
using module "..\Microsoft.Graph.Migration.Tool.psm1"
Describe "New-MgMigrationPlan Command" {
      Context "V1.0 scripts" {
        It 'Should not output anything' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\6-Sites.ps1"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath
                $MgCommand | Should -Be $null
            } | Should -Not -Throw
      Context "Scripts with Select-MgProfile -Name Beta declaration at the start" {
        It 'Should output an object' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\5-Teams.ps1"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath
                $MgCommand | Should -BeOfType [System.Object]
            } | Should -Not -Throw
      Context "Scripts without Select-MgProfile -Name Beta declaration but are used for beta functions" {
        It 'Should output an object' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\6-Sites.ps1"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath -GraphProfile Beta
                $MgCommand | Should -BeOfType [System.Object]
            } | Should -Not -Throw
      Context "Scripts that have random declarations of Select-MgProfile -Name Beta and Select-MgProfile -Name V1.0" {
        It 'Should output an object' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\10-RandomProfileChanges.ps1"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath
                $MgCommand | Should -BeOfType [System.Object]
            } | Should -Not -Throw
    Context "Commented out profile changes. i.e '# Select-MgProfile'" {
        It 'Should output an object' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\11-CommentedOutProfileChanges.ps1"
                $UpdatedFilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath -UpdatedFilePath $UpdatedFilePath
            } | Should -Not -Throw
      Context "Extract updated script from migration tool" {
        It 'Should output an object' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\5-Teams.ps1"
                $UpdatedFilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath -UpdatedFilePath $UpdatedFilePath
                $MgCommand | Should -BeOfType [System.Object]
            } | Should -Not -Throw
      Context "Extract updated script from migration tool - wrong path provided" {
        It 'Should throw' {
                $FilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samples\5-Teams.ps1"
                $UpdatedFilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\samplesx"
                $MgCommand = New-MgMigrationPlan -FilePath $FilePath -UpdatedFilePath $UpdatedFilePath
            } | Should -Throw