IPv4Address
            if((Test-connection $intIp -Quiet) -eq $true )
                [string]$ip = $intIp
                return $ip

$PeerSmbShares =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $hostip -ScriptBlock {(Get-SmbShare | Where-Object Name -Match ram_disk*).Name}



$ipCount = $PeerIPAddresses.Count

Write-host IPCOUNT $ipCount

$shareCount = $PeerSmbShares.Count

#Removing existing mappings
Write-Host Removing existing mappings

Write-Host "Getting Free Driver letters from the system :- " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
#Mapping needs to be started from B: as medusa gui doesnt list A: drive. Medusa maim through command line lists it.
0..24 | %{ $arr += [char]($_ + [byte][char] 'B');}
$ExistingLetters = (Get-PSDrive | Where-Object Provider -match "FileSystem").Name
foreach ($item in $arr)
   if($ExistingLetters -notcontains $item)
      $FreeLetters += "$item" + ":"

Write-Host $FreeLetters.Length

if($shareCount -gt $FreeLetters.Length)

Write-Host Not enough free disk letters available to map, Reducing ShareCount to $FreeLetters.Length -ForegroundColor Red;
$shareCount = $FreeLetters.Length


while($i -lt $shareCount)
if($j -ge $ipCount){$j=0}
Write-Host net use $FreeLetters[$i] \\$($PeerIPAddresses[$j])\$($PeerSmbShares[$i])
net use $FreeLetters[$i] \\$($PeerIPAddresses[$j])\$($PeerSmbShares[$i])



function mapv6

    $hostip = $(Get-PeerIp)

$PeerIPAddresses =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $hostip -ScriptBlock {(Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, *hyper-V*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps' | %{if (((Get-NetAdapterBinding -DisplayName *ipv6* -Name $_.InterfaceAlias).Enabled) -ne $FALSE) {(Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $_.InterfaceIndex | Where-Object Type -eq Unicast | Where-Object AddressFamily -eq IPv6 | Where-Object PrefixOrigin -eq Manual).IPv6Address}}}
$PeerSmbShares =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $hostip -ScriptBlock {(Get-SmbShare | Where-Object Name -Match ram_disk*).Name}

$PeerHostName = []::GetHostByAddress($hostip).hostname
Write-host Selected IP for mapping - ${PeerIPAddresses[0]}

Write-host Updating hostfile 
"`n$($PeerIPAddresses[0]) `t $PeerHostName" | Out-File C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -Append -Encoding ascii; 

Ping $PeerHostName


$ipCount = $PeerIPAddresses.Count

$shareCount = $PeerSmbShares.Count

#Removing existing mappings
Write-Host Removing existing mappings

Write-Host "Getting Free Driver letters from the system :- " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
#Mapping needs to be started from B: as medusa gui doesnt list A: drive. Medusa maim through command line lists it.
0..24 | %{ $arr += [char]($_ + [byte][char] 'B');}
$ExistingLetters = (Get-PSDrive | Where-Object Provider -match "FileSystem").Name
foreach ($item in $arr)
   if($ExistingLetters -notcontains $item)
      $FreeLetters += "$item" + ":"

Write-Host $FreeLetters.Length

if($shareCount -gt $FreeLetters.Length)

Write-Host Not enough free disk letters available to map, Reducing ShareCount to $FreeLetters.Length -ForegroundColor Red;
$shareCount = $FreeLetters.Length


while($i -lt $shareCount)
#if($j -ge $ipCount){$j=0}
Write-Host net use $FreeLetters[$i] \\$($PeerHostName)\$($PeerSmbShares[$i])
net use $FreeLetters[$i] \\$($PeerHostName)\$($PeerSmbShares[$i])

function noImdisk ($RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    imdisk -l -n | % { imdisk -u $_ -D }
    Write-Host Removing smb network shares
    get-smbshare -Name ram* | Remove-SmbShare -Verbose -Confirm:0

        Write-Host `nRemoving Ram Disks on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function NewImdisk ([string]$SizeinGB, $shareName) {
    $SizeinGB = $SizeinGB + "G"
    imdisk -a -s $SizeinGB -m V: -p `"/fs:ntfs /q /y`"
    if ($shareName) { New-SmbShare -Name $ShareName -Path V:\ -FullAccess Everyone }

function map.bat {
    if (!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\roce_scripts\map.bat)) { get roce_scripts }    

    Start-Process notepad -ArgumentList C:\Softwares\roce_scripts\map.bat -Wait

function map4port.bat {
    if (!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\roce_scripts\map4port.bat)) { get roce_scripts }    
    Start-Process notepad -ArgumentList C:\Softwares\roce_scripts\map4port.bat -Wait

function smbTrafficMaim ($ip, $lastoctetRange, $blockSizeInKBorMB, $threads) {

    #spilt ip Address
    [int]$firstOctet, [int]$secondOctet, [int]$subnet, [int]$lastoctet = ($ip).split('.')

    #$fileSize = $blockSizeInKBorMB * 2;

    $fileSize = "10MB"

    $start = $lastoctet;

    Write-host $start;

    $end = $lastoctetRange

    #VF rdma from peer to VF
    $start..$end | % {
        #$filename = (corpip).ipaddress
        $lastoctet = $_;
        $ipAddress = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + $lastoctet    
        $target = "\\$ipAddress\Ram_disk1\$_$(Get-Random).dat"
        $args = "-Command while(1){maim $fileSize -b$blockSizeInKBorMB -t$threads -Q2 --full-device -o -l35 -L1 -Y1 -M50 -f'$target' -!3 --exit-grace-period=10 --handler=all:xip; while(!(Test-Connection $ipAddress -Quiet)){Write-Host Waiting for the $ipAddress to ping};while(!(Test-path \\$ipAddress\Ram_disk1)){Write-Host Waiting for \\$ipAddress\Ram_disk1 connectivity;Sleep 1;}sleep 10}"
        Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $args

function SmbTrafficMaim-toPeerVFs
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$ipString,
        $fileSize = "10MB",

    if($testMode -eq "Read-Write"){$testMode2 = ""}
    if($testMode -eq "Read-Only"){$testMode2 = "-r"}
    if($testMode -eq "Write-Only"){$testMode2 = "-w"}

    #VF rdma from peer to VF
    Write-Host Getting VF IPs matching $ipString from $peerIP -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate  -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {(Get-VM | Where-Object State -eq "Running" | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object SwitchName -ne $null).IpAddresses} | Select-String "$ipString" | %{
        $fileSize = "10MB"
        $target = "\\$_\Ram_disk1\$_-$(Get-Random).dat, \\$_\Ram_disk2\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk3\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk4\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk5\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk6\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk7\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk8\$_-$(Get-Random).dat"
        $args = "-Command while(1){maim $fileSize -b$blockSizeInKBorMB -t$threads -Q2 --full-device -o -l35 -L1 -Y1 -M50 -f'$target' -!3 --exit-grace-period=10 --handler=all:xip $testMode2; while(!(Test-Connection $_ -Quiet)){Write-Host Waiting for the $_ to ping};while(!(Test-path \\$_\Ram_disk1)){Write-Host Waiting for \\$_\Ram_disk1 connectivity;Sleep 1;};sleep 10}"
        Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $args

function SmbTrafficMaim-toPeerVFsIpv6
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$ipString,
        $fileSize = "10MB",
    #VF rdma from peer to VF
    Write-Host Getting VF IPs matching $ipString from $peerIP -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate  -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {(Get-VM | Where-Object State -eq "Running" | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object SwitchName -ne $null).IpAddresses} | Select-String "$ipString" | %{
        $PeerHostName = []::GetHostByAddress($_).hostname
        $fileSize = "10MB"
        $target = "\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk1\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat, \\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk2\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk3\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk4\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk5\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk6\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk7\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk8\$PeerHostName-$(Get-Random).dat"
        $args = "-Command while(1){maim $fileSize -b$blockSizeInKBorMB -t$threads -Q2 --full-device -o -l35 -L1 -Y1 -M50 -f'$target' -!3 --exit-grace-period=10 --handler=all:xip; while(!(Test-Connection $_ -Quiet)){Write-Host Waiting for the $_ to ping};while(!(Test-path \\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk1)){Write-Host Waiting for \\$PeerHostName\Ram_disk1 connectivity;Sleep 1;};sleep 10}"
        Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $args

function SmbTrafficDiskSpd-toPeerVFs

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$ipString,
        $fileSize = "10M",
    #VF rdma from peer to VF
    Write-Host Getting VF IPs matching $ipString from $peerIP -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {(Get-VM | Where-Object State -eq "Running" | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Where-Object SwitchName -ne $null).IpAddresses} | Select-String "$ipString" | %{
        $fileSize = "10M"
        $target = "\\$_\Ram_disk1\$_-$(Get-Random).dat, \\$_\Ram_disk2\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk3\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk4\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk5\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk6\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk7\$_-$(Get-Random).dat,\\$_\Ram_disk8\$_-$(Get-Random).dat"
        $args = "-Command while(1){diskspd -c$fileSize -w50 -b$blockSizeInKorM -W5 -d99999999999999 -P -Sh $target; sleep 30;}"
        Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $args
function smbTrafficDiskspd ($ip, $lastoctetRange, $blockSizeInKorM) {
#spilt ip Address
[int]$firstOctet, [int]$secondOctet, [int]$subnet, [int]$lastoctet = ($ip).split('.')

#$fileSize = $blockSizeInKBorMB * 2;

$fileSize = "1MB"

$start = $lastoctet;

$end = $lastoctetRange

#VF rdma from peer to VF
$start..$end | % {
    #$filename = (corpip).ipaddress
    $lastoctet = $_;
    $ipAddress = [String] $firstOctet + "." + $secondOctet + "." + $subnet + "." + $lastoctet    
    $target = "\\$ipAddress\Ram_disk1\$_.dat"
    $args = "-Command while(1){diskspd -c1M -w50 -b$blockSizeInKorM -W5 -d99999999999999 -P -Sh $target; sleep 5;}"
    Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $args


function RDMA+L2 ($blockSizeInKBorMB, $threads) {
    #Setting medusa
    #route change mask metric 1;
    #Restart-Service -Name maa* -Verbose -Force
    (Get-SmbMultichannelConnection | Where-Object ClientIpAddress -NotMatch "10.30") | % { 
        $sutAddress = $_.ClientIpAddress; 
        $peerAddress = $_.ServerIpAddress; 
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/k powershell.exe -Command while(1){sock -f`'$sutAddress-$peerAddress`' -t$threads -b$blockSizeInKBorMB -Y1 -M30 -o -l40 --handler=all:xip; sleep 30}"

function Start-RDMA-Maim { RDMATraffic-Maim }
function Start-RDMA-DiskSpd { RDMATraffic-diskspd }
function RDMAMaim { 
    RDMATraffic-Maim -TrafficScript $TrafficScript -testMode $testMode
function RDMADiskSpd { RDMATraffic-diskspd }

function RDMATraffic-Maim {


    if($testMode -eq "Read-Only") {$testMode2 = "-r"}
    elseif($testMode -eq "Write-Only") {$testMode2 = "-w"}
    else{$testMode2 = ""}

    #Write-host ============================== testmode $testMode == testmode2 $testMode2

    #get network mapped disks
    $DriveList = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=4" | Where-Object -Property FileSystem -eq "NTFS"

    if ($DriveList -eq $null) { Write-Host No network drivers are mapped. -ForegroundColor Red; return; }

