
    This script retrieves the number of devices in each Meraki network associated with the specified organization.
    This script uses the Meraki Dashboard API to retrieve the number of devices in each network associated with the specified organization. If a network has no devices, the script outputs the network name and a count of 0.
    The authorization token for the Meraki Dashboard API.
    PS C:\> Get-DeviceCount -AuthToken "c521568840d65dfdbf6a5f2fb4271ba9a2452eb4"
    This example retrieves the number of devices in each network associated with the specified organization.
    Author: Alex Heimbuch
    Last Edit: 2023-10-19


$Networks = Get-MerakiOrganizationNetworks -AuthToken $AuthToken | Select-Object id, name

ForEach($Network in $Networks) {
    $Devices = Get-MerakiNetworkDevices -AuthToken $AuthToken -NetworkId $Network.ID
    $Count = $Devices.Count
    If($Count = 0){
        Write-Host $
        Write-Host $Count