
# Ensuring PSScriptAnalyzer ignores the use of Invoke-Expression
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '')]

$ModuleName = 'Merge-DscConfigData'
If ( Get-Module -Name $ModuleName ) {
    Remove-Module -Name $ModuleName
Import-Module "$($PSScriptRoot)\..\..\$($ModuleName).psm1" -Force

Describe 'General Module behaviour' {
    $ModuleInfo = Get-Module -Name $ModuleName

    It 'Exports only the function "Merge-DscConfigData"' {

        $ModuleInfo.ExportedFunctions.Values.Name |
        Should Be 'Merge-DscConfigData'
Describe 'Merge-DscConfigData' {
    InModuleScope $ModuleName {
        $TestBaseConfigData = @'
            # Node specific data
            AllNodes = @(
               # Common settings for all nodes
                    NodeName = '*'
                    PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $True
                    ServicesEndpoint = 'http://localhost/Services/'
                    DefaultLogLevel = 'Debug'
                    KeepLatestBuilds = 6

        $TestBaseConfig = $TestBaseConfigData | Invoke-Expression

        $TestOverrideConfigData = @'
            # Node specific data
            AllNodes = @(
                    NodeName = '*'
                    LocalAdministrators = 'MyLocalUser'
                    DefaultLogLevel = 'Info'
                    NodeName = 'Server1'
                    Role = 'Primary'
                    NodeName = 'Server2'
                    Role = 'Secondary'
                    DefaultLogLevel = 'Info'
                    KeepLatestBuilds = 3

        $TestOverrideConfig = $TestOverrideConfigData | Invoke-Expression
        $NodesNotAlreadyPresentInBaseConfig = Compare-Object $TestBaseConfig.AllNodes.NodeName $TestOverrideConfig.AllNodes.NodeName
        Mock Get-Content { return [string]::Empty } -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq 'TestEmpty'}
        Mock Get-Content { return $TestBaseConfigData } -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq 'TestBase'}
        Mock Get-Content { return $TestOverrideConfigData } -ParameterFilter {$Path -eq 'TestsOverride'}

        $Output = Merge-DscConfigData -BaseConfigFilePath 'TestBase' -OverrideConfigFilePath 'TestsOverride'

        It 'Should throw if the base config data file is empty' {
            { Merge-DscConfigData -BaseConfigFilePath 'TestEmpty' -OverrideConfigFilePath 'TestsOverride' } |
            Should Throw 'The base configuration data file is empty. This is not allowed.'
        It 'Should Add the nodes which are not already present in the base config' {
            $Output.AllNodes.Count | Should Be ($TestBaseConfig.AllNodes.Count + $NodesNotAlreadyPresentInBaseConfig.Count)            
        It 'Should Add the nodenames which are not already present in the base config' {
            Foreach ( $NodeName in $NodesNotAlreadyPresentInBaseConfig.InputObject ) {
                $Output.AllNodes.NodeName | Where-Object { $_ -eq $NodeName } |
                Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        It 'Should keep the nodenames which are already present in the base config' {
            $Output.AllNodes.NodeName | Where-Object { $_ -eq '*' } |
            Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        It 'Should add settings which are absent in the base config for existing nodes' {
            $Expected = ($TestOverrideConfig.AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.NodeName -eq '*' }).LocalAdministrators
            $Actual = ($Output.AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.NodeName -eq '*' }).LocalAdministrators

            $Actual | Should Be $Expected
        It 'Should override settings which are already present in the base config for existing nodes' {
            $Expected = ($TestOverrideConfig.AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.NodeName -eq '*' }).DefaultLogLevel
            $Actual = ($Output.AllNodes | Where-Object { $_.NodeName -eq '*' }).DefaultLogLevel

            $Actual | Should Be $Expected