    #($DriveList).DeviceID | %{ Remove-Item $_\targetfile.dat -Confirm:0 -Force -Verbose}
    #to get unique file name for each host
    $filename = (corpip).IpAddress + "_" + (Get-Random) + ".dat"

    $Drivestring = ""
    ($DriveList).DeviceID | % { $string = $string + "$_\$filename," }

    #get free disk space (minimum of all) and create file with 80% of the free space left on the disk
    #[int]$fileSize = (((($DriveList).FreeSpace | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum)/1MB)*0.8

    #Setting medusa
    #route change mask metric 1;

    if($TrafficScript -eq "MaimFullDeviceCoverage")
        Write-Host "Starting SMB (Maim Full Device Coverage script) traffic on targets - $string" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
        $arg = "-Command while(1){maim 10MB -b128KB -Q16 --full-device -o -l35 -L1 -Y1 -M50 -f'$string' --handler=all:xip $testMode2; sleep 30}"

    if($TrafficScript -eq "MaimBandwidthFullDuplex")
        Write-Host "Starting SMB (Maim Bandwidth Full Duplex script) traffic on targets - $string" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
        $arg = "-Command while(1){maim 4MB -b512KB -Q8 -m16 -n -u -o -l69 -Y1 -M50 --perf-mode -f'$string' --handler=all:xip $testMode2; sleep 30}"

    # Maim Bandwidth - Full Duplex - maim 4MB -b512KB -Q8 -m16 -n -u -o -l69 -d30 -Y1 -M5 --perf-mode
    Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $arg 
    Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "RDMAstats Gbps"
    sleep 5

function RDMATraffic-diskspd {

    param (

    if($testMode -eq "Read-Write"){$testMode2 = "50"}
    if($testMode -eq "Read-Only"){$testMode2 = "0"}
    if($testMode -eq "Write-Only"){$testMode2 = "100"}

    if (!(Test-Path C:\windows\System32\diskspd.exe)) { get-diskspd }

    #get network mapped disks
    $DriveList = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=4" | Where-Object -Property FileSystem -eq "NTFS"

    $Drivestring = ""

    $filename = (corpip).IpAddress + "_" + (Get-Random) + ".dat"

    ($DriveList).DeviceID | % { $string = $string + " $_\$filename" }

    #get free disk space (minimum of all) and create file with 80% of the free space left on the disk
    #$fileSize = [int]((((($DriveList).FreeSpace | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum) / 1MB) * 0.8)
    $filesize = 10
    $fileSize = [string] $fileSize + 'M'
    $arg = "-Command Write-Host diskspd -c$fileSize -w$testMode2 -b$blockSizeInKorM -W5 -d99999999999999 -P -Sh $string; while(1){diskspd -c$fileSize -w$testMode2 -b$blockSizeInKorM -W5 -d99999999999999 -P -Sh $string}"
    Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList $arg
    Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "RDMAstats Gbps"
function perfmon.html ($RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    if (!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\perfmon.html)) { get perfmon.html }    
    & 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe' file:///C:/Softwares/perfmon.html

        Write-Host `nOpening Perfmon.html on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function lodctr_MarvellStats {
    if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'l2nd2') -ne $null) {
        Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda.sys | % {
            if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'checked_x86-64' } else { $driverType = 'retail_x86-64' }
            $driverVersion = $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion
            Write-Host Currently installed NDIS version is $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType
    #Lodctr supports network location but doesnt add the stats
    #Any man file (could be from same branch) works, we not necessarily want the same man file
    if (!(Test-Path c:\EIT_Drivers\qend\$driverVersion\qlgc\$driverType\ {
        get-NDIS $driverVersion
    $string = "c:\EIT_Drivers\qend\$driverVersion\qlgc\$driverType\"
    lodctr /M:$string

function unlodctr_MarvellStats {
    unlodctr.exe /g:"{e2a4ae01-38db-4da2-84fe-00afeae9893e}"

function RDMAActiveConnections($RunOnPeerAsWell, $WaitTillZero) { 
    Write-Host Active Connections
    $conn = ((Get-NetAdapterStatistics).RdmaStatistics).ActiveConnections

        while($conn -ne 0)
            sleep 1

        Write-Host `nGetting Active connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
function RDMAFailedConnections($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    Write-Host Failed Connections
        Write-Host `nGetting failed connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
function RDMAAcceptedConnections($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    Write-Host Accepted Connections
        Write-Host `nGetting Accepted connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
    } }
function RDMAInitiatedConnections($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    Write-Host Initiated Connections
        Write-Host `nGetting Initiated connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function ActiveConnections ($RunOnPeerAsWell, $WaitTillZero) { RDMAActiveConnections $RunOnPeerAsWell $WaitTillZero}
function FailedConnections ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { RDMAFailedConnections $RunOnPeerAsWell }
function AcceptedConnections ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { RDMAAcceptedConnections $RunOnPeerAsWell }
function InitiatedConnections ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { RDMAInitiatedConnections $RunOnPeerAsWell}

function RDMAConnections ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
        Write-Host `nGetting RDMA connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

#Mos RDMA Connections - (Get-NetAdapterStatistics).RdmaStatistics | Select AcceptedConnections, ActiveConnections, InitiatedConnections

function get-ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface {
    if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters | Select-Object -Property *) -match "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface") {
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"
    else {
        Write-Host "Key is not present in registry "

function set-ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface ($value) {
    if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters | Select-Object -Property *) -match "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface") {
        Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\ -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface -Value $value -Verbose -Force
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"        
    else {
        Write-Host "Key is not present in registry. Defining.. "
        New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\ -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface -Value $value -PropertyType Dword -Verbose
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"

function netusedelete { net use * /d /y; ActiveConnections}
function netsharedelete { Get-SmbShare -Name ram* | % { Remove-SmbShare -Name $_.Name -Force -Verbose } }

#New-Alias -Name smbConnection -Value Get-SMBMultiChannelConnection
function smbConnection ($RunOnPeerAsWell)

            Write-Host `nGetting smb connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
             Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
function smbUpdate ($RunOnPeerAsWell,$Run_X_times_in5SecInterval)
            Write-Host `nUpdating smb connections on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
             Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

#Write function to check for pfc frames per second

function RDMAStats() {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('MBps', 'Gbps')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$IncludeHypervInterfaces

    #For all adapters
    $j = 0
    while (1) {

        if ($IncludeHypervInterfaces) { 
            #Explicitely declared as array since it wont work on a single port adapter. as for only single port, the string that it returns will be considered as string which itself is an array. So $adapterList[0] will return first letter of InterfaceAlias and so on
            [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps'| Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name
        else {
            #Explicitely declared as array since it wont work on a single port adapter. as for only single port, the string that it returns will be considered as string which itself is an array. So $adapterList[0] will return first letter of InterfaceAlias and so on
            [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps'| Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name

        #Write-Host $adapterList
        $i = 0
        $count = $adapterList.Count
        #Write-Host $count
        if ($j % 10 -eq 0) {
            while ($i -lt $count) {
                Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t`t`t`t -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host `n
            $i = 0
            while ($i -lt $count) {
                Write-Host Inbound`t`t OutBound`t -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor DarkCyan

        Write-Host `n
        $i = 0

        while ($i -lt $count) {    
            if ($Unit -eq 'MBps') {    
                $a = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]).RdmaStatistics
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i]
                Start-Sleep 1
                $b = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]).RdmaStatistics
                $inbound = [math]::Round((($b.InboundBytes - $a.InboundBytes) / 1MB), 2)
                $outbound = [math]::Round((($b.OutboundBytes - $a.OutboundBytes) / 1MB), 2)
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t -NoNewLine
                Write-Host $inbound MBps - $outbound MBps `t -NoNewLine                    
            elseif ($Unit -eq 'Gbps') {
                $a = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]).RdmaStatistics
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i]
                Start-Sleep 1
                $b = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i]).RdmaStatistics
                $inbound = [math]::Round((($b.InboundBytes - $a.InboundBytes)*8/1000000000), 2)
                $outbound = [math]::Round((($b.OutboundBytes - $a.OutboundBytes)*8/1000000000), 2)
                #Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t -NoNewLine
                Write-Host $inbound Gbps - $outbound Gbps `t -NoNewLine                
        Write-Host `n



function RDMAStats2() {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('MBps', 'Gbps')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$IncludeHypervInterfaces,
        $maxSamples = 5

    #For all adapters
    $j = 0
    $samples = 1
    while ($samples -le $maxSamples) {

        if ($IncludeHypervInterfaces) { 
            #Explicitely declared as array since it wont work on a single port adapter. as for only single port, the string that it returns will be considered as string which itself is an array. So $adapterList[0] will return first letter of InterfaceAlias and so on
            [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, *hyper* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps'| Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name
        else {
            #Explicitely declared as array since it wont work on a single port adapter. as for only single port, the string that it returns will be considered as string which itself is an array. So $adapterList[0] will return first letter of InterfaceAlias and so on
            [string[]]$adapterList = ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps'| Where-Object -Property Status -NE 'Disabled') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps').Name

        #Write-Host $adapterList
        $i = 0
        $count = $adapterList.Count
        #Write-Host $count
        if ($j % 10 -eq 0) {
            while ($i -lt $count) {
                Write-Host $adapterList[$i] `t`t`t`t -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host `n
            $i = 0
            while ($i -lt $count) {
                Write-Host Inbound`t`t OutBound`t -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor DarkCyan

        Write-Host `n
        $i = 0

        while ($i -lt $count) {    
            if ($Unit -eq 'MBps') {    
                $intDesc = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i])
                $inboundStats= typeperf "\RDMA Activity($intDesc)\RDMA Inbound Bytes/sec" -sc 1 
                $outboundStats= typeperf "\RDMA Activity($intDesc)\RDMA Outbound Bytes/sec" -sc 1  

                $inboundStats = [math]::Round(([decimal]((($inboundStats[2] -split(","))[1]).trim('"')))*8/1000000000,2)
                $outboundStats = [math]::Round(([decimal]((($outboundStats[2] -split(","))[1]).trim('"')))*8/1000000000,2)
                Write-Host $inboundStats MBps - $outboundStats MBps `t -NoNewLine                    
            elseif ($Unit -eq 'Gbps') {
                $intDesc = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -InterfaceAlias $adapterList[$i])
                $inboundStats= typeperf "\RDMA Activity($intDesc)\RDMA Inbound Bytes/sec" -sc 1 
                $outboundStats= typeperf "\RDMA Activity($intDesc)\RDMA Outbound Bytes/sec" -sc 1  

                $inboundStats = [math]::Round(([decimal]((($inboundStats[2] -split(","))[1]).trim('"')))*8/1000000000,2)
                $outboundStats = [math]::Round(([decimal]((($outboundStats[2] -split(","))[1]).trim('"')))*8/1000000000,2)
                Write-Host $inboundStats MBps - $outboundStats Gbps `t -NoNewLine                    
        Write-Host `n


