
function Get-MetasysRootDevice {

        # Skips certificate validation checks. This includes all validations
        # such as expiration, revocation, trusted root authority, etc.
        # [!WARNING] Using this parameter is not secure and is not recommended.
        # This switch is only intended to be used against known hosts using a
        # self-signed certificate for testing purposes. Use at your own risk.

    Uses the current Metasys session to find and return the root device. This is the object that represents the device the session is connected to.


    System.Object. The root device.


    PS> Read-MetasysRootDevice
    id : a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae
    itemReference : R12AdsDaily:R12AdsDaily
    name : R12AdsDaily
    objectType : objectTypeEnumSet.adsClass
    description :
    firmwareVersion :
    objectCategory : objectCategoryEnumSet.systemCategory
    timeZone : timeZoneEnumSet.centralTime
    self : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae
    parentUrl :
    networkDevicesUrl : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae/networkDevices
    equipmentUrl : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae/equipment
    spacesUrl : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae/spaces
    objectsUrl : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae/objects
    trendedAttributesUrl : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae/trendedAttributes
    alarmsUrl : https://r12adsdaily.cg.na.jci.com/api/v4/networkDevices/a68f10e5-da10-5b87-a96b-42a36e9919ae/alarms
    ipAddress :
    certificateExpirationDate : 9/8/2023 4:55:25 PM
    pairing : @{supported=True; paired=False}


    PS> Read-MetasysRootDevice | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id

    In this example we use 'Select-Object' to return just the 'id' of the root object.


    # TODO: This version assumes the session is established with a site director as
    # at the time of writing the API is not exposed on any other devices.
    # Also, it assumes there is only one server on a site (no child ADSs)

    Write-Host $args

    imm /networkDevices?classification=server -ReturnBodyAsObject -Version:$Version | Select-Object -ExpandProperty items -First 1

function Get-MetasysNetworkTree {
    $items = Invoke-MetasysMethod /objects?flatten=true -ReturnBodyAsObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty items
    $items | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
        $id = $_.id
        if (($_.classification -eq 'server') -or ($_.classification -eq 'device')) {
            Invoke-MetasysMethod "/objects/$id/objects?flatten=true&depth=2" -ReturnBodyAsObject | Where-Object { $_.items } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty items | Where-Object { $_.id -ne $id }
    } -ThrottleLimit 3

function Find-MetasysObject {


Export-ModuleMember -Function "Read-MetasysRootDevice"