
$MathEvaluator = new-object LoreSoft.MathExpressions.MathEvaluator

function Invoke-MathEvaluator {
            Evaluates mathematical expressions, with support for basic functions (sqrt, cos, etc.) and conversions ([in->ft] and [ft->m] etc.) and variables.
            This is currently using the old LoreSoft.Calculator engine
            It supports:
            - Math expressions as strings, including grouping
            - Trigonometry and various other functions
            - Common unit conversions in Length, Mass, Speed, Temperature, Time, and Volume
            - Variables including the last "answer"
            math 2^5
            math "(2 ^ 3) * sqrt(pi)"
            math "120 [in->ft]"
            C:\PS> math answer [ft->m]

    [Alias("ime", "math", "calc", "c")]
        # A mathematical expression
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
    end {
        Write-Verbose "$Expression"

function Set-MathVariable {
            Set a variable that's usable for math expressions. Note that the values are currently always stored using doubles.
            Set-MathVariable α 2.5029
            Defines an approximation of one of Feigenbaum's constants
            Set-MathVariable δ 4.6692
            Defines an approximation of one of Feigenbaum's constants
            Set-MathVariable φ 1.618033988749895
            Defines an approximation of the golden ratio

        # The name of the variable

        # The value of the variable (as a double)
    end {
        $MathEvaluator.Variables[$Name] = $Value

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * -Variable MathEvaluator