################################################VF RDMA####################################################################

function RDMAWeight ($value, $vmName, $networkAdaterName) {
    if ($vmName) {
        if ($networkAdaterName) {    
            if ($value -or ($value -eq 0)) {
                Set-VmNetworkAdapterRdma -VMName $vmName -RDMAWeight $value -Verbose -VmNetworkAdapterAdapterName $networkAdaterName
            else {
                Get-VmNetworkAdapterRDMA -VMName $vmName -VMNetworkAdapterName $networkAdaterName
    else {
            if ($value -or ($value -eq 0)) {
                Set-VmNetworkAdapterRdma -VMName $vmName -RDMAWeight $value -Verbose -VmNetworkAdapterAdapterName *
            else {
                Get-VmNetworkAdapterRDMA -VMName $vmName -VMNetworkAdapterName *


    if ($value -or ($value -eq 0)) {
        Set-VmNetworkAdapterRDMA -VMName * -RDMAWeight $value -Verbose
    else { Get-VmNetworkAdapterRDMA -VMName * }

function Get-VF-RDMA-VFCount {

    Write-host "`nVFs are considered RDMA capable once they match with these resourse counts - MaxCompletionQueueCount>=64 and MaxMemoryRegionCount=4095 and MaxProtectionDomainCount>=32 and last MaxQueuePairCount>=32`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $totalVfCount = 0
    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name | Sort-Object
    foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {
        Write-Host Starting job on $vmName
        $Session = New-PSSession -VMName $vmName -Credential $cred
        $temp =  Invoke-Command -Session $Session  -ScriptBlock { 
            Write-Host RDMA capable VFs from $args -ForegroundColor Cyan
            [string[]]$adapterList = (Get-NetAdapterRdma -InterfaceDescription *Qlogic*,*Marvell*,*HPE* | where MaxCompletionQueueCount -ge 64 | where MaxMemoryRegionCount -eq 4095 | where MaxProtectionDomainCount -ge 32 | where MaxQueuePairCount -ge 32).InterfaceDescription
            if($adapterList -eq $null){Write-Host None}
            else{Write-host $adapterList -Separator `n}
            return $adapterList.Length
        } -ArgumentList $vmName -AsJob # Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate
    }#Foreach of all VMs

    Get-Job | Wait-Job -Timeout 300 -Verbose | %{ $totalVfCount = $totalVfCount + $(Receive-Job -Id $_.Id)}

    Get-Job | Remove-Job -Force

    Write-host Total RDMA capable VFs $totalVfCount -ForegroundColor GREEN
function Get-VF-RDMA-Statistics {
    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass

    $totalVfCount = 0

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name | Sort-Object

    #$vmNames = "vm-1","vm-2"

    foreach ($vmName in $vmNames) {
        Write-Host Starting Job on $vmName -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $Session = New-PSSession -VMName "$vmName" -Credential $cred
            $temp = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { 
            $vmVfCount = 0
            write-host VF RDMA statisticks from $args ... -BackgroundColor Red
            #check stats only on RDMA capable VNICS
            #$adapterList = Get-NetAdapterRdma -InterfaceDescription *Qlogic*,*Marvell*,*HPE* | where MaxCompletionQueueCount -ge 64 | where MaxMemoryRegionCount -eq 4095 | where MaxProtectionDomainCount -ge 32 | where MaxQueuePairCount -ge 32
            [string[]]$adapterList = Get-NetAdapterRdma -InterfaceDescription *Qlogic*,*Marvell*,*HPE* | where MaxCompletionQueueCount -ge 64 | where MaxMemoryRegionCount -eq 4095 | where MaxProtectionDomainCount -ge 32 | where MaxQueuePairCount -ge 32 | % {
                Write-host Checking stats for $_.Name $_.InterfaceDescription - -ForegroundColor Cyan; 
                $getStats = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).RdmaStatistics;
                Write-Host "Active-Connections:" ($getStats).ActiveConnections;
                Write-Host "Initiated-Connections:" ($getStats).InitiatedConnections;
                Write-Host "Accepted-Connections:" ($getStats).AcceptedConnections;
                Write-Host "Failed-Connections:" ($getStats).FailedConnectionAttempts;
                Write-Host "CompletionQueueErrors:" ($getStats).CompletionQueueErrors;

                #For now, the logic is like if active connections are more then 0 then its running traffic + Plus putting the stats below
                #if (($getStats).ActiveConnections -gt 0) { $vmVfCount++ }

                $getStats = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).RdmaStatistics
                $inStats1 = ($getStats).InboundBytes;
                $outStats1 = ($getStats).OutboundBytes;
                Sleep 1; 

                $getStats = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).RdmaStatistics
                $inStats2 = ($getStats).InboundBytes;
                $outStats2 = ($getStats).OutboundBytes;
                Write-Host Considered traffic is running if difference is greater than 1000000 bytes
                #For now VM VF count is incremented when only Rx traffic
                $inStats = $inStats2 - $inStats1
                $outStats = $outStats2 - $outStats1
                $inStatsGb = [math]::Round((($inStats)*8/1000000000), 2)
                $outStatsGb = [math]::Round((($outStats)*8/1000000000), 2)

                if ($inStats -gt 1000000) { Write-Host Rx Traffic running - Stats $inStatsGb Gbps - Before $inStats1 After $inStats2 -ForegroundColor GREEN} else { Write-Host NO Rx Traffic running - Stats Before $inStats1 After $inStats2  -ForegroundColor RED }
                if ($outStats -gt 1000000) { Write-Host Tx Traffic running - Stats $outStatsGb Gbps - Before $outStats1 After $outStats2 -ForegroundColor GREEN } else { Write-Host NO Tx Traffic running - Stats $outStatsGb Gbps - Before $outStats1 After $outStats2 `n  -ForegroundColor RED }

                if(($inStats -gt 1000000) -or ($outStats -gt 1000000)){$vmVfCount++}

            }#Foreach Adapter in VM
            Write-host RDMA Running on $vmVfCount VFs -ForegroundColor Magenta
            return $vmVfCount
        } -ArgumentList $vmName -AsJob # Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate

    }#Foreach of all VMs

$totalVfCount = 0 ;
Get-Job | Wait-Job -Timeout 300 -Verbose | %{ $totalVfCount = $totalVfCount + $(Receive-Job -id $_.Id) }
Remove-Job * -Force

Write-host RDMA running on total $totalVfCount VFs -ForegroundColor GREEN


############################################################# VF RDMA END #############################################


function dcbRole {
    Get-WindowsFeature -Name "*Bridg*"
    $a = Get-WindowsFeature -Name "*Bridg*" | select installed
    if ($a -match 'False') {
        Write-Host `n DCB Role is not installed.... -Foregroundcolor "RED"
        $input = Read-Host -Prompt 'Would you like to install [yes/no]'
        if (($input -eq 'yes') -or ($input -eq 'y')) { Install-WindowsFeature -Name 'Data-Center-Bridging'; Install-WindowsFeature -Name 'RSAT-DataCenterBridging-LLDP-Tools' }

function noDcbRole { Remove-WindowsFeature 'Data-Center-Bridging', 'RSAT-DataCenterBridging-LLDP-Tools' }

function Get-lldp ($restartWireSharkService) {
    if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\tshark.exe") 
            #Restarting the npf service to refresh the device list in wireshark
            Restart-Service npcap -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Restart-Service npf -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            sleep 5
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % {
            Write-Host Getting LLDP on $_.InterfaceAlias - $_.InterfaceDescription -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $output = tshark.exe -O lldp -f "ether proto 0x88cc" -c 1 -i $_.InterfaceAlias -a duration:70
            if ($output -eq "") {
                Write-Host No LLDP received till 70 seconds
            else {
    else {
        Write-Host Please install wireshark.
function dis-qos { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Disable-NetAdapterQos -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }
function en-qos { ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Enable-NetAdapterQos -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -Verbose -Confirm:0 } }

function qos ($RunOnPeerAsWell)

        Write-Host Getting QoS Setting on $(Get-PeerIp)
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

function dcbxsettings ($RunOnPeerAsWell)

        Write-Host DCBX Setting on $(Get-PeerIp)
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

Function willing ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    Set-NetQosDcbxSetting -Willing 1 -Confirm:0 -Verbose 

        Write-Host Setting willing mode on $(Get-PeerIp)
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 

Function nonwilling ($RunOnPeerAsWell) { 
    Set-NetQosDcbxSetting -Willing 0 -Confirm:0 -Verbose 

        Write-Host Setting willing mode on $(Get-PeerIp)
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


New-Alias -Name tc -Value "Get-NetQosTrafficClass"

function tcNew($name, $bandwidth, $priority) {
    New-NetQosTrafficClass -Name $name -Algorithm ETS -BandwidthPercentage $bandwidth -priority $priority -Verbose

function tcSet($name, $bandwidth, $priority) {
    Set-NetQosTrafficClass -Name $name -Algorithm ETS -BandwidthPercentage $bandwidth -Verbose -priority $priority

Function qfc ($priority) { if($priority){Enable-NetQosFlowControl -Priority $priority -Verbose} else{Get-NetQosFlowControl} }

Function policy { Get-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore }
Function policy_smb ($priority) { New-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore -Name smb -PriorityValue8021Action $priority -NetDirectPortMatchCondition 445 }
Function policy_smb_set ($priority) { Set-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore -Name smb -PriorityValue8021Action $priority -NetDirectPortMatchCondition 445 }
Function policy_nic ($priority) { New-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore -Name nic -IPProtocolMatchCondition tcp -PriorityValue8021Action $priority -Verbose }
Function policy_iscsi ($priority) { New-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore -Name iSCSI -PriorityValue8021Action $priority -iSCSI -Verbose }
Function policy_foce ($priority) { New-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore -Name FOCE -PriorityValue8021Action $priority -FCOE -Verbose }

Function nopolicy { Remove-NetQosPolicy * -PolicyStore ActiveStore -Verbose -Confirm:0 }
function nofc { 0..7 | % { Disable-NetQosFlowControl -Priority $_ -Verbose } }
Function notc ($TrafficClassName) { 
    if ($TrafficClassName) {
        Remove-NetQosTrafficClass $TrafficClassName -Confirm:0 -Verbose
    else {
        Remove-NetQosTrafficClass * -Verbose -Confirm:0

function nopfcConfig() {

function pfcConfig() {
    qfc 4
    tcnew r 50 4
    policy_smb 4
    policy_foce 3
    policy_iscsi 1
    sleep 3

function tlv {
    policy_smb 4
    policy_foce 3
    policy_iscsi 1


########## General Adapter and OS configuration Commands####
function Get-SwitchPorts ($restartWireSharkService) {
    if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\tshark.exe") 
            #Restarting the npf service to refresh the device list in wireshark
            Restart-Service npcap -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Restart-Service npf -Verbose -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            sleep 5
        ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % {
            Write-Host Getting LLDP on $_.InterfaceAlias - $_.InterfaceDescription -ForegroundColor Cyan
            tshark.exe -O lldp -f "ether proto 0x88cc" -c 1 -i $_.InterfaceAlias | Select-String -Pattern "Port Subtype =", "System Name =", "System Description =", "Chassis Id:", "Management Address:"
    else {
        Write-Host Please install wireshark.

function Drivers ($displayTimeStamps, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {

    Write-Host "Components:" -ForegroundColor Magenta

    $OS = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).Caption
    #$driverLetter = (Get-Partition | Where-Object IsBoot -eq $True).DriveLetter
    #$ProductVersion=(get-item $driverLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion

    #For W2012R2 and W2012 as GetPnpDevice doesnt work on these OSes
    if ($OS -match "Microsoft Windows Server 2012") {

        $driverType = ""
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'qebdrv' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qevbda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp= " - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'l2nd2' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp= " - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'qefcoe' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qefcoe.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp= " - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'qeois' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qeois.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp= " - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }

