
    .VERSION 1.0
    .GUID 953d76b2-f8ef-4a8c-9754-44fef24ecb93
    .AUTHOR Frantz Prinvil
    .COMPANYNAME Microsoft
    .COPYRIGHT (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
    .DESCRIPTION PowerShell Cmdlets for Managing Hybrid Cloud Extension (HCX) on VMware Cloud on AWS

    Get the authorization token found in the response headers under the name of 'x-hm-authorization'
    .Parameter Credential
    Specifies a PSCredential object that contains credentials for authenticating with the server.
    For more information about the server authentication logic of PowerCLI, run "help about_server_authentication".
    .Parameter HcxServer
    Specifies the IP or DNS addresses of the HCX servers to connect to.
    Get-AuthorizationToken -Credential <UserCreds> -HcxServer ""

function Get-AuthorizationToken {
    Param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Credential of the vSphere User/Group that has authorized access to HCX")]

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'HCX Server Name')]

    $networkCred = (New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Credential.UserName, $Credential.Password).GetNetworkCredential()
    $JsonBody = @{'username' = $networkCred.UserName; 'password' = $networkCred.Password } | ConvertTo-Json

    Write-Host "Create Hybridity Session:"
    $elapsed = Measure-Command -Expression `
    { Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'POST' `
            -Uri https://${HcxServer}/hybridity/api/sessions `
            -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $JsonBody `
            -Verbose -SkipCertificateCheck `
            -ResponseHeadersVariable SessionHeaders -ErrorAction Stop }

    Write-Host "Created Hybridity Session: elapsed=${elapsed}"
    return $SessionHeaders['x-hm-authorization']

    Get and return Hcx Metadata Blob
    .Parameter XHmAuthorization
    Valid authorization token obtained by performing a POST to https://<HCX-Server>/hybridity/api/sessions
    .Parameter HcxServer
    Specifies the IP or DNS addresses of the HCX servers you want to connect to.
    Get-HcxMetaData -XHmAuthorization <authToken> -HcxServer ""

function Get-HcxMetaData {
    Param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'HCX Hybridity Session')]

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'HCX Server Name')]

    $headers = @{
    $body = "{filter={},options={}}"

    Write-Host "Retrieving HCX Manager Meta Data"
    $elapsed = Measure-Command -Expression { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://${HcxServer}/hybridity/api/metainfo/context/support" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers -Body $body -Verbose -SkipCertificateCheck -ErrorAction Stop }

    if ($response.success -eq 'True') {
        Write-Host "Retrieved HCX Manager Meta Data: elapsed=${elapsed}"
        return $response.data.localEndpoints

    throw "Unable To Retrieve HCX Manager Meta Data"