
function Get-MerakiNetworkPoliciesByClient {
    Retrieves client policies for a specified Meraki network.
    The Get-MerakiNetworkPoliciesByClient function retrieves client policies for a specified Meraki network using the Meraki API. You must provide an API authentication token and the network ID as parameters.
    .PARAMETER AuthToken
    The Meraki API authentication token.
    .PARAMETER NetworkID
    The ID of the network to retrieve client policies for.
    .PARAMETER perPage
    The number of entries per page. Default is 10.
    .PARAMETER startingAfter
    A token used to retrieve the next page of results.
    .PARAMETER endingBefore
    A token used to retrieve the previous page of results.
    The beginning of the timespan for the data. The format is ISO 8601 (e.g. 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z).
    .PARAMETER timespan
    The timespan for which the data should be fetched, in seconds.
    Get-MerakiNetworkPoliciesByClient -AuthToken '12345' -NetworkID 'L_123456789'
    This example retrieves client policies for the Meraki network with ID 'L_123456789' using the Meraki API authentication token '12345'.
    For more information about the Meraki API, see

    param (
        [int]$perPage = 10,
    try {
        $header = @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = $AuthToken
        $queryParams = @{}
        if ($timespan) {
            $queryParams['timespan'] = $timespan
        } else {
            if ($t0) {
                $queryParams['t0'] = $t0
        if ($perPage) {
            $queryParams['perPage'] = $perPage
        if ($startingAfter) {
            $queryParams['startingAfter'] = $startingAfter
        if ($endingBefore) {
            $queryParams['endingBefore'] = $endingBefore

        $queryString = New-MerakiQueryString -queryParams $queryParams

        $URL = "$networkId/policies/byClient?$queryString"

        $URI = [uri]::EscapeUriString($URL)

        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI -Header $header -UserAgent "MerakiPowerShellModule/1.0.2 DocNougat"
        return $response
    catch {
        Write-Debug $_
        Throw $_