    } #if block
    else { 
        #for WS2016 and WS2019
        #display sys file version only when drivers are installed
        $driverType = ""
        #Write-Host in else
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'qebdrv' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qevbda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp= " - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'l2nd2' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp=" - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'qefcoe' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qefcoe.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp=" - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'qeois' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qeois.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } if($displayTimeStamps){$timestamp=" - Driver TimeStamp - " + $_.LastWriteTime} Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType $timestamp } }
    }#else block

        #Dont print mfw version in case of VMs
        if ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_computersystem).model -ne "Virtual Machine") {
        #Getting MFW/Board/Rev
        $str = ediag -param exit
        (($str | Select-String -Pattern MFW) -split ' ')[2]
        #Getting Board
        #Spilt "`n" to remove/trim newlines
        $board = ((($str) | Select-String -Pattern Board) -split "`n" )
        $boardRevision = (($str | Select-String -Pattern Rev) -split " ")[1]
        $asic = (($str | Select-String -Pattern Rev) -split " ")[0]
        Write-Host $board $asic $boardRevision
        $a = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem | select Name, Manufacturer, Model
        $Manufacturer = $a.Manufacturer + $a.Model
        $b = Get-CimInstance Win32_BIOS
        $SerialNumber = $b.SerialNumber
        $ServerBIOS = $b.SMBIOSBIOSVersion + $b.ReleaseDate
        Write-Host "System: $Manufacturer BIOS - $ServerBIOS $ServerBIOSDate Serial Number - $SerialNumber"
        Write-host "`n"

        Write-Host `nGetting drivers on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            drivers -displayTimeStamps $args[0]} -ArgumentList $displayTimeStamps

function Get-DriverSymbols2 {

        [ValidateSet("retail_x86-64", "checked_x86-64")]$driverType
    #For NDIS
    if ((Test-Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$NDISVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qenda.pdb)) {
        if (!(Test-Path C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols)) { mkdir C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols } else {Remove-Item C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols\q* -Verbose}
        Copy-item "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$NDISVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qenda.pdb" "C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols\" -Force -Verbose -Confirm:0 -PassThru
    else {
        Write-host \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$NDISVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qenda.pdb not found
    #For VBD
    if ((Test-Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$VBDVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qevbda.pdb)) {
        if (!(Test-Path C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols)) { mkdir C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols }
        Copy-item "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$VBDVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qevbda.pdb" "C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols\" -Force -Verbose -Confirm:0 -PassThru
        Write-host \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$VBDVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qevbda.pdb not found

    ii C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Get-DriverSymbols {
    #For NDIS
    if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'l2nd2') -ne $null) {
        Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda.sys | % {
            if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'checked_x86-64' } else { $driverType = 'retail_x86-64' }
            $driverVersion = $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion
            Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType
    if ((Test-Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$driverVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qenda.pdb)) {
        if (!(Test-Path C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols)) { mkdir C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols }
        Copy-item "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$driverVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qenda.pdb" "C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols\" -Force 
    #For VBD
    if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'qebdrv') -ne $null) {
        Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qevbda.sys | % {
            if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'checked_x86-64' } else { $driverType = 'retail_x86-64' }
            $driverVersion = $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion
            Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType
    if ((Test-Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$driverVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qevbda.pdb)) {
        if (!(Test-Path C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols)) { mkdir C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols }
        Copy-item "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$driverVersion\qlgc\$driverType\sym\private\qevbda.pdb" "C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols\" -Force
    ii C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function E3_Drivers {
    $OS = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).Caption
    #$driverLetter = (Get-Partition | Where-Object IsBoot -eq $True).DriveLetter
    #$ProductVersion=(get-item $driverLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion

    #For W2012R2 and W2012 as GetPnpDevice doesnt work on these OSes
    if (($OS -match "Microsoft Windows Server 2012") -or ($OS -match "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2")) {

        $driverType = ""
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'ebdrv' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\evbda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'l2nd' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxnd60a.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' }Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'bxfcoe' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxfcoe.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' }Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
        if ((Get-Device | where -Property Service -eq 'bxois' | where -Property IsPresent -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxois.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' }Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }

        #Getting MFW
# (((ediag -param exit) | Select-String -Pattern MFW) -split ' ')[2]

        #Getting Board
# (ediag -param exit) | Select-String -Pattern Board

    } #if block
    else { #for WS2016 and WS2019
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'ebdrv' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\evbda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'l2nd' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxnd60a.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'bxfcoe' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxfcoe.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
        if ((Get-PnpDevice | where -Property Service -eq 'bxois' | where -Property Present -EQ $true) -ne $null) { Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxois.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } Write-Host $_.Name - $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion $driverType } }
    }#else block

function remove-nonpresent-devices {
    #DeviceManagement v1.0.3
    #Get-Device -ShowNonpresentPresentDevices | Where-Object -Property IsPresent -eq $false
    if (!(Test-Path C:\softwares\remove-nonpresent-devices\removedevices.js)) {
        get remove-nonpresent-devices

    cd C:\softwares\remove-nonpresent-devices
    .\removedevices.js /noconfirm
    cd \

function noHiddenDevices { remove-nonpresent-devices }


function setParam {
    $Adapter = Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox*
    #$b=Read-Host -Prompt "Select a single device for properties to read - "
    $a = Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name "$Adapter[0].InterfaceAlias" | fl DisplayName, ValidDisplayValues
    #Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -Name "slot 5 port 1" | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, ValidDisplayValues
    #Populate Param with the array $b
    #New-Variable -Name "var$i" -Value $i

function SymbolsServer { Write-Host "\\\qidl_proj\bcm5710-symbols copied to clipboard, Just paste it"; Set-Clipboard -Value "\\\qidl_proj\bcm5710-symbols" }

function corpip { Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object -Property IPAddress -like "10.*" | Select IPAddress, InterfaceAlias, InterfaceIndex; set-Clipboard $((Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object -Property IPAddress -like "10.*").IPAddress)}

#ErrorAction SilentlyContinue used to avoid errors in Get-NetIPAddress when vswitch is created and no IP bindings are there on original interface
#Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object -Property Status -ne Disconnected - Do not show IP for disconnected interfaces
function getIpv4Addresses { (Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object -Property Status -ne Disconnected) | % { Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AddressFamily IPv4 | select IPAddress, InterfaceAlias, InterfaceIndex } }

function getIpv6Addresses { (Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object -Property Status -ne Disconnected) | % { Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $_.InterfaceAlias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AddressFamily IPv6 | select IPAddress, InterfaceAlias, InterfaceIndex } }

function Stats {
    ((Get-NetAdapter -InterfaceDescription *Marvell*, *25G*, *Qlogic*, HPE*, Mellanox* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *bcm5709* | Where-Object -Property InterfaceDescription -NOTLike *1Gb* | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '100 Mbps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '0 bps' | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -NE '1 Gbps') | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -ne '1 Gbps') | % { Write-host Checking stats for $_.Name $_.InterfaceDescription -ForegroundColor YELLOW; 
        $a = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).ReceivedBytes ; $a; 
        Sleep 2; 
        $b = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).ReceivedBytes; $b; 
        if (($b - $a) -ne 0) { Write-Host Rx Traffic running -ForegroundColor YELLOW } else { Write-Host NO Rx Traffic running -ForegroundColor RED }

        $a = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).SentBytes; $a; 
        Sleep 2; 
        $b = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics -Name $_.Name).SentBytes; $b; 
        if (($b - $a) -ne 0) { Write-Host Tx Traffic running -ForegroundColor YELLOW } else { Write-Host NO Tx Traffic running -ForegroundColor RED }

        Write-Host `n `n

function MicrosoftDownloadShare {ii \\\win_sw\Microsoft}
function MSFTShare {MicrosoftDownloadShare}
function DevShare {MicrosoftDownloadShare}
function SoftwareShare_EIT { ii \\\Softwares\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
function SoftwareShare_PQA { ii \\\Softwares\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
function SoftwareShare_USIrvine { ii \\\Shares -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
function usshare {SoftwareShare_USIrvine}

function DriverShare_EIT { ii \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

function PerformanceData {
    rmdir -Path C:\PerformanceData\ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    mkdir -Path c:\ -Name PerformanceData -Force
    Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo | fl * > c:\PerformanceData\Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo.log
    Get-ComputerInfo > C:\PerformanceData\Get-ComputerInfo.log

    #For Driver Versions
    Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qevbda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' } $temp = $_.Name + "-" + $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion + " " + $driverType; $temp >>C:\PerformanceData\Drivers.log }
    Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' }$temp = $_.Name + "-" + $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion + " " + $driverType ; $temp >>C:\PerformanceData\Drivers.log }
    Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qefcoe.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' }$temp = $_.Name + "-" + $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion + " " + $driverType; $temp >>C:\PerformanceData\Drivers.log }
    Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qeois.sys | % { if ($_.VersionInfo.IsDebug) { $driverType = 'DBG' } else { $driverType = 'Retail' }$temp = $_.Name + "-" + $_.VersionInfo.FileVersion + " " + $driverType; $temp >>C:\PerformanceData\Drivers.log }
    #Getting MFW
    (((ediag -param exit) | Select-String -Pattern MFW) -split ' ')[2] >> C:\PerformanceData\Drivers.log

    #Getting Board
    (ediag -param exit) | Select-String -Pattern Board >> C:\PerformanceData\Drivers.log

    $computerInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem
    $zipName = $computerInfo.Name + "-" + $computerInfo.Model
    Compress-Archive -Path C:\PerformanceData\ -DestinationPath "C:\PerformanceData\$"
    ii C:\PerformanceData

function SystemInfo ($RunOnPeerAsWell) {


    Write-Host "System Info:" -ForegroundColor Magenta    

    $a = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem | select Name, PartOfDomain, Domain, HypervisorPresent, Manufacturer, Model, NumberOfProcessors, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, TotalPhysicalMemory

    $Manufacturer = $a.Manufacturer + $a.Model
    #Round to next higher number using ceiling method, floor available for oppsite.
    $RAM = [MATH]::Ceiling($a.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1GB); 
    $domain = $a.Domain + ", Part of Domain - " + $a.PartOfDomain

    $b = Get-CimInstance Win32_BIOS
    $SerialNumber = $b.SerialNumber
    $ServerBIOS = $b.SMBIOSBIOSVersion + $b.ReleaseDate

    $os = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name *
    $OsVersion = $os.ProductName + " " + $os.CurrentMajorVersionNumber + "." + $os.CurrentMinorVersionNumber +  "." + $os.CurrentBuild +  "." + $os.UBR

    Write-Host "`tSystem Model - $Manufacturer
    OS - $OsVersion
    Hostname - $($a.Name)
    Mgmt IP - $((corpip).IPAddress)
    ILO - $((Get-PcsvDevice -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).IPv4Address)
    RAM - $RAM GB
    Server BIOS - $ServerBIOS $ServerBIOSDate
    Serial Number - $SerialNumber
    Hypervisor Present - $($a.HypervisorPresent)
    Domain - $domain
    Total Logical Processors - $($a.NumberOfLogicalProcessors)"

    Write-Host "`nProcessors Details:" -ForegroundColor Magenta

        Write-Host `nGetting System Info of $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function dell-support-site
    $b = Get-CimInstance Win32_BIOS
    $SerialNumber = $b.SerialNumber
function OS ($RunOnPeerAsWell){
    $a = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name *
    $OS = $a.ProductName + " " + $a.CurrentMajorVersionNumber + "." + $a.CurrentMinorVersionNumber +  "." + $a.CurrentBuild +  "." + $a.UBR
    Write-Host OS: $OS
    #($OS = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).Caption + " " + (get-item "c:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion)
    #Set-Clipboard -Value "OS: $OS"

