
function Get-MerakiOrganizationAdaptivePolicyOverview {
    Retrieves an overview of adaptive policy settings in the Meraki dashboard.
    The Get-MerakiOrganizationAdaptivePolicyOverview function retrieves an overview of adaptive policy settings in the Meraki dashboard using the Meraki Dashboard API. You must provide an API key. You can optionally provide the ID of the organization that the overview belongs to.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    The Meraki Dashboard API key.
    The ID of the organization that the overview belongs to. If not provided, the ID of the first organization returned by Get-MerakiOrganizations will be used.
    PS C:\> Get-MerakiOrganizationAdaptivePolicyOverview -AuthToken "your_api_key"
    Retrieves an overview of adaptive policy settings in the organization.
    For more information on the Meraki Dashboard API, see

    param (
        [string]$OrganizationID = (Get-OrgID -AuthToken $AuthToken)
    If($OrganizationID -eq "Multiple organizations found. Please specify an organization ID.") {
        Return "Multiple organizations found. Please specify an organization ID."
    } else {
        try {
            $header = @{
                "X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key" = $AuthToken
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$OrganizationID/adaptivePolicy/overview" -Header $header -UserAgent "MerakiPowerShellModule/1.0.2 DocNougat"
            return $response
        } catch {
            Write-Error $_