
.VERSION 1.0.1
.GUID cafa37ba-9b0d-479e-8cb1-b5ca443fd1ab
.AUTHOR brianbunke
.DESCRIPTION Returns the elapsed execution time of the previous command (or any from Get-History).
.TAGS history
1.0.1 - Add additional help
1.0.0 - Initial publish

function Measure-LastCommand {
Returns the elapsed time of the previous command in Get-History.
Allows you to check the total time of a command after it has already completed.
By default, returns the duration of the last command.
Also accepts the ID of the Get-History entry.
The optional -String parameter returns the total time as a one-line string.
Learned this was possible from @KevinMarquette. Thanks!
Review the total time the last command took from start to finish.
Measure-LastCommand -ID 1 -Verbose
Review the total elapsed time for the first command in your current PS session.
-Verbose also echoes the actual command text, for verification.
Measure-LastCommand -String
Review the total time the last command took from start to finish.
Instead of a ten-line TimeSpan object, a short one-line string is returned.

    param (
        # Optionally measure an older command, instead of the most recent
        # Supply the ID number from Get-History

        # Formats output in a one-line string, instead of a TimeSpan object
        # Returns as "Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Milliseconds"

    If ($ID) {
        $Command = Get-History -Id $ID
    } Else {
        $Command = Get-History -Count 1

    Write-Verbose "Returning the elapsed time of command: $($Command.CommandLine)"

    If ($String) {
        (New-TimeSpan -Start $Command.StartExecutionTime -End $Command.EndExecutionTime).ToString('d\:hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')
    } Else {
        New-TimeSpan -Start $Command.StartExecutionTime -End $Command.EndExecutionTime