        Write-Host `nOS on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


function processors {
 Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor | Select Manufacturer, DeviceID, Name, L2CacheSize, L3CacheSize, MaxClockSpeed, NumberOfCores, NumberOfEnabledCore, NumberOfLogicalProcessors

function CPU_Usage {
    while (1) {
        Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor | % { Write-Host $_.DeviceID - $_.LoadPercentage; }
        Start-Sleep 1

function get-cpuUsage
#see last
#more on perf -

$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred

    #long type will automatically round it to next integer
    $cpuUsage= [long](((((typeperf "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Utility" -sc 1)[2]) -split ",")[1]).trim('"'))
    $remote_cpuUsage =  Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -Session $session -ScriptBlock {[long](((((typeperf "\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Utility" -sc 1)[2]) -split ",")[1]).trim('"'))}    
    Write-Host LOCAL CPU %: $cpuUsage `t REMOTE CPU %: $remote_cpuUsage

function Dis-GlobalRss
    netsh int tcp set global rss=disable
    netsh int tcp show global

function En-GlobalRss
    netsh int tcp set global rss=enable
    netsh int tcp show global

##############################################################Debugger and Debugging######################################################
#Set tracelog, copy to startup and system32

function Set-Verbosity ($dp_level, $dp_module)
$UserKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\qebdrv"
New-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_level" -Value $dp_level -Force -PropertyType STRING
New-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_module" -Value $dp_module -Force -PropertyType STRING
New-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_int_module" -Value $dp_module -Force -PropertyType STRING
sleep 2

function Get-Verbosity
$UserKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\qebdrv"
Get-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_level" 
Get-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_module"

function Remove-Verbosity 
$UserKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\qebdrv"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_level" -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $UserKey -Name "dp_module" -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function tracelog-setup ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    $path = 'c:\windows\system32'
    $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\roce_scripts\tracelog\tracelog.exe" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
    If ($status) { Write-Host Copied tracelog.exe to $Path }
    Else { Write-Host tracelog.exe Copy Failed..!!! }

    $path = 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\'
    $status = Copy-Item -Path "\\\Softwares\roce_scripts\tracelog\enable-trace.cmd" -Destination $path -Passthru -Recurse -Force
    If ($status) { Write-Host Copied enable-trace.cmd to $Path }
    Else { Write-Host enable-trace.cmd Copy Failed..!!! }

    & "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\enable-trace.cmd"

        Write-Host `nSetting tracelog on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 


#Function to get STACK and Network debug report from Memory dump windbg through command
function Analyze-Dump ()

    param (
        $dumpPath = "C:\windows\MEMORY.DMP",
        $getNetworkDebugReport = 0
    $dumpTemp=Get-Item $dumpPath
    $dumpDirectory = $dumpTemp.Directory    
    $logFile = [string] $dumpDirectory + "\" + [string] $dumpTemp.BaseName + ".log"
    $htmlFile = [string] $dumpDirectory + "\" + [string] $dumpTemp.BaseName + ".html"

    if(Test-Path $htmlFile){Remove-Item $htmlFile -Force -Verbose}
    if(!(Test-path "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe")){ windbg }

    Write-Host Dump generated at $dumpTemp.CreationTime

    Write-Host Geting driver symbols

# $zipName = $computerInfo.Name + "-" + $computerInfo.Model
# Compress-Archive -Path C:\PerformanceData\ -DestinationPath "C:\PerformanceData\$"
# ii C:\PerformanceData

    cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64"
    if($getNetworkDebugReport){ $command = "kb;!ndiskd.netreport -verbose -outputpath $htmlFile"}
    else{$command = "kb"}
    .\windbg -z $dumpPath -y "srv*C:\Symbols*;C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols" -logo $logFile  -c "$command"
    $input=Read-Host -Prompt "Rename Dump? Enter New Dump name or Hit ENTER to SKIP"

    if($input -ne "")
        Rename-Item $dumpPath $input -Verbose
        Rename-Item $logFile "$input.log" -Verbose
    ii $dumpDirectory

function Parse-Dump ($dumpPath)

    if(!(Test-Path \\\qidl_proj\bcm5710sw_rel) -or !(Test-Path \\\qidl_proj\bcm5710sw_rel)) { Write-Host Please check whether \\\qidl_proj\bcm5710sw_rel or \\\il_proj\bcm5710sw_rel is accessible; break}

    $dumpTemp=Get-Item $dumpPath
    $dumpDirectory = $dumpTemp.Directory    
    $parseDir = [string] $dumpDirectory + "\" + "ParsedData"
    $parseDir = New-Item $parseDir -ItemType Directory -Force 
    Move-Item $dumpPath -Destination $parseDir 
    $dumpTemp = Get-ChildItem $parseDir -Filter "*.dmp" | Get-Item
    $logFile = [string] $dumpDirectory + "\" + [string] $dumpTemp.BaseName + ".log"

    if(!(Test-path "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe")){ windbg }

    Write-Host Dump generated at $dumpTemp.CreationTime

    cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64"
    $command = ".reload;!load E:\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\b10kd\\x86-x64\Release\b10kd.dll;kb;!dbg_tools combined_commands;q"
    Start-Process windbg.exe -Wait -ArgumentList "-z $dumpTemp -y `".sympath SRV*C:\Symbols*;\\\qidl_proj\bcm5710-symbols;E:\dumps;$dumpDirectory`" -logo $logFile -c `"$command`""
    Move-Item $dumpTemp.FullName $dumpDirectory -Verbose
    Compress-Archive -Path $parseDir -Verbose -DestinationPath $dumpDirectory\
    Remove-Item $parseDir -Force -Confirm:0 -Recurse

<# $input=Read-Host -Prompt "Rename Dump? Enter New Dump name or Hit ENTER to SKIP"
    if($input -ne "")
        Rename-Item $dumpPath $input

    ii $dumpDirectory


#Function to check max vports, max queue pairs through ndiskd.dll
function ndiskd_maxResourceCheck
    if(!(Test-path "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe")){ windbg; Start-Sleep 10; }
    cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64"
    .\windbg -kl -c "!load ndiskd.dll;!miniport" -y "srv*C:\OS_Symbols*;"

#Launch windbg
function windbg ($port) {
    if(!(Test-Path 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe'))
        Start-Process '\\\Softwares\windbg_2022\X64 Debuggers And Tools-x64_en-us.msi' -Wait
        Write-Host Associating WinDbg with the file extensions .dmp, .mdmp, and .wew in the registry -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe' -ArgumentList "-IAS"
        Set-Path "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64"
        cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64"
        New-Item -Path c:\ -Name Sagar -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
        Start-Process windbg.exe -ArgumentList "-k net:port=${port},key= -y `"srv*C:\Symbols*;\\\qidl_proj\bcm5710-symbols;C:\EIT_Drivers\Symbols`" -logo c:\sagar\dbgLog_${port}.log"
        ii C:\Sagar

    else {
        cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64"
        & 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe'        

#Launch kdnet
function kdnet {
    cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64"
    & 'C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64\kdnet.exe'

function debugView {

    if (!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\DebugView\Dbgview.exe)) {
        get debugview
    if ((Test-Path C:\windows\system32\drivers\Dbgv.sys)) {
        Remove-Item C:\windows\system32\drivers\Dbgv2.sys -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Rename-Item C:\windows\system32\drivers\Dbgv.sys dbgv2.sys -Force -Confirm:0 -Verbose

    $logfile = "C:\dbgViewlog_$(Get-Random).log"
    Start-Process C:\Softwares\DebugView\Dbgview.exe -ArgumentList "/k /om /l $logfile"
    Write-Host Created log file - $logFile
    ii c:\

    return $logfile

function dbgView {debugview}

function notmyfault_crash ($RunOnPeerAsWell)
    if(!(Test-Path C:\Softwares\NotMyFault\notmyfaultc64.exe))
        get NotMyFault

        Write-Host `nCrashing Peer -ForegroundColor RED
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Start-Process C:\Softwares\NotMyFault\notmyfaultc64.exe -ArgumentList "crash 0x1" ;

    Start-Process C:\Softwares\NotMyFault\notmyfaultc64.exe -ArgumentList "crash 0x1" 


function debugOn {

    $hostip = ""
    #In case of US setup using "" as debugger hostip

    #Turning on DebuggerMode
    #Find Corp
    $corpInterface = Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object -Property IPAddress -like "10.*" | Select IPAddress, InterfaceAlias, InterfaceIndex
    Write-Host Found Interfaces 
    $corpInterface | fl *
    if($corpInterface -match "10.104.*"){Write-host 10.104 is US setup, using as debugger host; $hostip = ""}
    Write-host Selected interface - $corpInterface[0].InterfaceAlias with IP $corpInterface[0].IpAddress
    #Find bus number of corp
    $hardWareInfo = Get-NetAdapterHardwareInfo -InterfaceAlias $corpInterface[0].InterfaceAlias
    $busParams = [String]$hardWareInfo.BusNumber + '.' + [String]$hardWareInfo.Device + '.' + [String]$hardWareInfo.Function
    Write-Host Bus Params - $busParams

    #goto cmd mode for below commands

    $port = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Port Number - ' 
    cmd /c bcdedit /set debug on
    cmd /c bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip:$hostip port:$port key:
    cmd /c "bcdedit /set {dbgsettings} busparams $busParams"
    cmd /c bcdedit /dbgsettings

    #Putting registry key to allowFlowControlUnderDebugger
    Write-Host Updating Registry for allowFlowControlUnderDebugger
    New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NDIS\Parameters -Name AllowFlowControlUnderDebugger -PropertyType DWORD -Value 1

function debugOff {
    bcdedit /set debug off

#Displays current OS debugger settings
function dbgsettings { 
    if((bcdedit /enum "{current}") -contains "debug Yes")
        Write-Host OS Debug is on 
        Write-Host OS Debug is off -ForegroundColor Red
    bcdedit /dbgsettings 

function set-dbgsettings {}

function debugOnVM {
    param (
        $port = 50001
    $HostName = (Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters\").GetValue("Hostname")
    $hostip = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($HostName) | Where-Object IpAddressToString -match "10.").IpAddressToString
    #cd "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\*\Debuggers\x64"
    #get kdnet
    \\\Softwares\kdnet.exe $hostip $port
    cmd /c bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip:$hostip port:$port key:
    #cmd /c "bcdedit /set {dbgsettings} busparams $busParams"
    #Putting registry key to allowFlowControlUnderDebugger
    Write-Host Updating Registry
    New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NDIS\Parameters -Name AllowFlowControlUnderDebugger -PropertyType DWORD -Value 1

function debugOnAllVMs ($startingPort) {

    $port = $startingPort

    $username = 'Administrator'
    $password = 'Qlogic01'
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, $pass
    $corpipaddress = (corpip).IpAddress

    $vmNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

    foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {

        Write-host Firing command in $temp
         Invoke-Command -VMName $temp -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
            Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1;
            cmd /c bcdedit /set debug on
            cmd /c bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip:$args[0] port:$args[1] key:
            cmd /c bcdedit /dbgsettings
            #Putting registry key to allowFlowControlUnderDebugger
            Write-Host Updating Registry
            New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NDIS\Parameters -Name AllowFlowControlUnderDebugger -PropertyType DWORD -Value 1    
        } -Args $corpipaddress, $port

#Function to get QP/vports from ndiskd from windbg through command

##############################################################Debugger and Debugging END######################################################


