
Function Get-MediaDuration {
    [string[]] $Path,
    [string] $Filter,
    [switch] $Recurse,
    [switch] $Total,
    [switch] $Progress,
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Object[]] $items
  begin {
    $ffprobe = Get-Command -CommandType Application -Name 'ffprobe.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not $ffprobe) {
      Write-Warning "ffprobe.exe not found in PATH, grab it there:"
    $ffprobe = $ffprobe.Source
    $args = @{Recurse=$Recurse; Filter=$Filter; Path=$Path}
    if (-not $items) {
      $items = Get-ChildItem @args 
    if ($Total) {
      $totalTime = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(0)
      $Progress = $true
    if ($Progress) {
      $totalCount = $items.Count
      $i = 0
  process {
    $items `
    | ForEach-Object {
      & $ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -i $_.FullName 2>&1 `
      | ConvertFrom-Json 
    } `
    | Select-Object `
      @{Name='FullName';Expression={ $_.format.filename }},
      @{Name='BitRate';Expression={ $_.format.bit_rate }},
      @{Name='Duration';Expression={ [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($_.format.duration -replace ('(\.\d{0,3})\d+','$1')) } } `
    | Where-Object { $_.Duration -gt [TimeSpan]::Zero } `
    | ForEach-Object {
      if ($Progress) {
        $percent = ($i / $totalCount * 100)
        $percentPretty = [math]::Round($percent, 1)
        Write-Progress -Activity "Calculating duration" -Status "Progress: ${i} of ${totalCount} $percentPretty%" -PercentComplete $percent
        if ($i -eq $totalCount) {
          $totalCount += 1  # when pipelining, process{} block is invoked per directory; counting won't work properly for recursive directories
      if ($Total) {
        $totalTime = $totalTime + $_.Duration 
        $_ = $null  # prevent writing item to terminal when aggregating
      $_  # return item to pipeline
  end { 
    if ($Total) {

Query duration time and other properties from video or audio files using ffprobe command.
You can generate the item list with Get-ChildItem command and pipe it into
Get-MediaDuration cmdlet. The resulting output is a list of objects and
can be pipelined as well into Sort-Object, Where-Object, Measure-Object, etc.
Mind that Measure-Object requires an integer as an input property, so you'll
have to convert the Duration field of type TimeSpan, to milliseconds
(see examples section).
Show progress bar while calculating. Defaults to $true when the Total
parameter is $true.
None or list of items from Get-ChildItem.
Object[]. Returns the list of objects, use the Duration property to get the
time of media. When using -Total parameter, outputs System.String for convinience.
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse -Total
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse -Total -Path "Podcasts"
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse -Total '.\Audiobook A','.\Audiobook B' '*.m4a'
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse "Movies" '*.*'
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse "Movies" '*.mp4' -Total
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse "Movies" '*.mp4' | ForEach-Object { $_.Duration = $_.Duration.TotalMilliseconds ; $_ }
Get-MediaDuration -Recurse `
  | ForEach-Object { $_.Duration = $_.Duration.TotalMilliseconds ; $_ } `
  | Measure-Object -Sum Duration `
  | % { [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($_.Sum).ToString() }
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Get-MediaDuration
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Get-MediaDuration -Total
Get-ChildItem -Recurse "Movies" | Get-MediaDuration | Sort Duration -Descending
