
function Get-MerakiDeviceCellularGatewayPortForwardingRules {
    Gets the port forwarding rules configured on a Meraki cellular gateway.
    The Get-MerakiDeviceCellularGatewayPortForwardingRules function retrieves the port forwarding rules configured on a Meraki cellular gateway using the Meraki Dashboard API.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    The API key used to authenticate with the Meraki Dashboard API.
    .PARAMETER deviceSerial
    The serial number of the Meraki cellular gateway.
    PS C:\> Get-MerakiDeviceCellularGatewayPortForwardingRules -AuthToken "1234" -deviceSerial "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678"
    Returns the port forwarding rules configured on the Meraki cellular gateway with serial number "ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678" using the API key "1234".
    For more information on the Meraki Dashboard API and available endpoints, visit

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    try {
        $header = @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = $AuthToken
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$DeviceSerial/cellularGateway/portForwardingRules" -Header $header -UserAgent "MerakiPowerShellModule/1.0.2 DocNougat"
        return $response
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_