#Copy Tool and Drivers

function Install-VBD () {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("retail", "checked")]$driverType,
    #This line is to support remote installations
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd" -Name 
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        # if($Install_ex1_package -eq 'yes'){$package = 'qlgc_ex1'}
        # else{$package = 'qlgc'}
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport and bus drivers -Foregroundcolor "Magenta"
                Write-Host Installing driver qevbd\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qevbd.inf
                ### Get and Install certificate to avoid dialog box
                $cert = (Get-AuthenticodeSignature $driver).SignerCertificate
                [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("c:\QLogic.cer", $cert.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert))
                $output = (certutil.exe -f -addstore "TrustedPublisher" c:\QLogic.cer) | Out-String
                write_log $myLogFile 0 $output
                Remove-Item -Path C:\qlogic.cer

                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qevbd.inf 
                if ($status -ne "") { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host VBD qlgc v$item installed successfully`n -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
                Else { Write-Host VBD qlgc v$item installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                <# Handle this failure, in this case $status is not blank
Microsoft PnP Utility
Processing inf : qend.inf
Adding the driver package failed : A problem was encountered while attempting to add the driver to the store.
Total attempted: 1
Number successfully imported: 0#>

                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport and bus drivers -Foregroundcolor "Magenta"

                Write-Host Installing driver qevbd\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qevbd.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qevbd.inf
                if ($status -ne "") { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host VBD qlgc v$query installed successfully`n -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
                Else { Write-Host VBD qlgc v$query installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor "RED" }

        Write-Host `nInstalling VBD driver v$driverVersion $driverType on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Install-VBD $args[0] $args[1]} -ArgumentList $driverVersion, $driverType

New-Alias ivbd -Value Install-VBD

function Install-FCOE () {    

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("retail", "checked")]$driverType,
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ofc" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport drivers -Foregroundcolor "Magenta"
                Write-Host Installing driver ofc\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qefcoe.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ofc\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qefcoe.inf
                if ($status) { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host "FCOE Driver v$item installed successfully`n" -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
                Else { Write-Host "FCOE Driver v$item installation failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport drivers -Foregroundcolor "Magenta"
                Write-Host Installing driver ofc\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qefcoe.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ofc\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qefcoe.inf
                if ($status -ne "") { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host FCOE Driver v$query installed successfully -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
                Else { Write-Host FCOE Driver v$query installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor "RED" }

        Write-Host `nInstalling FCOE driver v$driverVersion $driverType on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Install-FCOE $args[0] $args[1]} -ArgumentList $driverVersion, $driverType


New-Alias ifcoe -Value Install-FCOE

function Install-iSCSI () {    

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("retail", "checked")]$driverType,
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ois" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport drivers -Foregroundcolor "Magenta"
                Write-Host Installing driver ois\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qeois.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ois\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qeois.inf
                if ($status) { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host "iSCSI Driver v$item installed successfully`n" -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
                Else { Write-Host "iSCSI Driver v$item installation failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport drivers -Foregroundcolor "Magenta"
                Write-Host Installing driver ois\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qeois.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ois\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qeois.inf
                if ($status -ne "") { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host iSCSI Driver v$query installed successfully -Foregroundcolor "Green" }
                Else { Write-Host iSCSI Driver v$query installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
        Write-Host `nInstalling iSCSI driver v$driverVersion $driverType on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Install-iSCSI $args[0] $args[1]} -ArgumentList $driverVersion, $driverType

New-Alias iiscsi -Value Install-iSCSI

function Install-NDIS () {    

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('retail', 'checked')]$driverType,

    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path '\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend' -Name 
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host 'Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)' -Foregroundcolor 'RED'
    Else {
        #if($Install_ex1_package -eq 'yes'){$package = 'qlgc_ex1'}
        #else{$package = 'qlgc'}

        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor 'RED'

        Else {
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport drivers -Foregroundcolor 'Magenta'
                #Write-Host Installing driver qend\$item\$package\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                Write-Host Installing driver qend\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                #$status=pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$item\$package\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$item\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                if ($status) { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host "NDIS Driver v$item installed successfully`n" -Foregroundcolor 'Green' }
                Else { Write-Host "NDIS Driver v$item installation failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor 'RED' }
            else {
                #uninstalling any previous drivers, calling function uninstallDrivers
                #Write-Host Uninstalling any Previous miniport drivers -Foregroundcolor 'Magenta'
                #Write-Host Installing driver qend\$query\$package\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                Write-Host Installing driver qend\$query\$package\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                #$status=pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$query\$package\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                $status = pnputil.exe /i /a \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$query\qlgc\"$driverType"_x86-64\qend.inf
                if ($status -ne '') { Write-Host `n; $status; Write-Host NDIS Driver v$query installed successfully -Foregroundcolor 'Green' }
                Else { Write-Host NDIS Driver v$query installation failed..!!! -Foregroundcolor 'RED' }
        Write-Host `nInstalling NDIS driver v$driverVersion $driverType on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Install-NDIS $args[0] $args[1]} -ArgumentList $driverVersion, $driverType

    #For WS2022
    sleep 5


New-Alias indis -Value Install-NDIS

function replace-sysfiles {    

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("retail", "checked")]$driverType,
        # [ValidateSet("yes","no")]$Install_ex1_package

    if (!($VBDVersion) -and !($NDISVersion)) {
        Write-Host "Please input VBD and NDIS driver versions (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"

    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username

        $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd" -Name
        $query = $a -match $VBDVersion
            If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
                Write-Host No VBD driver found with given Version - $VBDVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"
            Else {

                Write-host renaming old sys file to qevbda_old.sys
                del C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qevbda_old.sys -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose -Force
                Rename-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qevbda.sys qevbda_old.sys -Force -Confirm:0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose

                If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                    for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                    $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                    $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                    $path = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$item\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qevbda.sys"
                    Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination C:\Windows\System32\drivers\    -Force -Recurse
                else {
                    $path = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$query\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qevbda.sys"
                    Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination C:\Windows\System32\drivers\        -Force -Recurse        }    
    }#VBD Version


        #Check NDIS Drivers

        $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend" -Name

        if ($NDISVersion.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "Please input NDIS driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
        Else {
            # if($Install_ex1_package -eq 'yes'){$package = 'qlgc_ex1'}
            # else{$package = 'qlgc'}

            Write-host renaming old sys file to qenda_old.sys
            del C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda_old.sys -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose -Force
            Rename-Item C:\Windows\System32\drivers\qenda.sys qenda_old.sys -Force -Confirm:0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose

            $query = $a -match $NDISVersion

            If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
                Write-Host No NDIS driver found with given Version - $NDISVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

            Else {
                If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                    for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                    $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                    $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                    $path = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$item\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qenda.sys"
                    Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ -Force -Recurse 
                else {
                    $path = "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$query\qlgc\$driverType" + "_x86-64\qenda.sys"
                    Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination C:\Windows\System32\drivers\        -Force -Recurse        }

    #to check loaded drivers
    Write-Host Checking loaded drivers, you still have to reboot for the new replaced drivers to properly load.

        Write-Host `nReplacing drivers sys files on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            replace-sysfiles -VBDVersion $args[0] -NDISVersion $args[1] -driverType $args[2]} -ArgumentList $VBDVersion, $NDISVersion,$driverType

function uninstall-Driver  {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("qebdrv", "l2nd2", "qefcoe", "qeois", "all", "netqend", "netqevbd", "l2nd", "ebdrv")]$service,

    if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe))

    if (!(Test-Path 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules')) { DeviceManagement }

    Write-Host uninstalling $service -ForegroundColor Yellow    

    #keep devcon in below CD
    if ($service -eq 'all') {
        uninstall-Driver -service 'l2nd2'
        #uninstall-Driver -service 'netqend'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'qefcoe'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'qeois'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'qebdrv'
        #uninstall-Driver -service 'netqevbd'
        #check driver versions to make sure uninstallation

        $OS = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).Caption
        #driverLetter = (Get-Partition | Where-Object IsBoot -eq $True).DriveLetter
        #$ProductVersion=(get-item $driverLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion

        #For W2012R2 and W2012 as GetPnpDevice doesnt work on these OSes
        $dev = Get-Device | Where-Object Service -eq $service

        if($dev -eq $null) {Write-Host No $service Devices Present}

        #Add check here for FCOE ( and ISCSI, as there provides for inbox also is Cavium and not MSFT
        if(($dev).DriverProvider -ne "Microsoft")
                    if ($dev -ne $null) {
                    $dev = (Get-Device | Where-Object Service -eq $service)
                    $oeminfpath = @()
                    $oeminfpath += ($dev).AvailableProperties.DEVPKEY_Device_DriverInfPath
                    if ($dev -ne $null) {
                        foreach ($int in $dev) {
                            [string]$pnpdevID = $int.InstanceId
                            write-host "Uninstalling device `"$($int.Name)`"" -NoNewline   
                            $output = devcon.exe remove "@$pnpdevID" | Out-String
                            if ($output -match "1 device") {
                                Write-Host " - Uninstalled....." -ForegroundColor Green
                            else {
                                Write-Host " - Failed to uninstall...." -ForegroundColor Red
                        if (Test-Path -Path ("C:\windows\INF\" + $oeminfpath[0])) 
                            Write-Host "Removing $oeminfpath"
                            devcon.exe -f dp_delete $oeminfpath[0]
                            Write-Host "Rescanning system..."
                            devcon.exe rescan
                }#Os if
                    Write-Host Inbox v($dev.DriverVersion[0]) Present for $service`, skipped uninstallation
                }#inbox else
    }#$dev null else
    }#outmoest else

        Write-Host `nUninstalling drivers on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            uninstall-Driver $args[0] } -ArgumentList $service

#modify if else redundant code
function uninstall-Driver-old () {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("qebdrv", "l2nd2", "qefcoe", "qeois", "all", "netqend", "netqevbd", "l2nd", "ebdrv")]$service
    if(!(Test-Path C:\Windows\System32\devcon.exe))

    #keep devcon in below CD
    if ($service -eq 'all') {
        uninstall-Driver -service 'l2nd2'
        #uninstall-Driver -service 'netqend'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'qefcoe'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'qeois'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'qebdrv'
        #uninstall-Driver -service 'netqevbd'
        sleep 5
        #check driver versions to make sure uninstallation

    if ($service -eq 'e3') {
        #for E3
        uninstall-Driver -service 'l2nd'
        uninstall-Driver -service 'ebdrv'        
        #check driver versions to make sure uninstallation

    else {
        $OS = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem).Caption
        #driverLetter = (Get-Partition | Where-Object IsBoot -eq $True).DriveLetter
        #$ProductVersion=(get-item $driverLetter":\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion

