
    This script appends a VPN hub to all spoke VPN configurations in a Meraki organization.
    This script retrieves all networks in a Meraki organization and appends a VPN hub to all spoke VPN configurations.
    The hub ID and useDefaultRoute values are hard-coded in the script.
    The Meraki API key used to authenticate the API requests.
    The new hub network ID to be added to all spoke VPN configurations.
    PS C:\> .\Append_VPNHub_AllSpokes.ps1 -AuthToken "2452eb4521568840d65dfdbf6a5cf2fb4271ba9a" -NewHubNetID "N_725079540006656492"
    Author: Alex Heimbuch
    Last Edit: 2023-10-19

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [bool]$DefaultRoute = $false

# Create C:\Temp if it doesn't exist
if(!(Test-Path "C:\Temp")){
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp"

# Generate a fresh name for AppendHub.log every time the script is ran using the date and time
$logFileName = "AppendHub_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss').log"
$logFilePath = "C:\Temp\$logFileName"

$Networks = Get-MerakiOrganizationNetworks -auth $AuthToken

ForEach ($Network in $Networks){
    try {
        $VPNConfig = Get-MerakiNetworkApplianceVpnSiteToSiteVpn -AuthToken $AuthToken  -NetworkId $
        If($VPNConfig.mode -eq "spoke"){
            $VPNConfig.hubs += [pscustomobject]@{
                hubId = $NewHubNetID
                useDefaultRoute = $DefaultRoute
            $VPNConfig = $VPNConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
            Set-MerakiNetworkApplianceVpnSiteToSiteVpn -AuthToken $AuthToken -NetworkId $ -VPNConfig $VPNConfig

            # Logging
            $log = "Network Name: $($ - Network ID: $($ - VPN hub appended to spoke VPN configurations"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $log
        } else {
            $log = "Network Name: $($ - Network ID: $($ - Network is a Hub, no changes made"
            Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $log
    } catch {
        # Logging
        $log = "Error: $($Error[0].Exception.Message) - Network Name: $($ - Network ID: $($"
        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $log