
    Gets file paths from the file system snapshot database.
    Requires: Mdbc module
    Server: local
    Database: test
    Collection: files (default)
    The script searches for file paths by a regular expression pattern or a
    name. It works with data created by Update-MongoFiles.ps1.
.Parameter Pattern
        Regular expression pattern or literal file name.
.Parameter CollectionName
        Specifies the collection name. Default: files.
.Parameter Name
        Tells that the Pattern is a literal name.
    > Get-MongoFile readme
    Get files which names contain "readme".
    > Get-MongoFile readme.txt -Name
    Get files named "readme.txt"

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)][string]$Pattern,
    $CollectionName = 'files',

Import-Module Mdbc
Connect-Mdbc . test $CollectionName

if ($Name) {
    $query = New-MdbcQuery Name -IEQ $Pattern
else {
    $query = New-MdbcQuery Name -Matches $Pattern, i

foreach($_ in Get-MdbcData $query -Property @()) { $_._id }