        #For W2012R2 and W2012 as GetPnpDevice doesnt work on these OSes
        if ($OS -notmatch "Microsoft Windows Server 2012") {
            $dev = (Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object Service -eq $service)
            if ($dev -ne $null) {
                foreach ($int in $(Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object { $_.Service -eq $service })) {
                    $oeminfpath = Get-PnpDeviceProperty -InstanceId $int.instanceid -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_DriverInfPath
                    [string]$pnpdevID = $int.PnPDeviceID
                    [string]$infName = $oeminfpath.Data
                    write-host "Uninstalling device `"$($int.FriendlyName)`""    
                    $output = devcon.exe remove "@$pnpdevID" | Out-String
                    if ($output -match "1 device") {
                        Write-Host Done.....
                    else {
                        Write-Host Fail....
                if (Test-Path -Path ("C:\windows\INF\" + $infName)) {
                    Write-Host "Removing $infName"
                    devcon.exe -f dp_delete $infName
                    Write-Host "Rescanning system..."
                    devcon.exe rescan
        }#Os if
        else {
            $dev = (Get-Device | Where-Object Service -eq $service)
            $oeminfpath = ($dev).AvailableProperties.DEVPKEY_Device_DriverInfPath
            if ($dev -ne $null) {
                foreach ($int in $dev) {
                    [string]$pnpdevID = $int.InstanceId
                    write-host "Uninstalling device `"$($int.Name)`""    
                    $output = devcon.exe remove "@$pnpdevID" | Out-String
                    if ($output -match "1 device") {
                        Write-Host Done.....
                    else {
                        Write-Host Fail....
                if (Test-Path -Path ("C:\windows\INF\" + $oeminfpath[0])) {
                    Write-Host "Removing $infName"
                    devcon.exe -f dp_delete $oeminfpath[0]
                    Write-Host "Rescanning system..."
                    devcon.exe rescan
            #Write-Host `nWaiting 10 seconds to check if any previous driver loads `(earlier driver upgrade sceanario`)
            #Sleep 10
            #Testing if drivers uninstalled successfully, like in case of upgrade devices will reappear with older drivers
            #uninstall-Driver -Service $service

        #Check driver version after uninstallation
    }#outmoest else

function get-FCOE ($driverVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {    
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ofc'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item $path -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ofc" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {            
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ofc\$item -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied FCOE Driver v$item to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "FCOE Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ofc\$query -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied FCOE Driver v$query to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "FCOE Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
        Write-Host `nCopying FCOE driver on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            get-FCOE -driverVersion $args[0] } -ArgumentList $driverVersion


function get-iSCSI ($driverVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {    
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ois'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item $path -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ois" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {            
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ois\$item -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied FCOE Driver v$item to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "iSCSI Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ois\$query -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied FCOE Driver v$query to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "iSCSI Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
        Write-Host `nCopying iSCSI driver on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            get-iSCSI -driverVersion $args[0] } -ArgumentList $driverVersion

function get-Vbd ($driverVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {    
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\qevbd'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item $path -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {            
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$item -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied Bus Driver v$item to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "Bus Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qevbd\$query -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied Bus Driver v$query to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "Bus Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
        Write-Host `nCopying VBD driver on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            get-Vbd -driverVersion $args[0] } -ArgumentList $driverVersion

function get-NDIS ($driverVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {    
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\qend'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item $path -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input driver version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No driver found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {            
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$item -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied Bus Driver v$item to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "NDIS Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                Write-Host Copying driver...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\qend\$query -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied Bus Driver v$query to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "NDIS Driver v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
        Write-Host `nCopying NDIS driver on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            get-NDIS -driverVersion $args[0] } -ArgumentList $driverVersion


function get-CD {
    $Sourcepath = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\CD'
    $TargetPath = '\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\CD'
    $a = Test-Path $Sourcepath
    If (!$a) { new-item $Sourcepath -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    ii $Sourcepath
    ii $TargetPath

function upgrade-FCOE { }
function upgrade-vbd { }

function get-ediag ($driverVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {    

    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) { new-item $path -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    else { rmdir $path\* -Recurse -Force }
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ediag" -Name
    if ($driverVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input diag version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match $driverVersion

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No diag found with given Version - $driverVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {            
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                Write-Host Copying diag...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ediag\$item -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied Diag v$item to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "Diag v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
            else {
                Write-Host Copying diag...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\ediag\$query -Destination $path -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied Diag v$query to $Path -Foregroundcolor "Green"; ii $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
                Else { Write-Host "Diag v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
        Write-Host `nCopying ediag on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            get-ediag -driverVersion $args[0] } -ArgumentList $driverVersion


function get-mfw ($mfwVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) {
        Write-Host "No Ediag Present, Get ediag using get-ediag <branch> command, for now copying ediag to c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag"        
    net use \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH $global:password /USER:$global:username
    $a = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\mfw" -Name
    if ($mfwVersion.Length -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Please input mfw version (e.g. or branch (8.33)" -Foregroundcolor "RED"
    Else {
        $query = $a -match "$mfwVersion"

        If ($query.Length -eq 0) {
            Write-Host No mfw found with given Version - $mfwVersion -Foregroundcolor "RED"

        Else {            
            If ($query.count -gt 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i -le $query.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $query[$i - 1] }
                $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
                $item = $query[$itemNumber - 1]
                Write-Host Copying mfw...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\mfw\$item -Destination (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied mfw v$item to (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName -Foregroundcolor "Green"; 
                #ii (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Else { Write-Host "mfw v$item copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }    
                Set-Clipboard -Value "nvm upgrade -F -mfw $item" -Verbose

            else {
                Write-Host Copying mfw...
                $status = Copy-Item -Path \\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\mfw\$query -Destination (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName -Recurse -Force -Passthru
                if ($status) { Write-Host Copied mfw v$query to (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName -Foregroundcolor "Green"; 
                #ii (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                Else { Write-Host "mfw v$query copy failed..!!!" -Foregroundcolor "RED" }
                Set-Clipboard -Value "nvm upgrade -F -mfw $query" -Verbose
        Write-Host `nCopying mfw on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            get-mfw -mfwVersion $args[0] } -ArgumentList $mfwVersion


function flash-mfw ($mfwVersion, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    get-mfw    $mfwVersion $RunOnPeerAsWell

function get-DUP {    
    $Sourcepath = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\DUP'
    $TargetPath = '\\\Windows_EIT_Drivers_E4_AH\dup'
    $a = Test-Path $Sourcepath
    If (!$a) { new-item $Sourcepath -ItemType Directory -Verbose }
    ii $Sourcepath
    ii $TargetPath

#Function not working
function phymacstat ($port) {    
    Write-host $value
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) {
        Write-Host "No ediag present. Use get-ediag <branch>"
    else {
        $a = Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag' -Name
        if ($a.count -le 1) {
            $ediagPath = $path + "\" + $a
            #Write-Host $ediagPath
        else {
            for ($i = 1; $i -le $a.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $a[$i - 1] }
            $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
            $item = $a[$itemNumber - 1]
            $ediagPath = $path + "\" + $item

        if ($port) {
            <#powershell logic
        Ediag exit will return ediag main screen output which has no of ports field which we select using Select-String function
        Now this selected output has blank line below and above which we remove through -replace '\n'
        So we get - "No.ports:2 No.paths:1 No.ports_per_path:2 Is_100G:No"
        We select 9th char which is no of ports.
        When we try to convert char to int, it returns ascii value of that char so we first covert it to string and then to int using -As [int}
        So finally we get $numberOfPorts as integer

            $numberOfPorts = ([string](((ediag exit) | Select-String -Pattern "No.ports:") -replace '\n')[9]) -As [int]
            if ([int]$port -gt ($numberOfPorts - 1)) {
                Write-host "Pease provide correct port number, it starts from 0 and not 1"
            $tclFile = $ediagPath + "\temp_tcl.tcl"
            #deleting existing tcl file
            if (Test-path $tclFile) { Remove-Item $tclFile }

            #Spilt multiple command if any
            #$value2 = $value -split ','
            #no need to split as when multiple params are enterred comma seperated without using "" or '' then it is treated as array

            Add-Content $tclFile "phy mac_stat $port"
            Add-Content $tclFile "exit"                
            #loop per second
            while (1) {
                cd $ediagPath
                .\winediag.exe -rc $tclFile
                sleep 2
        else {
            cd $ediagPath
    }#Ediag else block

function PFCConfig_ {

    #get linkdump

    #get mcp trace



function Get-NvmCfg ($value, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    Write-host $value
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) {
        Write-Host "No ediag present. Use get-ediag <branch>"
    else {
        $a = Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag' -Name
        if ($a.count -le 1) {
            $ediagPath = $path + "\" + $a
            #Write-Host $ediagPath
        else {
            for ($i = 1; $i -le $a.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $a[$i - 1] }
            $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
            $item = $a[$itemNumber - 1]
            $ediagPath = $path + "\" + $item

        if ($value) {
            <#powershell logic
        Ediag exit will return ediag main screen output which has no of ports field which we select using Select-String function
        Now this selected output has blank line below and above which we remove through -replace '\n'
        So we get - "No.ports:2 No.paths:1 No.ports_per_path:2 Is_100G:No"
        We select 9th char which is no of ports.
        When we try to convert char to int, it returns ascii value of that char so we first covert it to string and then to int using -As [int}
        So finally we get $numberOfPorts as integer

            $numberOfPorts = ([string](((ediag exit) | Select-String -Pattern "No.ports:") -replace '\n')[9]) -As [int]
            $tclFile = $ediagPath + "\temp_tcl.tcl"
            #deleting existing tcl file
            if (Test-path $tclFile) { Remove-Item $tclFile }

            #Spilt multiple command if any
            #$value2 = $value -split ','
            #no need to split as when multiple params are enterred comma seperated without using "" or '' then it is treated as array
            for ($i = 1; $i -le $numberOfPorts; $i++) {
                Add-Content $tclFile "dev $i"
                foreach ($val in $value) { Add-Content $tclFile "nvm cfg $val-" }
            Add-Content $tclFile "exit"
            cd $ediagPath
            .\winediag.exe -rc $tclFile
        else {
            cd $ediagPath
    }#Ediag else block

        Write-Host `nGetting NVM CFG Value of $value from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Get-NvmCfg -value $args[0] } -ArgumentList $value

function Set-NvmCfg ($nvmCfgNumber, $value, $RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    Write-host $value
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    $a = Test-Path $path
    If (!$a) {
        Write-Host "No ediag present. Use get-ediag <branch>"
    else {
        $a = Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag' -Name
        if ($a.count -le 1) {
            $ediagPath = $path + "\" + $a
            #Write-Host $ediagPath
        else {
            for ($i = 1; $i -le $a.Count; $i++) { Write-Host $i. $a[$i - 1] }
            $itemNumber = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Number - '
            $item = $a[$itemNumber - 1]
            $ediagPath = $path + "\" + $item

        if ($value -or ($value -eq 0)) {
            <#powershell logic
        Ediag exit will return ediag main screen output which has no of ports field which we select using Select-String function
        Now this selected output has blank line below and above which we remove through -replace '\n'
        So we get - "No.ports:2 No.paths:1 No.ports_per_path:2 Is_100G:No"
        We select 9th char which is no of ports.
        When we try to convert char to int, it returns ascii value of that char so we first covert it to string and then to int using -As [int}
        So finally we get $numberOfPorts as integer

            $numberOfPorts = ([string](((ediag exit) | Select-String -Pattern "No.ports:") -replace '\n')[9]) -As [int]
            $tclFile = $ediagPath + "\temp_tcl.tcl"
            #deleting existing tcl file
            if (Test-path $tclFile) { Remove-Item $tclFile }

            #Spilt multiple command if any
            #$value2 = $value -split ','
            #no need to split as when multiple params are enterred comma seperated without using "" or '' then it is treated as array
            for ($i = 1; $i -le $numberOfPorts; $i++) {
                Add-Content $tclFile "dev $i"
                #Reading values before setting it.
                foreach ($val in $value) { Add-Content $tclFile "nvm cfg $nvmCfgNumber-" }

                foreach ($val in $value) { Add-Content $tclFile "nvm cfg $nvmCfgNumber=$val" }

                #Reading the values set above, this need system reboot to reflect
                foreach ($val in $value) { Add-Content $tclFile "nvm cfg $nvmCfgNumber-" }
            Add-Content $tclFile "exit"
            cd $ediagPath
            .\winediag.exe -rc $tclFile
        else {
            cd $ediagPath
    }#Ediag else block

        Write-Host `nSeting nvm cfg value of $nvmCfgNumber to $value on $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            Set-NvmCfg -nvmCfgNumber $args[0] -value $args[1]} -ArgumentList $nvmCfgNumber, $value


function ediag ($param) {
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    If (!(Test-Path $path)) {
        Write-Host "No ediag present. Use get-ediag <branch>"
        Write-Host "For now copying ediag to c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag"        
        #Selecting very first directory in case of multiple directories
        $ediagPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName

        if ($param) {
            $tclFile = $ediagPath + "\temp_tcl.tcl"
            #deleting existing tcl file
            if (Test-path $tclFile) { Remove-Item $tclFile }

            #If $param contains nvm cfg for {set i 1} {$i < 7} {incr i} {puts [device $i];puts [nvm cfg 202=3] }
            #Spilt multiple command if any
            $param = $param.split(',')
            Add-Content $tclFile $param        
            Add-Content $tclFile "exit"        
            cd $ediagPath
            .\winediag.exe -rc $tclFile
        else {
            cd $ediagPath

function set-recordingHandlerOffline ($busNumber, $rhStroms, $PCIBuffer) 
    $path = 'c:\EIT_Drivers\ediag'
    If (!(Test-Path $path)) {
        Write-Host "No ediag present. Use get-ediag <branch>"
    else {
        #Selecting very first directory in case of multiple directories
        #This can be modified to select winediag.exe path instread of a directory
        $ediagPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory)[0].FullName
        cd $ediagPath
        Write-Host Command copied in clipboard, just paste in ediag
        Set-Clipboard -Value "dbgConfig -rh $rhStroms -pci $PCIBuffer"
        .\winediag.exe -offline $busNumber 
        #Write code to capture dbgView trace and check for the line which says debug bus enabled.

function grcDump($dumpName, $RunOnPeerAsWell, $remoteExecDONTUSETHIS) {
            $SutDumpName = $dumpName + "_SUT"
            $PeerDumpName = $dumpName + "_PEER"
            Write-Host `n`ngetting grcDump on SUT `n`n -ForegroundColor Yellow
            ediag -param "grcDump $SutDumpName"
            Write-Host `n`nCompressing SUT grc to zip `n`n
            $SUTpath = [string]$(pwd).Path + "\" + $SutDumpName
            Compress-Archive -Path $SUTpath -DestinationPath "$"
            Write-Host `n`nGetting grcDump on Peer `n`n -ForegroundColor Yellow
             Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
                    Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
                grcDump -dumpName $args[0] -remoteExecDONTUSETHIS 1} -ArgumentList ($PeerDumpName)
            $PEERpath = (Get-ChildItem \\$(Get-PeerIp)\c$\eit_drivers\ediag\*\ -Include "$" -Recurse).FullName
            Write-Host `n`nCopying Peer GRC Zip file to SUT`n`n -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Copy-Item $PEERpath $(pwd).Path -Verbose
            pwd | ii 
    #This is for execution just to have that ii thing, will improve this logic later.
     if(!($remoteExecDONTUSETHIS) -and !($RunOnPeerAsWell)) {
        Write-Host getting grcDump $dumpName PEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR
        ediag -param "grcDump $dumpName"
        Write-Host the PWD is $(pwd)
        $dumppath = [string]$(pwd).path 
        Write-Host DUMPAPTH $dumppath
        Compress-Archive -Path $dumppath\$dumpName -DestinationPath "$" -Verbose
        ii $dumppath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    #This is for remote execution just to avoid that ii thing as ii gives error opening remote session, will improve this logic later.
        ediag -param "grcDump $dumpName"
        Write-Host the PWD is $(pwd)
        $dumppath = [string]$(pwd).path 
        Compress-Archive -Path $dumppath\$dumpName -DestinationPath "$" -Verbose

function mcptrace($RunOnPeerAsWell) {
    ediag -param "mcp trace"

        Write-Host `nGetting mcp trace from $(Get-PeerIp) -ForegroundColor Cyan
         Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $(Get-PeerIp) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {Import-Module C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Profile.ps1; 
            mcptrace } 

function linkdump () {
    #function is right but somehow ediag doesnt return the output of this command, tried manually as well but linkdump doesnt work when its fired through -rc option, same goes with phy mac_stat
    #ediag -param "linkdump"
    Set-Clipboard "linkdump" -Verbose
    Write-host "linkdump command copied to clipboard, press ctrl+V and Enter"

function regread_FlowControl_Legacy_PFC() {
    #function is right but somehow ediag doesnt return the output of this command, tried manually as well but linkdump doesnt work when its fired through -rc option, same goes with phy mac_stat
    #ediag -param "reg_read -n NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODE"
    set-Clipboard "reg_read -n NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODE" -Verbose
    Write-host "reg_read command copied to clipboard, press ctrl+V and Enter"

function regread_DONEnableDisableCheck() {
    #function is right but somehow ediag doesnt return the output of this command, tried manually as well but linkdump doesnt work when its fired through -rc option, same goes with phy mac_stat
    #ediag -param "reg_read -n NIG_REG_FLOWCTRL_MODE"
    Write-Host "To Enable DON - mcp enable_don
    To Disable DON - mcp disable_don

    set-Clipboard "reg_read -n NIG_REG_L2FILT_ETHERTYPE2" -Verbose
    Write-host "reg_read command copied to clipboard, press ctrl+V and Enter"

####################################################################ediag END########################################################################

#########################################Profile related commands#######################################
#Will not work
function Load-Profile {
    Rename-Item $PSHOME\profile.ps2 $PSHOME\Profile.Ps1

function UnLoad-Profile {
    remove-item $PSHOME\Profile.ps2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force 
    Rename-Item "$PSHOME\Profile.ps1" "$PSHOME\Profile.ps2" 

#push profile from one system to other
function push-Profile ($SystemIP, $ToAllVMs, $FromAVmToAllOtherVms)
    $sourcePath = "$PSHOME\Profile.ps1"

        if ($FromAVmToAllOtherVms) {
            #find the hostname of of the host machine from VM registry settings
            $HostName = (Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters\").GetValue("Hostname")
            $VMNames = (get-vm -ComputerName $HostName | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name

            $VMNames = (get-vm | Where-Object -Property State -eq 'Running').Name
        foreach ($temp in $VMNames) {
            Write-host Copying to $temp    
            Get-VMIntegrationService $temp | ? { -not($_.Enabled) } | Enable-VMIntegrationService -Verbose
            Copy-VMFile -Name $temp -SourcePath $sourcePath -Verbose -DestinationPath "c:\" -FileSource Host -Force 
            #This is for 2012R2, Invoke-Command -Authentication Negotiate -ComputerName $ip -ScriptBlock {Move-Item C:\Profile.Ps1 $PSHOME -Verbose} -Credential $cred
            Invoke-Command -VMName $temp -ScriptBlock {Move-Item C:\Profile.Ps1 $PSHOME -Verbose -Force -Confirm:0} -Credential $cred 

    else {
        Copy-Item -Path "$PSHOME\Profile.ps1" -Destination \\$SystemIP\C$\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 -Passthru -Recurse -Force -Verbose     

function open-Profile
ise $PSHOME\Profile.ps1

function edit-Profile

#########################################Profile related commands End######################################

#####################################Powershell Startup###############################
#Whatever you want to put in powershell startup for host
Write-Host Profile is loaded.
cd \
if ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_computersystem).model -eq "Virtual Machine") {
    Set-ResolutionInVM 800 600
#####################################Powershell Startup End###############################

#Pxe verification - Shift-f10 driverquery or taskmgr.

#Vm Processor % of totol system resource, just something new.

#Add this in
#bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

Example 5: Search for a string in the Application log
PS C:\> $Events = Get-EventLog -LogName application -Newest 100
PS C:\> $Events | Select-String -InputObject {$_.message} -Pattern "failed"

Function raritan {
    Write-Host $RackName

function DumpLocationPune
ii \\\data\Pune\scbu_sw_rel\win_bug_log\eng\sjadhav\
#ii \\\win_bug_log
Set-Clipboard -Value "\\\data\Pune\scbu_sw_rel\win_bug_log\eng\sjadhav\" -Verbose
Write-host Pune: \\\data\Pune\scbu_sw_rel\win_bug_log\eng\sjadhav\  
Write-host Pune: \\\win_bug_log
Write-host US:      \\\win_bug_log 
Write-Host Israel: \\\win_bug_log 

function QidlCDShare {
    ii \\\qidl_proj\nseg2\CD

function b10kdReleaseLocation
    ii \\\data\Pune\scbu_sw_rel\Windows\b10kd

function qendaReleaseLocation
    ii \\\data\Pune\scbu_sw_rel\Windows\qend

function qevbdaReleaseLocation

ii \\\data\Pune\scbu_sw_rel\Windows\qevbd

function DumpLocation {
    ii \\\i$\Dumps
    #ii \\\e$\dumps

function DumpLocationUSVM {
    #ii \\\c$\dump
    ii \\\c$\dumps

Function version { $PSVersionTable.PSVersion }
Function ver { version }

#VM Debugger
#only this is needed - cmd /c bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip: port:$port key:
#Try in case of multiple host vnics in VM

function set-MSIXMode ($value) {
    if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters | Select-Object -Property *) -match "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface") {
        Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\ -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface -Value $value -Verbose -Force
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"        
    else {
        Write-Host "Key is not present in registry. Defining.. "
        New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\ -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface -Value $value -PropertyType Dword -Verbose
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"

function set-LeagacyMode ($value) {
    if ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters | Select-Object -Property *) -match "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface") {
        Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\ -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface -Value $value -Verbose -Force
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"        
    else {
        Write-Host "Key is not present in registry. Defining.. "
        New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\ -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface -Value $value -PropertyType Dword -Verbose
        $a = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface).ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface
        Write-Host "ConnectionCountPerRdmaNetworkInterface = $a"

function rebooter {
    #Record driver status
    #Start traffic

Export-ModuleMember -Cmdlet * -Alias * -Function * -Variable * 

#Counter - Per Processor network activity cycles, per proc net interface card activity - dpc/sec
#Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor Information(*)\DPCs Queued/sec"
#((Get-NetAdapterRss P1).IndirectionTable).ProcessorNumber | Sort-Object | Get-Unique

<#Wireshark Capture
  4 tshark.exe -i P1 -c 1000 -Y "ip.src == && frame.len > 1514"
  5 tshark.exe -i P1 -c 1000 -Y "ip.src == && frame.len > 60000"
  6 tshark.exe -i P1 -c 1000 -Y "ip.src == && frame.len > 60000"
  7 tshark.exe -i P2 -c 1000 -Y "ip.src == && frame.len > 60000"
  8 tshark.exe -i P2 -c 1000 -Y "ip.src == be12::133 && frame.len > 60000"
  9 tshark.exe -i P2 -c 1000 -Y "ipv6.src == be12::133 && frame.len > 60000"
 10 tshark.exe -i P2 -c 1000 -Y "ipv6.src == ce12::133 && frame.len > 60000"
 11 tshark.exe -i P1 -c 1000 -Y "ipv6.src == ce11::133 && frame.len > 60000"

#Max QP function -> maxQP -remoteip -IPv4 -ipv6